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1 . Twelve-year-old Catherine has a lot of friends—632, actually, if you count up her online friends. And she spends a lot of time with them.

But is it possible that Catherine’s online friendships could be making her lonely? That’s what some experts believe. Connecting online is a great way to stay in touch, they say. However, some experts worry that many kids are so busy connecting online that they might be missing out on true friendships.

Could this be true? During your parents’ childhoods, connecting with friends usually meant spending time with them in the flesh. Kids played Scrabble around a table, not words with friends on their phones. When friends missed each other, they picked up the telephone. Friends might even write letters to each other.

Today, most communication takes place online. A typical teen sends 2,000 texts a month and spends more than 44 hours per week in front of a screen. Much of this time is spent on social media platform.

In fact, in many ways, online communication can make friendships stronger. “There’s definitely a positive influence. Kids can stay in constant contact, which means they can share more of their feelings with each other,” says Katie Davis, co-author of The App Generation.

Other experts, however, warn that too much online communication can get in the way of forming deep friendships. “If we are constantly checking in with our virtual world, we will have little time for our real-world friendships,” says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University. Rosen also worries that today’s kids might mistake the “friends” on the social media for true friends in life. However, in tough times, you don’t need anyone to like your picture or share your blogs. You need someone who will keep your secrets and hold your hand. You would like to talk face to face.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To tell about true friends.B.To start a discussion.
C.To encourage online friendships.D.To summarize(总结) the text.
2. What does the underlined part “in the flesh” mean in paragraph 3?
A.In any case.B.In public.C.In person.D.In advance.
3. What is Katie’s attitude toward online communication?
4. Which of the following is the Rosen’s view?
A.Teenagers need to focus on real-world friendships.B.It’s easier to develop friendships in real life.
C.It’s wise to turn to friends online.D.Social media help people stay closely connected.
2024-06-15更新 | 57次组卷 | 44卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to Go Green

The idea of “going green” means that you’ll try to reduce your impact on the environment. It’s a great way to improve the planet.     1    .

Walk or bike to places if you live close enough.

    2    , so they’re not a friend to the environment. Walking or biking instead of using a car is a great way to save natural resources while saving you money. When possible, walk or bike to work, school or shops.

    3    .

Communicate digitally whenever possible, and only print out items when you absolutely must. When you do use paper, recycle it or save it to reuse the other side of it.

Buy second-hand products or borrow items instead of buying something new.

Buying things produces more waste and pollution, so try not to buy things you don’t need. When you do need something, shop at local second-hand market or use online resale shops.    4    .

Skip products that have a lot of packaging.

Products that come with a lot of packaging are bad for the environment because the packaging is waste. Even if you recycle the package, it’s still an unnecessary waste of resources.    5    . This can keep more trash out of landfills and save natural resources.

A.Cars use up a lot of gas
B.Limit your use of paper
C.Use reusable bags while you’re shopping
D.If you’re ready to go green, start from the following good habits
E.Do your best to pick products that have as little packaging as possible
F.In order to save money, cut down on the cost of paper you’re using
G.If you can, borrow items that you don’t use often, like tools, from a friend
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed. Fast forward to today. I have never worn that blouse.

What happened here? Why do people own so many unused possessions, treating them as though they are too special to use? To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed, and participants intentions to open it later we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later. When asked the reason, most assumed they were waiting for a future occasion to open it a more special occasion.

Why do people fall into this mental trap? Prior research points to a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something, if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day it becomes more tempting (吸引人的) to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood (可能性) of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.

How can you fight specialness spirals? Try committing in advance to using an item on a specific occasion. When buying a dress, tell yourself you’ll wear it this weekend. Or when purchasing a candle, plan to light it that day. This strategy encourages you to actually enjoy your possessions.

1. Why has the author’s blouse sat unworn for many years?
A.She forgot where it was put.B.She soon grew to dislike it.
C.She had no other clothes to match it.D.She failed to find a right occasion to wear it.
2. What were the participants asked to do in the experiment?
A.Discuss how to deal with the wine.B.List reasons for drinking the wine.
C.Decide whether to drink the wine.D.Evaluate the quality of the wine.
3. What can we learn about specialness spirals?
A.They result from an optimistic attitude to the future.
B.They help explain the psychology of delayed rewards.
C.They can attract people into shopping traps.
D.They can lead to a collection of unused stuff.
4. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To describe a purchase experience.B.To explain a psychological phenomenon.
C.To criticize a wrong consumption concept.D.To encourage people to prepare for a rainy day.
2024-05-27更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省青海煌川中学2023--2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Featured Bike Tours in Italy

Lake Como & the Italian Lake District

Italy’s Lake Como tour is deeply loved by cyclists. Among dramatic hills and waters, riding is relatively easy along flat bike paths and breathtaking valleys. The beautiful waters of three major lakes-Garda, Iseo and Como are never far from sight as you sample good wines in Franciacorta.

