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1 . Every summer, as a child, I spent with my parents the annual family holiday, flying away from our home in the West Midlands to their birthplace in Ireland.

I enjoyed it, but once, I behaved differently and left home. Package tours and long-distance flights became my idea of a holiday. I then went and ran into an Englishman who also came of Irish stock, and we both felt the urge to renew our knowledge of Ireland.

It was important for us to discover something different from our childhood visits. So that’s how we came to drive along the winding St John’s Point Peninsula (半岛) in Donegal, part of Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, to visit a unique part of the 20th-century history — the Donegal Corridor.

When anyone drives to the point where the land runs out, he sees giant white stones fixed firmly in green grass spelling out “EIRE” and “70”, while the Atlantic wind fiercely blows across the headland and the ice-white waves smash into the rocks below. The meaning behind the stones? They date back to the Second World War when St John’s Point was number 70 in a total of 83 Look Out Points (LOPs), observation stations set up and maintained by Ireland all around its coast.

There lies a bit of curious UK-Ireland history. Although Ireland was officially neutral during the war, the Battle of the Atlantic was being fought close to Irish shores, and these LOPs, staffed by local volunteers known as Coast watchers, passed on information on activities connected with the sea and weather fronts to London.

At St John’s Point, we were standing right under the Donegal Corridor, a long narrow area of airspace in which Ireland ensured safe passage during World War II to planes in the RAF (Royal Air Force) from bases in the UK-governed North of Ireland. The stone markings acted as reference points to aircrews.

Standing on this rough area of land surrounded by the wild and windy ocean brought home to us the conditions in which the Coast watchers and aircrews in the RAF cooperated in a shared history.

I revolted against my family tradition that summer, and I fulfilled my aim of discovering something new and absorbed all Donegal has to offer: empty golden beaches, mysterious ancient stone circles, folk music and crafts, and tasty food. I had fallen in love with Ireland all over again.

1. What can we learn about the author from paragraphs 1 to 3?
A.She met a childhood friend from Ireland that year.
B.She explored the Wild Atlantic Way with her family members.
C.She took package tours and long-distance flights every year.
D.She and that Englishman both had Irish ancestors.
2. The expression “revolted against” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to         .
A.worried aboutB.passed onC.celebratedD.disobeyed
3. The giant white stones were important during WWII because         .
A.they functioned as reference points to aircrews in the RAF
B.weather information from the UK was sent through them
C.the Battle of the Atlantic took place right close to them
D.they ranked at the top in the 83 LOPs around the Irish coast
4. Which might be the best title of the passage?
A.A Global JourneyB.Escaping from the West Midlands
C.Happy HolidaysD.Discovering Undiscovered Donegal
2024-05-19更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市万州第二高级中2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . There is a famous study called “the marshmallow (棉花糖) test”, conducted by Stanford University professor Walter Mischel. The experiment measured how well children could delay immediate gratification (满足) to receive greater rewards in the future an — ability that predicts success later in life.

For a long time, people assumed that the ability to delay gratification had to do with the child’s personality and was, therefore, unchangeable. But more recent research suggests that social factors—like the reliability of the adults around them — influence how long they can resist temptation (诱惑). Now, findings from a new study add to that science, suggesting that children can delay gratification longer when they are working together toward a common goal.

In the study, researchers repeated a version of the marshmallow experiment with 207 five- to six-year-old children from two very different cultures —Western, Germany and a farming community in Kenya. Kids were first introduced to another child and given a task to do together. Then, they were put in a room by themselves, presented with a cookie on a plate, and told they could eat it now or wait until the researcher returned and receive two cookies. (The researchers used cookies instead of marshmallows because cookies were more attractive treats to these kids.) Some kids received the standard instructions. But others were told that they would get a second cookie only if they and the kid they’d met (who was in another room) were able to resist eating the first one. That meant if both cooperated, they’d both win.

Results showed that both German and Kikuyu kids who were cooperating were able to delay gratification longer than those who weren’t cooperating. Apparently, working toward a common goal was more effective than going it alone.

“Delaying gratification is not just about material benefits,” says Sebastian Grueneisen, coauthor of the study. “Addressing various social issues often necessitates giving up short-term gains for long-term advantages.”

