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1 . Pick up any packaged processed food, and there’s a decent chance that one of its listed ingredients will be “natural flavor”. The ingredient sounds good, particularly in contrast to “artificial flavor”. But what exactly does natural flavor mean? It refers to extracts (提取物) got from natural sources like plants, meat or seafood. When consumers see “natural flavor” on a label, they are unlikely to assume that someone is squeezing the juice from oranges into their bottle. They know even though natural flavor must come from natural sources, it needn’t all come from the plant or meat. For example, orange flavor might contain not only orange extract, but also extracts from bark and grass. Nor is the common belief true that ingredients extracted from nature are necessarily safer than something artificially made.

So if flavors like orange are needed, why not just use oranges? The answer comes down to “availability, cost and sustainability”, according to flavor chemist Gary Reineccius of the University of Minnesota. “If you’re going to use all your grapes on grape soda,” Reineccius says, “you don’t have any grapes for wine making; the products are going to be exorbitant; besides, what do you do with the by-products you create after you’ve squeezed all the juice out of the grape?”

Actually, while chemists make natural flavors by extracting chemicals from natural ingredients, artificial flavors are made by creating the same chemicals artificially. The reason why companies bother to use natural flavors rather than artificial flavors is simple: marketing. “Many of these products have health titles,” says Platkin, professor from Hunter College. “Consumers may be talked to believe products with natural flavors are healthier, though they’re nutritionally no different from those with artificial flavors. Natural flavors may involve more forest clear-cutting and carbon emissions from transport than flavors created in the lab.”

Platkin suggests getting more transparent labeling on packaging that describes exactly what the natural or artificial flavors are, so consumers are not misled into buying one product over another because of “natural flavors”. Reineccius also offers some simple guidance: “Don’t buy anything because it says ‘natural flavors’. Buy it because you like it.”

1. Which is a misunderstanding about the “natural flavor” juice according to paragraph 1?
A.It comes from 100% original fruit.
B.It is nothing but advertising tricks.
C.It certainly contains extracts made in the lab.
D.It is absolutely safer than juice with artificial flavors.
2. What does the underlined word “exorbitant” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. Why do companies use natural flavors in their products?
A.To cut the costs.B.To promote the sales.
C.To advocate a healthy diet.D.To avoid food safety issues.
4. What can we conclude from the text?
A.Gary and Platkin hold opposite perspectives.
B.Natural flavors are more environmentally-friendly.
C.Customers are misled for ignoring labels on packaging.
D.Natural and artificial flavors are more alike than you think.
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . One hot summer we discovered ice cream sandwiches at the corner store. Although it was expensive, we managed to buy one and taste it, and then we were _________ after that.

My dad worked nights. When he came home one _________, I heard the jingle (叮当声) of change in his pants and something _________ slowly came into my mind. On hearing his sleeping sounds, I _________ in and took a handful of change. It was enough for my friends and me to eat like greedy _________. And I became a hero to my band of friends.

That went on every day for about two weeks. One day there was no change in dad’s pocket so I felt _________ for a moment, then took out two whole dollars. I had been OK with taking the change, but those dollars made my face _________. Even before we began enjoying sandwiches, my stomach felt sick —if dad knew what I had done, he’d kill me.

Early that afternoon, I _________ myself in our basement, crying. Feeling guilty and _______, I regretted having stolen the money. Just then my dad came in. Touching my head gently, he asked what had happened to me. Gathering my _________, I told the truth. In a moment I will never __________ he said, “Son, I’ve known since the first day you took the money.” So shocked and __________ was I to hear my dad’s words that I couldn’t __________ a single word. Dad explained that he had been waiting for the moment when I could realize my mistakes and he felt __________ that I had the courage to admit it. Deeply touched by what he said, I __________ my dad and promised to be an honest person.

2024-05-25更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述了芬兰赫尔辛基的Kaffa Roastery咖啡烘焙公司与当地的AI公司Elev合作,利用人工智能创造出一种新的咖啡混合物“AI-conic”。

3 . Human experts spend years roasting and tasting coffee from many places to learn about the beans. They might then combine a coffee bean from Africa with another one from South America to come up with a new blend. But, a coffee roasting company in Helsinki, Finland is hoping that artificial intelligence, or AI, can help ease the workload.

