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1 . There Are 4 Types of Anger: Which One Is Yours?

You’re passive-aggressive (被动攻击型)

    1     when a colleague asks for a favor, but then oh, forget to do it—or do it late and not well. You say "it's fine" when it's really not or 'whatever' when you really mean no. These are all classic passive-aggressive behaviors-or patterns of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them.

You make mountains out of molehills (小题大做)

You find the fault in every situation, and regard each conversation as an argument you have to win. Maybe you were made to look or feel inferior(卑微的) growing up. To pay off, you become more aggressive. Instead of feeling like a victim, you learn to be the "rejecter".     2    . And you create conflict or deliver the first blow in an argument so it gives you the chance to be heard, to prove you are smarter, and to show you're right.

Your fuse (保险丝) is short and you burst into anger

When you lose the ability to control a situation, it may set off aggression, violent behavior or explosive outbursts that are not necessary to the situation.    3    . This type of anger can also put people at risk for harm, so it's important to seek professional help.


When it comes to your religious, political or other beliefs—yours are right, the others are wrong; yours are good, the others are bad. So when others go against your beliefs, you're on the offensive because your beliefs are correct, and therefore your anger is reasonable. Even if your intentions are good, anger gets you in trouble when you allow it get out of control.    5     because you think your morals back the behavior.

A.Your morals fuel your anger
B.Anger itself is not a bad emotion
C.You give an enthusiastic "sure, no problem!"
D.It's how you use your anger that makes it good or bad
E.And you feel you have the right to do whatever you want
F.You put down or reject others first before it can be done to you
G.Getting stuck in traffic, for example, may lead you to yell at other drivers
昨日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西部分学校高三下学期名校联考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Getting the best deal

Bargaining is a difficult process. The buyer wants to purchase a product at its minimum price while the seller wants to maximize the potential for profit.     1    , and thus it is in the best interest of buyers to strategize exactly how they will convince sellers to lower their prices.

First, buyers should assume that the price tag represents the starting point of negotiations, not the final word on the matter. Buyers should begin by asking the salesperson whether any sales or discounts will soon be advertised.     2    , the salesperson probably will not volunteer to give one to them. Salespeople often work on commission, so it is frequently to their advantage to hide this information from their customers.

Second, buyers need to find out whether the seller has lowered prices in the past and, if SO, by how much.     3    , he or she can request a similar price. This step in the bargaining 2 process requires perseverance, but it can pay off financially. Also, it is important that buyers never let sellers know that they need their products because the seller is then less likely to lower the price.

Finally, buyers must be patient     4    , as buyers must collect a good deal of information about the product. Sometimes buyers might need to purchase a product at a more expensive price sim ply because they do not have the time necessary to shop further. The buyer’s time is important, too, and sometimes it is worth spending extra money if he or she needs the item immediately. However, sometimes simply by waiting for two weeks or two months, the buyer will save a considerable amount of money.     5    .

A.Even if customers really want the item
B.If customers do not request a special deal
C.Looking for bargains takes time and energy
D.It can be worthwhile to wait under these circumstances
E.The desires of the buyer and the seller oppose each other
F.Buyers must be prepared to walk away from an item when bargaining
G.If the buyer learns that the seller has offered discounts to other customers
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西柳州高中年高三下学期3月三模热身考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . There are a lot of different ways you can di g deeper into your personality, and this article will walk you through some of the best to help you get started.

    1     Values are the big ideas that shape your decisions. These ideas are broad goals like following dreams, being close to family or staying healthy. When you can recognize your values, you can set goals depending on your personality.     2    

Know what you like. Your values are the motivation behind your goals.     3     Interest can extend periods of study or work time. If you build a career around your hobbies, you will remain happier than if you ignore them. For example, if your interest is art, you will be much happier in a career that focuses on art instead of a career about sports. Even if you are not an artist, you could do things such as teaching art or writing about art.

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. No one is great at everything, and that’s okay. Pay attention to when you are succeeding in a task and when you are struggling.     4     You will know what your strengths and weaknesses are. So, you can use that knowledge to improve your weaknesses or play to your strengths.

Get feedback (反馈).     5     Compare what they say to how you feel about your personality. If they match, then it is likely that you display these your characters consistently. If several people close to you have very different views on your personality, you should examine your beliefs about yourself.

A.Recognize your values.
B.Understand your social needs.
C.This will make it more likely for you to achieve your goals.
D.But your interest can provide the focus needed to reach them.
E.Ask your close friends and family how they see your personality.
F.This will increase your awareness of your particular talents and abilities.
G.Understanding these needs will allow you to keep yourself balanced and happy.
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西示范性高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月联合调研测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Before children can learn to read, they need to have a good understanding of basic words and what they mean.     1    , there are very easy ways that you can build a preschooler’s vocabulary.

Visiting the library

If you are looking for a great place to start building your preschooler’s vocabulary and early reading skills, look no further than your local library. Research shows a strong correlation between library use and literacy-building skills in young children.     2    , ask your librarian for help.

Using descriptive words

When it comes to increasıng your child’s vocabulary, more is better. The more words that your child hears, the more he or she will learn. For example, when describing a fabric pattern, try using words such as unusual, relaxing, or creative. These words may be beyond a kid’s understanding right now.     3    .

