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1 . When I was 7 and Stevie was 6, our parents taught us how to play chess and other games. Playing games was our life back then. Stevie and I were very competitive in everything.

We got older and better so our games were more intense, but also more exciting. The strange thing is that I enjoyed the games vastly and was happy for my brother when he won. But afterwards, I felt my well-being threatened, and then my confidence suffered.

When I was 10 years old I wanted to be successful at my talents. One day, a light came on in my head. I had to find something Stevie couldn’t do. It would have to be unique in every way. Before long, I got Jimmy Nelson’s record on “How to Become a Ventriloquist (腹语师)” and I practiced faithfully every day. After summer vacation, I did my first show for my class. The response was favorable. I performed for family get-togethers and did shows on a number of occasions to practice my new skill.

It isn’t easy learning ventriloquism. The difficult part was developing the voice, because at first, it was soft and hard to hear. I memorized the routines and performed more. With time, I got better responses. The loud laughter was nonstop, in addition to the applause.

Four years later, my mother purchased professional ventriloquial figure, which I named Freddie O’Sullivan. He was lifelike, with moving eyes, moving eyebrows, and could stick out his tongue. Treating Freddie like a real person enhanced my performance.

In college, Freddie was well known. He would tell people that he was the only guy that could sleep in the girl’s dormitory. Over the years, I won many talent awards.

One time, an elderly man looked at Freddie attentively and asked him where he got his trousers. The audience nearby had tears in their eyes. I didn’t know what was going on until I was told later the gentleman hadn’t spoken for 20 years.

Thanks to my brother, I created a lifetime with Freddie.

1. How did the author feel at first when Stevie won a game?
2. Why did the author decide to learn ventriloquism?
A.To gain her parents’ favor in family get-togethers.
B.To record her intense and competitive childhood.
C.To have a special talent better than her brother.
D.To bring joyous laughter to people around her.
3. What do we know about Freddie O’Sullivan?
A.Freddie trained the author professionally.
B.Freddie inspired an old man to restart to talk.
C.Freddie took the place of the author’s brother.
D.Freddie disturbed others in the girl’s dormitory.
4. According to the passage, which words can best describe the author?
A.Generous and grateful.B.Modest and responsible.
C.Patient and honest.D.Sensitive and determined.
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2 . My mother used to take me to my grandparents’ in Belgium during the school holidays. While I would play chess with my grandfather, he would tell me stories about growing up, falling in love, and travelling around the world.

I didn’t realize the importance of preserving memories until my grandfather passed away, which ultimately changed my outlook on remembering our loved ones and the stories we share. I thought about solutions to help other people record the precious memories for those they love—before it’s too late. So I began matching ghostwriters (代笔人) to clients to help them write a book as smoothly and beautifully as possible, and Story Terrace was born.

Since then, we have explored the power of stories and their ability to connect us with our past and make sense of the present. It has been documented that increased family connection is significantly linked to less loneliness. Learning more about one’s family history, however, has been linked to boosting emotional health, increasing compassion and providing a deeper sense of cultures and traditions.

What we have found through our own research is that so many of us have missed out on the opportunity to explore our origins. 56 percent of Brits agreed that much of their family history is lost because they are no longer able to speak with the person who knows the most about it. A further 51 percent expressed regret as they wished they could tell their younger self to document their family’s life story, feeling that most of it had been forgotten. But when it comes to telling these stories, many don’t know where to begin.

We have seen numerous times when people come to us with random journal entries and notes from over the years, and these can be developed into a wonderful work of art that can be passed down for generations to come.

Half of the projects we see at StoryTerrace are heritage stories, with family occupying a dominant theme for most stories. Alongside this, common themes we see are of course love, overcoming challenges, settling in new surroundings and so on. However, family is a thread that always ties these together.

