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阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Being overly emotional may mean reacting to negative feelings quickly instead of letting your intelligence weigh in. Chances are that you are relating to your emotions in a way that isn’t always constructive if you feel overly emotional.     1     Here are approaches to make it.

Identify your emotions. It’s important to know what you feel so that you can address each emotion appropriately.     2     If you feel anger, for instance, you may start to notice your breathing quickening, your muscles tensing, or your skin feeling flushed. If you’re happy, you may notice smiling or feelings of lightness in your limbs.

Interpret each emotion’s message.     3     For instance, you may feel anxiety as a way to express fear of something. Emotions can set off emotional or physical perceived stressors that we choose to move toward or away from. When your emotions come up, ask them what they are conveying to you.

Increase your empathy (共情). Empathy means observing your emotions less but the emotions of those around you more. If you find yourself focusing largely on your own emotions, take a step back and notice the emotions of the people around you.     4     Increasing your empathy helps you relate to people more effectively, respect their emotional experience, and take the spotlight off of yourself.

    5     Sometimes it’s difficult to relate to your emotions positively or cannot find ways to control your emotions. A therapist (治疗师) can help you process your difficult emotions while also providing an opportunity for you to release your emotions in a positive and constructive way. Your therapist should be someone you can trust and with whom you are comfortable sharing personal or embarrassing things.

A.Turn to professional aid.
B.Challenge your negative emotions.
C.Often, you feel emotions as a communication system.
D.However, it’s vital to listen to your emotions in beneficial ways.
E.Consider their emotional experience and recognize how they feel.
F.Reflect on how your body reacts when you notice an emotion coming through.
G.It means you allow your thoughts to come and observe them without judgement.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Self-learning can help you develop important skills and gain valuable knowledge. Understanding strategies for self-learning is important. They can help you study new concepts with ease.     1    .

Determine your learning style. People often prefer to learn new information or a new skill using varied approaches.     2     by exploring different learning styles and understanding your own learning process.

Find a purpose. Determine what you want to learn about and why you want to be a self-learner.     3    . Then, consider reflecting on how it might affect your life right now and how you might plan to use it in the future. For instance, if you plan to learn fiction writing, you can decide whether you’re interested in seeking a publishing career or maintaining it as a hobby.

    4    . This can help you focus your efforts. It may be helpful to choose specific options, so you can optimize (优化) the steps of your self-learning process. For example, if you’re practicing a programming language like HTML, you can make a goal to design your own website with certain functions using the knowledge you’ve learned.

Determine a schedule. To create an effective plan, it may be helpful to create an agenda for your self-learning sessions.     5     and estimate how long each task might take to complete. Depending on your preferences, you can plan your sessions using a physical notebook, an informal to-do list or spreadsheet software.

A.Assess your strengths
B.Be sure to set reasonable goals
C.Identify a skill set you’re interested in learning
D.Here’re some tips for effective self-learning practices
E.Consider giving yourself a set of achievable deadlines
F.You can find the most useful methods and techniques for yourself
G.Having a specific goal can also help you set accurate self-learning sessions
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Grain Rain is the sixth solar term (节气) in the twenty-four solar terms, which is from an old Chinese saying — rain produces hundreds of grains.     1    .

The Chinese name of Grain Rain was originated from a folk story. When Cang Jie, an official in the Yellow Emperor period, created a set of characters from observing the tracks of animals, countless grain came down from the sky like rainfall.     2    . Because of the legend, April 20 has been named as the annual UN Chinese Language Day since 2010 by the United Nations’ Department of Public Information. It is roughly around the Grain Rain day, which falls between April 19 and April 21.

    3    . The southern China has the custom of picking tea in the Grain Rain season. The newly-picked spring tea in the Grain Rain season is rich in nutrients (营养物) and has the functions of heat-clearing and eyesight-clearing.     4    .

Seeing peonies (牡丹) three days after Grain Rain has become a tradition in northern China. Because the flowering of the peonies happens during Grain Rain, it is also known as the “Flower of the Grain Rain”.     5    . Chinese people also link peonies with wealth and rank.

A.There is an interesting folk story about Grain Rain
B.The customs of Grain Rain vary from place to place
C.Therefore, the Yellow Emperor named this day as guyu
D.The flower represents grace and honor in Chinese culture
E.They play an important role in our traditional farming society
F.This means the rain is important for the growth of grain at this time of year
G.On the day of Grain Rain, people will come to pick some new tea and drink it
2024-06-09更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市璧山来凤中学等九校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Social media scam is a form of phishing in which cybercriminals connect with their victims through social media platforms.     1     After the victim accepts it, they soon form a conversation. They can also publish a link that sounds attractive (“put your data and win a car”). Below, see how to protect yourself from scammers on social media;

Accept friend requests with caution.

    2     You should pay attention to when the account is registered and who accepts their friend request. Also remember to check the kind of information the person publishes.

Avoid links that request personal data.

No social media platform will ask its users to click an outside link to update their personal information. Check with the official customer support if you are unsure. Internet users should apply the principle better safe than sorry.


Do not use the same password across all your online accounts. If one account gets hacked, all of them will. It is always better to have distinct login details for each platform as well.