Daily Mileage: 7 — 32 miles

Cycling Level: Moderate (中等的)

Cost: $395

Tuscany, Lucca to Siena

On this self-guided bicycling vacation, you’ll ride from Lucca to Siena at your own pace. Visit Leonardo da Vinci’s hometown of Vinci Ride into the famous wine region of Chianti. Stay in welcoming hotels along the way.

Daily Mileage: 3 — 40 miles

Cycling Level: Moderate / Challenging

Cost: $265

Valleys of the Sodomites

Road cycling the Sodomites was never easier, as you ride along mostly flat or downhill bike paths. Along the way, you’ll explore historic cities, and meet an ancient culture found nowhere else on Earth. You’ll also be fueled by local meals and end each day in 4-star accommodations!

Daily Mileage: 4 — 36 miles

Cycling Level: Easy

Cost: $595

Coastal Villages of Tuscany

Tuscany’s amazingly beautiful coast begs to be explored by bicycle Beautiful towns dot (星罗棋布于) the countryside, surrounded by trees that hug the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. At the end of each day, you can relax in the natural pool and springs of an Etruscan caldarium (高温浴室).

Daily Mileage: 8 — 39 miles

Cycling Level: Moderate

Cost: $475

1. What can cyclists do during the cheapest tour?
A.Bathe in natural springs.
B.Enjoy beautiful lake scenes.
C.Stay in 4-star accommodations.
D.Visit Leonardo da Vinci’s hometown.
2. Which tour is most friendly to beginner cyclists?
A.Lake Como & the Italian Lake District.
B.Tuscany, Lucca to Siena.
C.Valleys of the Sodomites.
D.Coastal Villages of Tuscany.
3. How many miles are cyclists expected to cover each day during the coastal tour?
A.7 — 32 miles.B.3 — 40 miles.C.4 — 36 miles.D.8 — 39 miles.
2024-05-27更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省青海煌川中学2023--2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . While waste within the convenience economy should certainly be solved, it is neither realistic nor sustainable to work towards the complete abandonment of plastics for packaging and other convenience items. Plastics play a crucial role in preserving products both physically and from the effects of water, oxygen and other things. Further, we cannot over-rely on recycling when we consider weak market interest in low-grade materials.

What we need is a strong focus on improving the sustainability of the plastics that we will continue to need. For these plastics, the clear goal should be to stop the use of oil. We must turn to materials based on natural, renewable resources and produce plastics that have minimal impact on the environment after multiple use. Several of these products are already available on the market, but the key to challenging the dominance of oil-based plastics is extending and developing the capacity and range of such products with new material science.

Industrial biotechnology is becoming a cornerstone of the bio-economy. It involves working with natural processes to extend biochemical pathways that can be used in manufacturing (制造业). It has the potential to improve how we manufacture materials and allow us to produce entirely new materials, at the same time protecting the environment and reducing costs.

At Biome Bio-plastics, for example, our industrial biotechnology development programme has already successfully produced bio-based chemicals at sufficient scale (规模) for industrial testing from lignin, the woody material in plants and other renewable carbon sources. Availability of these chemicals could-completely transform the bio-plastics market, creating natural polymers (聚合物) that can compete with oil-based polymers on both cost and functionality. We believe that our product can deliver important changes across the materials industry and provide a critical tool in the fight against plastic pollution.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly focus on concerning plastics?
A.Their source materials.B.Their vital importance.
C.The problems they cause.D.The methods to abandon them
2. What does the author think of future plastics?
A.They should be eco-friendly.B.They could be a bit expensive.
C.They could be replaced by plant productsD.They should be made from used things.
3. What makes it possible for Biome Bio-plastics to create their competitive polymers?
A.The high cost of carbon sources.
B.The wide variety of their products.
C.The low availability of oil-based polymers.
D.The application of industrial biotechnology
4. Who is the author most probably?
A.A newspaper journalist.B.A government officer.
C.A company manager.D.A university researcher
2024-05-22更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省青海煌川中学2023--2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The village super league, or “Cun Chao” in Chinese, is a soccer game among different villages in Rongjiang county, Guizhou Province, and it is so down-to-earth but popular that it has attracted not only the attention of football legend Michael Owen but also millions of Chinese netizens (网民), who are paying attention to this non-professional football league.

The players come from a variety of backgrounds. They are vendors, drivers, students, carpenters, tilers, former butchers, and brick factory workers. Their ages range from 15 to over 40 years old. At the game site, representatives wearing various traditional national costumes play national musical instruments and enter the field with the players, and perform songs and dances.

