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1 . When you choose a friend, you should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather (晴天) friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability .

Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries, to think of ways to be helpful. He is, also a good listener.

At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, good friends will be honest to each other and accept each other.

Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favour, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humour, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend!

1. If you have fair weather friends, what will happen to you?
A.You will become rich.
B.You can be sure that you get real friends.
C.You will be refused when you get into trouble.
D.They will give you all that they have when you need help.
2. Which is the most important the writer thinks in choosing a friend?
A.Honesty.B.Reliability.C.Understanding.D.A sense of humour.
3. What does the underlined word “down” in Paragraph 1 mean?
4. What will a good friend do?
A.He will look for faults in others.B.He will do his best to help me.
C.He likes to laugh at me.D.He is funny.
5. What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.the qualities of a friendB.where to choose friends
C.how to get along with friendsD.the importance of having a friend
2024-02-08更新 | 106次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市宁河区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末练习英语试题
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2 . There is an old Chinese proverb that states “One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.” and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relationship between a mother and a daughter is sometimes confusing. The relationship can be similar to friendship. However, the mother and daughter relationship has unique characteristics that distinguish it from a friendship. These characteristics include a hierarchy(等级)of responsibilities and unconditional love, which preclude mothers and daughters from being best friends.

Marina, 27 years old, said, “I love spending time with my mom, but I wouldn’t consider her my best friend. Best friends don’t pay for your wedding. Best friends don’t remind you how they carried you in their body and gave you life! Best friends don’t tell you how wise they are because they have been living at least 20 years longer than you.”

This doesn’t mean that the mother and daughter relationship can’t be very close and satisfying. This generation of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in common, which increases the likelihood of shared companionship. Mothers and daughter shave always shared the common experience of being homemakers, responsible for maintaining and passing on family values and traditions. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experience of work and technology, which may bring them even closer together.

Best friends may or may not continue to be best friends, but for better or worse, the mother and daughter relationship is permanent, even if for some unfortunate reason they aren’t speaking. Sometimes this is not an equal relationship. Daughters don’t always feel responsible for their mother’s emotional well-being. But mothers never stop being mothers, which includes frequently wanting to protect their daughters and often feeling responsible for their happiness. The mother and daughter relationship is a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. Mothers always “trump” friends.

1. What does the underlined word “preclude” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What can we learn from what Marina said?
A.Her mother is anything but her best friend.
B.Best friends will not remind her of important issues in life.
C.Her mother is wiser on account of her age.
D.Best friends will not spend money on her wedding.
3. Why can a mother and a daughter build a closer relationship according to Paragraph 3?
A.Because they share advanced technology with each other.
B.Because they work together to support the whole family.
C.Because they experience the same values and traditions.
D.Because they have common experience in life and work.
4. What do we know from the text?
A.A mother-daughter relationship can be replaced by friendship.
B.A mother’s love brings her and her daughter a close friendship.
C.It’s impossible for Marina to develop relationship with her mother.
D.A mother-daughter relationship goes beyond best friendship.
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.How to Be a Good Mother and Daughter
B.Generation Gap between Mother and Daughter
C.Can a Mother Be a Daughter’s Best Friend?
D.Daughters Be Independent from Mothers
2024-01-21更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市南开区2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
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3 . Some people think asking for help is a sign of weakness, but the complete opposite is true. It takes strength to ask for help. It’s a hard thing to do. The truth is, there are more good people than bad. People truly want to help others. No one should ever have to be in that dark place.

I have a friend called Diane. Diane is one of the most positive people I have ever known. She is smart and funny, and by looking at her you would certainly think she had a perfect life. No one knew the terrible things she was dealing with. She never asked anyone for help when she was in great trouble. She thought that she would just be bothering people if she told them the truth. She thought loneliness was her answer. She masked her loneliness, but one day she hit her breaking point.

Diane tried to take her life one morning. She was lucky, though. Someone found her before it was too late. People finally knew her problems and with their help she got rid of them. She once told me that her biggest regret was not reaching out to someone sooner. Diane has greatly changed. She’s become positive and is always ready to help others.

Diane and I have grown quite close. She has helped me battle my own problems. She is an example of what help looks like.