1. What does Story Terrace do?
A.It boosts the mood of your family members.
B.It gives treatment to people with mental illness.
C.It links people from different cultures together.
D.It helps turn your beloved one’s stories into a book.
2. What does the author intend to show by listing the numbers in paragraph 4?
A.Why StoryTerrace matters.
B.How StoryTerrace functions.
C.What StoryTerrace focuses on.
D.Where StoryTerrace beings your story.
3. What can you infer about Story Terrace from the last paragraph?
A.It is part of the national heritage.
B.Its stories are mostly about family.
C.It dominates half of the market.
D.Its stories gain much popularity.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Family Stories Worth Telling
B.Create Your Own Story Books
C.Documents of Family History
D.Preserve Memories with StoryTerrace
2023-05-13更新 | 221次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届河北省石家庄市高中毕业年级教学质量检测(三)英语试题
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文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述7岁男孩Chase Poust(蔡斯﹒磅)在家人遇难后,勇敢地独自上岸寻求帮助,最后救了一家人的故事。

3 . Chase Poust is a 7-year-old boy. He and his dad Steven, as well as his 4-year-old sister, Abigail were out for a family boating trip on Florida’s St. Johns River near Mandarin Point. Chase and Abigail were swimming at the back end of the anchored (停泊的) boat while Steven was on deck fishing.

It was a pleasant outing—until a strong wave came. It was too strong for Abigail to hold onto the boat. Instantly realizing his sister would be swept away, Chase let go of the boat as well to try and reach her.

Steven jumped into the water but after realizing he couldn’t keep up with both kids, he was faced with a hard decision, “I told them loved them because I wasn’t sure what’s going to happen,” Steven told News-4 JAX. “I tried to stick with both of them. I wore myself out. She drifted away from me.”

Directing Chase lo swim to shore for help, Steven stayed behind, keeping as close as he could to Abigail as the life-vest that was keeping her above the waves floated further and further from his reach.

It was a tough go for the 7-year-old but rather than attempting to swim all out, Chase wisely paced himself. Stopping to float or dog paddle when he was tired, he’d rest and then set off again. It took Chase an hour to reach the shore. Once on solid ground, he ran to the nearest house and called for help.

Rescuers arrived soon to search for Steven and Abigail. Miraculously, the two were found and rescued about an hour later—more than a mild away from the family’s abandoned boat.

1. What happened during the family boating trip?
A.Chase went out fishing one.B.The boat ran into an anchored boat.
C.Steven fell off the boat by accident.D.Abigail was washed away by a wave.
2. Why was Steven faced with a hard decision?
A.He couldn’t stay close to both kids.B.He didn’t know how to swim.
C.He couldn’t find rescuers nearby.D.He wasn’t sure what might happen.
3. What did Steven ask Chase to do after the accident?
A.To hold Abigail tightly.B.To look for helpers.
C.To wait calmly in the water.D.To give the life-vest to Abigail.
4. Which of the following best describes Chase?
A.Brave and clever.B.Innocent and kind.
C.Proud and patient.D.Honest and helpful.
2023-05-06更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄第二十三中学2022-2023学年高二年级第二学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . Growing up, I understood one thing about my dad: He knew everything. I asked him questions and he told me the answers. In my teen years, he taught me things I’d need to know to survive in the real world. How to drive a stick shift. How to check your car tire’s pressure. When I moved out on my own, I called him at least once a week, usually when something broke in my apartment and I needed to know how to fix it.

But then, eventually, I needed him less. I got married, and my husband had most of the knowledge I lacked. For everything else, we had Google. I don’t know when it happened, but our conversations devolved into six words.

Me: “Hi, Dad.” Him: “Hi, sweets. Here’s Mom.”

I loved my dad, but I wondered at times if maybe he had already shared everything I needed to know. Maybe I’d heard all his stories.

Then, this past summer, my husband, our four kids, and I moved in with my parents for three weeks while our house was being renovated (翻新). Dad asked me to help him rebuild the bulkhead (舱壁) at their dock. I didn’t hesitate, but I was dreading it. It was hard, manual labor. We got wet and sand. But as we put the new bulkhead together piece by piece, my dad knowing exactly what went where, I looked at him.

“How do you know how to build a bulkhead?”

“I spent a summer in college building them on the Jersey Shore.”

