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In a small town, there lived a young elementary school student named Timmy, whose lateness had become his worst trait (特点) in his school.

Every school morning, he struggled to get out of bed, often finding himself rushing through breakfast and forgetting important things like his homework or lunchbox. Meanwhile, his classmates would glance at the empty seat beside them, exchanging knowing looks as the clock ticked pa st the start of the class. When Timmy finally arrived, he would often find himself the center of attention, and his cheeks red with embarrassment as he apologised. Deep down, Timmy felt a growing sense of discomfort and shame about his habitual lateness. His teachers and classmates were concerned about the effect of his constant lateness on his studies.

One day, Timmy’s class teacher, Mrs. Johnson, decided to solve the issue. She approached Timmy with a gentle smile, “Timmy, can we talk about something important?”

Timmy looked up and replied, a bit nervous, “Sure, Mrs. Johnson.”

She crouched (蹲下) down to his level, speaking softly but seriously and sincerely, “I’ve noticed you’ve been late for class quite often. Do you know being on time is very important?”

Timmy lowered his head and said, “Yes, but...”

Mrs. Johnson continued, “Being on time helps you not miss out on your lessons. It’s also about respect for your classmates and me. When you’re late, it can disrupt (打乱) the whole class. We all miss you when you’re not here on time.”

Timmy nodded and said, a look of understanding on his face, “I didn’t realize it was affecting everyone. I’ll try to be better, Mrs. Johnson. But I have difficulty waking up and getting out of bed. Every morning when my alarm clock sounded, I hit the snooze (小睡) button, just 10 more minutes. Then 10 minutes later, another 10 minutes. That’s why I am always late for school.”

“Don’t worry. We’re all here to help you,” Mrs. Johnson said, offering a comforting smile.

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After the talk, Mrs. Johnson, along with Timmy’s classmates, came up with a plan to help him.
Soon Timmy’s change was obvious.
2024-03-12更新 | 109次组卷 | 7卷引用:河北省石家庄市翰林学校2023-2024学年高一年级下学期四月月考英语试题
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Michael and Greg were brothers and they lived in a family with a tight budget. They both missed the field trip last year because they could not cover the extra fee. This year, Michael’s class would arrange a field trip to the city museum and he really wanted to go. So he was trying to earn some pocket money.

On this cold autumn morning, Michael gathered the last of the leaves into a small pile. There weren’t even enough to jump in. “Mom and Dad are never going to pay me for gathering this little bit of leaves.” “What are you talking about?” Greg asked, walking up behind him. “I’m trying to do some housework so I can make enough money to cover my field trip to the city museum, but there’s nothing to do around here.” Michael sighed and looked around.

“You could offer to wash Mom and Dad’s cars,” Greg said.

Michael’s face lit up. “That’s a great idea.”

“I bet some of the neighbors would pay you to wash theirs, too. It’s getting colder and no one wants to wash the cars themselves.” Greg looked his brother in the eye.

Michael nodded. The air was cold. He shivered(打寒颤)at the thought of washing cars and getting wet in this cold weather. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

Greg placed his hand on Michael’s shoulder. “I have some golf gloves that are designed for wet, cold weather. I’ll loan you a pair, and I’ll even help you wash the cars.” “Really? You’d help me and let me keep the money?” “Sure. Golf season is over. I won’t need the extra cash for a while.” Greg disappeared inside the house.

Michael asked his parents if he could wash their cars for a small fee. When they agreed, he asked some neighbors, too. Three more agreed. Michael got a bucket, some sponges(海绵), towels and soap. Greg came back outside with the gloves. “Here you go. They’ll keep your hands warm and dry.” “Thanks.” Michael still couldn’t believe his brother was helping him earn the money like this. He had to think of a way to repay him.


With these tools, Michael started to work.


To Michael’s surprise, he found he earned more money than expected.

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My heart sank when I received the news—no salary again. How would I manage the increasing bills, the groceries and my children’s needs? The future seemed hopeless. With a heavy heart, I hurried to pick up my two children, my mind racing wildly.