To anyone out there who feels they are alone, I hope you know you are not. Even if you feel the world is closing in on you, there are people who care—people who will surprise you in the best ways. The best thing about our technological world is how easily you can reach people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are not alone.

1. What does the author mean by saying “the complete opposite is true” in Paragraph 1?
A.Getting help from others is a great shame.
B.Asking for help shows great courage.
C.It takes bravery to offer help.
D.It is difficult to get help.
2. Why did Diane refuse to ask for help at first?
A.She was very positive.
B.She had no one to turn to.
C.She considered help useless.
D.She feared to make trouble for others.
3. What change did Diane show after being saved by people?
A.She turned her back on the author.
B.She masked her anger with a smile.
C.She thought highly of reaching out to others.
D.She has removed all her doubts about others.
4. What does the author think of our technological world today?
A.It makes people afraid of face-to-face conversation.
B.It makes communication between people easier.
C.It offers a variety of ways to care for others.
D.It is likely to make people feel lonely.
5. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To share a friend’s story.
B.To explain why people refuse to get help.
C.To encourage us to ask for help if necessary.
D.To show the harm of keeping problems ourselves.
2023-11-22更新 | 106次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市北辰区2020-2021学年高三上学期第二次联考(期末)英语试卷
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4 . Twenty years ago, the idea of sharing our lives so openly with the world was unheard of. However, for young people today it is considered completely normal to share pictures of their lives and interact online every day. Fans of social media point out that the world has never been so connected as it has allowed people to make friends, learn about the world and celebrate life.

However, many people have concerns about the effects of this new way of living particularly around the amount and type of information that is shared so openly. Now researchers have found that too much time on social media may indeed have some negative effects. They measured people’s attitudes and feelings before and after browsing(浏览) social media sites. They found that the more time people spent on social media, the more unhappy they became.

There are a number of reasons for this. When browsing social media, people often see photographs and stories showing beautiful holidays, fun parties and fashionable clothes. People rarely post negative stories or bad pictures, so it can be misleading. For those looking at these pictures and comparing them to their own lives, they can end up feeling sad and depressed. They might think their lives are worse in comparison. Even for those people who post positive stories and pictures, they too can feel stressed and worried. The number of “likes” and comments on their posts can make them anxious about their popularity. Of course, there is also the problem of “cyber bullying(网络欺凌)” where people become victims of bullying online when others make negative or cruel comments about them.

The reality is that social media is a part of modern life and it is not going to go away. This research shows us that it is important to find a balance between our online and offline lives. We don’t have to disconnect from the Internet to live a happy life, but we should realise that the pictures we see and stories we read are only part of a bigger picture. If we can do that, we can protect ourselves and enjoy our lives.

1. According to Paragraph 1, social media help people to ______.
A.interact off line easilyB.kill time
C.share highlights of lifeD.discover that the continents are connected
2. What idea does the writer convey in Paragraph 2?
A.People spend too much time on social media.
B.Browsing social media certainly has negative consequences.
C.Spending too much time on social media can have negative effects.
D.Browsing social media is definitely not fun.
3. Why does browsing social media sometimes make people depressed?
A.Because people get upset after comparing the good lives in other people’s posts.
B.Because they always worry about the number of “likes”.
C.Because of the existence of “cyber bullying”.
D.Because other people always post negative stories.
4. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.The pictures we see are only part of the picture.
B.None of the stories we read on the Internet are true.
C.In order to live a happy life, we should browse more pictures.
D.What we see or read on the Internet is not entirely representative of the real world.
5. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To offer some tips on using social media.
B.To show the highs and lows of social media.
C.To remind us about the “cyber bullying”.
D.To share his experience with social media.
2023-11-13更新 | 116次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市南开区2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语考试
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5 . There’s a small brick house I visit from time to time. It’s not the house that is special, but rather the person who lives inside.

I met Jenny about 45 years ago when she was my sister’s kindergarten teacher. I remember looking into her classroom wishing I was her student. Jenny created a safe place where we could be whatever we wanted to be in that moment. My parents told me I could start school when I was 4. Though, when I turned 4 in the spring, I couldn’t understand why I had to wait until September.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a teacher. When I graduated, I couldn’t wait to invite Jenny to my classroom. She arrived one day, and I saw joy on my students’ faces singing the same songs I sang with her as a child. As a new teacher, I marveled at how she connected with children. For years, Jenny volunteered in my classroom.

