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Forests are like a big, green blanket that covers the Earth.     1     They help clean the air and give us fresh oxygen. Forests are home to many animals and plants, making them very special places on our planet.

Imagine forests as huge gardens that take in bad air and change it into good air for us to breathe. They are very important because they are home to more than half of all the animals and plants we know.     2     This makes forests very important for keeping our Earth healthy and full of life     3     森林覆盖了地球陆地的三分之一。 They are found all around the world, from hot, wet rainforests to cold. snowy forests. Each forest has its own types of trees, plants, and animals that cannot live anywhere else.

But, forests are in danger because of cutting down trees and clearing land for farms or buildings.     4     这对动物、植物甚至我们都是有害的。 We need to take care of forests because they help keep our air clean and give us water and food.

In short, forests are very important for our planet. They help keep the air clean, are homes to many animals and plants, and make Earth a beautiful place.     5     We should all help protect forests so they can keep being the Earth’s green blanket.

2024-06-15更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省娄底市2023-2024学年高二下学期学业水平考试英语试题(专家版四)
2 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语,并将答案转写到答题卡上。

Last weekend, I took part in a forest clean-up activity. It was organized by GreenHope,     1     an organization devoted to protecting forests. At first I didn’t want to take part in the forest clean-up activity, but then I thought. What if nobody goes?” our team leader, Joe, took us to a forest outside the city.     2     I was sad to see litter everywhere. There was a “No littering is allowed here” sign at the entrance to the forest,     3     but that didn’t stop people from throwing their rubbish on the ground. Joe divided us into two groups: one group cleaned up the north side of the forest, and the other group cleaned up the south. We worked for several hours and we were happy to see that the forest looked cleaner than it had looked before.     4     这绝对值得我们的努力. There’ll be another clean-up activity in the green belt next Saturday. You can find Joe and sign up if you’re willing to help.     5    每个参加该活动的人都将获得一枚奖章. I’ll join you too if I have time.

2024-06-13更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省娄底市2023-2024学年高二下学期学业水平合格性考试模拟英语试题(二)
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    1     Typhoons(台风)are quite common in south-east Asian countries. Although there is no way to prevent a typhoon, you can get prepared for it. In order to protect yourself from a typhoon, follow the proper safety procedures. The correct and quick reactions can make the difference between life and death. If a typhoon is approaching,     2     关闭并锁上所有的窗户和门, and tie down large outdoor objects so that they do not blow away. During a typhoon,     3     你应该尽力保持头脑冷静。It is also important that you stay inside.     4     If you have to go outside, always exit using the stairs. When you are out, stay away from trees, large signs and light poles. Remember to inform yourself of what is going on. Pay attention to news updates to confirm whether the danger is gone.     5       These tips will help keep you safe in the face of a typhoon.

2024-06-03更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年湖南省高中学业水平合格线考试模拟卷二英语试题
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As a teenager, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. If you skip meals, you don’t get enough energy, and then     1     你觉得累。For a healthy diet, you should eat mostly rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water. Water helps keep your system clean.     2     Drinking enough water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.

Exercise is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts suggest that     3     青少年每天至少锻炼30分钟。That is easy to do! Often, teenagers give up sports, saying     4     they have no time left after school. Many teenagers are amazed to learn that when you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.     5     They can even help you sleep better at night.

2024-06-01更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省2023-2024学年高中学业水平合格性考试模拟(一)英语试题
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5 . 英汉互译

Haze(雾霾)is a kind of air pollution in which the air is filled with dust and smoke. Haze stops people from breathing and seeing things clearly.     1     它对人们的健康很有害.

This kind of pollution comes from all kinds of sources, especially natural and man-made sources.     2     Many factories produce the smoke that seriously influences the air.

Haze has done great harm to our daily life. For example,     3     many traffic accidents happen because of the haze weather.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smoke and the importance of protecting the environment.     4     People all over the world are taking actions to keep the air clean. The government advises people to use public transportation to go to school or work.

Besides, we should pull together to plant more trees to improve the environment.     5     不要忘记我们仅仅只有一个地球。

2024-05-31更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆鸿德实验学校2023—2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷
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6 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语,并将答案转写到答题卡上。

Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many lives in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy, where her parents went after they got married in 1818.

    1     Florence was an unusual young woman for her time. She didn’t want to go to parties and get married. She wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family didn’t want her to become a nurse because hospitals back then were dirty, terrible places. They were worried about her.     2     In 1851, Florence went to Germany and learned all about nursing. It was hard work, but she loved it.

