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文章大意:这是一篇议论文。本文讲述了作者作为一名学校管理员,受到Thomas Armstrong著作《唤醒教室中的天才》的启发,认识到喜悦对于激发儿童潜在才能的重要性。

1 . Twenty-five years ago, I was a fairly new school administrator. I was ___________ by Thomas Armstrong’s book, Awakening Genius in the Classroom. In it, he writes, “Joy is the spark that can ignite (点燃) every child’s potential genius.” ___________ linking genius to IQ scores or standardized test results, he offers a(n) ___________ perspective (视角). Combining the Greek word “genesis”, meaning “birth”, and the Latin word “genial”, signifying “joyful”, Armstrong created a novel ___________ of genius as “the birth of joy”.

As Armstrong sees it, joy _________ Picasso’s creative expressions on canvases (画布) and Michael Jordan’s mid-air technique on the basketball court. While both undoubtedly spent countless hours ___________ their skills, joy was the ___________ force that pushed them towards excellence. And yet, joy is not only ___________ for the extraordinarily accomplished. It can also exist in common ___________ where a first-grader reads a book and a middle schooler solves a math puzzle.

Throughout my years as a school administrator, I’ve held fast to Armstrong’s ____________ that genius begins with joy; however, I want to ____________ something new. Joy must be sustained by purpose. For joy to ____________ in the face of challenge and difficulty, it must be ____________ at a deep level. In my experience, joy continues when people recognize they have done something or are making contributions to the world. Armstrong asks us ____________ to motivate students’ potential, and, just as ____________, to reawaken our own joy for intellectual and personal growth.

A.In terms ofB.With regard toC.Apart fromD.Instead of
A.move onB.put offC.stand byD.hold back
7日内更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市德城区德州市第二中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题

2 . Here’s something that’s surprisingly common: people who strongly advocate moral or noble ideals, but regularly use them to justify attacking and mistreating others — something which is surely neither moral nor noble.

Isn’t this inconsistent? How can someone loudly insist they’re a good person while behaving in ways that totally contradict this, without mentally short-circuiting in some way?

The answer is that there are many psychological and neurological (神经的) processes that allow people to engage in this behaviour that, for want of a better label, we’ll call ‘virtue bullying’.

A lot of virtue bullying could be seen as virtual bullying, which is to say it’s a lot easier online. We’ve all seen Facebook posts that make some simple, morally solid claim, such as “I support victims of [the latest disaster]”, which are then followed by something like “Share if you agree. I bet 97 per cent of you won’t.” Such posts are basically saying, “I’m a good, moral person ... and I’ll criticise you until you agree.” This isn’t the behaviour of a good person.

But it’s not internet-specific. Wanting to protect children is a good, moral aim, but consider all the books and shows banned or attacked in the US under the cover of protecting children. Indeed, throughout history, there have been many instances where individuals who considered themselves good and moral have committed terrible acts.

But why do good people treat others badly? Our brains work hard to enhance our self-esteem (自尊). A 2011 study found that an effective way to strengthen our self-esteem is to attack others, so our status (地位) becomes relatively higher. So, thinking you’re good while attacking others can be a very instinctive (本能的) process, sadly.

For humans, our morals are a key aspect of our identity and an important factor in our decision-making. We’re naturally protective of our identities and decision-making. If these things are rooted in morals and beliefs, we’ll be defensive towards anyone who poses a threat to them. This can lead to what seems to be inconsistent behaviours.

Ultimately, for all the explanations offered here, it should be acknowledged that some people are just not nice. How you deal with such people is up to you.

1. Why does the author raise questions in paragraph 2?
A.To express his doubts.B.To present an assumption.
C.To display a phenomenon.D.To introduce points for discussion.
2. What is virtue bullying?
A.Advocating for noble causes online.
B.Using moral ideals to justify mistreating others.
C.Forcing others to agree with one’s moral claims.
D.Attacking people who disagree with one’s moral beliefs.
3. What did the 2011 study find about self-esteem and attacking others?
A.Attacking others boosts self-esteem.
B.Self-esteem is linked with social status.
C.People with higher social status attack others more often.
D.Boosting self-esteem reduces the desire to attack others.
4. What role do morals play in our self-image and decision-making?
A.Morals vary with them.B.Morals threaten them.
C.Morals shape them.D.Morals assess them.
7日内更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市德城区德州市第二中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Are you an open book, your face broadcasting every passing emotion, or more of a poker face, not showing what you are feeling? Scientists at Nottingham Trent University say that wearing your heart on your face, could actually give you a significant social advantage.

