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1 . 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jim来信向你诉说他和父母发生争执。父母不同意他加入乐队,认为会影响学习,为此他十分苦恼,请你用英语给他写一封回信。
Dear Jim,


Li Hua

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My Best Teaching Experience

Tyler was only in my senior class for a semester. He had been suspended (使停学) many times in previous years because of his anger issues. When he entered my class, I thought the worst.

Tyler sat in the back row. Every time I talked to the class, I would ask students questions, calling them by name. Unfortunately, every time I called on Tyler, he would respond with a joke. If he got an answer wrong, he would become angry.

About a month into the year, I was still trying to connect with Tyler. I can usually get students involved in class discussions or at least have them sit quietly and attentively (专心地). By contrast, Tyler was often loud and sometimes rude.

He had been in so much trouble over the years. He expected his teachers to know about his past; about how many times he had been sent to the office or suspended from school. I had found that these sorts of referrals (移交) were not very effective and that students would return from the office behaving worse than before.

One day, Tyler was talking over me while I was teaching. I stopped my lesson and said, “Tyler, why don’t you join in our discussion instead of having one of your own?” With that, he got up from his chair, pushed it over and yelled something. I can’t remember what he said other than that he included some impolite words. I sent Tyler straight to the office, and he received a week’s suspension.

To this point, this was one of my worst teaching experiences. Tyler’s anger was almost too much for me. The week Tyler was suspended from school was a wonderful time, and we got a lot accomplished as a class. However, the suspension week would soon come to an end, and I was fearful of his return.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

On the day of Tyler’s return, I stood at the door awaiting him.


A spark of surprise flashed across his face.

2024-04-15更新 | 79次组卷 | 28卷引用:海南省北京师范大学万宁附中2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Liu Jichen, 23, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”. After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI(Artificial Intelligence), students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals to children in impoverished(贫困的) rural areas.

Liu and his team, together with other organizations, launched the “Clear Your Plate” campaign in November for the third year. It has swept over 1,017 universities across the country. The one-month campaign attracted almost 1.6 million participants and collectively reduced food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions(碳排放) by 3,337 tons.

“Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste,” Liu thought. He organized a team of 20 members to work on the project at the end of 2017. To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates, the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants. In 2018, the mini-program was officially put into operation on Oct 16, World Food Day. They then launched a campaign later that year.

“There were so many unknowns in research and development. For our team members, the biggest challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it,” Liu said. They not only achieved their goal, but now, the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users, according to Liu. “We hope our efforts can start a new trend among the younger generation by encouraging them to cherish(珍惜) their food and develop the habit of thrift(节约),” Liu added.

1. What can we know about the “Clear Your Plate” mini-program?
A.It aims to put an end to waste and encourage thrift.
B.Its 6 million users are mostly students.
C.It helped reduce food waste by 3,337 tons.
D.It is an exchange of food for rewards to help poor children.
2. What challenge did Liu and his team face?
A.They found it tough to promote the campaign.
B.They felt uncertain whether they could complete the project.
C.They lacked professional technical support.
D.They had difficulty gathering enough samples.
3. Which of the following best describes Liu Jichen?
A.Optimistic and demanding.B.Generous and responsible.
C.Talented and humorous.D.Creative and determined.
4. Where is the text probably from?
A.A guidebook.B.A news report.C.A book review.D.A textbook.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的短文。

A Little Boy

A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and shabby and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out, he would not say hello to his neighbors or passers-by but simply just glared at them.

The boy knocked on the door and waited, sweating from fear of the old man. The boy’s parents told him to stay away from the house, and a lot of other neighborhood children were told the same thing from their parents.

Dusk found the boy lingering on and hesitating what to do. As he was ready to walk away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want?” the old man said impatiently. The little boy was very afraid but he had a quota (定额) to meet for school with selling the magazines. So he got up the courage and said, “Uh, Sir, I am selling these magazines and, uh, I was wondering if you would like to buy one from me.”

The old man just stared at the boy without a word. The boy could see inside the old man’s house and saw that he had dog figurines (小雕像) on the fireplace mantle. “Do you collect dogs?” The little boy asked. “Yes, I have many collections in my house. They are my family here and they are all I have.” The boy then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed that he was a very lonely soul.

“Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It is perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” The old man was ready to close the door on the boy and said, “No, boy. I don’t need any magazines of any kind, now goodbye.”

The little boy was sad that he was not going to make his quota with the sale. He was also sad for the old man being so alone in the house that he owned. The boy went home and then had an idea. He had a little dog figurine that he got some years ago from an aunt. The figurine did not mean nearly as much to him since he had a real live dog and a large family.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。

The little boy headed back down to the old man’s house.


From that day on something changed inside the old man.

2024-01-10更新 | 372次组卷 | 39卷引用:海南省三亚华侨学校(南新校区)2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . While many of us may have been away somewhere nice last summer, few would say that we’ve “summered.” “Summer” is clearly a noun, more precisely, a verbed noun.

