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阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” This is a piece of wise advice from Warren Buffet, arguably one of the greatest financial minds of the 21th century.     1     This is true especially in the present economic climate.

While the idea of being frugal(节俭的) has long been a part of Eastern culture, the relatively recent growth of wealth in China as well as the ease of purchasing has led to increased consumerism for many across the country. Yet this increased consumption of goods has been pushing up the prices of certain bare essentials such as housing, transportation and food, which is forcing people to reevaluate their priorities while spending money.     2    

The internet is flooded with advice on where one can save money as well as good opinions about how they should spend their money. For example, clothes can be bought second-hand, but you should never skip a visit to the dentist.     3     In the meanwhile, you should limit those that are fancy but not entirely necessary. Of course, it is still fine to occasionally spend money on a nice vacation, but buying thirty pairs of shoes you will only wear a few times is neither responsible nor sustainable.

Hopefully, we all fully understand at this point that the resources on the earth are indeed limited.     4     As a result, the choice (forced or not) to be frugal is not only good for one’s wallet, but also beneficial to the planet in the long run. Have you ever chosen to starve yourself to get a pair of limited-edition sneakers?     5    

A.A continuous growth model on this planet is by no means sustainable.
B.These words have always not been taken seriously by young people.
C.They are meant to encourage people to buy more stuff than they need.
D.It makes sense to prioritize goods and services that directly affect your health.
E.It is no wonder then that being frugal is once again becoming a dominant trend.
F.Many young people today appear to be taking these words very much to heart.
G.If so, it is high time you started making changes for yourself and for all humanity.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A diverse workforce consists of people from all walks of life. These are employees who will view the world differently, and who will apply their personal experience to contribute unique viewpoints which can benefit your company.     1     There are still more real and immediate benefits of diversity in the workplace.

When employees with different viewpoints come together, everyone shares a slightly different approach to the job and the problem at hand. And that’s a benefit, as far as your success is concerned.     2     They’re diverse too, after all.

Meanwhile, workplace diversity boosts creativity. Think about it this way: sameness causes sameness. If you only hire employees coming from similar cultures and socioeconomic circumstances, you’re limiting the creativity and innovation of your company.     3    

In general, people like to fit in, so they are careful not to stick their necks out. When in a strong, homogenous (同种类的) culture, they prevent the natural cognitive (认知的) diversity in groups through the pressure to follow the majority.     4     No matter who they are or where they come from, this inclusiveness helps them break down barriers and reduce the fear of being rejected.

    5     A diverse workforce gives you a diverse and global perspective — a point of view rich in incredible slight differences in human experience and culture — and that means you will have a greater chance of expanding into more diverse markets, both at home and abroad.

A.And this just doesn’t end there.
B.Similarly, different voices will contribute to diversity.
C.Actually, diversity should be a major goal for every company.
D.A diverse workforce also gives you better insights into your customers.
E.But a workplace culture of diversity helps your employees feel included.
F.Beyond that, diversity can help you successfully develop your business globally.
G.On the contrary, employees from diverse backgrounds will bring diverse solutions.
2023-05-06更新 | 76次组卷 | 3卷引用:陕西省陕西师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Sometimes you just want to get away. Your older brother and his friends are constantly amped in front of the TV, your baby sister won’t stay out of your room, and you want some time for yourself.

But when you get it-maybe at a friend’s house for an all-weekend DVD marathon or on spring break at Disney World-you’re surprised to find yourself missing the chaos at home a bit.

What’s that all about?    1    

When you’re homesick, you might feel nostalgic (怀念的) for familiar things like your family, friends, pets, house, or neighborhood. Homesickness isn’t only for kids.    2     Teens might get homesick when they leave home for the first extended period of time, like during a vacation with a friend’s family.

Familiar surroundings, people, and routines provide people with a sense of security and comfort.    3     Those homesick feelings are completely normal.

    4     Others may feel physical symptoms, like stomachache or headache, or even become truly depressed. Most of the time, once the new surroundings and people become more familiar, feelings of homesickness go away. If you have additional stress in your life - like a divorce or a death in the family - homesickness can be more intense.

Almost everyone has felt homesick at some time.    5     It means you have family and friends worth missing and a place you want to return to when your adventure away from home is over.