“This kind of football game is natural and with ‘pureness’ and it is driven by the love of the ordinary people not the economic benefits. The game is providing not only values of sports, but also a way of socializing with low costs,” an expert noted. This kind of atmosphere is very rarely seen and is treasured, especially for people in urban areas who are getting increasingly busy and under great work pressure, and when they look at the fun, relaxing and down-to-earth way of life in the countryside, they will naturally be interested, experts said. There is at least one good effect brought by the “Cun Chao” to Chinese soccer—to make more people see the pureness of joy and encourage them to play soccer.

Today, more and more grassroots sports events are held in the mountains and are using sports as a medium to showcase the unique charm of the local area, reflecting an energetic lifestyle filled with agricultural activities and rural fun.

1. Why does the author mention Michael Owen in Paragraph 1?
A.To show he is a household name in China.
B.To voice his view on modern soccer game.
C.To show the great popularity (流行) of “Cun Chao”.
D.To stress the importance of “Cun Chao”.
2. What do we know about the players of “Cun Chao”?
A.They are from all walks of life.
B.Seniors are welcome to join the team.
C.They are able to play national musical instruments.
D.They wear traditional costumes on the soccer field.
3. Which of the following best describes “Cun Chao” according to Paragraph 3?
A.Slow-paced (慢节奏的).B.Highly stressed.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.The village super league wins the hearts of Chinese.
B.The village super league: From nobody to somebody.
C.The village super league bridges the countryside and the city.
D.The village super league promises the future of Chinese soccer.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Does forgiveness go against our human nature? To address this, we need to ask a further question: What makes us human? Simply put, people hold two contrasting views on humanity. The first centers on control and power. In an early paper on forgiveness, Droll (1984) wrote that human nature leans more towards aggression (攻击性) than forgiving allows. Those who forgive are against what they’re built for, much to their harm. He believes that forgivers are risking their own well-being as they show forgiveness to others, who might then take advantage of them.   

For the second view, we see respect and love, in the sense of serving others, in the work of Lewis, Amini, and Lannon (2001). They present the scientific argument that we need both to receive love from and offer love to others. From this second viewpoint, forgiveness plays a key role in the overall health of both individuals and communities, both physically and mentally, because one of the outcomes of forgiveness, shown through scientific studies, is the reduction of hatred and the reestablishment of harmony.

Given that control and disrespect can affect a person’s psychological (心理的) and relational well-being, the first approach does not seem workable as a way to live. Given that forgiveness has been shown in numerous studies to increase well-being, it follows that the second approach seems more effective, both from the reasoning of philosophy and the supported theories from social science. Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions. Consider, how well has slavery (奴隶制) worked as a way of social harmony?

As an important warning, when we take a Classical Realist philosophical viewpoint, that of Aristotle, we see the difference between possibility and actuality. We are not necessarily born with the ability to forgive, but we have the chance to learn and get better at it. The actuality of forgiving, its actual application in conflict (冲突) situations, grows with certain training.

1. What is Droll’s idea about forgiveness?
A.It is a sign of weakness.
B.It is a part of human nature.
C.It is a threat to one’s well-being.
D.It is a natural response to aggression.
2. Why does the author mention “slavery” in paragraph 3?
A.To blame the unfairness of the system.
B.To illustrate the harm from over control.
C.To stress the importance of management.
D.To promote the idea of harmonious interactions.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward forgiveness?
4. How is forgiveness developed according to Aristotle?
A.Born nature.B.Social upbringing.
C.Learned practice.D.Outside pressure.
2024-05-05更新 | 78次组卷 | 3卷引用:青海省西宁市第十四中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约560词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Recent years have seen a small increase in unemployment rates due to slowing of the economy. The fact that many college graduates are finding it difficult to land a job has sparked online discussions on the cost of education and the returns on it, with many agreeing with the notion that “education is useless”.

Stories like a person with a doctorate’s degree from Zhejiang University is delivering food, and overseas-returned graduates are selling hot-pot ingredients have caused many to question the value of education. Moreover, the fact that about 36,000 fewer candidates have applied to take the postgraduate exam in 2024, the first decline in numbers in years, has also fueled the “education is useless theory.

Is education truly worthless? This question has resurfaced due to several factors.

The wide spread of higher education has significantly increased the number of college graduates, reducing the value of college degrees. As the job market becomes over-crowded with graduates, the scarcity of high-level talents has become apparent, particularly in fields such as the humanities. For example, more than 900 institutions in China offer English major, making it the most common degree program, yet there’s a shortage of top talents who are proficient in English and have a good knowledge about the differences in Chinese and foreign approach to fields such as international relations and journalism.

The declining returns on the investment in education have given rise to the “education is useless” theory. Given the challenging job market, many believe college education does not guarantee any sort of employment, let alone a suitable job. And with various economic opportunities available, the notion that one can become financially successful even without formal education is becoming increasingly acceptable.