I thought I knew everything about my dad. But I never knew this. I realized that maybe it’s not that there’s nothing left to say. Maybe it’s just that I’ve spent my life asking him the wrong questions.

Weeks later, after my family and I moved back into our renovated house, I called my parents. Dad answered. “Hi, sweets,” he said. “Here’s Mom.” “Wait, Dad,” I said. “How are you?” We ended up talking about the consulting he was working on.

To anyone else, it would sound like a normal conversation between a dad and his daughter. But to me, it was novel. Now I talk to him because I want to.

1. After marriage, who did the author turn to for help when she meet problems?
A.The neighboursB.Her motherC.Her fatherD.Her husband
2. What does the underlined word “dreading” mean in paragraph 5?
3. What can be learned from paragraph 8?
A.The author asked her father silly questions.
B.The author thought her father knew nothing.
C.The author didn’t care enough about her father’s life.
D.The author fully know her father.
4. What issues might the author not discuss with her father afterwards?
A.The method of fixing a refrigerator.
B.My father’s college experience.
C.Something interesting about my father’s current job.
D.The furniture of my renovated home.
2023-05-06更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄第二十七中2022-2023学年高一年级第二学期期中考试英语试题
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5 . He passed away many years ago. Father of the year (年度最佳父亲), my dad was not. That said, in some ways, he was a better parent than many dads are today.

He loved to attend my hockey (曲棍球) games. He tied my skates for years when I was young. But he didn’t go to a single one of the hundreds of soccer games I played as a kid. I didn’t care. All I wanted from my parents was a ride to the game. I was there to see my friends, not perform for Mom and Dad.

That’s why I don’t understand helicopter parents, the ones who suffer from great guilt and shame if they can’t make every single piano practice or football game. Your kids probably don’t care. Let them go and have some fun. All that matters is that you drop them off and pick them up on time. Consistency is king.

Of course, when kids are really young, they want to spend time with you. And they want you, the parent, to be focused on spending time with them, not checking your phone. “Wherever you are, be there,” said the great Jim Rohn.

My dad never had a cell phone. He never used the Internet. I don’t even think he ever touched a computer. But even if he did have a phone, I can’t imagine him checking when we would play catch in the backyard.

He was present. Every day in the summer, right after lunch, we’d play catch. He’d teach me how to throw a curve ball (曲线球). Sometimes he’d pitch to me, and when he’d hit me with a fastball, he’d say, “That’ll toughen you up.” We’d play until we lost all of the balls in the garden, not until he was distracted by a cellphone. Jim Rohn would have approved of his presence, although perhaps not his attitude about fastballs.

1. What’s the author’s attitude towards his father?
2. What do the underlined words “helicopter parents” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The parents who can fly helicopters.
B.The parents who pick up their kids on time.
C.The parents who enjoy participating in sports.
D.The parents who focus too much on their kids.
3. Why are the great Jim Rohn’s words mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To tell parents to stop using their cell phones.
B.To tell parents to keep in touch with their kids.
C.To tell parents to value the time with their kids.
D.To tell parents to follow their kids wherever they go.
4. What does the author intend to tell us in the last two paragraphs?
A.His father was low.B.His father was rude.
C.His father was energetic.D.His father was present.
2023-04-27更新 | 118次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省保定市保定部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题
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6 . How to Teach Your Child to Be a Good Friend

Your child who struggles with making friends and maintaining friendships may exhibit some behavioral issues. Physical aggression and name-calling often arise. A quiet character and social anxiety can also lead to difficulty making friends    1    

Instill self-esteem(灌输自尊思想). The first step in teaching your child to be a good friend is to teach them to take pride in themselves.    2    Additionally, a child with a strong sense of self will build healthier friendships down the road.

Teach social skills.    3    Role-play with your child to teach them how to have polite conversations with others. Practise taking turns, sharing, respecting other people’s boundaries, and showing care for their feelings. Your child also needs to know how to apologize, argue with a friend respectfully and listen to others.

