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1 . When we’re in trouble, we always turn to our parents for help. But would you like them to hear the conversations you have with your friends on the school playground or lunch queue? Social networking sites have become extensions (延伸) of the school hallways, so would you add your parents as “friends” and allow them to view your online activities and conversations with friends?

In the past the generation gap included a technology gap, where children were up to date with the latest technology and parents were left behind, content to continue their day-to-day lives as they always had because they had no need to know more about technology. However, more and more parents are beginning to realize just how important social networks are in their lives. This realization has given many parents the motivation (动机) to educate themselves about social networking sites.

These days many people are attracted to social networking sites because they can choose who they have around them, there’s also a certain amount of control over privacy (隐私) that we don’t get in real life. Sometimes we feel that privacy is violated (违背) when we must accept a “friend” request from a parent or family member.

It’s a difficult choice whether or not to allow a parent to become a part of our online lives. On the one hand we don’t want to “refuse” their request because that might hurt their feelings or make them feel you have something to hide. On the other hand if you do accept, then you could have a sense of being watched and no longer feel free to comment or communicate the way you did before.

A recent survey suggested that parents shouldn’t take it personally if their children overlook (忽略) their requests. When a teenager overlooks a parent’s friend request, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is hiding something, but it could mean that this is one part of his life where he wants to be independent.

Perhaps talking with parents and explaining would help soften the blow if you do choose not to add them to your friend list.

1. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.Parents feel se cure about their privacy online.
B.Parents have realized the importance of social networks.
C.Social networks successfully fill the generation gap.
D.Social networks offer a chance for parents to communicate.
2. What maybe the reason for teenagers to refuse a parent’s friend request?
A.Their parents make negative comments on them.
B.They hide something from their parents.
C.Their parents tend to fall behind in technology.
D.They are unwilling to be watched by parents.
3. What does this overlook of a parent’s friend request by a teenager potentially indicate?
A.The teenager is hiding something from his parents.
B.The teenager does not respect his parents’ requests.
C.The teenager wants to be independent in certain aspects of his life.
D.The teenager is unfamiliar with the use of social media.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Parents’ friend requests.B.Privacy online.
C.The generation gap.D.Social networks.
昨日更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市电白区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to Avoid Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is a common problem that can be just as damaging as any other form of addiction. Maybe you are concerned that you are too dependent on the Internet and feel very upset.     1    

Reach out to friends and family to build more in-person connections If you desire social interaction, call up a friend and make plans to do something fun.     2     If you don’t have friends or family who you can turn to, look into a special interest group you can join. Attend in-person meetings to connect with other people who share your interests and make new friends.

    3    . Exercising, reading a book, writing, studying and doing crossword puzzles are all better alternatives to mindlessly surfing the Internet. If you want to cut back on how often you are using the fnernet but aren’t sure what to do with the extra time, identify a few activities that you enjoy and pick one to do instead when you’re feeling the urge to go online.

Use relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga, meditation, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing are all great ways to relax when you’re feeling stressed.     4     Instead, try going out for a walk in nature or engaging in a favorite hobby.

Watch for signs of Internet addiction and seek help if you notice them. If you are concerned about becoming addicted to the Internet, staying aware of the signs of Internet addiction may help you know when to seek help. Be on the lookout for any signs that you may have become addicted.     5     If this strategy to overcome Internet addiction doesn’t work for you, talk with your doctor for help.

A.Act right away to limit your Internet usage.
B.Replace Internet use with a-healthy activity.
C.Arrange a family dinner or a game night also helps.
D.Employ your extra time to do something worthwhile.
E.Following are several strategies to limit your Internet usage.
F.You are likely to think that the Internet addiction will ruin your life.
G.You should not reach for your smart phone or laptop when you are feeling pressured.
昨日更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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3 . Many researchers refer to coral reefs (珊瑚礁) as the rainforests of the sea because they are not only very beautiful but also cuucial to the health of our oceans. Sadly, these delicate ecosystems face they is from pollution and overfishing. In an inspiring cooperatton, Mote Marine Laboratory (MML) and the Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge (CWVC) have joined hands to restore (恢复) the coral reefs off the coast of Kev West, Florida.

On a sunny day in Key West, a group of 31 wounded and injured veteratis, together with six Mote staff members, set out on a misirn to restore the Higgs Head coral reef. Equipped with specialized waterproof prosthulies and a shared determination, the group managed to plant a record-breaking 1,040 corals on the reef.

