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1 . Primary and secondary school learners, university students, and guests were invited on Wednesday and were treated to a colorful celebration at the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi, to mark the beginning of the year of the dragon which officially starts on Saturday. The place featured beautiful decorations with red and gold colors and lucky symbols.

Visitors got an opportunity to participate in cultural experiences including painting, papercutting and pot throwing as well as experiencing Chinese cuisines like spicy hotpot, steamed stuffed buns (包子) , Chinese hamburgers, dumplings and barbecue among others. They were also treated to heartwarming performances including face-changing, lion dance, dragon dance, drumming, Chinese opera, Chinese songs and a talent show featuring Chinese traditional clothes as well as a mixture of Chinese and Kenyan fashion.

Leah Muthoni, a student at the University of Nairobi lauded the Chinese cuisines served at the event, especially noodles and dumplings. She also appreciated the decorations, drawings, pictures and performances. Similar feelings were also shared by George Mwita, another student from the University of Nairobi who greatly enjoyed the pot throwing game.

In his welcoming speech, Professor Stephen Kiama, the vice headmaster of the University of Nairobi who doubles up as the Kenya director of the Confucius Institute, hoped this year will be a good year of development because the Chinese dragon horns represent power and strength, while the drums represent courage and energy.

Kiama said the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi has achieved a lot since its establishment in 2005, including winning the Confucius Institute of the Year Award seven times and pioneering the establishment of the Bachelor of Arts in the Chinese language in Kenya. “Last year, with the joint efforts of the various parties and stakeholders we established the first bachelor of education in Chinese in Kenya and we admitted the first group of students,” he said. Kiama hopes that this year the Confucius Institute will gain more force with the blessing of power, courage and vitality from the year of the Chinese dragon. He said the Confucius Institute offers a good platform for cultural exchange between China and Kenya through events like the Chinese Lunar Year celebrations. Kiama hoped that the relationship between China and Kenya would further be strengthened by the blessings of the year of the dragon.

In Chinese methodology (方法论) , the dragon has the power to control seasons, time and harvests, and it’s seen as a symbol of wealth. The Chinese consider dragons to be powerful. sympathetic, wise, kind and warm.

1. What is spoken of as one of the cultural experiences the visitors participated in?
A.Tasting Chinese cuisines.B.Writing with brushes.
C.Reciting Chinese poems.D.Guessing lantern riddles.
2. Which can replace the underlined word “lauded” in Paragraph 3?
3. What is the fact about the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi?
A.It has the biggest number of students in Africa.
B.George Mwita is one of the Chinese teachers there.
C.It has won the Confucius Institute of the Year Award seven times.
D.They set up the first bachelor of education in Chinese in Kenya in 2005.
4. What is the best title for the news report?
A.Kiama considers dragons to be powerful and sympathetic
B.Confucius Institute offers good platform for cultural exchange
C.Kiama wishes year of dragon good for development of Confucius Institute
D.Confucius Institute at University of Nairobi marks year of dragon celebrations
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2 . A team of researchers from several institutions in the UK and one in Estonia has created a type of buoy (浮标) that has proven to be effective at frightening seabirds, thus preventing them from getting caught in gill nets (刺网) — a type of fishing net that is made of a material that makes it nearly invisible underwater.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of seabirds die when they get caught in gill nets. Some estimates suggest that up to a half-million birds are caught in them each year. Over the years, researchers have created devices to prevent the birds from trying to catch fish near or in gill nets, but those didn’t work well.

To find a way that would work for all seabirds, the researchers first studied seabirds in a general sense, expecting to find things that they would avoid. They noted that seabirds avoided eye contact with other creatures. Then the researchers came up with a simple idea—they put a small pole to a regular buoy and then attached a pair of googly eyes (金鱼眼) to the top of it. They made the eyes big enough so that even birds with poor eyesight, such as geese, would see them. Adding to the effectiveness of the device, waves made the eyes move back and forth. And the wind made the buoy spin (转动) very slowly, making sure that birds from every direction would get a good look at the eyes.