The study, led by Eithne Kavanagh, a research fellow at NTU’s School of Social Sciences, involving over 1,300 participants, noticed striking variations in how much people moved their faces during conversations. Importantly, this expressiveness emerged as a stable individual quality. People displayed similar levels of facial expressiveness across different contexts, with different social partners, and even over time periods up to four months.

The researchers say that facial expressiveness is linked to personality, with more agreeable individuals displaying more lively faces. Facial expressiveness can also translate into concrete social benefits. In a negotiation task, more expressive individuals are more likely to secure a larger slice of a reward. The researchers suggest that for agreeable folks, dynamic facial expressions may serve as a tool for building good relationship and smoothing over conflicts. Across the board, the results point to facial expressiveness serving an“ affiliative (亲和) function,” or a social glue that develops liking and smoother interactions.

Expressiveness is also linked to being seen as more “readable,” suggesting that a lively face makes one’s intentions and mental states easier for others to decipher. Beyond frequency of facial movements, people who employ facial expressions more strategically to suit social goals, such as looking friendly in a greeting, are also more well- liked.

The findings challenge the “poker face” common belief that a still and unemotional appearance is always most advantageous. Instead, they suggest that for most people, allowing one’s face to mirror inner states and intentions can invite warmer reactions. As the researchers conclude, “Being facially expressive is socially advantageous.” So, the next time you catch yourself making lines on your forehead, or flashing a smile, know that your face just might be working overtime on your behalf.

1. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about concerning the study?
A.Its impact.B.Its findings.C.Its limitations.D.Its significance.
2. What may facial expressiveness serve as in negotiation settings?
A.A way to frighten competitors.
B.A method to hide personalities.
C.A tool to show personal quality.
D.A strategy to settle disagreement.
3. What does the underlined word “decipher” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What may the author advise based on the findings of the study?
A.Always wearing a still face.B.Learning to be an open book.
C.Speaking out inner emotions.D.Forcing a smile through tears.
7日内更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2024~2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After a busy week, Lucy and her parents planned a mountain picnic to appreciate the beauty of nature and spend some quality time together. Little did they know, their trip was going to have some surprises.

Upon reaching the mountain’s foot, they came across a house where Jack and his dad were securing a boat onto their truck. Lucy, curious about the best picnic spot, approached them for advice. Jack, familiar with the mountain, recommended a spot about a two-hour hike away.“ It’s truly a sight to pay attention to,” he promised.

They parked next to Jack’s truck, gathered their picnic supplies, and set foot on the scenic path. Thick trees lined one side of the road, while a gentle stream flowed on the other, guiding them to an impressive grassland adorned (装饰) with bright wildflowers. There, they enjoyed their tasty sandwiches, fresh fruits, and treats, all the while sharing delightful conversation.

As they were wrapping up their meal and looking forward to a leisurely rest, dark clouds gathered overhead, signaling the approach of rain. In a hurry, they pitched the tent they had fortunately brought along. No sooner had they taken shelter than the heavens opened, and a downpour began, turning the world outside into a blurry, water y canvas (油画布). With no other option, they waited out the storm.

The rain finally stopped, and it felt as if they had been waiting for a century. Lucy and her parents quickly packed up, eager to head back. Their relief didn’t last; the stream had grown into a huge, rushing flood, blocking their way. With no cell phone signal, they were cut off from the outside world. Adding to their dilemma, night was fast approaching, casting a shadow over their situation.

Despite the challenges, they gathered close together, using the tent as a temporary shelter against the approaching darkness. As they sat there, they realized that this unexpected event had brought them even closer as a family, turning a simple picnic into a memorable adventure they would never forget.

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, they heard a truck noise coming from the other side of the river.


Lucy and her parents got on Jack’s boat and crossed the river safely.