The planting mission not only belps to replace corals lost to disease, hurricanes and rising water temperatures, but symbolizes the adaptation and strength of both wounded veterans and the coral reefs themselves. Dr. Michael P. Crosby, President of MML stated, “The inspirational CWVC motto ‘I am wounded, not conquered (征服)’ is also applicable to coral reefs in Key West.”

Florida’s populations of coral reefs were once filled with life. The living coral cover, which represents the proportion of the reef covered in living coral, has plummeted from over 30% four decades ago to a mere 1-5% today, however. MML’s research and restoration programs offer hope for the recovery of Florida’s coral reefs and other coral ecosystems worldwide.

As wounded veterans and scientists work side by side to restore coral reefs, the impact of their collective efforts extends far beyond the ocean floor. The restoration missions not only help to heal the wounds of war but also provide a renewed sense of purpose for those who have sacrificed so much. Andrew Lourake, CWVC Vice President confirms, “The challenge, friendship and knowing they are making a difference are the highlight of the year for almost all our participants.”

By combining cutting-edge science, community engagement, and the spirit of resilience (复原), MML and CWVC are paving the way for a brighter future for our coral reefs. They inspire us all to protect and preserve these invaluable ecosystems, ensuring that future generations can wonder at their beauty and biodiversity.

1. Why does the author mention coral reefs in paragraph 1?
A.To lead in the topic of the text.
B.To compare them with rainforests.
C.To highlight the threats facing them.
D.To focus on their significance in ocean’s health.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The motivational effect of the motto.
B.The mufupte significance of this mission.
C.The background for carrying out the mission.
D.The cooperation of veterans and Mote staff members.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “plummeted” in paragraph 4?
A.Spread widely.B.Improved greatly.
C.Disappeared completely.D.Decreased sharply.
4. What’s Andrew Lourake’s attitude towards the group’s restoration of coral reefs?
昨日更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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4 . Music is all around us. It’s an accessible and popular art form which accompanies our daily lives. Advertisers have long understood the popularity and emotional power of music and capitalized on it. They spend much time and money securing the right soundtrack (配乐) for an advertisement in order to boost sales. For example, Microsoft spent a reported US$3 million using Start Me Up as part of their advertising campaign for Windows 95.

As one researcher puts it, “Music expands pictures and colors words, and often adds a form of energy available through no other source.” This is supported by other studies, which suggest that music matching the main message of an advertisement has a positive effect on consumer engagement. This is known as “musical congruity” and can result in better attention, a positive emotional response, finally improving the effectiveness of an advertisement.

Take the simple but interesting advertisement for Air France, with the soundtrack of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No.23, for example. It projects greatness and elegance in the hope that viewers will associate those qualities with the airline. The research, which looked at hundreds of viewer comments about the music used in advertising, suggested it was successful.

Music is also effective at arousing (唤醒) emotional memories in advertisements creates associations with consumers’ past experiences. A good choice of music allows businesses to tap into this nostalgia for commercial benefit.

However, the use of popular music in advertising can also arouse arguments between artistic effort and commercialism. Some people believe a work of art shouldn’t be used for the pursuit of profit. The findings of study showed that consumers sometimes passionately oppose the use of music produced by respected musicians in advertisements, as they believe that it destroys the aesthetic integrity (美学完整性). For example, Nike’s use of the Beatles’ song Revolution was seen by some as using John Lennon’s music to sell shoes. It made some Nike wearers so angry that they refused to buy the products.

1. What does the underlined phrase “capitalized on” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Taken advantage of.B.Held on to.
C.Checked up on.D.Cried out for.
2. What can we know about “musical congruity” according to the text?
A.It helps cut down the cost of advertising.
B.It reminds consumers of their past experiences.
C.It makes advertisements much more convincing.
D.It explores the relationship between music and digital art.
3. Which word can best describe the author’s attitude to the use of music in advertising?
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市信宜市2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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5 . I recently read Pablo Picasso’s quote, “I’m always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” It reminded me of myself — and how I do, learn, and improve. I recalled one of my earliest memories of doing before learning: baking scones (烤饼) when I was 10 years old. I wanted to bake scones for my mom.