To test their idea, the researchers selected several sites near the gill nets and counted how many birds approached and how many attempted to catch fish near the nets. They then set up their googly-eyed buoys and once again counted birds. Over the course of 62 days, they found the number of birds that tried to catch fish near the gill nets dropped by about 25% for a distance of up to 50 meters. They also found that the birds were less likely to fish near where the buoys had been for up to three weeks after they had been removed.

1. Where were the googly eyes placed?
A.Under a buoy.B.Inside a buoy.
C.At the bottom of a pole.D.On the highest part of a pole.
2. What does the underlined word “they” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.The fish.B.The birds.C.The buoys.D.The plants.
3. How did the researchers find their new idea?
4. Why did seabirds love to approach the gill nets?
A.To get something to eat.B.To have a rest on the nets.
C.To nest on them and lay eggs.D.To take a close look at the googly eyes.
7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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3 . Is forgiveness against our human nature? To answer our question, we need to ask a further question: What is the essence of our humanity? For the sake of simplicity, people consider two distinctly different views of humanity.

The first view involves dominance and power. In an early paper on the psychology of forgiveness, Droll (1984) made the interesting claim that humans’ essential nature is more aggressive than forgiving allows. Those who forgive are against their basic nature, much to their harm. In his opinion, forgivers are compromising their well-being as they offer mercy to others, who might then take advantage of them.

The second view involves the theme of cooperation, mutual respect, and even love as the basis of who we are as humans. Researchers find that to fully grow as human beings, we need both to receive love from and offer love to others. Without love, our connections with a wide range of individuals in our lives can fall apart. Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions. For example, how well has slavery worked as a mode of social harmony?

From this second viewpoint of who we are as humans, forgiveness plays a key role in the biological and psychological integrity of both individuals and communities because one of the outcomes of forgiveness, shown through scientific studies, is the decreasing of hate and the restoration of harmony. Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger. At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged (不和的) accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect people.

As an important note, when we take a classical philosophical perspective, we see the distinction between potentiality and actuality. We are not necessarily born with the capacity to forgive, but instead with the potential to learn about it and to grow in our ability to forgive. The actuality of forgiving, in real situations, develops with practice.

1. What is Droll’s idea about forgiveness?
A.People should offer mercy to others.
B.Aggressive people should learn to forgive.
C.Forgiveness depends on the nature of humanity.
D.People who forgive can have their own welfare affected.
2. What does the example in Paragraph 3 illustrate?
A.To fight is to grow.B.To give is to receive.
C.To forgive is to abuse.D.To dominate is to harm.
3. What is the writer’s attitude toward forgiveness?
4. What message does the last paragraph convey?
A.Forgiveness is in our nature.B.Forgiveness grows with time.
C.It takes practice to forgive.D.Actuality is based on potentiality.
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4 . Twelve-year-old Catherine has a lot of friends—632, actually, if you count up her online friends. And she spends a lot of time with them.

But is it possible that Catherine’s online friendships could be making her lonely? That’s what some experts believe. Connecting online is a great way to stay in touch, they say. However, some experts worry that many kids are so busy connecting online that they might be missing out on true friendships.

Could this be true? During your parents’ childhoods, connecting with friends usually meant spending time with them in the flesh. Kids played Scrabble around a table, not words with friends on their phones. When friends missed each other, they picked up the telephone. Friends might even write letters to each other.

Today, most communication takes place online. A typical teen sends 2,000 texts a month and spends more than 44 hours per week in front of a screen. Much of this time is spent on social media platform.

In fact, in many ways, online communication can make friendships stronger. “There’s definitely a positive influence. Kids can stay in constant contact, which means they can share more of their feelings with each other,” says Katie Davis, co-author of The App Generation.