That’s when I saw it—a wallet, lying on the sidewalk. It was as if fate had thrown me a lifeline (救生索). Hope came to me as I approached it. The wallet was large, and when I opened it, my eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of a large amount of cash inside it. I hesitated for a moment, torn between the immediate relief that this money promised and the morality (道德) of keeping it.

Curiosity led me to search through the wallet. The things it contained were a photo and a couple of business cards. No matter how much I wanted to take the contents, my moral principles and inner voice told me not to do this. The decision became clear; I couldn’t keep this money. It wasn’t rightfully mine.

I picked out a business card. The name and number were there. With a deep breath, I dialed the number and explained my find to the voice on the other end. The voice came, completely emotionless, warning that they would come to me. He hung up without even saying “thank you”. I was angry with the impoliteness. I even regretted my decision, but my conscience (良知) did not allow me to go back on my choice. I had told the voice where I lived and went to get my children.

Shortly after we arrived home, a large black car suddenly pulled up to our house. The driver got out and knocked on the door. When I opened it, the driver told me that the owner of the wallet wanted me to personally hand over his wallet.


I didn’t want to do so, but I agreed to go with the driver at last.


He wanted to reward me for my honesty and kind act.

2024-02-29更新 | 224次组卷 | 7卷引用:河北省河北衡水中学2023-2024学年高一下学期2月开学考试英语试题(含听力)
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4 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

When I was in middle school, my family moved to Seattle, where my parents started their new business — a small grocery store downstairs my house. As a girl of shy and reserved nature, I had to take a fresh start to fit into the sophisticated city life.

One sunny day, my school announced an exciting event, a talent show for the local food bank. Students were encouraged to showcase their unique talents in front of the public in the city hall on National Day. A buzz of excitement fed the school as everyone began preparing for the big day. Deep down, I felt a spark of curiosity and a desire to participate. However, my self-doubt held me back, “I don’t have any special skills to share.”

Days turned into weeks, and the talent show drew closer. I couldn’t shake the upsetting feeling until one day, Emma, one of the most popular girls in my class, came to me while I was helping in the grocery store after class. “How about singing together in the talent show?” She grinned, “I heard you singing a tune, along the way back home. I can’t help following you here.” Gosh, I couldn’t believe my ears. Emma, with personality and popularity, acknowledged my little talent. Since Emma had the world’s prettiest voice, I felt like being favoured by fortune.

“You two? The talent show for the food bank?” My mum bent towards us and her face lit up. “A big occasion.” Then a light bulb seemed to go in her head. “Why not practise right now upstairs? I bet you’ll be a perfect match.” Winking at us, she seemed to know we were thinking alike.

Emma and I embarked on rehearsing almost every single day after school. We brainstormed, exchanged ideas and rehearsed the scene. As the days rolled by, I was feeling pretty good about our act. But the day before the performance, Emma called that she had an acute stomachache and was not in any shape to perform.

Paragraph 1:

I was completely knocked out by the news.

Paragraph 2:

Finally came the big moment.

2024-02-26更新 | 866次组卷 | 42卷引用:河北省石家庄市二中润德中学2023-2024学年高二年级上学期12月月考英语试题
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One morning in spring four students were walking to school.

There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft. Water was dropping from the trees, and the grass was wet.

The four students walked along, one behind another, because the pathway was narrow (狭窄的) and the mud (泥) on either side of it was deep. They walked, talked and laughed.

As they were passing through some small trees, they heard a great fluttering (拍翅膀) over their heads and a weak chirping (鸣叫) in the grass by the roadside.

“Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!” came from the leafy branches above them.“Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!” came from the wet grass.

“What is the matter here? ” asked the first student, whose name was Speed. “Oh, there are two young birds. Maybe the storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest. They are too young to fly, ” said the second student, whose name was Hardin.