A.Practically everyone feels homesick from time to time, even adults.
B.In a new place, you may find yourself missing the comforts of home and loved ones.
C.Believe it or not, you’re feeling homesick.
D.Remember that there’s a good side to homesickness, too.
E.Luckily, homesickness is usually mild and doesn’t last long.
F.Some people may only feel a little loneliness, sadness, or anxiety.
G.And you can do some things to make sure it doesn’t spoil your fun.
2023-04-23更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届陕西省渭南市高三下学期教学质量检测(Ⅱ)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save much money on legal fees with his latest project-the world’s first robot lawyer. The 19-year-old first started the project last summer as a free website to help people appeal unfair parking tickets. He came up with the idea after getting a series of tickets himself for unimportant reasons. Having wasted hours writing appeals to these tickets, he realized that many people have no time or legal knowledge to appeal So he decided to create a robot lawyer, which he named DoNotPay.

DoNotPay was a success, and the tech genius has gone a step further with the website. converting(转变)it into a robot lawyer equipped to help with various legal issues. “The robot can handle parking ticket appeals and delayed flights/ trains. It can also answer some general legal questions like ‘ I can’t afford my ticket. What do I do?’” said Browder.

To use the service, users need to go to the website DoNotPay.co.uk and sign up for free. Once signed in, the robot will ask the user questions about their situation. When it has collected enough information, and if the person has legal grounds for an appeal, the robot will create a letter for the person to use.

Browder said he received good advice from his professors at Stanford University. “Initially, I thought the best way to go about it was to create many individual rules for it to follow,” he explained. “However, I quickly failed with this approach because there are thousands of ways to say the same thing and it would be impossible to catch everyone. The breakthrough came when I learned how to create a way for the robot to learn and compare phrases itself, so that it doesn’t matter how the user phrases his or her requests.”

So he programmed the robot to use text comparison that includes keywords, word order and pronouns. And the more people use the robot,the better the algorithm(演算法)gets. But here’re situations where the robot can’t help.” If the robot can’t answer, it provides helpful massage offering the user some sample phrases or the choice of contacting me directly,”

Browder said. “On the backend, whenever the robot can’t answer, I get noticed and work as quickly as possible to add functions for any future requests of a similar nature.”

“I think it does a reasonable job of replacing parking lawyers,” Browder told Tech Insider. “I know there are thousands of programmers with more experience than me working on similar issues. If it is one day possible for any citizen to get the same standard of legal representation as a billionaire, how can that not be a good thing?”

1. What made Joshua Browder decide to develop the robot lawyer?
A.His interest in law and robot.
B.Being often fined for serious reasons.
C.Realizing people’s need to write appeals.
D.A waste of much money in appealing.
2. What can the robot lawyer do at present?
A.Deal with some common legal issues.
B.Create a computer program to serve its users.
C.Recommend some useful legal websites to users.
D.Teach the users to write a letter of appeal.
3. What did Browder’s professors advise him to do about his robot?
A.Store enough legal knowledge in it.
B.Teach it to communicate with its users.
C.Create enough individual rules for it to follow.
D.Enable it to learn and compare phrases on its own.
4. What is Browder’s attitude to the world’s first robot lawyer?
2023-04-23更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届陕西省渭南市高三下学期教学质量检测(Ⅱ)英语试题
5 . 上周三,你校举行了“反对粮食浪费”的宣传活动,请你为校英语报写一篇短文,介绍这次活动,内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 活动反响。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 题目已为你写好。

Stop wasting food

2023-04-21更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市临渭区2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The topic “slash youth”,   referring to those refusing to be defined or bound by just one personal identity and choosing to undertake multiple careers, has fueled heated debate on social media. On Douban, a Chinese social networking platform, the topic has attracted about 11,000posts and has been viewed over 400 million times. China’s young people are keen to share their slash youth stories online, presenting themselves as multiple and sometimes distinct identities, such as a nurse and model, a teacher and stand-up comedian, and an engineer and musician.

Xing Eryang, a 31-year-old female resident in Beijing, founded the Douban topic in 2021.While staying diligent about her daytime work, she is developing her hobbies, including stand-up comedy and vlogging, into secondary careers during her spare time. And she is amazed to find her “slash life” philosophy followed by so many of her peers.

