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阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . In the 17th century when a British businessman heard that there were one hundred million people in China, he was determined to go there and sell spoons. He thought even if he could earn one penny for one spoon, he would still make a lot of money.     1    

Then, why do the Chinese people use chopsticks? Some people did research on the origin of China’s chopsticks. One theory is that chopsticks were very convenient for Chinese to use because China was an agricultural society, relying mainly on vegetables for food. When we steamed or boiled food, it was difficult for us to use spoons to dip vegetables in the soup.     2     Westerners, on the other hand, travelled with their animals from place to place and lived on meat. For them, knives and forks were more practical.

Chopsticks reflect gentleness and kindness, the main moral teaching of Confucianism.     3     First, don’t use it to hit the side of your bowl or plate to make noises, because Chinese people think only beggars would do this to beg for meals.     4     It means you lay the blame on others. Also, don’t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. That usually appears at the funerals and is believed to be impolite to the host and the seniors who are at the table.

Today, chopsticks have become a typical part of Chinese culture, symbolising the power of unity.     5     However, ten pairs of chopsticks represent strength, which means they won’t break off in any cases. We Chinese people draw on this spirit, which always inspires and encourages us to work hand in hand for a better future.

A.As a result, spoons were designed and preferred by Westerners.
B.But to his surprise, the Chinese people use chopsticks, not spoons.
C.Therefore, Chinese people cleverly invented chopsticks to pick food.
D.Besides, never point at people with your chopsticks while using them.
E.Indeed, one chopstick is useless and so delicate that it can be broken readily.
F.So these virtues have gradually become the rules people follow in their daily life.
G.There are some rules about using chopsticks that you should pay great attention to.

2 . Improve Cloud Security

Sensitive customer data has constantly been found exposed on cloud servers without password protection. To ease the problem, database software makers have been trying to make security easier for cloud database managers. At the Enigma Conference in San Francisco, Kenn White, a security manager at database software maker MongoDB, will describe a new technique, called field level encryption, to make data safer on the cloud.

Field level encryption works by scrambling data before it’s sent to a cloud database and rearranging it in order when the data is needed for use. The promise of the product is to protect the contents of a cloud database, even if bad guys access it.

MongoDB’s new feature comes as more and more companies move user data to cloud servers, rather than run their own costly data centers. It was predicted that cloud computing would be a $214 billion industry by the end of 2019. That would be up more than 17% from 2018, when it was $182 billion.

Companies have rushed to the cloud without understanding all of the possible security consequences. Many companies have left countless databases exposed, revealing personal data. A database containing details about who lives in 80 million US households was left unprotected in 2019, just like the data on Facebook users.

Database managers want to store their data in an unreadable form, but they also want to be able to find specific pieces of information in the database with a simple search term. For example, someone might want to look up health care patients by their Social Security numbers, even if those numbers are stored as random characters. To make this possible, field level encryption lets database managers encrypt a search term on their machine and send it to the database as a query. The database matches the encrypted version of the search term with the record it’s storing and then sends it back to you.

This approach only works with specific kinds of data. For example, field level encryption isn’t useful for long text entries, like notes in a patient’s medical chart, because you can’t search for individual words.

Still, for data like account numbers, passwords and government ID numbers, field level encryption protects data and maintains a usable database.

Most importantly, White said, it’s simple to set up. Database managers turn it on with a one-time configuration change when they set up the database. “That’s really powerful,” he said in an interview.

1. The underlined word “scrambling” in paragraph 2 probably means________.
2. What can field level encryption do?
A.Secure the safety of Internet pages.B.Protect files with a unique style of storage.
C.Stop bad guys from accessing the database.D.Enable companies to store files on the cloud.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Companies should move user data to cloud servers.
B.Cloud computing achieved a 17% increase in 2019.
C.Companies may be unaware of the risks of the cloud.
D.No companies were willing to run their own data centers.
4. The author wrote the passage mainly to ________.
A.present some factsB.offer security advice
C.introduce a techniqueD.recommend a product
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Huang Danian, the well-known Chinese geophysicist, was born in 1958 in Guangxi, China. As a keen and able student, Huang went to the UK in 1993 to further his studies.

By the time Huang moved back to China in 2008, he had been living and working in the UK for 15 years. He had a good job and a life there, but he gave it all up to return to home driven by the idea that he needed to contribute to his country. As one of the world’s leading experts in deep earth exploration technology, Huang was invited to participate in the “Thousand Talent” programme. He took up a position at Jilin University, Changchun.