Over the years we have shared in each other’s ups and downs. She asks me for updates about my family and friends, and she tells me about hers.

I am here for her now as the time to sell her house is near. I bring up boxes from her basement. We go through every painting a student has given her, every thank-you note a parent has written and her teaching aids.

I find papers featuring the letters of the alphabet. I find my own name printed in green marker. Suddenly, my mind goes back to Room 3.

More than 40 years ago, Jenny sat on the carpet at her feet. We learned about the letters and their sounds. Now, Jenny sits on her rocking chair, and I find myself sitting at her feet. Over tea, we talk for hours. I listen intently because I know I still have more to learn from her.

Our friendship is one that neither one of us expected. Educators know teaching is a profession devoted to the development of young individuals. The lucky ones get to see what their students have done with their lives. The exceptional ones never leave their students’ hearts.

1. What is the best title of the passage?
A.A small brick house.B.Unexpected friendship.
C.A kindergarten teacher.D.Letters of the alphabet.
2. What does the underlined words “marveled at” mean in English?
A.To be surprised at.B.To be satisfied with.
C.To be disappointed at.D.To be angry with.
3. According to the passage, what did the author do after she graduated?
A.A singer.B.A painter.C.A teacher.D.A volunteer.
4. What do we know from the last paragraph?
A.Teachers play an important role in the development of students.
B.Every teacher will never leave their students’ hearts.
C.Every teacher will know what their students do with their lives.
D.Student are lucky enough to make friends with their teachers.
5. Which of the following is true?
A.Jenny taught the author painting pictures.
B.The author received thank-notes from the parents.
C.The author often visited Jenny’s basement.
D.The author has learned a lot from Jenny.
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6 . We like to think we can read people like a book, relying mostly on facial expressions that give away the emotions inside. But when it comes to the strongest emotions, we read much less from facial expressions than we think we do. In fact, even though we believe it’s the face that tells the story, we’re typically reading something very different: body language.

That’s the new finding from a study published this week in the journal Science. Researchers from Princeton, New York University, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem presented volunteer study participants with a series of pictures showing people experiencing extreme emotion, either positive or negative. The images included professional tennis players who had just won or lost a point in a major match.

In some of the images, researchers only show the study participants a face; in others, only a body; and in others still, both the body and the face. You might think it’d be obvious from a face whether he has just won Wimbledon. But it turns out it isn’t.

“The striking finding was that our participants had no clue if the motion was positive or negative, when they were judging faces only,” says lead study author Hillel Aviezer from Hebrew University. “By comparison, when they were judging the body (with no face), or the body with the face, they easily told positive from negative expressions.”

The findings are doubly surprising because the study participants themselves were convinced that they recognized the emotions from the faces, not from body language. “They even had their own theories about what part of the face was most important — but this was a false idea,” Aviezer says. He adds that we do, of course, read a great deal of emotional information from faces but only in certain situations.

“I think the findings may have some clinical applications,” he says. “Consider populations such as individuals with autism (孤独症). We know these people often have difficulties with recognizing facial expressions,” he says. “Until now we have been trying to help them by training them to better understand just the faces. But our work suggests that perhaps we should teach them how to recognize emotions from the full person.”

1. Compared with facial expressions, body language is ________.
A.more important for showing strong emotions
B.good at expressing more negative feelings
C.more difficult to recognize and understand
D.especially important for professional tennis players
2. The participants made poor judgments when they were shown pictures of ________.
A.just a bodyB.just a face
C.a full personD.negative emotions
3. According to Aviezer, the study participants _________.
A.could explain the reasons behind their judgments correctly
B.read most emotional information from faces
C.overstressed the importance of faces
D.could recognize the emotions easily
4. According to the last paragraph, the research _________.
A.may offer new ways to recognize facial expressions
B.can be used to understand some patients’ feelings
C.can help people deal with negative emotions
D.may help people with communication problems
5. Where can you probably find the text?
A.In a health magazine.B.In a news report.
C.In a science textbook.D.In a personal diary.
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7 . Dear Mr Black,

I used to have a really good group of friends. Now they’re all getting into smoking and drinking. I want to find a new group of friends, but I’m shy. How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends with, who will accept me?