Kaffa Roastery recently launched its “AI-conic” blend at the Helsinki Coffee Festival. The blend is a mixture of four kinds of beans, including Fazenda Pinhal from Brazil. It is the result of a joint project by Kaffa and Elev, a local AI business. Elev told The Associated Press that its computer models, similar to ChatGPT and Copilot, created a blend that would “push the boundaries of conventional flavor combinations. ”

Svante Hampf is the founder of Kaffa Roastery. He and his partners wanted to do an experiment to see what blend the computer would produce. “We basically gave descriptions of all our coffee types and their flavors to AI and instructed it to create a new exciting blend, ” Hampf said. The “AI-conic” blend combined beans from Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia and Guatemala. It is described as “a well-balanced blend of sweetness and ripe fruit”.

Hampf said he thought the combination was “somewhat weird. ” He was surprised that the AI program chose to make the blend out of four different kinds of beans. Most humans choose only two or three beans. However, after the first blind test of the new blend, Kaffa’s coffee experts agreed that the AI-assisted blend was perfect. There was no need to change.

Elev’s Antti Merilehto said “AI-conic” is an example of “how AI can introduce new perspectives to seasoned professionals.” And the roasters at Kaffa said they hope the AI project will help to bring more things to the strong coffee culture in the country.

1. What does the first paragraph aim to do?
A.To present a trend.B.To give an example.
C.To introduce a topic.D.To interpret a working principle.
2. What can’t we infer about the new blend?
A.It came from a joint effort.B.It received positive feedback.
C.It showed us more possibilities.D.It proved AI was better than human.
3. What did Hampf think of the the AI-conic blend?
A.It was perfect.B.It was a little strange.
C.It needed improving.D.It was too sweet to eat.
4. What does the underlined word mean?
2024-05-25更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . For many people, memory improvement is possible. The extent to which memory can improve, however, will be different from person to person.     1     .

Timing activities strategically

How you order your daily tasks can impact your ability to remember them and get them done smoothly.

Difficult or cognitively taxing activities should be completed at the beginning of the day when fatigue is low and attention is at a high level.     2     . Meanwhile, take frequent breaks when engaged in a long task.

    3    .

A clean living and working environment with minimal distractions may help you focus on your tasks and remember what you need to do.

Writing down your personal experiences

    4    . Memory research has established that when people write about their personal experiences, they tend to recall those occurrences much better.

Avoiding multitasking

    5    .

One study found that people between the ages of 60 and 80 have significantly more trouble remembering tasks after they’ve experienced a brief interruption than do people in their 30s and 40s.

Research has shown that switching your attention from a laptop to a cellphone or texting while watching TV decreases the gray matter in our brains that helps us with sensory perceptions including decision-making and memory.

A.Minimizing distractions
B.Cleaning up your environment
C.Record the time each task takes
D.Here are some tips that will offer you some help
E.Large projects should be broken down into smaller tasks
F.The best way to remember personal experiences is to write about them
G.Doing multiple things at once could affect your short-term memory, particularly as you get older
2024-05-25更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a particularly dark and stormy night, with the fierce wind shook the windows wildly, as if some unseen force was beating them from outside. The clouds had gathered in a dense mass, blocking out the moon and the stars. Contrasting dramatically with the outside, the air in the house was filled with joy and warmth as family members gathered together, all eagerly anticipating the festival. The children were laughing and playing, chasing each other around the living room. Their laughter and chatter filled the air, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. The adults who sat around the dining table, sharing stories, were infected by their energy, finding themselves wearing smiles all the tire. It was New Year’s Eve and our annual party is in full swing.

Unexpectedly, our hearts skipped a beat as loud explosions echoed through the night, sending shivers down our spines. We rushed to the windows, hearts pounding, and looked out into the hills, where a terrifying sight awaited us. The electrical transformers (变压器) were now erupting in a chaotic display of sparks and flames. One by one, the lights in the surrounding areas began to flicker and fade. The darkness swallowed up the hills and just in a minute only a few scattered lights remained, twinkling weakly in the distance. And then, without warning, came a deafening explosion, and our own house went dark too.