1. What was the traditional belief about kids’ ability to delay gratification?
A.It is dependent on rewards.B.It is relevant to intelligence.
C.It is linked to social factors.D.It is a fixed personality trait.
2. What do we know about the new study?
A.It is an extended version of Mischel’s experiment.B.It took age differences into consideration.
C.It was carried out on a local basis.D.It reveals the secret of success.
3. What proved to influence children’s ability to delay gratification in the new study?
A.Self-control.B.Reliable adults.C.Cooperation.D.Cultural differences.
4. What does Grueneisen stress in the last paragraph?
A.Instant rewards bring short-term benefits.B.Delaying gratification holds social value.
C.Cooperation is motivated by self-satisfaction.D.Social development outweighs personal benefits.
2024-05-17更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市万州第二高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As a mother who had three kids in public schools, it always bothered me that the elementary school had a voluntary “reading club” in which students received prizes based on how much reading for pleasure they did each week. The message seems all wrong: We have to bribe (贿赂) you to read for fun.

A survey by the National Assessment for Educational Progress found that the numbers of 9- and 13-year-olds who say they read for enjoyment almost every day dropped from slightly more than half in 1984, to 42% during the 2019-20 school year. The trend among middle schoolers is worse. The percentage who frequently read for fun dropped by more than half, to 17%, while the percentage who seldom or never do more than tripled (增至三倍).

Meanwhile, a British study found that reading for pleasure had much wider benefits, resulting in better vocabulary, spelling and mathematical abilities. According to the nonprofit reading-advocacy group Kids Read Now, readers also learn better empathy (同理心), decision-making and social skills.

One contributor to this disappointing trend seems obvious: Social media and other digital activities are heavy draws and can consume hours of time. But some librarians and students point to other reasons as well: As students advance in school, required reading of textbooks and classroom-assigned literature increases. They may be reading more, but often enjoying it less.

Reading for pleasure isn’t the same as assigned reading because kids need to be able to relax with the reading material of their choice. As a child, my son used to finish his reading for school and then sigh (叹息) with pleasure, saying, “Now I can read.”

Parents play a key role in changing this situation, but many may not realize how important it is to expose their kids to books, magazines and the like. Giving older students more choices in what they read for class would help encourage pleasure reading too. The class could make group choices or students could pick from a menu of options instead of being assigned a single book. When there are just a few choices and we spoon-feed them to kids, we just deprive them of the experience of realizing there’s a bigger world of books out there for them to explore.

1. What made the author annoyed according to paragraph 1?
A.The messages sent by the reading club each week.
B.The lack of reading clubs in the elementary school.
C.The unrealistic reading goals set by the elementary school.
D.The way to encourage elementary school students to read for fun.
2. How does the author present the benefits of reading for pleasure to students?
A.By listing some persuasive figures.B.By providing some research results.
C.By referring to some experts’ views.D.By sharing her own parenting experience.
3. What does the author want to show by telling her son’s story?
A.It takes time to finish reading for school.
B.Parents should read together with their kids.
C.The reading for school is hardly fun for children.
D.Children have difficulty choosing reading materials.
4. What does the underlined part “deprive them of” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Keep them from.B.Prepare them for.
C.Lead them to.D.Fill them with.
2024-05-17更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市万州第二高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . One good part about school is field trips. Students can get out of the classroom and into the real world, even if just for a few hours.    1    Whether it is learning how to feed chickens on the farm or understanding how gravity works at the science museum, these hands-on learning experiences bring them benefits.

Students do better in school. Students who go on field trips generally have better grades.    2    In fact, in a study conducted by some researchers, 89% of adults said educational trips had a positive, lasting impact on their education and career. It's because the trips made them more curious and interested in and out of school.

    3    When exploring a new place, students have the opportunity to listen to and talk to new people. They can learn how to effectively communicate with strangers, get along with them and work with them. For example, they may acquire the skill of using body language to interact with strangers.

Students learn to be more independent. A field trip includes many things. Although adults are in charge, it’s also up to students to figure out what exhibits they want to learn about, how they can finish certain tasks, etc. During field trips, students can have many such situations to learn to be independent. In the process, they sometimes may feel unpleasant and stressed.    4    

Students develop a stronger connection to a neighborhood. By getting out of the classroom and, into the streets, students can become more familiar with a neighborhood.    5    Moreover, they have the chance to communicate with local people, which also improves their connection to the neighborhood.