    4    From Frog and Toad to Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin, children’s literature is filled with strong friendships. Use books as an opportunity to talk about what makes those friendships work, and what qualities the characters displayed to develop their friendships.

Find teachable moments. As a parent, you may run into situations where your child doesn’t act like the best friend they could be. Your child may have moments of conflict, drama and fights with their friends. Try to turn these moments into teachable moments.    5    Eventually, they’ll get the hang of it. With your guidance and a little practice, your child will turn into a caring, kind and trustworthy friend.

A.Read books about friendship to your child.
B.Encourage your child to share their favorite books.
C.Fortunately, it’s not difficult for you to be a good friend.
D.Appropriate social behavior isn’t what a person is born with.
E.Ask them how a good friend would have acted in the situations.
F.However,there are many ways to help your child develop friendship skills.
G.When a child has a strong sense of self, they won’t join in mean behaviors to fit in.
2023-04-14更新 | 203次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届河北省高三4月大联考(二模)英语试题
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7 . When I was about seven years old, my mother often told me that pork needed to be cooked thoroughly-the harder, the better, because if there was even a little bit of pink in your pork,you could get Trichinosis (旋毛虫病).I didn’t know what Trichinosis was. However, it was described to me as a terrible disease that I didn’t want to get. Therefore, in my life, I hadn’t eaten any pork product before checking to see if it was fully cooked. On most days, I even refused to eat any pork.

Years later, I became a middle-aged father. I was eating dinner in a friend’s house and she was serving pork. I was terrified at some pink in it. I immediately explained to our host and the other guests the danger that was clearly present in this meal. I insisted that the pork should be cooked further, thinking that I had saved everyone with my quick-thinking and keen awareness.

It was only after I went home that evening that I decided to see how many people in our country actually got Trichinosis. I checked online and found out there were less than 15 cases in the entire country that year, and I wasn’t even sure those were from eating undercooked pork.

As adults, we may say things casually to children because we want them to be safe. We may make things seem more dangerous or worse than they actually are. After all, we want children to take what we say seriously. However, we can also overemphasize something and cause fear in children that they may carry with them for the rest of their lives. The bottom line is that our children are listening to us all of the time, and we are setting a good example to them about how adults communicate.

1. How did the author behave when he ate pork as a child?
2. How did the author feel when expressing his opinion in his friend’s house?
3. What did the author want to do online after getting home?
A.Check the quality of pork.
B.Give his explanation about pork.
C.Prove his data analysis of Trichinosis right.
D.Find the truth about people with Trichinosis.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Adults should set a good example to children.
B.Children’s behavior may cause fear in parents.
C.Children often do the opposite of what adults say.
D.Parents’ words may have lasting effects on children.
2023-04-11更新 | 94次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省邯郸市涉县第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
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8 . Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving them is a normal part of life.     1     Here are some ways to love your parents.

Tell them you love them every morning. The gentle “Good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world.     2    

Respect them more and value the moments with them. You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for the day when you’re off on your own. It’s OK to get angry but anger doesn’t help you or your parents.     3     After that, share your feelings with your parents.

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem as if you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want.     4     Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes. Forgiveness is the key. Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

    5     Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

A.Keep them company.
B.Parents will in turn volunteer to express their love for you.
C.You love them because they created you and raised you.
D.Act calmly, write down your feelings, or talk with your friends.
E.Please remember parents are the dearest people for us in the world.
F.However, you should remember it is your parents who love you and protect you.
G.Without your parents, you might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.
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9 . When reading, my mother likes to slice a paragraph or a sentence out and attach it to the wall of her kitchen. She picks boring sentences that puzzle me. But I prefer copying favorite bright lines into a journal in soft, gray No. 2 pencil, word by word.

She doesn’t know any of this. There's nothing shocking: for our chatting. we seldom begin certain conversations though we talk on the phone weekly, sometimes making each other laugh so hard that I choke and she cries. But what we don't say could fill up rooms. Fights with my father. Small failures in school. Anything that really upsets us.