Huang was named lead scientist on China’s deep earth exploration programme, developing advanced cameras that can see through the Earth’s crust(外壳) so that it can be analysed without having to dig into it. He set up an advanced lab, sometimes paying for equipment with his own money. Some described him as a “lunatic” (a “madman”), but this passion and drive enabled Huang to push forwards China’s deep earth exploration technology into a world-leading position. Huang’s devotion contributed to China’s lunar probe(月球探测器) Yutu being landed on the moon in 2013 and the launch of the spacecrafts Shenzhou-11 and Tiangong-2 in 2016.

Huang's health also paid the price for his commitment to his work. He began having fainting fits(昏厥) in 2012, but paid them little attention, stating he did not have time to go to see a doctor— his work always came first. In November 2016, Huang fainted and was taken to hospital, where he was diagnosed with cancer. The disease was so advanced that he had just a couple of months to live.

Like the true scientist he was, Huang never gave up, but always tried to push forwards. Even from his hospital bed, he continued his work, writing letters of reference for his colleagues and replying to questions from his students. Huang died in January 2017, aged just 58. More than 800 people attended his funeral to celebrate a life that burned so bright, but was so short.

1. Huang returned to China in 2008 because________.
A.he desired to devote himself to his motherland
B.the “Thousand Talent” program attracted him
C.Jilin University offered him a top position
D.he wasn’t satisfied with the life in the UK
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.China’s aerospace development.
B.Huang’s working attitude and style.
C.Huang’s great contributions to China.
D.China’s deep earth exploration technology.
3. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.The working environment caused Huang’s disease.
B.Huang worked continuously despite his poor health.
C.Huang was taken to hospital after he fainted in 2012.
D.A large sum of money was paid to treat Huang’s illness.
4. Which of the following can be used to describe Huang Danian?
A.Generous and honest.
B.Passionate and patient.
C.Modest and courageous.
D.Patriotic and committed.
阅读理解-阅读表达(约370词) | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。

People from different generations often live and work together. Sometimes they’re happy being together, other times they’re not. One of the reasons for their unhappiness maybe a generation gap. A generation gap is the difference between two or more generations—not the differences between their years but the differences between the generations’ ideas, attitudes, and interests. Of course, people can have differences and still be happy together, but according to the experts, communication between the generations helps everyone get along.

Good communication between the generations starts in the family. These days many families are changing their communication style. They are moving from a “one-way” style to a “two-way” style of communication. To show this change, let’s compare two families:

The Smith family uses the “one-way” style of communication. Mr. and Mrs. Smith show interest in their children, but they don’t discuss problems of feelings. The parents make all the rules and decisions. They don’t ask for their children’s opinions. They explain their decisions to their children, but they don’t discuss them. The explanation is clear and the children understand. The communication goes one way: from the parents to the children.

The Jones family uses the “two-way” style of communication. Mr. and Mrs. Jones show interest in their children and ask for their opinions. They discuss problems and express their feelings. The family makes rules and decisions together after a discussion. The communication goes two ways: from parents to children and from children to parents.

Better communication between generations at home means better communication between generations at work and in the community. When people from different generations understand each other better, they learn from each other more. This helps them form stronger bonds, work together more easily. As a result, people of all ages can team up effectively and come up with new ideas in different parts of life.

1. What is a generation gap?
2. Where does good communication between the generations begin?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.

If Jack’ parents discuss with him where to spend their summer vacation, they use the “one-way” style of communication.

4. To bridge the generation gaps, what other suggestions would you make besides better communication? (In about 40 words)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。

Face it

In much of the western world, governments now require people to wear masks when they are in crowded public spaces. That is good news, for masks could both save lives and allow people to get back to work. And to help economies restart safely, government should require people to wear face coverings in crowded public spaces.

People think of masks as something protecting them from dirty things in the air. But in the case of COVID-19, their more important job is to protect others from an infected wearer. That is because of one of the unusual characteristics of this disease: it seems likely that infection by people who have not, or not yet, developed symptoms(症状) makes up about a third to a half of the cases. So even if everybody with symptoms stays at home, the virus will still spread. Masks block the respiratory droplets(呼吸道飞沫) that carry the virus, so make risky situations safer.

There are signs that masking is useful. Even home-made face coverings can block droplets.

Experiments show that a piece of cloth over the mouth and face can block 60% of droplets—not as good as a medical mask, but much better than nothing.