I always sat at the kitchen table when my mom baked, and I had observed her process numerous times. She always used a recipe book and followed the process carefully. As I started to try, I didn’t know I shouldn’t handle the dough (面团) with my hands too much once I had added the baking powder (发酵粉). However, I knew exactly how to roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter to cut the scones, because I had repeated it in my mind hundreds of times.

As my mom arrived home, the smell of freshly baked scones welcomed her into the kitchen. They were baked to golden brown perfection — flat, as a result of over-handling the dough, but they tasted OK. My mom praised me for my attempt, rather than blaming me for the state of the kitchen, which was a surprise! That night she told my dad how proud she was, and what a good job I’d done. Over time, she taught me the finer tricks of baking and cooking.

My habit of doing before learning still stands me in good stead. Whatever computer program or application I have to learn, I do so by simply starting to use it. I learn as I go on, and I’ve often been able to help others because I’ve gone through the process of learning from beginning to end. What I discovered from my experience is the wisdom to know when it’s OK to do and then learn, and when it’s probably better to learn and then do!

1. How did the author learn to bake at first?
A.She taught herself.
B.She watched the cooking videos.
C.She learned it from the recipe book.
D.She followed her mother’s instructions.
2. How did the author’s mother feel about her baking?
3. What can be learned about the author from the last paragraph?
A.She was skilled at programming.B.She benefited a lot from her habit.
C.She recommended her habit to others.D.She had good arrangements for her time.
4. What’s the best title for this text?
A.My favorite quotesB.Do. Learn. Improve
C.Apply theories to practiceD.My attempt at baking scones
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市信宜市2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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6 . “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m playing a game with a friend, a guy named Snoopy,” my 15-year-old son shouted from his room. “Oh, what is Snoopy’s real name?” I asked. “I have no idea,” he said. “Where is he from?” I continued. He responded, “I think somewhere in Canada. Oh, wait, it doesn’t even matter because Snoopy just left the game and he has been replaced with a robot.” “Your friend is replaced by a robot?” “It doesn’t matter, Dad. It happens all the time! The game continues.” My son doesn’t mind playing with a person or a robot, which is typical of gamers these days. I wonder whether the face-to-face experience of friendship that I grew up with will be lost by our ohildren.

Aristotle, the great Greek thinker and educator. has pointed out that shallow friendship is easily formed but also easily quit because such bonds are weak and uncerturn. Deep friendship, by contrast, is when you care for your friend for his sake, not for any benefit you can get. This is selfless friendship. You can have only a couple of these friends because they require lots of time and effort. You must make sacrifices (牺牲) for each other.

Presence in friendship requires “being with” and “doing for”. Perhaps the most typical feature of deep friendship is “doing for”, as my friend has my back in trouble or brings me soup when I’m sick. Only strong bonds have the power to motivate real sacrifices. But it is unclear why online “friends” would bother to do the hard work of friendship. When I asked my students whether they had people in their lives who would bring them soup when they were sick, they laughed at my Stone Age question and said they’d just order soup online.

Digital life fills and absorbs waking life time so that people do not join in example cases of friendship, like sports, collective arts, free range childhoods, etc. In this way, digital life may produce false friendships.

1. How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
A.By presenting a dialogue.B.By bringing in a robot friend.
C.By telling an interesting joke.D.By introducing an online game.
2. What can we know from the text?
A.False friendships are sure to arise in digital life.
B.Real care and commitment strengthen real friendship.
C.Strong connections can be formed easily in Internet age.
D.Teenagers today can turn to online friends in tough times.
3. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Youth Friendship in Digital Background
B.Deep Friendship and Stliless Friendship C
C.Face-to-face Experience of Friendship
D.Benefits from Online Friendship
昨日更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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7 . Tea culture is varied in different countries by the way tea is made and drunk, and by the places for tea drinking. How to make tea may be different. According to the ways of making tea, tea is classified into white tea, green tea, black tea, etc. And how to prepare tea may be different, too. In Tibet, tea is commonly boiled with salt and butter. People may drink tea at home or in public, for example, at tea houses.

As part of culture, tea has a relationship with history, health, education, communication and so on. It is commonly used at social activities. For example, afternoon tea is a British custom. Families or friends can communicate with each other while having afternoon tea.

Tea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantages. It makes people less tired, clears heat in the human body and helps people lose weight.

