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Laura Mulvihill felt the ride was probably very unusual when she picked up 89-year-old Ronald Dembner from the Veteran’s Hospital in Henry County, Georgia. It was obvious that he was struggling and in bad shape. But it wasn’t until they arrived at his home that her worst doubts were confirmed. Expecting to be greeted by family members, she was greeted by something out of a nightmare (噩梦) episode of Hoarders instead.

Mr. Ronald’s home was covered with rubbish. The counters, carpets, and walls looked dirty. The room smelt absolutely terrible. Because all of Ronald’s family members had passed away, he had no one to assist him. Even the home care nurses had stopped coming to visit as a result of the extremely awful living conditions. He was completely alone, except for his dog, Homer, who had taken to pooping in the house. Unable to clean up after himself or Homer but terrified of losing his home and his dog, Mr. Ronald was too afraid to reach out for help.

Mulvihill, however, was not. Horrified by what she witnessed, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She spent hours on the phone, contacting the fire department, adult services, the Chamber of Commerce and Habitat for Humanity. No one could offer any help. “Everyone said, mentally he’s fine, he’s just older. So nobody will help,” she said.

Finally, with all other resources running out, she posted a call to arms on social media, creating the group. Helping Mr. Ronald. She explained the situation. She wrote in part, “I drove him home and he asked me to help him inside. He lives alone and cannot keep up with his pet. The house is terrible.” She went on to explain that “the main issues are dog poop (1 dog) and general disrepair (no railing on the stairs, soiled carpet and furniture, etc)”. She knew it would take an army to make things right. Luckily, she had found one,2000 strong. The army was formed.

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Dozens of volunteers came forward to help, with a desire to make a difference.


Mr. Ronald was deeply moved by what Mulvihill and the volunteers had done

7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省高三下学期第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测英语试题
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My dream comes true

The rain had started to fall gently through the evening air as darkness fell over Sydney. The noise was deafening. As I walked towards the track, I glanced around me at the sea of faces in the stands, but mind was focused. The Olympic gold medal was just minutes away, hanging tantalizingly (引诱人地) in the distance.

My heart was beating loudly. I was so close to the realization of my childhood dream and the feeling was fantastic. I knew I would have to push myself beyond my known limits to ensure that my dream came true.

I tried to keep my head, telling myself not to panic, to stick to the plan and run my own race. I knew the Russian girls would set off quickly-and I had to finish this race fewer than ten seconds behind the Russian athlete Yelena Prokhorova. If I could do that, the title would be mine. I looked out along the first stretch of the 400 m track and caught my breath.

My ankle was bandaged against an injury in the long jump just a couple of hours earlier, but I shut out all thoughts of pain.

The starting gun was fired, and the race began. The first lap was good, and I managed to keep up with the group, but I was feeling much more tired than I usually did, and much more than I’d imagined. Both the long, hard weeks of training that had led up to this championship, and the exhaustion from two days of fierce competition were showing in my performance. Mental and physical tiredness were starting to over- come me, and I had to fight back.

Prokhorova had set the pace from the start. It was important that I didn’t let her get too far in front. I had to stay with her. At the bell I was 2.3 seconds behind her. Just one lap to go. One lap. I could do it. I had to keep going. I could see the gap opening between me and the Russian. Thankfully, my foot was holding out, so now it was all down to mental stamina (耐力).

1. 续写词数应为150 左右;

Prokhorova was pulling away.


Then, the moment that will stay with me for the rest of my life—my name in lights.

2024-06-12更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省大理新世纪中学高三下学期祝福考英语试题
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I flipped through an online bidding (拍卖) site one evening: fun containers for houseplants, old maps original artwork, Santas... “Oh my gosh, Cody! Look!”

My husband looked over my shoulder, “That’s a lot of Santas!” he was surprised,

I found a huge fortune and it was only March! But these Santas came in three plastic bins. “I don’t know where we could store them all,” I said. “You’d have to go with me to pick them up—those bins look heavy.” I tried to talk myself out of bidding, but it wasn’t working. “I really want them,” I admitted.

“You should do what makes you happy,” Cody said.