Weiheng, a 26-year-old woman in Guangzhou, and Tang Yuhan, a 27-year-old man in Xuancheng city, Anhui province, are both participants in the topic, with their stories earning thousands of likes so far. The two are both musicians in their spare time, even though they are thousands of miles apart and have different jobs in media and finance. Their passion for music has grown since college and they didn’t abandon their enthusiasm, even after entering the workplace.

Their reaction showed the gap between the young and former generations. “My parents used to say,   ‘music cannot earn you money’,   so the band thing was regarded as a waste of time. However,   we want to pursue whatever we love and are willing to pay for it.” says Weiheng.

“The ‘slash life’ mania(狂热)shows that, along with China’s economic development, our society is becoming more and more diversified and inclusive, and it welcomes everyone’s self-fulfillment,” says Shi Yanrong, an   associate researcher from Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences. “Young people no longer have to rely on work and money for their sense of self-worth. They tend to practice a carpe diem(活在当下)philosophy and create their own identities.”

1. What are “slash youth” more likely to do?
A.Create a topic on Douban.
B.Take diverse occupations.
C.Become a stand-up comedian.
D.Share their own stories online.
2. Which of the following amazes Xing Eryang?
A.Other young people’s positive response.
B.Hobbies developed while working.
C.The growing social networking platform.
D.Thousands of likes earned on Douban.
3. What did Weiheng and Tang Yuhan do to pursue their musical career?
A.They sent their stories online to gain more funds.
B.They shared similar interests in both their hobbies and jobs.
C.They never lost passion for music even if they had to quit college.
D.They stuck with their dream despite the older generation’s opinion.
4. According to Shi Yanrong, what is our society’s attitude to the “slash life”?

7 . Every time I take time off with my family, I tend to reflect on how technology has impacted our lives. It’s when we try to _________ the technology that we realize just how much we have _________ it. What happens when we have to _________ our own imagination and mind when there is no technology? If you ever stood in a long line and _________ went for your phone, you know what I am talking about.

When my family and I go on a trip together, it usually takes a few days for my kids to finally _________the fact that they have to let go of their electronic devices. They go through a withdrawal period (戒断期) where Mom is “the worst” for expecting them to go a few days without _________. I need to be _________ here. I am writing about my kids but the _________ is that I _________ withdrawals as well. I find myself having to use all my willpower just to __________looking at emails.

It has become a(n) __________ that vacation time is quality family time and when we are together, there are no __________. When vacation mode sets in, it becomes easier to __________ the technology and enjoy the moment. My children start to share stories and we find ourselves having fun just spending quality time together. __________, it always surprises me how quickly we __________ to our regular routine once the __________ is over. It becomes part of my __________ once I am back at work to have the phone beside me at all times.

Do you use technology as a tool to improve productivity or communicate and connect? Or, has technology become a(n) __________ that contributes to devaluing ( 贬值) “real life”__________with the people right in front of you?

So, spend __________ time with your loved ones and become engaged in the moment.

A.dream ofB.show offC.shut offD.major in
A.referred toB.commented onC.learned fromD.depended on
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . ChatGPT, a new chatbot model developed by US-based AI research laboratory OpenAI, has quickly become a hit globally due to its advanced conversational capabilities,

It can write emails, computer codes, even academic papers and poems, and has passed a number of tests within seconds. Academicians worldwide are discussing whether AI should be used in education. Some universities have banned it. The New York City’s Department of Education, for example, banned the chatbot from its public school devices and networks, with some people warning that it could encourage more students to cheat, especially in exams.

Many more welcome this app, claiming that, like most technological advances and groundbreaking innovations in history, ChatGPT is a powerful tool for the development of higher education.

Embracing AI as early as possible is advisable. Higher education institutions should make preparations for including AI in their syllabus (教学大纲). They can start by offering related courses, because by understanding how it works, they can make better use of it. Besides, students with good knowledge of AI are more competitive when it comes to getting a good job, as an increasing number of jobs are being done by computer programmes-some in cooperation with humans, AI-powered education technologies can be adopted to make the learning experience more suitable for each student based on his or her strengths and weaknesses. As for professors, AI can free them from doing some dull tasks so they can concentrate on teaching and interacting with students.