Other experts, however, warn that too much online communication can get in the way of forming deep friendships. “If we are constantly checking in with our virtual world, we will have little time for our real-world friendships,” says Larry Rosen, a professor at California State University. Rosen also worries that today’s kids might mistake the “friends” on the social media for true friends in life. However, in tough times, you don’t need anyone to like your picture or share your blogs. You need someone who will keep your secrets and hold your hand. You would like to talk face to face.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To tell about true friends.B.To start a discussion.
C.To encourage online friendships.D.To summarize(总结) the text.
2. What does the underlined part “in the flesh” mean in paragraph 3?
A.In any case.B.In public.C.In person.D.In advance.
3. What is Katie’s attitude toward online communication?
4. Which of the following is the Rosen’s view?
A.Teenagers need to focus on real-world friendships.B.It’s easier to develop friendships in real life.
C.It’s wise to turn to friends online.D.Social media help people stay closely connected.
7日内更新 | 54次组卷 | 44卷引用:黑龙江省肇东市第四中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中英语试题
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5 . Must-read New Fiction Books

We all have a few tried-and-true fiction favorites, but there’s something special about a brand-new, hot-off-the-press novel. Whether it’s your favorite author’s new release or a new writer’s first work, great fiction books make the perfect escape from ordinary life. That’s why we’ve rounded up a list of the best new books released in February.

Age of Gold by Jerry Lapoor

Jerry Lapoor’s latest action-packed novel unfolds like a crazy movie. This thriller begins when a wealthy man’s car gets out of control. But when the dust settles, the rich man is nowhere to be found. How and to where does he disappear? With an exciting plot that will carry you from old-money houses to small agricultural villages, Age of Cold will take you on an unforgettable ride across a vast land.

City Under One Sky by Rachel Young

In the book, Young presents a crime story set in a small town. Detective Sara Kennedy has been sent to investigate a case. But soon after arrival, Sara gets snowed in with the 205 townsfolk living in the same apartment building. Who is hiding the key to the crime? And is there anyone she can truly trust? The appealing story, strange but distinctive characters and unexpected plot are just a few of the reasons why City Under One Sky gains its popularity.

Lady by Jess George

Lady is an irresistible fiction from Jess George. The story of Mary’s fresh start at adulthood is shot through with themes of family, race and discrimination, womanhood and the immigrant reality of feeling torn between cultures. Though struggling with life in London as an African, Mary jumps at every chance to stand on her own feet.

1. What will impress the readers in Age of Gold?
A.The thrilling plot.B.Traditional cultures.
C.The family conflict.D.Crazy characters.
2. What happens to Sara Kennedy in City Under One Sky?
A.She is trapped in the snow.B.She is to investigate a case abroad.
C.She hides the key evidence.D.She has trouble discovering the truth.
3. Which is likely to be the main theme of Lady?
A.Self-reliance.B.Gender equality.
C.Domestic violence.D.Cross-cultural communication.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . What’s in a Game?

Picture you and your friends sitting around one Saturday, bored. You’ve read every book, watched every movie and played every game. There is absolutely nothing left to do.     1    ? Here are some guidelines to help you invent a new game that’s both playable and fun.

The Ohjective

The first thing you’ll need to design a great game is an objective or goal for players to work toward.     2    . For example, Hockey games and Risk, a kind of card game, have one thing in common — when one player or team reaches the final objective, they win.


Next, you’ll need rules to let your players know what they can and can’t do. It might seem like a game with no rules would be more fun. You can do anything you want! Unfortunately, this often results in confused players arguing about how the game should be played. Rules set limits and define what the game is — and what it isn’t. Players need to know what they can and can’t do, and what will happen when they do different things.

Meaningful Choices

While you are creating your rules, think about the choices players will make and what effects those choices will have.     4    . If the same thing happens no matter what choice the player makes, they’ll wonder why they have to choose.

Don’t Forget to Playtest!

Any game you see in stores has gone through many rounds of testing and revision. Rules that seem clear to you might be confusing for others. Situations might come up that you didn’t expect.     5    .

A.The Place
B.The Rules
C.What can your players do
D.What if you could invent your own game
E.Every choice a player makes needs to have an effect on the gameplay
F.The best way to make sure your game is playable and fun is to playtest it
G.Objectives can take many forms, but they should always be clear to the players
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7 . Most Popular UK Destinations for a Staycation

Looking for a cheap stay cation to brighten up your winter? Here are the most popular destinations in the UK.