“What a pity! They'll die down there in the grass,” said the third student Martin.

“Oh, well! We still need to hurry to school. We're going to be late,” said Speed. “Why should we bother? ” After Speed's words, the first three students walked on, talking and laughing as before.


But the fourth student, whose name was David, stopped.


All were surprised to find that David was not with them when the roll call (点名) was made.

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Mr. Barnes was a very wealthy man who lived in the early days in the United States. It was one of his chief pleasures to walk through the countryside near his home, and as he walked, he often noticed a particularly fine group of cattle. One day he stopped to visit the rancher (牧场主) who owned the cattle and purchased a cow from him with the agreement that the cow would be delivered to his house the following day.

The next day as Mr. Barnes was out for his morning walk, he saw a young boy trying his hardest to lead the cow over to Mr. Barnes’ field. The boy, who did not know Mr. Barnes, called to him, “Please sir, would you come and help me with this cow? It is so stubborn!”

Mr. Barnes readily agreed and went over to help. As they walked along together, he asked the boy, “How much do you expect to get for delivering the cow?”

“I… I don’t know,” the boy said, “but I think I’ll get something because the people who are buying the cow live in that house, and those people are very kind to everyone.”

By now the stubborn cow was walking along nicely, so Mr. Barnes excused himself and took a path through a wooded area that led to his back door. As soon as he got into the house, he gave one of his trusted workers a fifty-dollar bill and told him to give it to the boy who was delivering the cow. After the cow had been left at the house and the boy was returning to the ranch, Mr. Barnes went out again and met the boy on the road.

“Well, how much did you get?” asked Mr. Barnes.

“Five dollars,” answered the boy.

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Mr. Barnes felt surprised when hearing the answer.
The boy agreed, and they walked back to the house together.
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“You’re fired!” Andrew Chilton wasn’t joking. At that moment, the high school junior wanted his personal care attendant, Christy Chachere, out of his life forever. He didn’t want her help any more. He thought he could write his own term papers. “You’re fired!” He said it again.

Christy Chachere, a retired PE teacher, didn’t take a step back. She believed she could do this job. “You know, I’ve taught middle schoolers,” she said. What about Andrew’s outcry? It was music to her ears. Progress was faster than expected.

When Andrew suffered from autism (自闭症) at age eight, people told his mom, Cindy, to get him on the list for an attendant to provide after-school care. Someone would drive him to places and see that he was safe. In New Orleans, Louisiana, the wait can be years, the need far outstrips (超过) the supply. Cindy had no choice but to turn to the program Volunteers of America for help.

Even so, it was eight years before they were matched with Christy. In the meantime. Andrew’s family did their best to help him get through life’s hardships. “I did worry about him,” said Cindy. There was a lot to worry about. Doctors and school teachers said that Andrew might not even graduate from high school. Other questions were around the corner as well. Would he ever have a job, or live independently?…Cindy would do anything for her son.

Christy saw the problem right away. “Andrew wouldn’t take a step without his mother’s permission (同意),”she recalled. “You have to let him fail,” she told the family. “It’s the only way he’s going to learn. He has to be able to do things on his own.”

No longer would Cindy help Andrew write papers. His younger brother wouldn’t help him with the computer, either. It was a little unacceptable to step back. Actually, everyone was on board but Andrew.

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Andrew was filled with anger, but things began to change.


“She understood me, and it turned out she was really nice.” Andrew said.

2024-01-25更新 | 90次组卷 | 6卷引用:河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高一上学期12月联考英语试题(含听力)
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和,开头语续写两段所给段落,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Mike, my cousin, and I are very close and would share any secret with each other. He is a little naught (顽皮的) sometimes although my uncle, Mike’s dad, is very strict with him.

Last summer, I went to Los Angeles to visit him. My uncle chatted with us outside while he was smoking. And then my aunt called him into the house. He left his cigarette (香烟) on one front door step so he could continue smoking it when he came back.