Make sure not to reveal personal information.

Do not publish your address, phone number, or place of work on your social media account for your safety.     4     Always be cautious if someone shows too much interest in your personal affairs. Even your friends might have been backed, so be careful.

Check whether the account is verified when approached with offers.

When you get a strange message, or an offer to buy or sell something on social media, first check if the account is verified.     5    

Social media scams can be financially damaging and emotionally distressing. We hope that these tips will come in handy for you. Remember, safety first in the online world just as it is in the real world.

A.Do not send money to anyone before that.
B.It usually starts by sending a friend request.
C.Always use a strong password to improve security.
D.Create a unique login and password for each platform.
E.Also, do not give away this information to strangers in conversations.
F.Be careful of friend requests from unknown individuals, as they may have ill intent.
G.Before making friends with someone that you do not know, carefully examine the account.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to Write a Free Verse Poem

Let’s say you are working on homework or an assignment about writing a free verse poem and you’re all set to start.     1     Fortunately, the following steps can solve your problem.

Choose a subject. Maybe you can write a poem about a person or your favorite pet.    2     If you have trouble choosing a subject, try closing your eyes and visualizing what is meaningful to you. Then select one that you have an emotional connection to.

Think about how to approach the subject.    3     Are you focusing on the specific scene or are you going to write more generally about a certain theme? Are you considering how you can choose certain words to describe the subject? It can be helpful to decide ahead of time what you want to say about the topic.

    4     Not being too worried about rhyming, you can feel free to explore your topic. Write down as many details as you can think of. For example, if you are describing your last birthday party, you may start by describing who was at the party, the gifts you received, and how you felt during the party.

Create a draft and improve it. Use the list of keywords to help you draft a poem.    5     These will help you to create a stronger free verse poem. Then, read your draft loudly and take note of any lines or sections that have a certain rhythm, as well as any lines where a word or phrase sounds off or flat.

A.Focus on using devices like metaphor, simile, etc.
B.You can also focus on a theme like love or sorrow.
C.Write down the key words that relate to your subject.
D.Look at the place where you could improve on a description.
E.Are you planning to write a perfect draft or write your poem directly?
F.However, there’s one problem: you don’t know how to write a free verse poem!
G.Are you going to write from a certain point of view, like the first person or the third person?
2024-06-06更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市育才中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Reduce Tension and Stress with Belly Breathing (腹式呼吸)

During times of uncertainty and confusion it’s normal to feel nervous, mentally tired, and stressful, but these negative emotions are only temporary.     1    . Thus, it’s useful to have some quick and easy solutions to get yourself back on track.

    2    . This proven method of stress reduction is easy to adopt in almost any situation. Belly breathing works by activating your body’s natural relaxation response, which helps relieve muscle tension all over your body, as well as lower your heart rate and blood pressure.     3     It allows you to stay focused and committed to making healthy choices that will reduce your risk of developing illnesses such as diabetes (糖尿病) and heart disease.

    4    . Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Close your eyes and mouth. Place your awareness on your breath and not on your surroundings. Take a deep breath through your nose for a count of four, making sure your belly is expanding and not your chest.     5    . Continue in this way for a few breaths, or until you feel calm.

An added benefit is that by focusing your thoughts on the sensations of breathing, or even counting your breaths, you also help settle your mind. The next time you feel your heart racing or your stress starting to intensify, do some belly breathing and feel the needle return to normal.

A.This position forces you to breathe from the belly
B.Try some belly breathing to quickly get back to being calm
C.We all experience these types of feelings at one time or another
D.Gently release the breath through your mouth for a count of four
E.Here’s how belly breathing works to relieve your stress and anxiety
F.Belly breathing is a simple way to quickly manage your stress levels
G.This physiological (生理的) response can have a positive impact on your mental well-being
2024-06-06更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆四川外国语大学附属外国语学校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A lot of people assume the more work they put in at the gym, and the longer and harder they push themselves, the better their results will be.     1     But if you want to get the best gains, the key is to focus on the quality of the work rather than the quantity.

Your body is capable of making only tiny adaptations and improvements at any one time. Once you've given it enough push to make these changes, any additional work you do after that point won't be making you any better.     2     This is because you'll need longer to recover afterwards. Besides, you won't feel fresh when you start your next session. Ideally, it's just enough to do the smallest amount of work required to promote growth in every workout.     3     Thus the minimum amount of exercise brings the maximum physical gains.

    4     For example, if a new gym-goer wants to get stronger, he might start a squat (深蹲) workout, which is made up of ten steps, each having five repetitions. In theory, it's a sensible way for building strength. If he's only attempted three steps in his previous exercise, it's far from enough. The fourth step would push him past his previous limit and force adaptation. But the subsequent steps are meant for more professional people.     5    

As a general rule, regardless of your experience, aim to only increase the volume of any exercise by one step from workout to workout.