My mother has never told me “I love you, Lisa.”—as if the four-word absence explains who I am—so I carry it with me, like a label on me. The last time she almost spoke the words was two years ago, when she called to tell me a friend had been in hospital. I said, “I love you, Mom.” She stopped for a while and then said, “Thank you.” I haven't said it since, but I've wondered why my mother doesn't until I've found a poem that supplies words for the blank spaces I try to understand in our conversations:

Don’t fill up on bread. I say absent-mindedly. The servings here are huge.

My son, middle-aged, says: Did you really just say that to me?

What he doesn’t know is that when we’re walking together, I desire to reach for his hand.

It's humble, yet heartbreaking. After copying it down in my journal, I emailed it to mom, adding “This poem makes me think of you.” My mother doesn’t read poetry—or at least, she doesn’t tell me, and I felt nervous clicking “Send”.

She never mentioned the poem. But the next time I went home for vacation, I noticed something new in the kitchen fixed to an antique board: the poem. The board hung above the heater, the warmest spot in the kitchen. The poem still hangs there. Neither my mother nor I have ever spoken about it.

1. What's the function of paragraph 1?
A.To stress the theme.B.To establish the setting.
C.To represent the characters.D.To create the atmosphere.
2. Which of the following best describes the mother daughter relationship?
3. Why did the author send the poem to her mom?
A.It reminded her of mom's love.
B.She wanted to apologize to mom.
C.It suited mom's taste of literature.
D.She needed an interpretation from mom.
4. What does the poem mean to mom?
A.A memory of golden days.
B.Daughter’s gratefulness to her.
C.A decoration in the plain kitchen.
D.Daughter's understanding of her.
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10 . Yesterday, after arriving in Madrid, I knocked on a stranger’s door. “I searched on the website. Will you give me lessons?” I asked. This was the reason I’d come to Spain. Because I once believed I was meant to be a female flamenco (弗拉门戈) guitarist.

Forty-five years ago, when I was two, my father also came to Madrid and knocked on strangers’ doors. A well-known classical guitarist, he admired flamenco a lot, and in Spain he learnt from anyone willing to teach him. He approached performers in bars, made friends with street musicians and managed to study with Paco de Lucia, the greatest flamenco guitarist of our time.

I started playing classical guitar when I was five. My father’s hands exploded across the strings like fireworks. I practised while he instructed and criticized. I played till I had sharp pain in my fingertips. By age seven, I was called a child genius.

Then, at 11, I quit. Heartbroken, my father distanced himself. Guiltily, I followed suit. Soon we spoke only when necessary. Our relationship didn’t rebound until, in my early 20s, I found myself pulled back to guitar.

When I was in my early 30s, he got sick. Before he died a few years later, my father told me there were almost no female flamenco guitarists in the world. If I kept practising, I could be one of the first. I promised, and he left me his guitar. But after he died, I couldn’t bear to play it. He’d spent so much time with his arms around that instrument, and it seemed an extension of his own body. Holding it gave my grief an unbearable tangibility (可触知). So for 13 years it sat mostly untouched, coming out only when my son Ellis begged to see it. He was careful with his grandfather’s instrument in a way that made me want to pass it down to him — both the guitar and the music. Problem was, I couldn’t really play anymore.

Now, Antonia is sitting with me in her living room, teaching me patiently. I have been here for only two days, and already my fingers hurt. It’s a sharp pain, like when a fallen-asleep limb (肢体) returns to life. The feeling delights me. It means I’m doing something right.

1. Which can best describe the father when he was learning flamenco?
2. Which has the similar meaning with the underlined word “rebound” in paragraph 4?
3. Why did the author leave the guitar untouched?
A.She intended to pass it down to her son.
B.It reminded her of her unpleasant past.
C.Deep sorrow drowned her at the sight of it.
D.Carrying it made her feel a sense of burden.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Guitar Lessons From Strangers
B.Love for Father on the String Again
C.Adventures for Music Lovers in Spain
D.Journey to Success as a Flamenco Guitarist
2023-03-10更新 | 267次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届河北省唐山市高三一模英语试题
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