For years I’d bought at least one Santa figure every year for Christmas. Cody knew that Santa was a special character for me. When I was growing up, my father played the community Santa. He was a fireman, and the department sponsored Santa visits at school. My father would get down from the flashing fire truck with a big “Ho! Ho! Ho!” He’d sit each child on his lap. “What your Christmas wish?” he’d ask, as joyous a she could be. He handed out bags of peanuts, candy and oranges. Nobody knew the man behind the beard was my father. It was magical!

After the school party, mom would carefully wash dad’s costume. The red and white coat, hat, white beard and black belt went back into the box. Santa was gone when Christmas night fell.

My father died when I was 19. Since then, I’d bought Santa figures to feel the joy Santa represented. Maybe that why I kept searching for more of them. By the time our three daughters were born, we had enough Santas to decorate a whole tree.

I typed in my bid on the site as memories of those Santa visits at school rushed in. I then imagined how my daughters would react to those bins of Santas.


My computer flashed with a message.


“Santas? In March?” my daughters appeared confused.

2024-05-16更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省昆明市第一中学高中新课标第九次考前适应性训练英语试卷
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One night, I stayed up late partying with my friends Jacob, James and Benjamin, even though we were conscious internally that we had an important test the next day. On the way back, when James was driving absent-mindedly, Benjamin was very anxious about the exam; I felt uneasy and worried about being scolded by Mr. Smith when Jacob came up with a plan to get out of having to take our test. “Can we escape punishment? Can it really work?” Benjamin questioned with doubt. However, we didn’t get a better solution and couldn’t bear being a failure. So we followed suit as we had no alternative.

We four rolled around in dirt and then went to Mr. Smith office with anxiety. We told him that we had gotten a flat tire the night before, and unfortunately we spent the entire night pushing our car back to campus. As a consequence, we were exhausted and couldn’t attend the exam. We asked for Mr. Smith’s forgiveness and ensured to make up for it.

With the blank expression, Mr. Smith listened quietly and patted our shoulders. Benjamin gazed at me in discomfort while I secretly looked at the other two. Three seconds appeared to be a lifelong time. To our delight, he offered a retest three days later. We were okay with that because we had been given a chance to catch up.

I relieved and worked day and night to prepare for the exam with a sense of guilt welling up in my chest. So did my three friends in the hope of getting away with punishment.

On the day of the test, we went to Mr. Smith’s office. Unexpectedly, he put all four of us in separate rooms to take the test. I unfolded my paper and stared at the questions which I was requested to accomplish. Completely puzzled, I froze. There were only two questions:

(1)Your Name ______(1 Points)

(2)Which tire was flat? ______(99 Points)

Front Right       Front Left       Back Right       Back Left

Palm wetting, hands trembling and almost out of breath, I was overwhelmed with a mix of fear, terror and guilt.

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I was completely lost at these questions, struggling with how to face Mr. Smith.


When receiving the report card, we four flushed with shame.

2024-05-10更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市2023-2024学年高三三模英语试题
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As a journalist, I have had the chance to meet some remarkable people in different fields, but no one has impressed me more than Austin Riley.

Austin Riley is a race car driver. He has been attracting crowds to the race track for years. But his claim to fame isn’t just being fast on the speedway. He is overcoming difficulties on the track for those with disabilities. Riley has autism (自闭症). Simple tasks like tying his shoes are extremely complicated for him, but when put in a race car—a complex, delicate piece of machine —he will take you by surprise.

I first met Riley and his father Jason in 2014, in Uxbridge, Ontario, at the local go-cart track. I still remember how excited Riley was to have me and my cameraman there filming his every move. He was a go-cart racer then. He could barely talk to me, let alone look at me. No matter how quiet and shy he was, I knew this kid was going to be something big.

The go-cart track is where Riley’s racing career began. His dad, Jason, just wanted to give him something to focus his energy on. Riley has always loved cars. He has been crazy about them since he was a very young child. He also loves speed. The minute he hit the gas, his mind began to move fast and everything felt in sync(同步).

Riley’s journey on the track soon took him from fast go-carts to really fast cars. He became the first person with autism in Canada to get his race car licence. It opened up the track for Riley to drive in the big leagues — the Radical Motorsports circuit. Riley is now racing across North America, putting him on the podium(领奖台) almost every time.


However, behind every success for Riley and his family is a story of hardship.