A.It seems logical.
B.Instead, it'll harm your progress.
C.It's natural that you may want to keep fit.
D.After that, you can stop exercising during the day.
E.Only in this way can you enjoy the benefit of exercise.
F.They would just increase the chance of injury for beginners.
G.How much exercise you need to do depends on your current fitness level.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Like humans, being overweight can have consequences for our pet's health, both short term and long term. Studies have shown that overweight dogs do not live as long.     1     . There is a risk of killing your pet with kindness.

Calorie-controlled food

Using special calorie-controlled foods from the vet is usually the most effective way of losing weight and well worth considering.     2     . Many vets run weight control clinics providing regular check-ups. They are often free of charge, and help to ensure that the diet is working at the correct rate.

Weight watcher

With calorie-controlled food from the vet, you will be advised how much to feed daily. Many dry diets come with calibrated scoops (带刻度的勺子) but it is easy to overfill these. You can reduce hunger by feeding two or three times a day, so long as you don't go above the daily recommended amount.     3    


Make a record of everything—including table scraps (剩饭) and treats—that your dog eats for a few days. This is often valuable in highlighting "extra". A dog that does not seem to eat much dog food probably still has an appetite for sausages!

Moderate exercise

Increasing exercise alone is not enough, although it is helpful. Start gradually, and be careful with how much you exercise elderly pets.     5     . Consult your vet right away if you notice your dog is limping or struggling with exercise. Try to take your dog out at least twice a day and increase the activity level at home as well.

A.No snacks
B.A food diary
C.Little and often is the safest way to start
D.It lasts longer than food and helps to strengthen your relationship more
E.If you must feed treats, remember to take these out of the daily total amount
F.And they are also more likely to suffer from illnesses that spoil their quality of life
G.These diets are designed to make your pet feel full and ensure the nutrients they need
2024-06-04更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市第一中学校高三5月模拟考试英语考试试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了Just Dance这一游戏平台因其内容丰富受到全世界的追捧,更重要的是该平台还面向轮椅客户。

9 . Just Dance, the popular dance platform by Ubisoft is working on becoming more and more accessible. Starting in 2009 on Wii and now available on various devices, the game could be played and enjoyed by so many people worldwide.     1     And now, it will be able to be used and enjoyed by people in wheelchairs as well.

    2     You can compete with other players, choose coaches and pick from a wide variety of tracks and choreographies. Just one look at their website and YouTube shows how big their fan base is. And for good reason.

The platform can get you to dance in the comfort of your own living room. Their choreographed routines are set to popular songs, and their motion-tracking technology can make you feel like it is a complete interactive experience.     3     They can provide you with hours of dancing and entertainment.

Physical activity is important for everyone.     4     According to the Medium platform, more than 420 million games have disabilities. The fact that Just Dance will now be available for people in wheelchairs is a big technical milestone, and a step in the right direction for representation of diverse and disabled people in the gaming community and in the world.

    5     However, prioritizing accessibility will make gaming better for everyone, creating a more understanding and inclusive atmosphere. And although there is still a long way to go, it seems like things are changing. In a good way.

A.Just Dance is more than just a game.
B.The company is still betting that fans will keep dancing.
C.Instead, these platforms rely on an app available for smartphones.
D.They are constantly adding more songs and artists to their platform.
E.So some may say it is their duty to serve as many people as possible.
F.It may be technically difficult to make a game 100 percent accessible.
G.According to Dance Magazine, over 140 million have played this game globally!
2024-06-04更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市朝阳中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Beginning your journey abroad, you’ll witness excitement fill the air. Each step brings new experiences and adventures from busy streets to beautiful landscapes. Pack your bags and welcome the thrill of discovery that awaits. Here are a few things for you to get started with before you set foot.

Do thorough research on your destination.

Conduct complete research about the country or region you plan to visit before your trip.     1    . Understanding the cultural differences and societal norms will help you travel between unfamiliar situations with respect and sensitivity. Additionally, research practical information such as transportation options, local currency, and communication networks to facilitate a smooth travel experience.

Plan your packing in a reasonable way.

When packing for your trip abroad, prioritize essentials and pack light to avoid unnecessary weight.     2    . Remember to bring important documents such as your passport, visa if required, travel insurance information, and any necessary medication. Organize your belongings efficiently to minimize stress and maximize convenience while traveling.

    3    .

Be alarmed and aware of your surroundings at all times. Avoid risky areas, especially at night, and keep your belongings secure. Familiarize yourself with local emergency contact numbers, the location of your country’s embassy (大使馆), and any specific safety precautions recommended for travelers in your destination.

Welcome new experiences that come your way.

    4    . Welcome the adventure of exploring unfamiliar places, trying local foods, and interacting with people from different backgrounds. Keep an open mind and be willing to step outside your comfort zone to fully appreciate the richness and diversity of the world.

As your journey abroad comes to a close, memories of adventure and discovery will remain in your heart. Cherish (珍惜) the moments shared, the sights seen, and the lessons learned.     5    .

A.Pay attention to safety at all times.
B.Respect local customs and traditions.
C.Learn about its history, culture, customs, and local laws.
D.Stay updated on travel guidelines issued by your government.
E.Traveling abroad offers access to new cultures and experiences.
F.Though your travels may end, the spirit of exploration will live on.
G.Consider the climate and your activities, and pack proper clothing and equipment.
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