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1 . It’s a connected world, and nearly every device, appliance, and machine with some sort of computer running inside it can be connected to others through the Internet of Things (IoT). What a great leap forward in this journey we call human civilization! But does this recent advancement come with a dark secret that can someday turn on us? Are smart devices spies around us?

Many smart appliances today, particularly smartphones and virtual assistants are equipped with voice command capabilities. They can, therefore, listen to and record your comments and conversations even after they’ve carried out your original command. Concerns about devices turning on voice command by themselves and listening even when you do not enable the feature have also been raised. The question then is: What actually happens when your smart device is listening? How much information gets recorded, and where does this eventually end up in?

Take a listening app called “Alphonso” as an example. You can’t download it directly from the App Store, but it comes with some games and apps that you can fix. While you are playing games on your smartphone, Alphonso comes to life and listens to what you are watching on TV. It then records this information and sends it to some server somewhere, and the data is analyzed to build a profile about your TV-viewing habits. Alphonso proves that devices can listen to what you say and do.

Alphonso proves that devices can listen to what you say and do. Now, what’s to stop devices from gathering other data? They can be made to look at chat and text messages or your calendar, for example, everything about you would be fair game. Some popular smart home platforms can control the platforms to fall silent but still remain active, capturing every word you speak that can potentially land you in some sort of phishing (网络欺诈) trouble. This seems to be the price we have to pay for the convenience that technology gives us. Privacy seems non-existent. So we should thus take steps to protect ourselves from this eventuality.

1. What can we infer about IoT mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.People rely too much on IoT.B.IoT spies are exactly among us.
C.IoT can be a double-edged sword.D.IoT merely comes with a dark secret.
2. What is the potential risk associated with smart devices?
A.Voice command capabilitiesB.Personal data and identity theft.
C.Original command recognition.D.Location-based tracking function.
3. Why does the author take “Alphonso” as an example?
A.To present how smart devices send ads.B.To introduce the advantage of voice commands.
C.To show the usage of downloading listening app.D.To explain how hidden app steal people’s privacy.
4. Where dose the article go next?
A.Ways to prevent information leakage.B.Reasons for the loss of personal data.
C.Tricks of obtaining sensitive information.D.Methods of interactions with technologies.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . He came to Britain,16, with a handful of qualifications. £5 in pocket and a burning ambition. Thirty-five years later, Vijay, 51, and his brother. Bhikhu. own a drug company which does $234 million worth of business each year. Together they are worth £280 million and now they have been jointly named “Entrepreneur of the Year”.

It is an inspirational tale. Yet despite their wealth and this award, Vijay remains modest about their success. He praises his mother: “She is an incredible lady. She taught us hard work, honesty and we have based our lives on those qualities.”

In 1967,Vijay kissed his mother goodbye to London to make his fortune. “I had little more than my qualifications and $5,” says Vijay. “But to go with those, I had a huge ambition to make something of myself,” he recalls. Typically, Vijay looks on the bright side. “When you start from zero, things can’t get any worse. You have only one way to go. and that’s up - if there is a hunger in your stomach for success.” Vijny says. “My brother and I were determined to better ourselves and Britain was the land of opportunity.”

By 1982, he had owned six chemist’s shops, when Bhikhu, a then financial analyst, joined him, adding some “financial discipline” to his company. Vijay says: “I simply couldn’t have done it without him.” As he puts it, “Brought up under one roof, we understand one another from A to Z.

Vijay is keen to continue repaying the country he has made his own. “We hope we are mode citizens and would like to remain so,” he says. “We are lucky enough to live in a country that never stands in our way.” His message for young people is to do the same: “Identify your aim, and do not let anything discourage you from achieving that goal.”

1. What did Vijay possess when starting his business?
A.£280 million in cash.B.A small drug company.
C.The title “Entrepreneur of the Year”.D.Nothing but qualifications and ambition.
2. What is the recipe for Vijay’s success?
A.His brother’s financial aid.B.His identity of model citizen.
C.The perseverance in his goal.D.Encouraging quotes from mom.
3. Which can probably replace the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?
A.We share something in common.B.We know each other inside out.
C.We count on each other in career.D.We two together create fire and water.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.From Penniless to MillionaireB.The Significance of Education
C.The Power of Deep BrotherhoodD.A Modest Successful Businessman
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The year 2020 was supposed to be great for me. I had finally gotten my _______ on track and arranged some incredible international _______ I had dreamed of for years. And then, almost in an instant, everything fell apart.