Whether you’re seeking the thrills of Blackpool Pleasure Beach or are keen to catch a glimpse of Blackpool Tower, the city’s most appealing attraction, the seaside town offers various amazing views. It’s no wonder the town has gained 980.8 million views on TikTok. With accommodation price £75 for a night, you’ll have a golden opportunity to enjoy Blackpool's Illuminations (彩灯) display and the Seaside Trail.


North Yorkshire’s Scarborough sees 49,500 monthly searches and 686.4 million views on TikTok. One of the local highlights is the annual St Nicholas Fair. While a one-night stay in Scarborough costs £85, the town offers holiday-makers opportunities to experience ancient British culture at the 12th-century castle ruins.


The Welsh town sees 27,100 monthly searches and has 622.4 million views on TikTok. Swansea’s Waterfront Wonderland brings with it the Alpine Village and various amusement attractions. Spending a night here costs just 10 pounds more than in Scarborough. But if you book a week earlier, you can get a 5 percent discount in total. With Cardiff only being an hour’s drive from Swansea, you have the perfect opportunity to catch a game of ice hockey.


Bournemouth isn’t called Sunny Bournemouth for nothing, as holiday-makers can enjoy breathtaking views along the Jurassic Coast. With a World Heritage Site within its borders, it’s no surprise to see this town with the high number of views on TikTok (868.3 million). A one-night stay will cost you £105, giving you the perfect opportunity to get relaxed.

1. What is the most attractive in Blackpool?
A.Blackpool Pleasure Beach.B.Blackpool Tower.
C.The Illuminations display.D.The Seaside Trail.
2. How much will a tourist at least pay for a night in Swansea?
A.£ 70.B.£ 85.C.£ 85.75.D.£ 90.25.
3. Which of the following has the second-highest number of views on TikTok?
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了Eijiro Miyako和他的同事使用电池驱动的泡泡机为梨园进行授粉的研究,并详细介绍了他们神奇的方法。

8 . Bees are a big part of the life cycle of plants, pollinating flower after flower and allowing plants to produce their yummy output. But with bee populations on the decline, what can take their place? How about soap bubbles?

It may sound fantastical. But Eijiro Miyako and his colleague at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have used battery-powered bubble makers to pollinate a pear orchard. The details of their magical approach to agriculture are in the journal Science.

A few years back, Miyako and his team tried to copy the pollination of honeybees by adopting a two-inch-long toy drone with brushes made of horsehair. But the tiny flyer was tough to control. And its little hairy brushes ended up damaging the delicate targets.

After spending some time blowing bubbles with his son, Miyako started thinking more seriously about these little soapy wonders. He figured bubbles would be sticky enough to carry and deliver a pollen load but soft and flexible, so they shouldn’t hurt a flower when they land.

The researchers chemically bettered their soapy solution to make bubbles that were mechanically stable and actually enhanced the pollination process. In the orchard, they aimed their soap bubbles at row after row of pear trees. And they found the bubble system worked just as well as the more labor-intensive pollination by hand: pear trees pollinated by bubbles eventually produced fruit — a sweet sign of success.

Miyako has also upgraded the drone — this time using a larger model — equipped with a machine that lets out a huge number of bubbles in a short time. It has a big advantage over the hand-held model, because it’s fully autonomously controllab le by GPS with Google Map. So the drones can make a beeline to where farmers need them to be.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To provide examples.B.To lead in the topic.
C.To make comparisons.D.To offer an argument.
2. What inspired Miyako to try a magic approach?
A.Observing bees pollinate flowers.B.Pollinating pears with farmers.
C.Flying drones with his colleague.D.Blowing bubbles with his child.
3. What can we say about the upgraded drone?
A.It is eco-friendly.B.It is uncontrollable.
C.It is more efficient.D.It is time-consuming.
4. Which section of a website does the text most probably come from?
2024-06-13更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省绥化市绥棱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Anyone who has seen a waterfall up close will agree that their majesty(壮观)is almost indescribable. These are the four falls on the planet, each of which is wonderful in its own way.

Niagara Falls

At 3,950 feet wide, Niagara Falls is far from the largest waterfall around, but it is the falls with the largest volume of water traveling through it and is undoubtedly the best known waterfall on the planet. It receives somewhere between 14 and 20 million visitors annually. It has three separate parts: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Horseshoe, or Canadian Falls.