Making labels

If you want your preschoolers to learn more words, then make it easy.     4    . Using a label maker to name commonly used items so they can learn to recognize what the word looks like. For example, if her toys are separated into different boxes of like items, label them, such as blocks, dolls, cars, books, etc.


Besides being a wonderful way to spend quality time with your preschooler, reading aloud is a great way to expose your preschooler to new words. Choose books that are of interest to your preschooler but that use words that are slightly above their understanding. Together you can work through what they mean, by using context—the other words on the page and any pictures that might be on the page as well.

A.Reading aloud together
B.Spending time together
C.While that may sound a bit difficult
D.In addition to saying them often, show them too
E.If you aren’t sure what to do when you get there
F.But by using them in the proper context, you’ll make them understandable
G.The more parents help children overcome challenges, the better they’ll be for kindergarten
2024-06-14更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西南宁市高三下学期二模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Why Be Kind?

We all know that being kind is something that’s good to do for others, right?     1    . It turns out that being kind is good for everyone!

Boosting Our Well-Being

Scientists have learned that when a person does something nice for others, it can make the helper feel happier. It can also boost their well-being, which includes their sense of purpose and how satisfied they feel in their life. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a small act of kindness, such as sharing a snack, or a larger one, such as helping with a project.     2    . Even seeing someone else perform a kind act or remembering a kind act can give someone a boost of joy.

    3    . This can include lowering our blood pressure and boosting our immune system, which helps keep us from getting sick.

The Magic of Connection

While all acts of kindness are good, we feel the benefits most deeply when we help others in person and connect with them, human to human. We feel joy and satisfaction when we work hard and use our talents to help others, especially when we can sense their appreciation. And when we work with others to do kind things, we feel a sense of belonging and take pride in the work we did together.     4    .

Kids Led by Example

We have many ways to be kind.     5    . When children see us engaging in these thoughtful and caring activities, they learn the importance of helping others in their community. This not only impacts those we help directly but also inspires our young ones to carry forward the legacy of kindness.

A.In both cases, the giver gains benefits.
B.It also helps when we ourselves make the choice to act kindly.
C.For example, volunteering at a care center is an excellent way.
D.In short, we can feel that our life becomes richer when we help others.
E.Therefore, it is crucial to involve young people in community service early on.
F.And scientists have found that being kind can even improve our physical health.
G.But do you know that being kind brings many benefits to the giver and to the receiver?
2024-06-12更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西重点高中2023-2024学年高二5月联合调研测试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Self-learning can help you develop important skills and gain valuable knowledge. Understanding strategies for self-learning is important. They can help you study new concepts with ease.     1    .

Determine your learning style. People often prefer to learn new information or a new skill using varied approaches.     2     by exploring different learning styles and understanding your own learning process.

Find a purpose. Determine what you want to learn about and why you want to be a self-learner.     3    . Then, consider reflecting on how it might affect your life right now and how you might plan to use it in the future. For instance, if you plan to learn fiction writing, you can decide whether you’re interested in seeking a publishing career or maintaining it as a hobby.

    4    . This can help you focus your efforts. It may be helpful to choose specific options, so you can optimize (优化) the steps of your self-learning process. For example, if you’re practicing a programming language like HTML, you can make a goal to design your own website with certain functions using the knowledge you’ve learned.

Determine a schedule. To create an effective plan, it may be helpful to create an agenda for your self-learning sessions.     5     and estimate how long each task might take to complete. Depending on your preferences, you can plan your sessions using a physical notebook, an informal to-do list or spreadsheet software.

A.Assess your strengths
B.Be sure to set reasonable goals
C.Identify a skill set you’re interested in learning
D.Here’re some tips for effective self-learning practices
E.Consider giving yourself a set of achievable deadlines
F.You can find the most useful methods and techniques for yourself
G.Having a specific goal can also help you set accurate self-learning sessions
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Bird flu: What threat to humans?

There are lots of different types of bird flu and most are harmless to people. Some can potentially spread from birds to people if there is prolonged and close contact.

How do people get it?

The biggest risk comes from prolonged and close contact with infected birds.     1    . Bird flu cannot usually be passed from human to human. Scientists are concerned that the virus may one day mutate (变异) and acquire the ability to spread in people.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms in humans are similar to those of other types of flu: a temperature, cough, headache, chills, aching muscles and a runny or blocked nose and sneezing.     2    , and usually about three to five days after coming into contact with the virus.

What’s the treatment?

If it’s thought that you might have symptoms of bird flu, you’ll be advised to stay at home, or you’ll be cared for in hospital in isolation from other patients. Doctors can prescribe antiviral medicines to help prevent complications.     3    .

    4    ?

You can reduce your risk of infection by washing your hands regularly (particularly after going to the toilet and before handling food) and using a tissue when you need to cough or sneeze (and turning away from others if they are coughing/sneezing).

You can feed wild ducks and birds, but make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Do not go near sick or dead birds.

Can I still eat chicken?

    5    . Poultry and eggs can be safely eaten as long as they are handled hygienically and cooked thoroughly.