Chinese people are good at using tea to make other things delicious. Tea, originally served as a medicine in ancient times, is now not just a kind of drink, but also excellent seasoning (调味品). Here are two delicious dishes made with tea:

Tea Eggs: You can find them cooked and sold in street markets in almost every city in China. Dragon Well Tea Shrimp (龙井虾仁). It’s one of the most well-known dishes in Hangzhou. Before you drink tea please check the following tips:

◆Drink tea hot.

◆The best time to drink is in between meals. It is bad for your stomach if you drink tea just before meals, during meals or soon after meals.

◆Do not drink too much strong tea.

1. Which of the following is similar to the underlined phrase “classified into”?
A.carry outB.sort outC.turn intoD.burst into
2. Afternoon tea in Britain is a ___________ according to the passage.
A.weekend activityB.hobbyC.way of communicationD.game
3. In ancient China, tea was originally served as ___________ according to the pas-sage.
A.a drinkB.a dishC.seasoningD.a medicine
4. The passage doesn’t mention ___________.
A.ways of making teaB.places to drink tea
C.tools for drinking teaD.advantages of drinking tea
7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市电白区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . John Dewey

Birthplace: Burlington, Vermont, United States

A faithful advocate of progressive education and liberalism, the American philosopher was the founder of the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools. John Dewey’s famous writings included The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology and Human Nature and Conduct. According to him, passion for knowledge and intellectual curiosity were central to a teacher.

Savitribai Phule

Birthplace: Naigaon, India

Savitribai Phule was a revolutionary social reformer who devoted her life to educating girls and bringing about gender (性别) equality in the face of resistance from the conservative Indian society. Phule, who was illiterate (文盲的) until her marriage, went on to become a teacher, an achievement accomplished first by an Indian woman. With her husband, she founded schools for girls in Maharashtra.

Maria Montessori

Birthplace: Chiaravalle, Italy

Maria Montessori was an Italian educator and physician best known for developing the Montessori method of education, a student-friendly method, which is being used in several public and private schools around the world. In 2020, she was nominated (提名) by Time magazine as one of their Top 100 Women of the Year.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Birthplace: Geneva, Switzerland

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, composer, and writer. His political philosophy influenced aspects of the French Revolution. He also helped develop modern economic, political, and educational thought. His writing inspired a complete change in French drama and poetry. His works also influenced such writers around the world as Tolstoy.

1. Who set up the University of Chieage Laboratory Schools?
A.Savitribai Phule.B.John Dewey.
C.Maria Montessori.D.Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
2. What do we know about Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
A.He founded schools for girls in Maharashtra.
B.He emphasized teachers’ passion and curiosity.
C.He developed a student-friendly teaching method.
D.He had a great impact on French drama and poetry.
3. What do the four figures mentioned have in common?
A.They were all influential in education.
B.They all fought for gender equality in schools.
C.They were all nominated as Top 100 Teachers of the Year.
D.They all helped develop political and educational thought.
7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了杰克·伦敦,一位美国作家,畅销小说《野性的呼唤》及《白牙》的作者,他也是名记者及社会运动家,支持社会主义及工会的建立。他有一句格言:人生不只是握有一副好牌,有时候也要把一副坏牌打好。 ​​​ ​​​​

9 . Jack London, one of America’s major writers of adventure tales, was born in California in 1876. During his life, London worked at many jobs. His broad life experiences would become the background for his writing.

London, loved to read. As a teenager, he spent many hours educating himself at the Oakland, California, public library. He attended college at the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed for only six months. He though Berkeley was “not lively enough” and wanted to do something more exciting.

London wrote stories about working people and the hard times they had making a living. He knew their problems first hand. He worked as a sailor, farmer, factory employee, railroad worker, and gold prospector, to name just a few of his many jobs.

London grew up near the waterfront in Oakland. He loved the water. When he was fifteen years old, he bought a small sailboat called a sloop. Later he sailed to Japan on a schooner, which is much large sailing boat. Like many people of the time, London caught the Klondike Gold Rush Fever. In 1897, he headed for Alaska. He didn’t find gold, but he discovered something even more valuable. He discovered that people enjoyed listening to the stories he made up with his vivid imagination. London entertained the miners with story after story. Later, using his experiences during the Gold Rush, he created many more colorful stories.