Since we cannot avoid ChatGPT and other AI-powered applications from entering the field of higher education, we should make collective efforts to ensure they have a positive impact on society and the future of education Despite AI helping make learning much more interesting and enjoyable, humans need to work very hard to win the race with technology.

1. Why do some higher education institutions forbid ChatGPT?
A.ChatGPT can write emails and computer codes quickly.
B.Some professors might not perform their duties properly.
C.Students would have conversations with each other via it.
D.Students might seek help from it in completing the exams.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards AI applications in education?
3. How can AI benefit students of higher education?
A.It offers students an increasing number of jobs.
B.It personalizes students’ learning experience.
C.It equips students with competitive skills to cooperate with humans.
D.It handles uninteresting tasks so students can better focus on learning.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.We should guard against AI apps.
B.AI will be more widely used in education.
C.The future of education relies on AI apps.
D.Humans will be left behind by technology.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Nowadays with the development of technology, people have gradually depended on the mobile phones seriously. Many people, especially young adults, like to use social media to connect with others. However, everyone takes no notice of an important point. That’s face-to-face communication between people is missing.

Social media is all about connecting with others. But a new study suggests that too much social media use makes people feel alone and lonely. The study finds that heavy use of platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram leads to isolation among young adults.

In the study Brian Primack and his team interviewed 1,787 U.S. adults aged 19 to 32 about their use of social media platforms. Surprisingly, people that spend more time on social media feel lonelier than others.

Tom Kersting,a psychotherapist(心理治疗师),said “Although people think being on social media all the time makes them connected to others, they are actually disconnected, because the more time one spends behind a screen, the less time one spends face-to-face.”Kersting continued. “They are spending a lot of time looking at everyone else’s posts, where they are, where they are going and what they are doing. The constant connection to others’ perfect life experiences causes feelings of being left out, and of being lonely.”

So what’s the answer? “It’s simple,” says Kersting, “All you need to do is to have a strong will. The solution to this is to refuse the addiction to looking at everyone else’s life. Just focus on your own life, where you’re going, what you are grateful for, and what you want to achieve in this world. Then go out and do it, and stop wasting so much time comparing.”

1. What can be known about young adults in Paragraph 1?
A.They feel forgotten by their friends.
B.They lack face-to-face communication.
C.They depend too much on social media for learning.
D.They can’t keep up with the development of technology.
2. What does the underlined word “isolation” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What can be done to prevent people feeling left out and lonely?
A.Learn to improve one’s social ability.
B.Share one’s own perfect life with friends.
C.Cut down the time spent on social activities.
D.Concentrate on one’s own life rather than others’.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Social Media May Not be so Social
B.Others’ Perfect Life May Not be Perfect
C.Face-to-Face Communication Comes First
D.Our Life Will be Destroyed by Social Media
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了2022年Times Higher Education发布的世界大学排名,阐述了中国大陆大学在此次排名中的表现。
10 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Every year, universities    1     ( rank ) by different organizains.On Sept. 2, Times Higher education brought out the World University Rankings 2022 , in    2     Chinese mainland universities wrote a newpage in the rankings history.This year,a record 10 Chinese mainland universities ranked in the world’s top 200 universities.Tsinghua University and Peking University tied for 16th place,     3     ( mark) the first time that two Chinese mainland universities have made    4     into the top 20.

The Chinese mainland has the    5     (four) highest number of universities in the ramkings , behind the United States with 183 , Japan with 118 and the UK with 101.

The COVID-19 pandemic(大流行)has had an infuence    6    the rankings. Universities that did research on understanding and managing the pandemic saw    7     clear rise on the rankings table. 11 Chinese mainland universities , including Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan and Capital Medical University in Beijing, all move up at least two ranking    8     ( band).

“There is a clear change happening across higher education around the world, and perhaps most    9     ( rapid) in the Chinese mainland.”said Phil Baty, chief knowledge officer at Times Higher Education.“It is interesting    10     ( see ) whether the Chinese mainland can challenge the US and UK’s long-running advantage in the global top 10,”he added.

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