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阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . It was Christmas Eve when my elder sister and I decided to open our presents before our mom got home from work. She usually came home about an hour after we got home from school, which we thought was plenty of time to sneak a look (偷看) at the gifts under the tree.

My elder sister opened present after present while I was ordered to stand guard at the big window in our front room. Finally, when my sister’s curiosity was satisfied, we changed places.

After opening a few presents, I found it faster to open one end of a present and look inside. “Cool! Mom and Dad got me headphones!” I pulled the headphones out of the box and was about to put them on when my sister shouted, “Quick! Wrap (包裹) it back up! Mom’s coming!”

I put the headphones back in the box but my hands were shaking. My heart beat faster as I tried to get the tape to stick. I had just finished burying the package with my headphones in it when my mother came into the front room. I jumped up and said, “Hi, Mom!” She smiled at me and said “Hi” back, but didn’t appear to suspect (怀疑) anything. My heart began to slow as I took a deep breath.

On Christmas morning, my sister and I smiled, and gave award-winning performances when we opened our presents—again. “Headphones!” I shouted. “Thanks, it’s just what I wanted.” After everything had been opened, my sister and I looked at each other, and our eyes met. Our secret was safe, but somehow Christmas morning didn’t feel the same.

My sister and I never opened our Christmas presents early again. I don’t know if it was that opening our gifts for the second time just wasn’t as much fun as the first time, or if we came too close to getting caught and didn’t want to think about what our mother would have done to us.

1. What did the author and his sister do before their mother came back?
A.They bought some Christmas presents.
B.They hid Christmas presents under the tree.
C.They opened Christmas presents in advance.
D.They wrapped the headphones for their mother.
2. How was the author feeling when his mother was coming?
A.Grateful and moved.B.Happy and excited.
C.Curious and surprised.D.Nervous and frightened.
3. Why did Christmas morning give the author a different feeling?
A.His secret was found out.B.His curiosity wasn’t satisfied.
C.A pleasant surprise was lost.D.A festival atmosphere was lost.
4. What can we infer about the author from the last paragraph?
A.He didn’t like the headphones.B.He regretted what he had done.
C.He wasn’t satisfied with his mother.D.He couldn’t find his Christmas present.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Age has never been a problem for 16­year­old Thessalonika Arzu­Embry. After all, she’s already got her master’s degree.

The North Chicago­area teen started homeschooling at the age of 4. She began having an influence on others soon. When she was 6 years old, she was an inspirational (鼓舞人心的) speaker at an organization called Tabitha House Community Service, a shelter for people who were forced to leave their homes due to the situations such as earthquakes, flood and other natural disasters.

At the age of 11, she graduated from high school and then earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2013. She completed those classes online as she was traveling for leadership meetings.

She doesn’t stop there, though. The teen plans to focus on aviation psychology (航空心理学) for her further study, a decision inspired by her father who is a pilot. She grew up around airplanes and took flights all the time. Her goal is to use it to determine whether pilots are dealing with problems that could have deadly results once the plane takes off—a topic that has been in the news lately. For her, it’s a mix of two of her interests.

In her free time, Thessalonika enjoys playing tennis, swimming and being active in her youth group. She also has three self­published books, which are on her site. Jump the Education Barrier is written to help students finish college, and In the Future aims to help business owners deal with trends. Her third book The Genius Race has a wider appeal. It is designed to help people to be geniuses in various areas of life.

1. What can we know about Thessalonika from the passage?
A.When she was 6 years old, she started homeschooling.
B.She gained her master’s degree at the age of 11.
C.She majored in science and technology.
D.In 2013 she got her bachelor’s degree through completing courses online.
2. What is Thessalonika’s next plan according to the passage?
A.Majoring in aviation psychology.
B.Making inspiring speeches for leadership meetings.
C.Being active in her youth group.
D.Writing another book to help people to be geniuses.
3. Why does Thessalonika write the book Jump the Education Barrier?
A.To help people to be geniuses.
B.To give students a hand to complete college.
C.To raise concern about psychology.
D.To share her own experience with others.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.The Story of Thessalonika
B.To Be a Genius
C.Three Published Books
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

I read this story the other day and I liked it very much. Now I’d like to share it     1    you.