In light of these developments, combined efforts need to be made to change the situation. For instance, universities must take measures to integrate education, research and industry, while enhancing cooperation with enterprises through tailored talent training programs. Additionally, the authorities need to pay greater attention to vocational education, an important part of China’s educational system. Students, parents and society, on their part, should abandon their bias against vocational training, because it integrates education with career prospects throughout the learning process, offering targeted, technical and practical training which allows students to master their skills which can get them well-paying jobs in the future.

Developing a correct view of employment and career choice is key to abandoning the notion of “education being useless”. People, especially students, must understand the current employment landscape, their positioning, and strengths and weaknesses. While realizing that a college degree is no longer a ticket to employment, college students should leverage education resources to enrich their professional knowledge and competitiveness. And youths should approach vocational education with an open mind in order to make the most of what the job market has to offer.

Education is not synonymous with earning money, nor does a college degree guarantee financial success. The value of education is knowledge, which we need to make informed decisions not only in our professional life but also in our social and other fields of life.

1. What are the main reasons for the recent rise in the belief that ”education is useless”?
A.Economic slowdown and job scarcity.
B.Sad stories about educated individuals.
C.Decline in postgraduate exam applicants.
D.Emphasis on practical skills over qualifications.
2. How can universities contribute to improving the current situation?
A.By focusing solely on academic research.
B.By integrating education, research, and industry.
C.By ignoring cooperation with enterprises.
D.By eliminating vocational education courses.
3. The underlined word leverage in paragraph 7 can be best replaced by___________.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the development of vocational education?
A.Negative and pessimisticB.Positive and supportive
C.Balanced and objectiveD.Unclear and ambiguous
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When people respect you, they see you in a very positive light. They admire you for your qualities that can be quite inspirational for people. Respectful people are patient and very calm.     1     — they take their time to form opinions and come to a decision that is good for all. Respectful people also have an air of authority and can command a room full of people only with their voice. Here are some of the behaviors of respectful people.

Active listening

Respectful people listen actively to others.    2    . They don’t interrupt the person by asking questions to show that they are focused and interested in what the other person is saying.


They are highly empathetic. They put themselves in other people’s shoes. They are considerate of people’s situations. They show kindness and are understanding towards others.    3    .


    4    . They are very reliable. They keep their promises and follow through on their commitments. They can be counted on to do what they say they will do. They are ever ready to help people.


These people communicate in a respectful manner. They are polite even when they disagree with someone. They avoid using critical language and focus on finding common ground with others. They try to find a solution to problems in a very analytical manner.

A.Inner confidence
B.Respectful communication
C.They don’t judge people quickly
D.This alone will not change the views others have of you
E.This is the second feature that makes them well respected among others
F.They are fully present at the moment and give their full attention to the speaker
G.People can depend on these kinds of people without fearing they will leave them
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Several years ago, a worldwide heavy rain was predicted, but no one got prepared for what was to come. Then, some areas received over 100 mm of rain. Cars and trucks floated down the streets. Whole buildings were swept away. At least 225 people lost their lives, and millions became homeless.

The weather is always changing. Over the past few years, heavy rains have led to floods in many parts of the world. Droughts have taken place in Brazil and Australia. There have been heat waves in Europe which killed thousands. There have been more powerful hurricanes and tornadoes than ever before. In 2017 alone, the financial cost from global weather events was up to 340 billion dollars.

With more wild weather events happening, people couldn’t help asking questions: What is happening with the weather? And why? Is this natural, or our fault? The answer seems to be: a little of both. Wild weather is natural. But most scientists hold the same view that human activity has made the Earth warmer. It is this global warming that makes heat waves more likely. The higher temperatures also result in more water to go into the air, which causes heavier and more frequent rain. Many scientists also believe global warming makes hurricanes and other storms stronger.

This means we’re likely to see more wild weather. “But we don’t have to just stand there and accept it,” says scientist Michael. He and other experts say we need to stop the Earth from getting warmer. We also need to be prepared, to do things that will help save lives.

1. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.A past weather event happened in some areas in the world.
B.Some facts are listed about the global warming.
C.A number of recent weather events happened over the world.
D.Wild weather is partly the result of human activity.
2. How does paragraph two develop?
A.By giving a lot of examples of recent wild weather events.
B.By describing a serious flood that once happened.
C.By predicting how the weather will change in a few years.
D.By comparing the former wild weather with what happened now
3. What does scientist Michael’s words mean?
A.People can not do anything to prevent wild weather.
B.If people stop global warming, the weather will be better.
C.It is too late to stop global warming.
D.People have to stand by and accept what will happen to us.
4. Where can you probably find the text?
A.In a tourist brochureB.In a research paper
C.In a science fictionD.In a nature magazine
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