Chutes Kongou

Also known as Kongou Falls, Chutes Kongou measures 10,500 feet wide, making it the world’s third largest existing waterfall. It’s part of the Ivindo River in Gabon, and is roughly 185 feet tall. Among the most powerful waterfalls in the world, roughly 31,800 cubic feet of water f low down it each second. It is located within the Ivindo National Park, which was set up to protect the biodiversity of the Ivindo River.

Salto Para

Salto Para, or Para Falls, is an 18,400-foot wide waterfall on the Rio Caura in the Bolivar region of Venezuela. These half-moon-shaped falls are formed where two parts of the river come together and drop down almost 200 feet, each side of which is a green jungle island.

Chutes de Khone

Chutes de Khone—also known as Khone Falls—is the largest waterfall in the world. At 35,376 feet wide, it’s almost twice the width of its next largest competitor. The falls are part of the Mekong River in Laos, and occur where the river divides into seven large channels and many more smaller ones. It’s made up of several different rapids and falls, pouring down from a height of 69 feet.

1. What is special about Niagara Falls?
A.It is the most famous waterfall.B.It is next to a green jungle island.
C.It is made up of four separate parts.D.It is a half-moon-shaped waterfall.
2. Where is Chutes Kongou?
A.In Laos.B.In Canada.C.In Gabon.D.In Venezuela.
3. Which is the largest waterfall in the world according to the text?
A.Salto Para.B.Chutes de Khone.
C.Chutes Kongou.D.Niagara Falls,
2024-06-12更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省绥化市绥棱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The government of Singapore has created a highly developed system that turns wastewater into drinking water. The system involves a network of tunnels and high-technology treatment centers.

Reused wastewater can now meet 40 percent of Singapore’s water demand. The country’s water agency says it expects to meet 55 percent of Singapore’s water demand by the year 2060.

Most of the water is used for microchip manufacturing centers and cooling systems in buildings. But some of it is added to the country’s drinking water supplies. The system helps reduce ocean pollution, as only a small amount of the treated water is sent into the sea.

Singapore has few natural water sources. The island nation has long had to depend mostly on supplies from neighboring Malaysia. Low Pei Chin, chief engineer of the water reclamation department of the Public Utilities Board, told reporters with Independent, “Singapore lacks natural resources, and it is limited in space, which is why we are always looking for ways to explore water sources and stretch our water supply.”

The Changi Water Reclamation Plant on Singapore’s eastern coast is the main part of the country’s recycling system. Parts of the water treatment center are underground. Wastewater enters the center through a 48-kilometer tunnel that is linked to sewers(下水道). The center contains a large system of steel pipes, tubes, tanks, cleaning systems and other machinery. It can treat up to 900 million liters of wastewater a day.

Waste that arrives at the plant goes through a cleaning process before powerful pumps send it flowing to areas above ground for more treatment. There, the treated water receives additional cleaning. Bacteria and viruses are removed through highly developed cleaning processes.

Singapore is also in the process of expanding its recycling system. The country will add another underground tunnel and a major water treatment center to serve the western half of the island. Officials expect work on the center to be completed by 2025. By the time the expansion is finished, Singapore will have spent about $7.4 billion on its water treatment systems.

1. What can we know about the treated water?
A.Most of it is sent into the sea.
B.It can only be used by factories.
C.Some of it is used as drinking water.
D.It can meet the whole country’s water demand.
2. Why has Singapore always relied on its neighbour for most of its water supply?
A.It has a friendly neighbor.
B.It is short of water resources.
C.Its people dislike using recycled water.
D.Its water consumption is particularly high.
3. What’s the sixth paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of a water treatment center.
B.The reasons for cleaning wastewater.
C.Introduction to groundwater networks.
D.The process of recycling the wastewater.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Singapore Turns Wastewater into Drinking Water
B.Singapore Builds a Strong Water-saving Culture
C.What Are Singapore’s Water Success and Lessons?
D.How Singapore Is Putting a Stop to Water Running out?
2024-06-12更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省绥化市绥棱县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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