A man     2     (sudden) felt very terrible one day and was taken to hospital. After he received some examinations, he     3     (tell) he was badly ill and wouldn’t live longer than one year.     4     (hear) that, the man became depressed. He was so worried about himself that he wanted to do nothing. It lasted for about a month. Then one day, he decided to make     5     change and do something that he had dreamed of     6     (do)—to travel around the world. The doctors were     7     (shock) when they learned about it. They told the man that he might die on the way, but the man insisted on doing it. So he began his journey around the world.

He made friends with the people     8     he met on ships or planes. He enjoyed good food and visited beautiful     9     (place). He was in a happy mood every day and even totally forgot his illness. He was still alive one year later. When he returned to his home country, he was happy and healthy.

We shouldn’t be worried about it when something bad     10     (happen) to us. Instead, we should overcome our anxiety. Things will not be as bad as we expect them to be.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A Chinese girl Tan Fanglin overcame a world-class mathematics problem and was invited again to attend the World Laureates Forum when she was 15. Communicating with 65 top scientists in the world, she became a rising star in this meeting of the world’s sharpest minds.

Her discovery has won her many prizes in youth innovation competitions in China. However, Tan is not a “genius” in the traditional sense. Tan was born in a scholarly family. Her father was a professor of mathematics. Tan showed a high interest in mathematics when she was very young. She likes to find questions on her own. The more difficult the problem is, the more potential she will unlock. In this process, her father will only give proper guidance.

Tan took part in many research projects. So devoted to the projects, she once made serious mistakes during the exam at school. Instead of severely rebuking her, her parents let her find the problem by herself and achieve a better balance between textbook study and research. It was because of the respect and trust of her parents that Tan began to plan her study time scientifically and applied the learning methods summarized in the process of mathematics research to the classroom. With her hard work, she made great achievements in mathematics.

Attending this meeting enabled Tan to get more inspiration from the world’s top scientists. She even got the opportunity to talk with germ Miesenböck, who is pioneering the field of Optogenetics (光遗传学). Miesenböc has encouraged her not to lose her passion and love for what she does and said accepting failure is important to researchers. He has stressed that people all know that even Thomas Edison went through hundreds of unsuccessful attempts before finally inventing the light bulb. Tan has met many difficulties in her research and often feels upset. The words have made her feel inspired.

1. What can we learn about Tan Fanglin?
A.She went to the meeting with her father.B.She has a strong love for mathematics.
C.She never made mistakes in her school exams.D.She was invited to attend the Forum for the first time.
2. What does the underlined word “rebuking” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. How did Tan’s parents help her with her research?
A.By correcting her mistakes.
B.By offering extra training for her research.
C.By stressing the importance of scientific research.
D.By respecting her and encouraging her in self-development.
4. Which statement does germ Miesenböc probably agree with?
A.All roads lead to Rome.B.Nothing is impossible.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.D.Failure is the mother of success.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是青海省玉树县库马勒勒县的生态保护官员Gelek Gyatso发现三只与妈妈走散后走失的棕熊幼崽,并帮助这三只棕熊幼崽与自己的妈妈团聚的故事。

5 . Three cute brown bear cubs who got lost after getting separated from their mother gripped the hearts of netizens.

The fuzzy cubs were spotted by Gelek Gyatso, an ecological protection officer, when he was patrolling a riverbed at an altitude of nearly 4, 500 meters in Qumarleb county in Qinghai province’s Yushu.

The little cubs eagerly ran toward the ranger on the snow-covered riverbed, then stopped short at a safe distance to stare at him curiously. After realizing that the man was not their mother, the bear cubs turned around and ran along the river calling for mom.

This was Gelek Gyatso’s first encounter with bear cubs separated from their mother. With his knowledge of wild animals, he drove the cubs towards an area near their cave in the hope of a safe reunion. Thankfully, later that day, other patrol officers found that the mother bear had reunited with her cubs and that the family was happy and healthy.

This year marks Gelek Gyatso’s tenth year as an ecological protection officer. He patrols the area every day, diligently records the animals he sees, carefully checks on the vegetation, and helps clean up litter.

Over the decade, Gelek Gyatso has witnessed great changes in the ecological environment of his hometown. There has been an increase in the number of wild animals, and everyone is participating in the protection of these species, making coexistence between humans and animals more harmonious.

He also reminds people that if they encounter wild animals in the wild, they should keep their distance, not disturbing or feeding them, and that if they find an animal that needs to be rescued, they should call the fire or forest department in time.