A.Students master more social skills.
B.So students can develop lifelong friendships.
C.And they have higher graduation rates from school.
D.These trips, wherever they are, can influence students.
E.But they’ll see their ability to deal with problems alone improve.
F.They will learn more about its culture, environment, population, etc.
G.Teachers’ detailed guidance will help students behave well in school.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Hawking was one of the most famous scientists in the world. But humor was always a big part of Hawking’s effort to bring physics to the masses. In his 2010 book, The Grand Design, for instance, he describes how, in 1277, the religious government declared scientific laws such as gravity to be wrong, since they seemed against their belief. “ Interestingly,” the text adds in a humorous way, “ the religious leader was killed by the effects of the law of gravity a few months later when the roof of his palace fell in on him. ”

Hawking was only 21 when he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis — ALS (肌萎缩侧索硬化). For most people, the condition would have been a disaster. But Hawking rolled over difficulty as if it were just a rock under his wheelchair. “Life would be tragic (悲剧的),” he once said, “ if it weren’t funny. ”

So Hawking made jokes. There was the time when talk show host John Oliver asked him about parallel (平行的) universes. “ Does that mean there is a universe out there where I am smarter than you?” Oliver joked. Hawking’s dry reply: “ Yes. And also a universe where you’re funny.” Hawking liked physical humor too. He reportedly enjoyed wheeling his chair over the feet of people who annoyed him, including Prince Charles. “ A malicious (恶意的) rumor,” Hawking said. “ I’ll run over anyone who repeats it. ”

Hawking’s greatest hit, humor-wise, was probably the cocktail party he held in 2009. It was a “welcome reception for future time travelers,” he said, so naturally he sent out the invitations the day after the party. No one showed up yet. “ Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party,” Hawking explained. After all, he never missed a chance to have fun.

1. Why did Hawking mention the death of the religious leader in his book The Grand Design?
A.To enhance the credibility of his book.
B.To show the result of going against science.
C.To illustrate the law of gravity humorously.
D.To question the power of the religious government.
2. What’s Hawking’s attitude towards his bad luck in life?
3. Why did nobody show up at the cocktail party held by Hawking?
A.People showed no interest in time travel.
B.The party was in fact a joke by Hawking.
C.There was no such thing as a time traveler.
D.The wormhole time machine wasn’t there yet.
4. What can be the best title of this text?
A.The Humorous Side of HawkingB.Great Achievements of Hawking
C.A Party with No One AttendingD.The Personal Life of Hawking
2024-05-15更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市万州第二高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . Opening Notice for the National Museum of China (NMC)


NMC is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00-17:30 (no entry after 16:30), and is closed on Mondays (except for public holidays). All visitors are required to book online 1-7 days in advance via the NMC official website or WeChat platform.

Audio Guide Rental:

Audio guide devices are available at the West Hall Service Desk for RMB40, with a RMB100 deposit (押金). A valid (有效的) ID is necessary. Damage to an audio guide causes a fee based on the level of damage. Lost devices are subject to payment of the full purchase cost.


Wheelchairs and strollers (婴 儿 推车 ) are available for free use on the day of visit at the Service Desk. A valid ID card and a deposit of RMB500 are required.

Photo Policy:

Photography is allowed in the NMC collection exhibitions without using flash, selfie sticks, or tripods. Temporary exhibits may have specific photo policies, indicated by clear signs put up at both the entrance and the corresponding exhibit halls.


Bus Route:

You can take the No.1, No.2, No. 52, No. 82, No.120 buses, or Sightseeing Line 2, Tourist Bus Line 1 and Line 2 and get off at Tian'anmen East Station.


You can take Metro Line 1, get off at Tian'anmen East Station, and exit the station through Exit C.

1. What happens if a rented audio guide device is damaged?
A.An additional fee of RMB40 is charged.
B.The visitor is excused from any charges.
C.Its full price is charged regardless of the damage.
D.Fee for damage is based on the extent of the damage.
2. What can you do during your visit to NMC?
A.Borrow a wheelchair with a deposit of $500.
B.Use a stroller provided by the museum for free.
C.Take photos with flashlight, selfie stick or tripod.
D.Take pictures of the collections on all exhibitions.
3. Which of the following can take you to NMC?
A.The No.82 Bus.B.Tourist Bus Line 52.
C.Sightseeing Line 1.D.Metro Line 2.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . This Week’s Events & More to Come


Enjoy dinner, delicious wine, dancing and music by Lonesome Found, all while supporting a great cause. This night of fun and fund raising will benefit the Pocono YMCA’s scholarship programs, which assist children and seniors.