2024-09-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省曹县第一中学2024--2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Light is a vital part of life and without it plants would not grow or produce oxygen that people need to breathe. But light, it turns out, does so much more. Light therapy (治疗) appears to improve healing in the brains of people who suffered significant brain injuries, according to a study published in Radiology.

This recent study is one of the more influential studies that have been done in the light therapy field. It was a double- blind study. Neither the participants nor the researchers were aware of who received the treatment and who received a placebo (安慰剂).

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) gathered 38 patients who had suffered moderate brain injuries. 17 of the patients received light therapy through a helm et (头盔) that gives off near- infrared light within 72 hours of their injury, while 21 of the patients wore the helmet without any light being given off.

The researchers then used medical images to view the patients’ brain in its resting state. What they found is that the patients who received the treatment had more changes in their brain connectivity. The regions in their brains that showed more connectivity included ones related to sensory processing, cognitive function, and motor control.

All of this seems like very good news. And yet, strangely enough, the researchers found that the light treatment had no long- term effect on the patients. “We were unable to detect differences in connectivity between the two treatment groups in the long term, so although the treatment appears to increase the brain connectivity initially, its long- term effects are still to be determined,” Dr. Nathaniel Mercardo, a statistician at MGH and a co- author of the study said in the news release.

Still, as PsyPost point s out, even though the study is not 100 percent conclusive. in terms of the benefits of light therapy in the long term, it is a good start. More research obviously needs to be done to determine whether this potentially life- changing treatment can stand up well to closer inspection.

1. What do we know about the study?
A.It explained the importance of light in life.
B.All participants received the same treatment.
C.It explored the potential of light therapy.
D.The researchers were familiar with the participants.
2. Which of the following indicates the possible effect of the treatment?
A.The advanced medical image technology.
B.The increased connections within the brain.
C.The rare sensory processing connectivity.
D.The differences of participants’ nature.
3. Why does the author mention Dr. Nathaniel Mercardo’s statement?
A.To confirm the reliability of the result.
B.To comment the significance of the treatment.
C.To highlight his contribution to the statistics analysis.
D.To explain the long- term effect of the treatment is not fully known.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the study?
2024-09-16更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省曹县第一中学2024--2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Duan inkstone,    1    (originate) in the Tang Dynasty, is one of the four most famous inkstones in China. This writing tool is named     2     its birthplace, Duan Creek in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. For centuries, it has been the     3    (center) region for Duan inkstone production and even today, most of the villagers still earn their living by making inkstones.

The stones     4    (employ) for Duan inkstone are characterized by its fine texture, smooth surface, and rich coloration (天然色彩). The natural coloration gives each piece a distinctive     5    (appear) that enhances its beauty and value.

The procedure to make a Duan Inkstone includes four steps: stone picking, selection, carving and box matching, among     6     stone picking and carving are the two most important steps. It is very hard to hand- pick the stones with no flaw, and other alternative tools such as dynamite (炸药)    7    (forbid). Carving stresses good concept, fine shape of the stones     8     exceptional skills. In addition to natural designs, there are also flowers and birds, figures, mountains and waters carved on the stones.

Throughout history, Duan inkstone has been     9    (particular) favored by scholars, poets, and artists, who kept it as a symbol of their status and appreciation for the arts. Today, it continues to hold     10     unique place in the hearts of calligraphers and collectors.

2024-09-16更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . One inconvenient truth for the clean energy industry is the undeniable fact that wind turbines (涡轮机) kill birds. Researchers say smarter turbines could dramatically cut the toll.

The American Bird Conservancy claims that at least one million bird deaths as a result of wind turbines a year in the US alone is likely to be an underestimate. That’s substantially less than the estimated 980 million birds a year that die crashing into buildings, or the 1.4 to 3.7 billion per year killed by domestic cats. But it’s still an unacceptable number, and a problem that needs to be addressed—   because a fully green energy network will need more and more turbines over the coming decades.

Researchers at SINTEF and the Norwegian Centre believe they have an idea that could help in a lot of cases. The idea — known as SKARV— is fairly simple: each turbine will have cameras fitted, capable of spotting birds flying directly into the path of the rotors (螺旋桨). Software will automatically calculate their predicted path, and if it looks like they’re in danger of being hit, the system will send control signals to slow the rotors down.