East Asian countries’ success in controlling the disease argues in favour of masks. Wearing masks to protect against pollution or disease is common there, so people covered their faces as soon as they were informed of COVID-19. In the West, mask-wearing is alien. And in all of the countries where mask-wearing is common practice, the epidemic (流行病) was quickly controlled. This is not unquestionable evidence in favour of masks. Other factors distinguish those mask-wearing countries from bare-faced Western nations: some, such as China and South Korea, have strict track-and-trace systems and carry out mass coronavirus testing.

Yet the combination of this natural global experiment, laboratory studies and asymptomatic transmission(无症状传播) suggests that masks can help keep people safe. Lockdown destroys economies. Social distancing damages them. Masks cost next     to nothing. They will not by themselves stop an epidemic. Hand-washing, track-and-trace systems and widespread testing are all crucial, too. But masks can do their bit to protect people and rebuild economies.

1. What is the key job of masks in COVID-19 epidemic according to the writer?
2. Please paraphrase the underlined sentence in your own words.
3. Please underline the inappropriate part in the following statement and explain why.
Wearing masks is important and is considered the determining factor in the fight against the epidemic.
4. Please briefly present what can be done to fight against COVID-19. (about 40 words)

6 . If you are looking for a place to eat in Calgary, you’ve got a variety of choices, like Italian, Thai, Mexican, modern comfort food, and vegetarian cuisine. For anyone that wants to narrow down their must-eat list, here are the best restaurants in Calgary.

Foreign Concept

ADDRESS: 10111 St SW, Calgary, AB T2R, Canada PHONE: 403-719-7289

Foreign Concept is run by award-winning chef Duncan Ly and chef Hyungjae Lim. Serving modern Asian cuisine, the dishes take their inspiration from Ly’s Vietnamese roots and Lim’s Korean background. No matter what you order, dishes always emphasize seasonal and local ingredients(食材). Bold flavors won’t disappoint you at Foreign Concept!

Alumni Sandwiches

ADDRESS72517 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2S, Canada PHONE403-455-7257

The simple sandwich isn’t so ordinary anymore at Alumni Sandwiches. The place is friendly and inviting, and there are always around 10 sandwich flavours available, so whether you’re a vegetarian, meat eater, picky eater, or prepared for a fancy dinner, something on the menu is sure to appeal to you. Don’t miss the Caesar salad, made with whatever greens happen to be in season. Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant

ADDRESS: 15979 Bow Bottom Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2J, Canada PHONE: 403-476-1311

If it’s fine dining you’re looking for, Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant is one of your best choices in Calgary. The food is always excellent and the setting is equally impressive. Only a short drive from Calgary’s downtown, Bow Valley puts emphasis on Canadian produce and proteins, from Rocky Mountain game meats(野味) to seasonal vegetables.


ADDRESS12408 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G, Canada PHONE403-531-2765

Less than a ten-minute drive from downtown, Rouge is an award-winning restaurant set in a historic house in Calgary’s Inglewood neighborhood. The menu here puts the focus firmly on fresh, seasonal ingredients, highlighting their natural beauty. Many of those ingredients are grown in the on-site garden, making the dishes even more special.

1. A man who likes Asian cuisine may prefer to eat at________.
A.Alumni SandwichesB.Rouge
C.Bow Valley Ranche RestaurantD.Foreign Concept
2. According to the passage, Alumni Sandwiches________.
A.provides fruit salads
B.offers different choices
C.uses Rocky Mountain produce
D.is set in a friendly historic house
3. In what way are the four restaurants similar?
A.They use seasonal ingredients.
B.All their chefs have won awards.
C.They are not far from downtown.
D.Their settings are equally friendly.
2021-05-17更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市平谷中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约100词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

However, not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. Some advertisements nowadays aim     1    (make) a contribution to society and welfare. For example, there are public advertisements,     2    encourage citizens to participate in improving their neighborhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. Over the last decade, the government     3    (sponsor) advertisements to educate the public     4       fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc. These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge about topics that used to be ignored by most people and this has made our society a better place for everyone

2021-05-10更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市平谷中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Good afternoon, everyone. In today's lecture we'll be discussing education. The questions we often ask about education are: what is education? And what are the main     1    (objective) for students to receive education?

Well, what is education? Education comes from the Latin for to "lead". So, when you are educated you     2    (lead) from one place to another including physical, moral, mental or academic. It is a process of     3    (facilitate) learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and habits.

2021-05-10更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市平谷中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般