Since the beginning of the lockdowns, all the projects I had worked so hard for were _______ by the day. Trips were canceled or _______ as international borders were shut. Our normal way of life had almost ceased(停止)to _______ .

At that moment, I realized I had to make a _______ , and fast. I was going to look into _______ career options. I had been a personal trainer before, and the _______ of getting back into something health and wellness _______ interested me.

Of course I had ________ . How was I going to do this? Was I too old? Was I ________ enough? I had to put those ________ aside. If there is anything that 2020 taught me, it's to ________ the unknown. So, with great enthusiasm and a hint of anxiety, I ________ for an EMT course to begin my journey.

From the first day, I devoted my time to ________ everything I could about health and wellness both in class and at home. And the passion and hard work ________ . At the end of the year, I had ________ my EMT license and began to look for options in the industry.

I learned much from this experience. Life can change overnight, so it's important to get ________ and adapt to the new situations. Learning new skills will open your mind and doors to new ________ . So the year 2020 was great for me, just in a ________ way from I had planned.

A.tried outB.looked outC.made upD.signed up
A.held upB.broke offC.turned upD.paid off
2022-03-19更新 | 217次组卷 | 6卷引用:江西省抚州市临川第二中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 (含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Constantin de Slizewicz has been anxious to come back to China since early 2020.For the past decade, the Frenchman has been running a luxurious (豪华的)camping business in Shangri-La in the southwest of China's Yunnan Province. But in December 2019, he went back to France for a vacation. He usually goes back to France and stays there for two to three months, since there is little business due to the weather.

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, however, he found it difficult to return. Fortunately, his business partner Guillaume de Penfentenyo was able to get a flight to China at the end of February.

Previously, most of his customers were international guests from outside the country who were drawn to the beautiful landscape and scenery in Shangri-La. Despite the pandemic(疫情)and even in his absence, Slizewicz's company managed to attract new tourists, who were unable to travel abroad under the circumstances and discovered the joy of camping. "It makes sure of our operation," he says happily.

Last year, his team offered summer camps in Shangri-La for Chinese students who couldn't travel abroad. In autumn, many domestic travelers also signed up for his company's organized adventures deep into the wilderness.

Slizewicz first visited China in 1996 when he engaged in a three-month internship(实习期). He was impressed by the Chinese people around him and was attracted by places like Guizhou and Yunnan provinces, which were well-matched to his interest in camping-a passion he has had since childhood. "I met people in the mountains, singing and herding their yaks(牦牛). That makes the mountains feel special and alive,” he says.

1. In which season does Slizewicz usually take a break?
A.In spring.B.In winter.C.In autumn.D.In summer.
2. Who were Slizewicz's main customers before the pandemic?
A.Chinese students.B.Visitors from France.C.Local people.D.Visitors outside China.
3. How does Slizewicz feel about his business?
4. What's the main reason for Slizewicz's running a camping business?
A.His interest.B.The friends around him.
C.The popularity of camping.D.The peaceful life in mountains.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contact the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes. One solution: Let robots do the job.

Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sort through recycled material, and weed out trash. Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, “We need quite a bit more.” The Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz said, “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Before the pandemic, automation had been gradually replacing human work in a range of jobs, from call centers to warehouses and grocery stores, as companies looked to cut labor costs and improve profit.

But labor and robotics experts say social-distancing directives, which are likely to continue in some form after the crisis become less strong, could cause more industries to accelerate their use of automation. And long-lasting worries about job losses or a broad unease about having machines control vital aspects of daily life could disappear as society sees the benefits of restructuring workplaces in ways that minimize close human contact.