Mike was curious to see what smoking was really like, so he picked up the cigarette to check it out. He held it between two fingers as if he were an experienced smoker and asked me if I had ever smoked before. “No way,” I said in a loud voice. “Never let my dad know about it, or he’ll beat me up,” he said. I couldn’t believe what he did next. Mike put the cigarette into his mouth and began to smoke. The next thing you know, he was coughing his head off. It looked like he was about to throw up, but he still reached his hand out towards me to offer me the cigarette.“Come on,” he said. “It won’t hurt you. I think smoking is really cool.”

I stood there, having no idea whether I should have a try. Then I remembered the advertisement that I had seen on TV a lady was so addicted to cigarettes that she had got really sick. I did not want my cousin to be like that at all.

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I decided to do something and walked towards him.


Just then my uncle came back and couldn't find his cigarette.

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We sometimes think we can take care of things on our own. However, sometimes we need to use the strength of our groups to get things done.

Ray Drake knew this better than anyone, because he was moved to tears when he understood how good it was to have good neighbors when he needed them.

In 1989, Drake lost the use of his legs. The Iowan man did have family, though. His two older sisters were there to help him get his life back on track and deal with his new situation. The plan worked for years, and their love helped him through hard times.

In August 2020, a strong windstorm stopped everything in Iowa. There was terrible damage, and 40% of the crops in the state were lost. People lost their electricity. Businesses were a mess and homes were all broken. So many people had a hard time.

The storm caused Drake to have a specific trouble. There were broken trees all over his yard, and he couldn’t move them. His sisters were also too small to clean up the trees. The three people really needed help.

After about a week, Drake’s sisters decided to ask for help because the power lines were still down and people were still trying to get their lives back together. They called some of their brother’s old high school friends to see if anyone had a chainsaw (链锯) they could bring over to start cutting up the fallen trees.

Doug Applegate, a friend, looked at the damage and realized that just a chainsaw wouldn’t be enough to clear the fallen trees from Drake’s yard and that the family would need more. He made a call for help in the area to see if anyone there could give a helping hand.

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Soon, the call for help was answered.


The collective effort turned a seemingly impossible task into a manageable one.

2024-01-02更新 | 57次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省邢台市质检联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。

Tim’s daughters, Hope and Hannah, have smartness, great humor, athletic abilities and beauty. His home is full of medals and many other awards his daughters have won over the years.

But the one thing they have never had in abundance (大量) is money. Having a single parent with a low-paid job, they never have pocket money. They wear hand-me-downs store clothing. But they never complain and never cry out for something Tim can’t afford.

Tim has many wonderful memories of his daughters. However, there is one that stands out.

When Hope was 10 years old and Hannah was 8 years old, they were looking for a gift to give Tim for Christmas. “Dad often gave us gifts. Now I think we should also give one to him,” Hope suggested. Hannah said it was a good idea. And they wondered what gift they should give their dad. After thinking for long, they thought of the National Geographic magazines. Their dad always loved the magazine. But because money was especially tight (紧的) that year, Tim had not been able to subscribe (订阅) to it. “The magazines sold in the bookstore aren’t that cheap. Well, at least, we can buy one and give it to Dad as a Christmas gift,” Hope said.

Not having any money of their own, Hope and Hannah then wondered how to solve the problem. Finally, they decided to find part-time jobs in the small neighborhood to make money. First, they needed to be permitted (允许) by their dad.

When they shared their decision one night, Tim thought they wanted to buy some toys, candy or something else for themselves. Since he couldn’t give them pocket money and thought part-time jobs could be helpful to a kid, he agreed. But he didn’t want them to be too tired, so he reminded them, “When you find you dislike the jobs, you can just give up.” Hope and Hannah smiled and nodded, and Tim thought they surely wouldn’t stick to their part-time jobs for long.

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The next morning, Hope and Hannah walked around the neighborhood to look for possible part-time jobs.

Paragraph 2:

With the money, Hope and Hannah rushed to a nearby bookstore.

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