Riley has also made a difference off the track.

2024-04-15更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省高三下学期3+3+3高考备考诊断性联考(二)英语试题
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Drew and Tia sat at a picnic table in the park on a beautiful fall afternoon. The air around them was filled with the sounds of children playing, dogs barking, and people laughing or calling to one another. But Drew and Tia ignored the sounds around them and focused on the task they had set out to complete. They planned to start a school garden at Jefferson Middle School.

Initially, it had been Drew’s idea. He had first seen a school garden when he went to visit his cousin PJ. in Washington. He was amazed at the variety of fruits and vegetables the students at P. J. ‘s school grew. “It’s a lot of work,” PJ. had warned. “But it’s also my favorite part of the week. I love putting on my boots, getting outside, and seeing all the new things that have happened.” When Drew returned from his trip to Washington, he told Tia all about what he had seen.

Now, at the table, they were determined to come up with a plan to bring a school garden to Jefferson. Drew opened his notebook and prepared to record any ideas they had for convincing Ms. Milano, the school principal, that the garden was a good idea.

“We’re going to need an adult to guide the whole operation,” said Drew thoughtfully. “I know that Mr. Issac gardens at home. Just last week he brought in a whole basket of tomatoes and zucchini from his garden. He might be willing to help.” Drew wrote down Mr. Issac’s name in his notebook.

“We might need donations to get this project up and running,” added Tia. “We could tell Ms. Milano that we would be willing to organize a yard sale to raise funds.”

“That’s a great idea,” said Drew. “I think we need to be able to present her with a realistic plan. That way, Ms. Milano wouldn’t feel as though she agreed to something unknown.”

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Closing the notebook, they took action.


“Actually, I was doubtful when you first came to me.” said Ms. Milano.

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In a remote and small mountain town, there lived a young woman named Lily. She was known for her kind heart and gentle nature. The townsfolk adored her very much and often sought her out for advice or a listening ear. Lily always showed her best passion in helping them, which made people in the town think highly of her.

One sunny afternoon, as Lily was walking through the town square, she noticed a small, shabby-looking man sitting alone on a park bench. His seemingly decent clothes were worn out, and his face bore the marks of a hard life, appearing helpless and being in low spirits. Feeling obliged to help, Lily approached him with a warm smile.

“Hello there, sir,” she greeted kindly. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

The man looked up, surprise flickering (闪烁) in his weary eyes. “I...I’ve lost my way,” he replied hesitantly. “I don’t have a home. I haven’t had anything to eat for several days, and I have no idea who I can turn to for help.”

Upon knowing his hardships, Lily decided to offer him some food and a place to stay. She introduced him to her family, who welcomed him with open arms and invited him to have dinner and stay with them. The man, who introduced himself as Samuel, began to regain his strength after gracefully filing himself with the delicious food provided by the warmhearted family. He expressed his sincere gratitude to them for the food and accommodation.

Months passed, and Samuel settled into a routine and became part of their household. He became skilled at various tasks and his genuine gratitude endeared him to everyone. He shared stories of his past adventures, in which he even had a narrow escape, and the family were surprised at his experience and admired his courage as well as wisdom.

One evening, as Lily and Samuels at on the porch, watching the sunset behind the hills, Samuel turned to her with a glimmer in his eye. “Lily,” he said softly, “I have a secret to share with you.”

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Lily’s curiosity seized her, and she leaned in closer.


True to his word, Samuel lived up to his promise of giving Lily a large sum of money.

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She was six years old when I met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sandcastle and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea. “Hello,” she said. I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child. I was depressed: my life seemed completely out of balance.

“What’s your name?” She wouldn't give up. “Ruth,” I answered. “Mine’s Wendy....I’m six.” She giggled, “Nice to meet you, Miss Ruth. Do you want to play? Maybe we can build something together. You’ll be happy!” She looked at me eagerly, waiting for my answer.

I just couldn’t refuse this lovely creature. I asked her: “Why don’t you go to school?” “I don’t go to school. Mommy says we’re on vacation.” She chattered little girl talk as we built the sandcastle. When I left for home, Wendy said it had been a happy day. Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed. She pointed toward a row of summer cottages and told me she lives there.

Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood to even greet Wendy when Wendy caught up with me, “I’d rather be alone today.” She seems unusually pale and out of breath. “Why?” she asked. I turned to her and shouted, “Because my mother died!” “Oh,” she said quietly, “then this is a bad day.” “Yes, go away!” “Did it hurt when she died?” “Of course!” I shouted. She didn’t say anything more, tears rolling down her face.

A month or so after that, when I went to the beach, she wasn’t there. Feeling guilty, ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage and knocked at the door.


A drawn-looking(憔悴的) young woman with red and swollen eyes opened the door.


“She left something for you,” her mum’s voice trembled and handed me an envelop.

2024-04-06更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省昆明市第一中学高三第七次高考仿真模拟英语试题
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A few years ago, I got a phone call from a company representative on my way home. “Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for the position. Your application has not been successful. We wish you every success in securing a suitable position in the future.” I felt very upset. But the conversation wasn’t over. “Would you like to hear feedback from us?” the voice said.

The representative went on to tell me I hadn’t clearly demonstrated my motivation for applying for the position and why I wanted to work for the company. The feedback was tough to hear. But I quickly realized they were right. After completing my Ph. D. in Germany, my top priority had been to find a position in Poland, where I grew up. As a result, I wasn’t very selective about what I applied for. I pursued any job opportunity that broadly fit my skills and interests. The job at the consulting company was something I was technically capable of doing, but I didn’t feel passionate about it — and that clearly showed in the interview process.

From then on, I decided to carefully evaluate each job opening and only pursue ones that truly resonated (引起共鸣) with what I was passionate about. In my applications, I also began stating more clearly and emphatically why I wanted that particular job. Soon the approach started to pay off, as I got an offer for a postdoc position in Poland that I was truly excited about.

A few years later, I found myself on the other side of the interview table. As a freshly hired group leader, I was interviewing candidates for the first Ph. D. position in my lab. I was particularly looking forward to talking with one candidate. On paper, his application looked great — nice CV, good recommendations, strong cover letter. But the interview went badly. He didn’t seem to have done any reading in advance about the research I was doing, which made me wonder whether he was truly interested in working with me.


I called to tell him I couldn’t offer him the position.


A month later, I received a letter.

2024-04-02更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南三校高三下学期高考备考实用性联考卷(七)英语试卷
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“You’re fired!” Andrew Chilton wasn’t joking. At that moment, the high school junior wanted his personal care attendant, Christy Chachere, out of his life forever. Gone. He didn’t want her telling him, he didn’t need help using the computer, and he could write his own term papers. Enough already.

“You’re fired!” He said it again for extra emphasis. Christy didn’t flinch(畏缩). She needed this job. Huricane Katrina had destroyed her savings along with her house. But the retired PE teacher wasn’t frightened. “I’m a tough nut,” she says today. “You know, I’ve taught middle schoolers.” And Andrew’s outburst? It was music to her ears. Progress. She’d gotten through to him.

When Andrew was diagnosed with autism(自闭症), at age eight, people told his mom, Cindy, to “get him on the list” for an attendant to provide after-school care. Someone to drive him to places and see that he was safe. In New Orleans, Louisiana, the wait can be years; the need is much more than the supply. Cindy chose a program through Volunteers of America, a national faith-based organization.

Even so, it was eight years before they were matched with Christy. In the meantime, Andrew’s family did their best to shelter him from life’s hardships. “I worried about him,” Cindy says, “I tended to hover a lot.”

There was a lot to worry about. Doctors and school officials predicted that Andrew might not even graduate from high school. Other questions were approaching. Would he ever have a job? Live independently? Cindy would do anything for her son.

Christy saw the problem right away. “Andrew wouldn’t take a step without his mother’s permission,” she remembers. “You have to let him fail,” she told the family, “It’s the only way he’s going to learn. To be able to do things on his own.”

No longer would Cindy write Andrew’s papers for him. His younger brother wouldn’t help him navigate the computer. Christy wouldn’t be helping him with homework either. It was a little scary to step back. Andrew complained. Loudly at times.




But then things began to change.


With the company of Christy for six years, Andrew has been developing well.


2024-03-29更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省“3+3+3”高考备考诊断性联考卷一英语试题
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