In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War.     3     军队医院里挤满了受伤的人。There were no nurses and many men died. Florence and a team of nurses went to help. Florence worked 20 hours a day to make the army hospital a cleaner and safer place. She brought the men fresh food, she cleaned the hospital beds and she used clean bandages on the wounded soldiers. Soon, fewer men were dying. At night, Florence walked around the hospital.     4     She talked to the injured soldiers and helped the men to write letters to their families. She carried a lamp and the soldiers called her “The lady with the lamp”.

When Florence returned to England, people called her a heroine of her work in the Crimean War. Queen Victoria wrote her a letter to say thank you. She continued to work hard in Britain to improve hospitals and she was given a medal called the Order of Merit.     5     她是第一位获得这一荣誉的女性。

2024-05-31更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024湖南省普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真试卷(专家版六) 英语试题
7 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语。

After learning the basics of tai chi in those first few classes, I found myself bored and aching from doing the same moves over and over again. Luckily, my coach taught me how to relax my muscles and focus on peace of mind while performing the routine. With these requirements of tai chi in mind, I found to my satisfaction that     1     我的平衡性和柔韧性慢慢有所改善, that I was able to do more difficult moves, and that my love for tai chi returned stronger than ever.

In time, I began to look into the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi. I discovered that     2     tai chi is deeply rooted in the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the unity of opposites. Neither can exist independent of the other; for example, there is no shadow without light. The practice of tai chi aims to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body through opposite movements. Eventually,     3     tai chi brings about a state of physical balance and mental peace.

A year of practising     4     tai chi has had a positive effect on my everyday life. I sleep better at night, and I am more energetic during the day.     5     我感到更快乐和更自信了. Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind, enabling me to stay cool in stressful situations. I am sure I will continue to practise tai chi and enjoy the benefits it has brought me.

2024-05-28更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省2023-2024学年普通高中学业水平合格性考试(压轴卷)英语试题
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8 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语,并将答案转写到答题卡上。

Holidays play an important part in our life. We work hard during the year, so we feel tired and stressed at times.     1     We need holidays to relax, even if they only last for a few days. This is especially true for women. They could get away from their husbands, children and family for even one week in the year.

    2     假期有很多好处。Firstly, they can improve the economy (经济).     3       If there were no holidays, people would have little time to spend the money they earn. Secondly, holidays allow people to relax after working hard throughout the year. During and after the holidays, people feel more relaxed and energetic; they then bring this energy to work when they continue working. Lastly, holidays help people learn how to enjoy life.     4     Most people improve their relationships with their other family members during holidays.

However, holidays also have bad aspects. For example, many people said that they couldn’t enjoy shopping or travelling because there were so many people shopping and travelling, too. Anyway, most people realize that they need holidays.     5     我无法想象如果没有假期人们的生活会是什么样子。

2024-05-23更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省娄底市2023-2024学年高二下学期学业水平仿真试卷(专家版五)英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。

For the last three nights, I haven’t slept too well.     1     I wake up an hour earlier than normal and then I’m unable to get back to sleep. I was a bit tired when I went into my bedroom to watch TV this evening.     2     I picked up a book and tried to read, but could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Finally, I closed them and laid my book on the table. Suddenly I felt something rousing (唤醒) me. It was warm breath hitting me right in the face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a long, sweet-looking face covered in white and gold fur.     3     Its pink nose was breathing on me and its big, brown eyes were looking at me with love.

I smiled and said, “Hello Fluffy.” Suddenly my face was covered in dog kisses. I hugged his neck, and laughed as he continued to show me with his love. I thought to myself     4    If only we humans could love each other as purely (纯真地) as our dogs love us, and how wonderful that would be.”

    5     Dogs are our best friends and greatest teachers of love. We should not forget their lessons. We should give our hearts freely and our love joyfully. We should live our lives on the side of love.

2024-05-21更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省白银市白银区大成学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
10 . 根据汉语提示完成短文

Before the disturbing College Entrance Examination,     1     (我是如此悲观和焦虑不安,以至于我经常感到头晕).     2     (既疲惫又沮丧,我不能全神贯注于学习). Nothing could refresh my spirits. Limitless pain and uneasiness dominated my life and my heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a needle. Sensing my terrible state, my teachers did whatever they could to     3     (竭尽全力激发我的学习热情,增强我的自信心). Finally, I     4     (获得了巨大的进步), and my eyes were filled with joy and appreciation.

2024-04-29更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
共计 平均难度:一般