In simulations (模拟), the system is able to avoid the vast majority of crashes. This, of course, doesn’t describe all situations. For example, if a young, inexperienced bird approaches a turbine displaying irregular flight behavior, it will not be possible to predict exactly where it will be a few seconds later. Prediction is also more difficult if several birds approach at the same time.

Some researchers argue that birds are learning to avoid turbines voluntarily. But if more than a million birds a year haven’t got the memo yet, it’s still a problem worth solving. We look forward to hearing how trials progress.

1. What does the underlined phrase “cut the toll” in paragraph I probably mean?
A.Maximize efficiency.B.Reduce deaths.
C.Lower costs.D.Prevent errors.
2. What can be inferred about bird death caused by wind turbines in paragraph 2?
A.It tops the list of bird deaths.B.It calls for immediate action.
C.It has been properly solved.D.It shows progress in technology.
3. How does SKARV make wind turbines intelligent?
A.By keeping a constant speed.B.By recording birds’ behavior.
C.By predicting potential danger.D.By sending warnings to birds.
4. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Challenges presented in simulations.B.Features of birds’ flying patterns.
C.Examples of SKARV’s applicationD.Approaches to crash avoidance.
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How old is the speaker now?
A.12 years old.B.15 years old.C.17 years old.
2. What did Lisa say when she was invited to a movie?
A.She had to study.B.She had watched the movie.C.She had to see another friend.
3. What do we know about the woman and Lisa now?
A.They hardly see each other.
B.They remain to be good friends.
C.They have fewer friends.
2024-08-17更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省邹城市北大新世纪2024-2025学年高二上学期开学质量检测英语试题
9 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many aspects (方面) of the United Kingdom does the man refer to?
2. Which of the following is NOT a historical monument?
A.Windsor Castle.B.The Tower of London.C.The National Gallery.
3. Which of the following film series was NOT produced by a British studio?
A.James BondB.Star Wars.C.Harry Potter.
4. Which of the following sports originated (起源) in the United Kingdom?
2024-07-26更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市莘县莘州中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学测试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Top-down processing is the process of using context or general knowledge to understand what we perceive (感知). In 1970, psychologist Richard Gregory introduced the concept. He claimed that perception is constructive.

The processing plays an important role in our interactions with our environment. Our five senses are constantly taking in information. At any given time, we are experiencing different sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and ways things feel when we touch them. If we paid attention to each one of our senses all the time, we’d never do anything else. It enables us to simplify the process by relying on context and our pre-existing knowledge to understand what we notice. If our brains didn’t employ top-down processing our senses would overwhelm us.

Top-down processing helps us understand what our senses are perceiving in our daily lives. For example, suppose you receive an important letter but a few drops of water have ruined part of the text. A few letters in different words are now just smudges (污迹). Yet, you’re still able to read the letter in its entirety using top-down processing. You use the context of the words and sentences in which the smudges appear and your knowledge of reading to comprehend the meaning of the letter’s message. See a word LO*E, with one letter knocked down, yet you are still able to quickly recognize the word as LOVE.

On the one hand, top-down processing serves a positive function by simplifying the way we comprehend our sensory perceptions. It enables us to shortcut the cognitive path between our perceptions and their meaning. On the other hand, patterns can also prevent us from perceiving things in unique ways. So we may understand the pattern of how to use a mobile phone, but if the manufacturer comes out with a new phone that employs completely unique interaction patterns, we may not be able to figure out how to use it. Besides, as our knowledge is limited and biased (片面的) in certain ways, it can lead to perceptual errors.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 2?
A.To explain main reasons.B.To give practical examples.
C.To draw specific conclusions.D.To analyse theoretical frameworks.
2. What maybe the key to understanding a text with missing letters?
A.Pre-existing knowledge.B.Active interactions.
C.Five physical senses.D.Lessons from mistakes
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Seeing is believing.B.Practice makes perfect.
C.Every coin has two sides.D.Experience is the best teacher.
4. What does the author intend to do according to the text?
A.Introduce a reading method.B.Deepen underlying meanings.
C.Illustrate a cognitive strategy.D.Clarify a producing process.
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