A.How can we avoid it
B.How can we prevent the spread of it
C.These symptoms can come on suddenly
D.You are advised to consult doctors when not feeling yourself
E.Painkillers such as paracetamol can also help with the symptoms
F.The virus is easily destroyed by cooking so there is no reason to worry
G.This means farmers who need to handle poultry are more likely to catch it
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Many people think that being healthy is a difficult task that involves lots of dieting and time at the gym.     1     By supporting your body and mind, making some simple changes to your routine, and setting small goals for yourself, you can be on the path toward living a healthier, happier life.

Drink more water. Adults should drink 2 — 3 liters of water per day, while children should drink 1 — 2 liters.     2     Water keeps your body at the correct temperature and removes poison and maintains homeostasis (体内平衡). Water also clears your skin, helps to control your appetite, and keeps you energized.

    3     Every time you get moving you put yourself at risk for injury, so make sure you’re doing it right! You should always be drinking water during your workouts. Take breaks! It isn't being lazy; it's being healthy. After 30 minutes or so of exercise, grab your water bottle and lighten up. Your body needs a second to catch up. You'll be able to go further in the long run.

Think positively. A simple positive change on a situation can turn an challenge into an opportunity. Not only will you have more interest for life, but your immune (免疫的) system can also fight off colds and heart disease better!     4     Think of two things you’re grateful for. Eventually, your mind will notice the pattern and stop the negativity before you have to do it.

Get a good night's rest. Getting too little sleep or poor-quality sleep not only makes you easier to get sick, but also increases the time you need to recover from illness. When you sleep well, you can wake up ready to go and be more active all day.     5    

A.Exercise wisely.
B.But that’s actually not true!
C.To start this difficult step, focus on gratitude.
D.That is in addition to other drinks like tea or coffee.
E.So sleeping properly is very important for your health!
F.Soon, you'll start to see your healthy life taking shape!
G.So instead of walking quickly on Wednesday, go to hit the pool.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Perhaps a friend you’ve known for years has moved away. It’s normal to feel sad and frustrated at not getting to see him in the way you’d like to.     1     Here are some ideas of how to keep your bond strong.


Seeing a note or card from someone they care about in the letterbox is a sure way to make your friend smile. While it’s good to keep in touch via technology, putting your thoughts down on paper shows how much you care and that you’ve set aside some time to think about them. It doesn’t have to be an essay.     2     These could be from your holidays, but they can also be found in local shops, museums, and art galleries.


    3     You could put in a packet of their favourite candies, photos of significant people and places, and other objects you think they’d love. You could also include handmade gifts. It doesn’t have to be expensive.     4     Such a package will make them feel cared about and act as a reminder that you’re there for them, regardless of the distance between you.


Is there a TV series that you both love? While you may not be able to share a packet of popcorn and view it side by side, you could arrange to watch it at the same time and then talk on the phone about it afterwards, sharing your reactions and opinions.     5    

A.It’s the thought that counts.
B.But staying connected is possible.
C.It can also be an e-mail with photos.
D.Postcards are a lovely way to stay in touch.
E.This works well as a way of regularly staying in touch.
F.Once in a while, make a parcel filled with items that are meaningful to your friend.
G.Even when you live far apart from someone, they can still be a big part of your life.
2024-05-31更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西壮族自治区贵港市高三下学期最后一卷英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Seeing happiness differently

Since its official beginning in 2013, the International Day of Happiness has been observed for 11 years. It falls on March 20 every year.     1    But what exactly is happiness, and how can one achieve it?

Experts in various fields hold different views on what happiness means and the factors that influence it.

Sonja Lyubomirsky is a researcher in the field of positive psychology.     2    According to her, happiness can be described as “the experience of joy, content (满足) or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful and worthwhile.”

People’s levels of subjective happiness are influenced by both internal factors, such as personality and outlook, and external factors, such as the environment in which they live, according to the author of the book Culture and Psychology.     3    These include their natural personality traits (特性), the quality of their relationships with others, the society they are a part of, and their ability to meet their basic needs.

More than that, experts in medical fields found that genes might influence happiness. In an article published in Iran J Public Health, three researchers show how twin studies have suggested that genetic factors count for35~50 percent of happiness. The study also mentioned two genes that may have an effect on happiness, which may help clarify the genetic base of happiness in the future.

From the aspect of economics, Tejvan Pettinger, an independent economics researcher, said that the factors affecting happiness can include income, quality of work, quality of consumption, leisure, the welfare of family members and the environment.     4    He believes that at low levels of income, increasing income is generally considered to increase happiness as it allows a person to buy essential goods and services such as food, shelter, health care and education. However, after certain income levels, rising income contributes little to overall happiness.

    5    So people define it differently and pursue it in a variety of ways. It’s a life lesson worth our whole lifetime to explore.

A.This special day serves to remind people of the significance of happiness.
B.She provides a clear description of happiness.
C.Among them, income is a crucial factor.
D.Several important factors contribute to a person’s happiness.
E.What is their main source of income?
F.Career success may not be a guarantee of happiness.
G.The truth is that happiness itself is different for everyone.
共计 平均难度:一般