Way back in our childhood, we all learned the difference between a noun and a verb. With such a tidy definition, it was easy to spot the difference. Not so in adulthood, where we are expected to “foot” bills, “chair” committees, and “dialogue” with political opponents. Chances are that you didn’t feel uncomfortable about the sight of those verbed nouns.

“The verbing of nouns is as old as the English language,” says Patricia O’Conner, a former editor at The New York Times Book Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent of all English verbs were originally nouns. And the phenomenon seems to be snowballing. Since 1900, about 40 percent of all new verbs have come from nouns.

Even though conversion (转化) is quite universal, plenty of grammarians object to the practice. Some most leading experts, William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White, in The Elements of Style—the Bible for the use of American English—have this to say: “Many nouns lately have been pressed into service as verbs. Not all are bad, but all are questionable.” The Chicago Manual of Style takes a similar standpoint, advising writers to use verbs with great care.

“Sometimes people object to a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar to them,” says O’Conner. That’s why we’re comfortable “hosting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thought of “medaling” in sports. So are there any rules for verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief at Random House, doesn’t offer a rule, but suggests that people think twice about “verbifying” a noun if it’s easily replaceable by an already existing popular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but not silly-sounding, he says.

In the end, however, style is subjective. Easy conversion of nouns to verbs has been part of English grammar for centuries; it is one of the processes that make English “English”. Not every coined word passes into general use, but as for trying to end verbing altogether, forget it.

1. What can we learn about the verbing of nouns?
A.It hasn’t recently been opposed by many grammarians.
B.It is more commonly accepted by children than adults.
C.It hasn’t been a rare phenomenon in the past century.
D.It can be easily replaced by existing verbs in practice.
2. What is most leading experts’ attitude towards the practice of the verbing of nouns?
3. What does the author think of ending the verbing of nouns?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Are 40 Percent of all new verbs from nouns?
B.Are Summering and Medaling Annoying?
C.Are You Comfortable about a New Verb?
D.Are There Any Rules for Verbing?
2023-12-27更新 | 161次组卷 | 25卷引用:海南省海南中学2021届高三第五次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A friend sent me an email, asking if I’d consider writing about educational apps for children to watch while on road trips. The email said, “Many are turning to road trips. And often with long car rides comes the use of on-screen entertainment. These educational apps should also develop their art, math and design skills.”

While I realize the intention is well-meaning, and doubtless would lead to a quieter car ride for the parents, the thought of sticking kids in front of screens on a road trip makes me queasy. You see, if they’re glued to a screen for hours on end, they will miss everything that’s going by outside the window. And that means they’ll miss out a major part of the trip and the opportunity to engage in conversation with family members, but to be alone with their own thoughts, or simply to be bored.

There is so much to see on a road trip! Cars, trees, faces, building, markets, airplanes landing — the entire world is out there, and staring at it from the backseat of a car familiarizes a child with what is going on.

I have a theory that paying attention to one’s surroundings while traveling by car helps children develop an internal compass. If they don’t pay attention during all those years when they’re being driven, they’ll struggle to know where to go and how to locate themselves once they’re independent. This doesn’t mean they have to be alert (警惕的) for the entire journey, but not being on a screen naturally allows for a higher level of engagement with one’s surroundings. When you listen to music, you’ll look up occasionally; you’ll pay attention to landmarks.

What can children do on the trip? Actually, there are plenty of off-screen activities.

1. What was the author’s friend’s intention to develop apps?
A.To play games.B.To make some extra money.
C.To entertain and educate children.D.To improve the relationship in the family.
2. Which can best replace the underlined word “queasy” in paragraph 2?
3. What is the author’ s opinion on focusing on the surroundings when traveling?
A.It can raise children’s environmental awareness.
B.It can help children develop a sense of direction.
C.It can give children the courage to learn to drive.
D.It can enable children to become more independent.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Take the Chance of Traveling to Relax Yourself.
B.Say Goodbye to Educational Apps on Your Holiday.
C.Learn to Look up from Your Screens from Time to Time.
D.Leave the Screens Alone on Your Next Family Road Trip.
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Last weekend, I went to Mark’s new house near a forest for a little get-together. After lunch when I was chatting with him and his wife Cody, he asked me, “Hey, Thora, have you ever been to a secret spot?” Before I could even finish saying no, Cody and Mark were already at the door with their jackets on. And the next moment we were heading out into the forest with a camera, a fishing net and a plastic bucket (桶).

We walked through the forest along a path by a small river. Breathing the fresh air, we three talked and laughed all the way.

“Hey! What are you guys doing ?” someone suddenly shouted from behind. Mark and Cody’s eyes immediately widened, and without a word they started running. I had no choice but to follow them, getting my shoes wet and dirty with mud. We probably ran for about 10 minutes before Mark and Cody slowed down. I stopped to catch my breath and asked, “Who was that?”

Mark replied, “The most annoying neighbor ever. There’s no telling what could happen if he caught up with us. He is always making fun of us. I dislike him.” We kept walking on for a few more minutes. Then a beautiful lake appeared before our eyes. “Wow! Amazing!” I shouted and could hardly hold back my excitement. The lake was large and the water was deep and blue, looking so peaceful with tall trees around it.