London resolved to live a full, exciting life. He once said, “I would rather be a superb meteor (流星), every atom of me in magnificent glow,than a sleepy and permanent planet.” Each day, he pushed himself. Once London determined that he was going to be a writer,nothing could stop him. His goal was to write at least one thousand words everyday. He refused to stop even when he was sick. In eighteen years, the writer published fifty-one books and hundreds of articles. He was the best-selling and highest-paid author of his day. Many people also considered him to be the best writer. White Fang and The Call of the Wild are his most famous stories and are about surviving in the Alaskan wilderness. Readers can enjoy Jack London’s energy and his talent for telling wonderful stories each time they open one of his novels.

1. Why was Jack London able to write on many topics?
A.He pushed himself to reach goals.
B.He had a variety of experiences and jobs.
C.He was drawn to the Klondike Gold Rush.
D.He was the best-selling and highest-paid author.
2. What prevented Jack London from finishing college?
A.That he was hired to sail to Japan.
B.That he traveled to Alaska in 1897.
C.That he spent much of his time writing.
D.That he was not interested in college life enough.
3. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph indicates that Jack London________.
A.is expert at universe.
B.aims high and strive to succeed.
C.is excited about life of the wildness.
D.face a choice between life and death.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To support the statement that London was the “best writer”.
B.To describe life during the Klondike Gold Rush.
C.To provide information on Jack’ s life.
D.To identify books written by Jack London.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Primary and secondary school learners, university students, and guests were invited on Wednesday and were treated to a colorful celebration at the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi, to mark the beginning of the year of the dragon which officially starts on Saturday. The place featured beautiful decorations with red and gold colors and lucky symbols.

Visitors got an opportunity to participate in cultural experiences including painting, papercutting and pot throwing as well as experiencing Chinese cuisines like spicy hotpot, steamed stuffed buns (包子) , Chinese hamburgers, dumplings and barbecue among others. They were also treated to heartwarming performances including face-changing, lion dance, dragon dance, drumming, Chinese opera, Chinese songs and a talent show featuring Chinese traditional clothes as well as a mixture of Chinese and Kenyan fashion.

Leah Muthoni, a student at the University of Nairobi lauded the Chinese cuisines served at the event, especially noodles and dumplings. She also appreciated the decorations, drawings, pictures and performances. Similar feelings were also shared by George Mwita, another student from the University of Nairobi who greatly enjoyed the pot throwing game.

In his welcoming speech, Professor Stephen Kiama, the vice headmaster of the University of Nairobi who doubles up as the Kenya director of the Confucius Institute, hoped this year will be a good year of development because the Chinese dragon horns represent power and strength, while the drums represent courage and energy.

Kiama said the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi has achieved a lot since its establishment in 2005, including winning the Confucius Institute of the Year Award seven times and pioneering the establishment of the Bachelor of Arts in the Chinese language in Kenya. “Last year, with the joint efforts of the various parties and stakeholders we established the first bachelor of education in Chinese in Kenya and we admitted the first group of students,” he said. Kiama hopes that this year the Confucius Institute will gain more force with the blessing of power, courage and vitality from the year of the Chinese dragon. He said the Confucius Institute offers a good platform for cultural exchange between China and Kenya through events like the Chinese Lunar Year celebrations. Kiama hoped that the relationship between China and Kenya would further be strengthened by the blessings of the year of the dragon.

In Chinese methodology (方法论) , the dragon has the power to control seasons, time and harvests, and it’s seen as a symbol of wealth. The Chinese consider dragons to be powerful. sympathetic, wise, kind and warm.

1. What is spoken of as one of the cultural experiences the visitors participated in?
A.Tasting Chinese cuisines.B.Writing with brushes.
C.Reciting Chinese poems.D.Guessing lantern riddles.
2. Which can replace the underlined word “lauded” in Paragraph 3?
3. What is the fact about the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi?
A.It has the biggest number of students in Africa.
B.George Mwita is one of the Chinese teachers there.
C.It has won the Confucius Institute of the Year Award seven times.
D.They set up the first bachelor of education in Chinese in Kenya in 2005.
4. What is the best title for the news report?
A.Kiama considers dragons to be powerful and sympathetic
B.Confucius Institute offers good platform for cultural exchange
C.Kiama wishes year of dragon good for development of Confucius Institute
D.Confucius Institute at University of Nairobi marks year of dragon celebrations
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