I quickly gathered all the candles we had and lit them, casting a soft glow that transformed the room into a cozy atmosphere. However, we faced a challenge. With fifteen people gathering around. we still needed to prepare dinner. How could we possibly cook without electricity? The question hung in the air, but we knew we had to find a way to make the most of our situation and ensure everyone had a memorable New Year’s Eve.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。

The barbecue!


As the clock ticked closer to midnight, the excitement in the air reached a feverish pitch.

2024-05-25更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
书信写作-告知信 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友Tom很想了解即将来临的中国传统节日“端午节”。请写一封电子邮件介绍相关情况。内容包括:
1. 节日基本情况;
2. 传统活动。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Tom,


Li Hua

2024-05-25更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Is climate candy set to be the next trend?

LA-based PurePlus says yes. The startup launched its first consumer product, Faven, two years ago. Today, each packet of chews contains one serving of fruits and vegetables and saves scores of produce from ending up in landfill.

According to PurePlus, every Faves packet uses six carrots, three heels, one sweet potato, half a squash and one-fourth of a pumpkin. A lot of the time the products are made with “imperfect” produce. The ultimate aim of the company is to tackle food waste in a meaningful and healthy way.

Co-founder and CEO Amy Keller knows sweets. She’s the granddaughter of Norman Spangler, a second-generation leader at Spangler, a second-generation leader at Spangler Candy Co. Instead of following in her family’s footsteps, she set up PurePlus in 2018. PurePlus works with farmers to secure unsold or unsellable produce to turn into plant-based powders that can be used in multiple food and drink applications.

Around 930 million tonnes of food is wasted every year, twice as much as previous estimates, with 61 percent coming from domestic households, 26 percent comes from food services and retail claims the last 13 percent.

The US Sustainable Development Goals initiative have laid out plans to reduce food waste by half by 2030. It is seeking to tackle the issue due to the increased burden on waste management systems, impact on climate change and food insecurity that it brings. Up to 10 percent of global carbon emissions are tied to waste produce.

PurePlus has so far launched two flavors of its fruit and vegetable chew: strawberry and grape. Developed using its special produce powder and sustainable oil, among other things, they are marketed as healthy alternatives to standard sweet chews.

“Faves has set out to solve the climate crisis by preventing food waste by upcycling perfectly good fruits and vegetables to create a candy that’s good for people and the planet, thus, making both healthy choices and climate impact more accessible,” Amy Keller said in a statement. “We don’t make a product unless it will deliver a real benefit and is truly sustainable. ”

1. What does the company PurePlus aim to do?
A.To start a new trend.B.To produce the best sweets.
C.To help people eat more healthy.D.To recycle food waste in a sustainable way.
2. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.Food waste.B.Climate change.
C.Food insecurity.D.Waste management system.
3. What can be inferred about Amy Keller?
A.She set up Faves two years ago.
B.She was the only founder of PurePlus.
C.She has a sense of social responsibility.
D.She was the fourth generation leader at Spangler Candy Co.
4. Which is the best title?
A.A new trend is set by Amy Keller.B.Climate candy is tackling food waste.
C.PurePlus has launched two new flavors.D.PurePlus has made plans to reduce food waste.
2024-05-25更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Since ancient times, phoenixes     1     (regard) by Chinese as birds that can bring happiness and good fortune. A male phoenix is called feng and a female one huang,     2     they are collectively called fenghuang (phoenix). Like the Chinese dragon, the phoenix is also viewed    3     a god or goddess. The phoenix is very beautiful, with the head of a     4     (gold) pheasant, the wings of a dapeng (a huge bird from Chinese legend) , the     5     (leg) of a crane, the beak of a parrot and the tail of a peacock, and is     6     king /queen of all birds, as well as a symbol of beauty, happiness and peace. Legend has it that when the state is in a state of peace and prosperity, the phoenix will descend from heaven     7     (live) on earth. When the phoenix appears, numerous birds will fly after it from all directions,     8     is called “birds paying homage to the phoenix”. In the feudal age, the phoenix was taken as a symbol of the     9     (noble) woman of the imperial court. The phoenix remains a popular image in Chinese folklore today,     10     (symbolize) good fortune, happiness and joy.

2024-05-25更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文为一篇说明文,介绍了Tirelli Costumes这家公司,它是一家制作特殊服装和服装的工作室,因其在电影服装设计方面无与伦比的工作而赢得了“奥斯卡裁缝店”的绰号。

9 . In many movies, the clothing the actors wear is an important part of the story. In Rome, there is a workshop that has been a big part of Italian and international film history for 60 years.