Dear Mike,

You’ve already made a very important step because you’ve realized that it’s time to find new friends. Making and keeping good friends is a challenge for all of us, whether you are shy or not. Since you’ve done this successfully before, one thing is to think back on how you developed friendship in the past.

Probably the best way to make and keep friends is to find others who share your interests. Lasting friendships often develop between people who enjoy the same activities. You also want to be with friends who share your values and goals for life. It just depends on what your own interests are.

That old saying is also true—the best way to have a friend is to be a friend. Reach out to the others who share your interests, sit with them at lunch, invite them to join you in activities you all like, listen to their thoughts and tell them about yours. Being a real friend takes time and effort. With time and effort, I’m sure you will find some very good friends during your school years and you’ll always be in touch after leaving school.


Tom Black

1. Mike wrote the letter to ________.
A.ask Mr Black why people don’t like him
B.ask Mr Black why his old friends left him
C.ask Mr Black to introduce some friends to him
D.ask Mr Black for some advice on making friends
2. Why does Mike want to leave his old friends?
A.Because they try to make him smoke and drink.
B.Because they have formed some bad habits.
C.Because they no longer want to spend time with him.
D.Because they have never treated him as a good friend.
3. In Mr Black’s opnion, making and keeping friends is ________.
A.not so easyB.just hard for shy people
C.an easy task for some peopleD.especially difficult for students
4. In Paragraph 2 of his letter, Mr Black mainly suggests that Mike should make friends with those who ________.
A.haven’t good goals for lifeB.can set good examples to him
C.have a lot of moneyD.have the same interests as him
5. By mentioning the old saying, the writer suggests that Mike ________.
A.wait until a true friend appears
B.make as many friends as possible
C.act like a friend so as to have a friend
D.tell his friends what he really thinks of them
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8 . When we hurt someone, we may be unwilling to acknowledge our fault and make an apology because it makes us feel guilty, conflicts with our beliefs about being a good person, or means accepting that we’re imperfect human beings. We may want to excuse our behavior and blame the other person, minimizing our role in hurting him or her.

Researchers carried out a study to find out how we can be better at apologizing. In the study, researchers asked 120 college students to recall a time when they’d hurt someone else and the conflict remained unresolved. Then, participants were randomly assigned to either a 15-minute guided mindfulness exercise focusing on their breath and having people think in the present moment or a guided mind-wandering exercise, where they were encouraged to let their minds wander.

Afterward, they were asked to report how much they felt like apologizing to the person versus not apologizing or offering excuses for their behavior. Then, they were asked to write a note to the person, without instructions to apologize or not. In analyzing the notes, the researchers found that participants who had practiced mindfulness were more likely to write statements like “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” in their notes than those who had mind-wandered.

“One way in which we can foster apologies is by having people think in the present moment,” lead author Sana Rizvi says. “We can teach individuals to be mindful of their present states, and it can be done in about 15 minutes.”

Why might this be the case? Rizvi isn’t sure, as there has been very little research on how being more mindful might affect us when we hurt others. Prior research has found that being more mindful helps victims of wrong doing to be more forgiving, and it seems to improve relationships generally.

Mindfulness makes us feel less defensive and, therefore, helps us consider the importance of the other person in the conflict more. It’s encouraging that teaching simple mindfulness techniques (like focused breathing) could increase apologies, especially in places that are often filled with interpersonal conflicts, like workplaces or other occasions. It could help improve interpersonal interactions and repair relationships helping people move more easily from a place of conflict to understanding and forgiveness.

1. What does the author want to convey in Paragraph 1?
A.It is difficult for us to apologize.B.It is hard to put ideas into action.
C.It is normal for us to make mistakes.D.It is useless to regret what we have done.
2. What can we know about the participants in the study?
A.They were bad at handling conflicts.
B.They were encouraged to discuss their trouble.
C.They did something hurtful to others in the past.
D.They received mindfulness training before the study.
3. What conclusion did the researchers draw from the study?
A.Mind-wandering tended to increase conflicts.
B.Mindfulness could help people apologize more.
C.College students are more likely to behave responsibly.
D.College students seem to have better emotional control.
4. What does the author think of practicing mindfulness in workplaces?
A.It is challenging to carry out.B.It takes time to prove its effect.
C.It solves conflicts once and for allD.It helps achieve better relationships.
5. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Necessity of apology.B.Benefits of mindfulness.
C.Apology and mindfulness.D.Understanding and mindfulness.
2023-05-04更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津咸水沽第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期末阶段性训练英语试卷
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9 . In conversations with strangers, people commonly tend to think they should speak less than half the conversation time to be likable. But we’ve discovered this idea is wrong. Our data shows that people tend to think they should speak about 45% of the time to be likable in a one-on-one conversation with someone new. However, it appears speaking up a bit more is actually a better strategy.