Stroudsburg-2332 Walters Rd.
(570) 421-2525 poconoymca. org
Price: $85/person; $170/couple; $450/table of six

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to address your houseplants’ needs before the growing season. Each participant can bring a houseplant in need of a little rehab(修复) and will choose a 6-inch houseplant to take home. Come for a night of fun and learning! Cocktail/mocktail and snacks provided. Reservations required.

Hawley -210 Welwood Ave.
(570) 576-0490 gorgeous-floral. com
Price: $45/person

Thirty years after Travis Tritt launched his music career, the Southern rock-influenced artist continues to sell out shows and stay true and relevant to country music fans across the globe. Tickets can be purchased at the Penn’s Peak Box Office (walk-up only) or through Ticketmaster.

Jim Thorpe-325 Maury Rd.
(866) 605-7325 pennspeak. com
Price: $48/person

Gentle Flow will take yoga beginners to the next level with a slower paced flow. This class will also allow for more time with each pose, softening and going deeper into the pose increasing strength and flexibility. Reservations required. An eight-hour cancellation policy is required. Class cards must be used within 90 days.

East Stroudsburg-95 Crystal St.
(570)213-8356 bodyworkswellnessstudios.com
Price: $16/per class; $ 140/10 classes
1. What’s special about SIP & SUPPORT?
A.It requires reservations.B.It’s for charity purposes.
C.It aims at kids and seniors.D.It provides snacks for free.
2. What does the event at Hawley offer its participants?
A.Have a houseplant improved.B.Enjoy dinner and snacks for free.
C.Exchange houseplants with others.D.Hold parties throughout the night.
3. Which event sets a time limit for its participants?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Dragons, a famous imaginary beast born from fantasy, are often present in stories in the west and east. In both cultures, dragons are generally recognized as massive creatures capable of flight. They have great power and are often associated with magical abilities. However, due to their different cultural roots and images, there exist significant differences in the way dragons are regarded in the west and east, particularly in China.

Chinese dragons most resemble snakes, and have four claws and no wings. They often have features of other animals, including carp, tigers, and eagles. In the contrast, Western dragons look like huge lizards with big claws and large bat-like wings, and are often shown with spines or rough scales.

In traditional Chinese culture, a dragon is a symbol of luck, power and high status. They can cause weather changes and bring rainfall to the fields to ensure rich harvests. They are considered divine (神圣的) creatures, which hold an important position as the head of the four spirits. Therefore, to symbolize their power, ancient Chinese emperors decorated their clothes with dragon patterns. These clothes are known as dragon robes. Many Chinese view the dragon as a national symbol, proudly referring to themselves as “descendants of the dragon”. In the west, however, a dragon symbolizes an evil creature that spreads violence and terror throughout the land. They are believed to be transformed by the devil, with the ability to breathe fire or spit poison. Many western tales show dragons being defeated and killed to protect people from danger.

Today, dragons continue to evolve, exceeding traditional boundaries and finding new significance in global culture. They are no longer associated with evil or good, but rather as complex characters with their own unique personalities and motivations. For example, Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon begins as a dangerous dragon but evolves into a misunderstood being with love and compassion. This challenges the idea of dragons as naturally evil, presenting them as complex beings with emotions and motivations.

1. What do western dragons and eastern dragons have in common?
A.They have rough skin.B.They are huge and powerful.
C.They are in the shape of snakes.D.They have big claws and wings.
2. What do we know from paragraph 3?
A.Western dragons are a symbol of authority.
B.Dragons in China can protect people from danger.
C.Chinese dragons can control rainfall and breathe fire.
D.Dragons are believed to cause chaos in western culture.
3. What is new about dragons in today’s global culture?
A.They are regarded as adventurous creatures.
B.They are closely associated with evil or good.
C.They have more diverse emotions and personalities.
D.They tend to represent human spirits facing challenges.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Dragon Elements in Global Culture
B.The Origin of Dragons in Chinese History
C.The Magical Animals in Different Countries
D.The Images of Dragons in Western Traditions
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。对一名体育选手而言,要想在一场激烈的竞技比赛中脱颖而出,充分细致的 准备工作必不可少。

9 . Entering competitions can be fun, and it’s a good way to hone(磨炼)your skills. While you can’t expect to win every time, you can increase your chances of winning with the right strategy and preparation. These are general tips that can be applied to your competition of choice.