Recycling is one industry that may be altered permanently by the pandemic. Some workers, who earn as little as $10 an hour, have been concerned about coming to work during the crisis and some cities have been competing to find enough protective gear (防护装备) for all of their employees. Federal health officials have assured them that the risks of transmission from household refuse is low. But workers in recycling facilities often work side by side sorting material, making social distancing difficult.

At AMP Robotics, executives like Mr. Horowitz say their robots will enable recycling facilities to space out their employees, who stand at conveyor belts weeding through the used plastic and paper.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.The pandemic becomes less strong.B.Robots are in greater demand now.
C.Recycling services aren’t satisfying.D.Unemployment is sharply on the rise.
2. How do people feel about automation after the pandemic?
3. In which aspect will robots help most in recycling industry?
A.Sorting out recycled material.B.Minimizing close human contact.
C.Replacing the jobs of cheap labor.D.Producing enough protective gear.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Pandemic accelerates automation.B.Robots cause severe unemployment.
C.Recycling industry is changing.D.Social distancing is still important.
2022-03-17更新 | 466次组卷 | 6卷引用:江西省吉安市吉州区江西省吉安市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Around the world, many people come together on 3lst December to celebrate the coming of the New Year, which is called Hogmanay in Scotland. The tradition of Hogmanay comes from Viking times and the celebration is more popular than Christmas in Scotland.

On Hogmanay's Eve, family members throughout Scotland will get together to “bring in the bells”. The phrase in Scotland refers to the ten-second countdown to midnight when bells ring all over Scotland to signal the beginning of the New Year. The atmosphere can only be described as electric! It is such an exciting event and all of the people are in a good mood as they wait to bring in the New Year bells!

Then most towns in Scotland have celebrations with fireworks in the evening, but in the bigger Scottish cities, other events take place.

The best-known event for Hogmanay is the annual Edinburgh Street Party. Every year, Edinburgh hosts a joyful firework show and other celebrating activities outside of the castle and it is broadcast on TV for those watching the celebration from their homes.

Another very popular event takes place in Stonehaven, where there is a “Fireball Ceremony” which takes place along the street. Around forty men and women come together and wave fireballs around their heads, which is wonderful to witness! People line the streets hours beforehand to see the festival which begins immediately after midnight on December 3lst.

On New Year's Day in Scotland, it is traditional to have a meal with the family. They always eat a steak pie with vegetables. Another tradition that has to be mentioned is the “First Footing” tradition. Also from the time of the Vikings, this is the tradition where the first person to enter the home after Hogmanay has to bring something Scottish with them, otherwise it brings bad luck for the coming year. People are usually very generous with their first footing gifts such as ginger wine, Scottish whisky and homemade shortbread.

1. What will the family members do right before the midnight of 3lst December?
A.Have a big dinner party.B.Ring the bells at home.
C.Count down the last ten seconds.D.Set off fireworks outside.
2. What can we know about the Edinburgh Street Party?
A.It is a firework show.B.It is a fireball ceremony.
C.It is a well-known gathering.D.It is a popular TV show.
3. Which is the traditional thing for the Scottish New Year meal?
A.Steak pies with vegetables.B.Homemade shortbread.
C.Ginger wine.D.Scottish whisky.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Hogmanay: the Scottish New YearB.The Origin of the Scottish New Year
C.First Footing: an Old Scottish TraditionD.Different Ways of New Year Celebrations
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . At 12, 139 feet above sea level, Potala is the highest palace in the world. The 1, 300-year-old palace was originally built by Tibetan king Songtsen Gambo for Princess Wencheng of the Chinese Tang Dynasty. Eventually it was expanded and changed into the house for the Dalai Lama. Since 1959, it has been turned into a museum of Buddhism. In 1994, Potala Palace was named a World Heritage by UNESCO.

The building is divided into two parts—the Red Palace and the White Palace. They are really colored red and white. A fresh coat of paint made up of milk, honey, and sugar is applied every autumn.

The neighboring Jokhang Temple and Norbulingka Temple were rebuilt in 2000 and 2001. The Jokhang Temple is considered the most sacred (神圣的) temple in Tibet and thousands of Buddhism believers travel thousands of miles by foot just to pay their respects to it all year around. In addition to the two temples, many other temples, including the Ramoche Temple and Palkhor Temple, are symbols of Tibetan culture.