Looking around, we saw a boat floating by the shore.

Paragraph 2:

“Help! Help! Help!” I was so frightened and cried for help.

2023-10-29更新 | 163次组卷 | 29卷引用:海南省北京师范大学万宁附中2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

In the USA the high school graduation ceremony is of great     1    (important). 12th-grade students, or seniors, who are about 17 or 18 years old, look forward to     2    (attend) this event.

The graduation ceremony itself takes place at the end of May or beginning of June,     3     usually includes music, awards, and a guest speaker. After the speeches, students walk to the front of the room to receive their diplomas from the headmaster. Students start preparing for graduation a long time     4     it happens. They order rings designed     5    (especial) for their class.

    6     tradition is to have their photographs taken. These photographs are used for the class yearbook, which is a     7    (print) book about all the students in the school. Students have special cards called announcements printed to send to friends and relatives to tell them about their graduation. The cards often include     8     invitation to the ceremony. If you receive it, you should send a present     9     money to the graduate. A few weeks before the ceremony, the students     10    (measure) for the cap that they will wear at the ceremony. After the ceremony, families usually have graduation parties for friends and relatives. It’s a day and a night that high school seniors remember for a long time.

2023-04-17更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海南华侨中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次段考测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Do boys and girls really deal with people in different ways? With Leaper’s help, we carried out some tests that showed us yes.

We offered the kids brightly wrapped (包装) gifts which may be disappointing: socks and a pencil. The girls responded very politely. Courtney said happily, “Just what I need. Socks and a pencil!” Her words made me feel good, while the boys weren’t about to make me feel good. “What?” Raja said, “Socks and a pencil? Rip-off!” Jacob had a similar reaction.

Are boys and girls simply born different?

Susan Witt, at the University of Akron, says boys and girls respond differently in situations like these because we parent them differently.

Witt means parents and society treat kids differently. A famous study called “Baby X” designed by Phyllis Katz tested adults on how they treated babies based on what they thought the gender (性别) was. When adults thought they were holding a girl, they held her gently and gave her dolls. When they thought the baby was a boy, they offered him a football. In the 1970s, some people took this to argue boys and girls were born entirely the same, and they behaved differently only because parents and society taught them to. Now, however, it’s accepted that society and biology both create the difference.

Witt also offered a few tips for the parents of girls: Don’t help them so much. Research shows parents tend to help girls more than boys. This can make girls feel helpless and less confident.

In the case of the boys who were honest in our test, we saw that their parents gave them a lot of freedom to act out. “Maybe too much,” says Witt. Witt said Moms should discourage kids who scream out demands.

Finally, a caution (警告) about generalizing about gender. The differences between individuals are frequently bigger than differences between sexes. In our experiments, some girls did speak their mind, and some boys were very polite.

1. What was the boys’ reaction to the gifts in the test?
A.They liked the gifts.
B.They were very polite.
C.They responded honestly.
D.They tried to make others feel good.
2. According to the text, the study “Baby X” ______.
A.tested adults on how they treated babies based on their gender
B.was designed to prove boys and girls are born different
C.was designed by Phyllis Katz from the University of Akron
D.proved that boys and girls are born entirely the same
3. Witt advised the parents of boys to ______.
A.give them more freedom
B.offer them more help
C.control them a little more
D.make them more confident
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The results of the experiments are confusing.
B.There’s no need to notice the differences between the sexes.
C.Differences between boys and girls aren’t true for all individuals.
D.Differences between sexes are more important than those between individuals.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Is it important for teenagers to own the latest cell-phone models? There are different ways of looking at this question.

First, why do teenagers need to have the latest models? Often it’s just to show off. The paradox is that there are many teenagers who own the latest cell-phone models but don’t even know how to use them properly. This is true. They just want one because their friends have similar ones, or because they take very good videos and photos.

On the other hand, if they do know how to use them, the latest cell phones are really good. They not only help teens to stay in touch with friends and family, but also help them to access the Internet and download pictures, videos or music they need when studying. These new phones are so powerful that having one is almost like having a whole library in your pocket. It’s an instant (即刻的) source of information that helps young people get the latest news. But many parents, thinking only of such positive sides, do not take into consideration the potential dangers. For example, children may constantly be distracted (分心) during class by sending and receiving text messages.

Each young generation loves the new technologies available — just think back to when you were a kid. But your job as a parent is to make sure your child gets the most out of this technology with the least possible harm.

1. According to the second paragraph, teenagers want to have the latest cell-phone models because ________.
A.they want to show they are fashionable
B.they think the latest models help them a lot with study
C.they think they can keep in touch with others more easily
D.they want to learn how to use new technologies
2. The underlined word “paradox” in the second paragraph can be replaced by _________.
3. We can infer from the last paragraph that the author thinks _______.
A.a new generation always loves new things
B.parents also liked technological products when they were young
C.parents should make sure children use the new technologies properly
D.parents shouldn’t allow children to own a cell Phone
2023-04-17更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海南华侨中学2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次段考测试英语试题
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