Research and choose the right competition.     1     Choose a competition at which you’ll excel, and make sure it’s far enough in the future that you have plenty of time to train effectively. Do some research into the judges and organizers as well to see what they look for in a winning competitor.

Don’t psych yourself out. Plenty of people get scared off by a competition’s requirements and don’t enter in the first place.     2     Since you’ve done your research, you can be confident in your choice to compete and your potential to win. So, stand strong even when you have your doubts and when others may be dropping out.

Learn your competition. Remember that you’re not competing with everyone in the competition. There may be many applicants and candidates, but there will only be a few contenders(竞争者)and finalists.     3    

Make a checklist. Everyone has different productivity styles. If it helps, consider making a training checklist.     4     A checklist is what weightlifters do, for example, to keep track of the exercises they’ve done, the number of reps, and the weight. With a written checklist, you also have one less thing to think and worry about.

    5     Leave sticky notes on your mirror or car steering wheel. Write down anything motivational to keep you inspired. It doesn’t have to be specific. It can simply be, “You OWN the track today!” or “35.5 IS my time!”

A.Stick to your training.
B.Others drop out along the way.
C.Give yourself encouraging reminders.
D.Focus on understanding and beating them.
E.This is the time to set reasonable and achievable goals.
F.It provides you a sense of accomplishment along the way.
G.It might be important if you don’t have a coach to guide you.
2024-03-13更新 | 189次组卷 | 4卷引用:重庆市万州第二高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Do you want to ensure your child hits their expected developmental milestones? New UBC research suggests living in areas with high exposure to green space can help set them up for success.

For the study, the researchers at UBC analyzed the developmental scores of 27,372 children in Metro Vancouver who attended kindergarten between 2005 and 2011.They estimated the amount of green space around each child’s residence from birth to age five. They also assessed levels of traffic-related air pollution and community noise.

The results highlight the fundamental importance of natural green spaces like street trees, parks and community gardens. “Most of the children were doing well in their development, in terms of language skills, cognitive (认知的) capacity, socialization and other outcomes,” says Ingrid Jarvis, a PhD candidate in the department of forest and conservation sciences at UBC. “But what’s interesting is that those children living in a residential location with more vegetation and richer natural environments showed better overall development than their peers with less green space.”

According to the researchers, the reason for this is partly green spaces’ ability to reduce the harmful effects of air pollution and noise - environmental challenges that have been shown to adversely (不利地) affect children’s health and development through increased stress, sleep disturbances and central nervous system damage. “Few studies have investigated this pathway linking green space and developmental outcomes among children,” adds Jarvis.

The researchers assessed early childhood development using the Early Development Instrument (EDI), a survey completed by kindergarten teachers for each child. The tool measures a child’s ability to meet age-appropriate developmental expectations.

“More research is needed, but our findings suggest that urban planning efforts to increase green space in residential neighbourhoods and around schools are beneficial for early childhood development, with potential health benefits throughout life,” says the study’s senior author Matilda Bosch. “Time in nature can benefit everyone, but if we want our children to have a good head start, it’s important to provide an enriching environment through nature contact.”

1. Which is a key factor in the researchers’ study?
A.The kids’ scores from school exams.
B.The average IQ score of the subjects.
C.The green space where the kids lived.
D.The air pollution level of the whole city.
2. What’s the message implied in Paragraph 4?
A.Air pollution is largely to blame for kids’ failures.
B.Kids living in a noisy area tend to feel more stressed.
C.Pollution harms kids’ nervous system more than noise.
D.Greenspace is directly linked to kids’ mental development.
3. What does Matilda Bosch stress in the last paragraph?
A.The importance of nature in kids’ growth.
B.The role of research in scientific work.
C.The proper way of giving a good start to kids.
D.The urgency of expanding greenspace in cities.
4. What could be a suitable title for the text?
A.What Are the Health Effects of Noise Pollution?
B.Green Spaces: A guarantee for Kids’ Future Success
C.Urban Green Space and Its Impact on Human Health
D.Time in Nature Aids Early Childhood Development
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