In our research, we randomly assigned people to speak for 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% of the time in a conversation with someone new. We found that the more they spoke, the more they were liked by their new partners. This was only one study with 116 participants, but the outcome is supported by other researchers’ findings. For example, a previous study randomly assigned one in a pair to take on the role of “speaker” and the other to take on the role of “listener. ” After engaging in 12-minute interactions, listeners liked speakers more than speakers liked listeners because listeners felt more similar to speakers than speakers did to listeners. This outcome suggests the reason people prefer those who speak up: Learning more about a new partner can make you feel like you have more in common with him or her.

Further, we assigned people to speak for up to 70% and even 90% of the time. The result shows it is not an ideal strategy. Our research does not suggest people hold down a conversational partner but rather that they feel comfortable speaking up more than they usually might.

Research like ours can help people gain a ‘more reasonable understanding of social interactions with new people and become more confident about how to make a good first impression. It has the obvious benefit of allowing us to carefully control speaking time. However, it does not reflect more natural conversations. Future research should figure out whether our findings generalize to more natural interactions.

1. What is the common belief concerning conversations with strangers?
A.Speaking a little less is preferred.
B.Speaking half the time is the best.
C.Listeners are more likable than speakers.
D.Listeners fail to control the conversations.
2. How was the research carried out?
A.By analyzing speaking habits.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By listing examples.
D.By collecting data.
3. What is the disadvantage of the research?
A.The conversation time is limited.
B.Further study is hard to continue.
C.The findings are less widely appliable.
D.Interactions with strangers are missing.
4. In which situation can the research finding be applied?
A.Attending a family gathering.
B.Partying with your friends.
C.Meeting a new teacher.
D.Making a public speech.
2023-03-24更新 | 687次组卷 | 5卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会关系
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . When it comes to team assembly, people who are both trustworthy and competent are the most sought after. However, those who are friendly and trustworthy are more likely to be selected than those who are known for just their skill competence and personal reputation, according to a new research from Binghamton University.

“We assume that people are selected due to their knowledge, skills and abilities. However, this research suggests that people may often get picked because team members feel comfortable with them,” said Cynthia Maupin, assistant professor in Binghamton University’s School of Management. “People may be willing to sacrifice a bit in terms of performance in order to have a really positive team experience.“

Maupin and her colleagues focused on a group of MBA students to conduct their study. Students were randomly assigned to different teams to carry out class projects. Toward the end of the semester, they were asked to form their own teams and evaluate why they selected each member.

“To find out how the students signaled to others that they might be someone who would be good to team up with in the future, we studied their use of either challenging or supportive voice,” Maupin said.

● Challenging voice: Communicating in a way that challenges the present situation and is focused on new ideas and efficiency.

● Supportive voice: Communicating in a way that strengthens social ties and trust.

The researchers found that students who exhibited both voices were the most in-demand people when it came to assembling teams. However, students who only used supportive voice to exhibit their friendliness and trustworthiness were more sought after than those who only signaled their competence through the use of challenging voice.

Maupin said the findings have major implications for the workplace. “People should realize the way they speak up can have a strong effect on informal teaming up at a later point and that supportive voice helps establish harmonious relationships and a sense of trust amongst individuals.”

1. Who are preferred as team members?
A.Those with good personal reputation.
B.Those with skill competence.
C.Those willing to make sacrifices.
D.Those easy to get along with.
2. What does the underlined word “signaled” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. What does Maupin think of the findings?
A.They make people more supportive.
B.They make sense for better team assembly.
C.They help improve work competence.
D.They have strong effects on formal teaming up.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Secret of Communication
B.The Importance of Competence
C.Challenging Voice or Supportive Voice
D.Competent Teammates or Friendly Teammates
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