All foreign visitors must visit the Potala Palace with a tour group. Groups are allowed an hour inside the palace and photos are not permitted. While the palace and its nearby temples are very much tourist attractions, many of the guests are Tibetan people who come to pray.


As one of the highest cities in the world, Lhasa can get quite cold during the winter. Summer is the best time to visit. June to August is the busiest tourist season.

1. What was Potala first built for?
A.A museum of Buddhism.
B.A home for the Dalai Lama.
C.A burying place for Songtsen Gambo.
D.A palace for Princess Wencheng.
2. Which is considered the most religiously important temple in Tibet?
A.The Jokhang Temple.B.The Palkhor Temple.
C.The Norbulingka Temple.D.The Ramoche Temple.
3. What is the best season to visit Lhasa?
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 为响应政府“抗击疫情,接种疫苗”的号召,你将在下周一参加学校举行的主题为“Get vaccinated and protect ourselves”的英文演讲比赛。请你准备一份演讲稿,内容要点如下:

Get vaccinated and protect ourselves

语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

My friend Brooks was very fond of chicken pies, and used to frequent the “Good Hope” restaurant,     1     had a widespread reputation for these delicacies. After some months of regular visits there he became known     2     the manager and the two would often converse together. One day the topic turned to the famous pies, and Brooks, who was of an inquisitive (好问的) nature said:”Tell me, Prosper, --these pies of     3     (you),-- what do you put into them? Are they entirely of chicken?"

“Well sir," answered Prosper, “it's like this.    4     they were just chicken, and chicken only, we could not make them at a     5     (reason) price, so sometimes we put in some other meat.”

“Oh yes, pork     6     beef, I suppose?" questioned Brooks.

“Well, sir," said Prosper with some     7     (hesitate), ”if you promise to keep what I say a secret, if I tell you'’ Brooks promised, and Prosper continued,‘ As a matter of fact, sir, owing to the rationing we use horse -meat,----very little, of course, but it's actually horse meat.

“Indeed! But they're very good pies all the same, one would never have supposed it possible. By the way, what quantities do you use? Or is that     8     professional secret?

Well, sir, I don't mind     9     (tell) you, but you must keep it under your hat. The amounts are about fifty- fifty.

“Ah, half-and-half," said Brooks.

“Yes sir, in a way,"    10    (return) Prosper, “one horse, one chicken!"

2022-03-15更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届江西省重点中学盟校高三下学期第一次联考英语
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . If you browse through a library, you' 11 find a variety of books, from fiction to crime to romance. And if you ________ through a city you'll see a variety of people of ________ ages, body shapes, skin colors and genders.

In Copenhagen, a(n)________ library, The Human Library, offers books made of flesh and bone instead of ________ -- individuals from all walks of life or faced with ________ The book titles are short and to the point like transgender, former crimina1 or' immigrant . Readers may borrow these “books” for a thirty-minute ________

The human books are volunteers, and visiting readers are encouraged to ask those ________ or embarrassing questions they’ve always wondered about.

The ________ idea first came to Ronni Abergel when he was troubled by the ________ that people tended to drop people in little boxes with prejudice through a ________ knowledge of them. He ________ sitting down and meeting some of the people you normally might feel a little bit ________ about, which will help you learn tremendously not only about them, but also about ________

So the main idea of the Human Library is to ________ the assumptions and stereotypes (刻板印象) that we ________ to have about other people.

Transgender volunteer Katy Jon Went is a regular host for the Human Library s events, “The best thing to remember is that you can ask them anything- -the human "books' are ________ offended, which is an incredibly rare ________

Today 85 ________ have a Human Library, from Norway and Hungary all the way to Australia and Mongolia! The event is all about celebrating human ________ It's a celebration for everyone ________ race, age, gender, or nationality.

A.regardless ofB.on account ofC.in terms ofD.aware of
2022-03-15更新 | 228次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届江西省重点中学盟校高三下学期第一次联考英语
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