Tirelli Costumes in Rome’s Prati neighborhood is an atelier, a business that makes special clothing and costumes. It has earned the nickname the “Oscar tailor’s shop” for its incomparable work in film costume design.

Umberto Tirelli started the shop in November 1964. It has been behind 17 Academy Awards for best costume design. Most recently, its workers helped create the costumes for Ridley Scott’s movie Napoleon. The film’s costume designers were nominated (提名) for an Oscar that will be decided at the Academy Awards in Hollywood this weekend.

At the start, the shop had “a sewing machine, two cutters and two other seamstresses,” Trappetti said.

After the 1984 costume design Oscar for Amadeus, Tirelli could have accepted many international projects “because the market was immediately interested,” Trappetti said. But Tirelli, who died in 1990, was not sure. Trappetti remembered him saying, “I’m not going to America If America wants, America will come looking for me.”

Over 60 years, the tailor’s shop has created more than 300, 000 costumes that are now stored near Rome. Costume designers come for ideas and historical information. They also come for hand-cut, hand-sewn creations by the team of Tirelli workers.

“You can’t make those costumes in a factory. In a factory you can make films with robots, futuristic or fantasy, ” Trappetti said. “But these things have to be made by hand.”

1. Why is the shop called the “Oscar tailor’s shop”?
A.Because there are many collections.B.Because it works for famous directors.
C.Because of its top-class film costume design.D.Because Oscar winners like wearing its clothing.
2. Why is Ridley Scott’s movie Napoleon mentioned?
A.To list Umberto Tirelli’s works.B.To prove Napoleon’s popularity.
C.To show Ridley Scott’s importance.D.To illustrate Tirelli Costumes’ achievement.
3. What do Tirelli’s words imply?
A.The shop started small.B.He didn’t realize his potential.
C.He is a man of strong self-confidence.D.The clothing made by the shop was unique.
4. What can we learn about the team of Tirelli workers from the last paragraph?
A.They are hardworking.B.They fall victim to conservatism.
C.They are pioneers of the industry.D.They boast the craftsmanship spirit.
2024-05-19更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . London’s Must-See Exhibitions

This year is zipping along at quite a speed, and London’s already witnessed some great exhibitions. But big treats are still to come.

Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and Starry Night at Tate Britain

A major exhibition at Tate Britain, which examines how Van Gogh was inspired by British art, and how he in tun inspired British artists. His famous painting Sunflowers fills the gallery with joy.

The EY Exhibition: Van Gogh and Britain at Tate Britain. Until 11 August, £22.

Glass Master at Kew Gardens

Dale Chihuly creates sculptures out of glass that we would normally think impossible. With 32 of his sculptures around Kew Gardens, we’re looking forward to Kew becoming even more beautiful than it already is.

Chihuly at Kew: Reflections on Nature at Kew Gardens. 13 April-27 October, £13. 75.

More of Moore at Museum of London

Henry Moorr is best-known for his abstract figure sculptures. What many won’t know about is his obsession (痴迷) with armour (盔甲) , and the sculptures he created inspired by Renaissance armour. Actually, they’re going on display at Museum of London, next to the armour that inspired them.

Henry Moore: The Helmet Heads at Museum of London. Until 23 October, £11.

Shining a Light on Rembrandt at Dulwich Picture Gallery

Dulwich Picture Gallery commemorates 350 years since the death of Rembrandt with an exhibition on the man who mastered the use of light and dark in his paintings. The last Rembrandt exhibition in London was superb.

Rembrandt’s Light at Dulwich Picture Gallery. 2 October-2 December, £15.

1. What do “Class Master” and “More of Moore” have in common?
A.They both exhibit sculptures.B.They have the same ending time.
C.They share the same exhibition area.D.They charge the same for admission.
2. Where can you enjoy an exhibition on 10 November?
A.Tate BritainB.Kew Gardens
C.Museum of LondonD.Dulwich Picture Gallery
3. Where can we read this passage?
A.In an art textbook. B.In a sports newspaper.
C.In a tourist magazine. D.In an exhibition brochure.
2024-05-19更新 | 109次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
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