1. What happened to the three bear cubs?
A.Losing track of the mother bear.
B.Following Gelek with curiosity.
C.Mistaking a man for their mother.
D.Being trapped in the cold riverbed.
2. Which of the following best describes Gelek?
3. According to Gelek, what should people do to live in harmony with wildlife?
A.Changing their living surroundings.
B.Feeding and sheltering wild animals.
C.Getting involved in saving endangered species.
D.Seeking professional help to rescue those in need.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A project of wildlife conservation
B.A journey of friendship connection
C.A knowledgeable ecological officer
D.An encounter leading to a safe reunion
6 . 改错

This morning, I was jogging in the park while I caught sight of a wallet on a bench. Clear, someone had left it there in accident. I picked up and checked the contents. Inside it, I found some money or a card with a phone number. Believing that the owner would be worried, I immediately try the number. A man answered it in an anxious voice. Hearing that I had his wallet, he sighed with relief and told me he would come right away. Ten minutes late, the man arrived. After confirm he was the owner, I returned the wallet back to him. With his thumb up, he expressed his thanks to me repeatedly. Seen the smile on his face, I felt happy that I was able to help.

2023-07-27更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省青神中学2022-2023学年高二上学期12月期末考试英语试题
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者的朋友Monty Roberts在完成关于梦想的作业时被老师嘲笑,但是他却没有因此而灰心,而是更加坚定了自己的梦想。

7 . I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch (养马场). He introduced himself to me by saying, “I want to tell you a story. It all ______ back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant (流动的) horse trainer. When he was a senior, he was______to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do ______he grew up.

“That night he wrote a seven-page paper______ his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a ______of a 200-acre ranch, showing the _______of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house.

“He put a great deal of his______ into the project and the next day he______ it in to his teacher. Two days later he______his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F” with a note that read, ‘See me after class.’”

“The boy______the dream went to see the teacher after class. The teacher said, ‘This is a(n) ______dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You ______ an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch ______a lot of money. There’s no way you could ever do it.’ Then the teacher ______, ‘If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will______ your grade.’”

“The boy went home and thought about it______and hard. However, he thought it was a very important ______for him. Finally, after a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all.”

“The boy is me. Now, my dream has come______. That teacher said to me, ‘Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was______of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams.______, you had enough determination not to give up on yours.’”

A.come fromB.make fromC.receive fromD.bring from
2023-07-26更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省眉山北外附属东坡外国语学校2022-2023学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约440词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 任务型阅读,根据各部分要求作答

When Yi Xiaoyang was two, he fell in love with skiing (滑雪). His first time on snow, however, wasn’t successful. He slept on the ski lift until the coach found him. He started to learn how to ski from then on. Yi was a fast learner, and at the age of six, he began to ski in other parts of the world.

In 2015, Beijing got the chance to hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Yi felt it hopeful to take part in the Olympics. He decided to take training courses like a professional athlete (职业运动员).

As a student, Yi has to take classes like others. At the same time, he has to train full day on weekends and half day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In summer, the training goes on.

At the beginning, that was a big challenge (挑战). “When I started to train like an athlete, everything seemed to change, ” said Yi, “I lost my interest. I even got angry with my coaches. They talked to my parents and decided to give me a one-week break from training.”

Luckily, during that break, he picked up his joy in skiing. “I found that skiing had already become one important part of me, ” said Yi. After that, he moved back on his fight for his dreams.

“I might have dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion (冠军) before, but now it comes much clearer. I want to take part in the Olympics, and that will be my goal.”

BeginningYi Xiaoyang started________at the age of two. He fell in love with skiing at first sight,but his first time on snow was ________ . When he was six, he began to ski in other parts of the world.
Rising ActionIn 2015Beijing got the________ to hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Yi was________ about it and hope to take part in it. He ________to take training courses like a professional athlete.
About the trainingAs a student, he had to take classes while ________at the same time. He trained full day on weekends and half day on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday like an athlete.
He lost the interest in skiing and got mad at his coaches sometimes. He ________ his parents for help and decided to have a week’s break from training.
About his dream________, he picks up his joy in skiing and it becomes the________part of him.He went back on his fight for his dreams.
He wants to take part in the Olympics and ________ his dream.
2. Was Yi Xiaoyang’s first time on snow successful? Why?
3. What makes Yi Xiaoyang a good skier?
4. Do you think Yi Xiaoyang should stick to the dream of becoming an Olympic champion? Why or why not?

9 . I moved to Chicago ten years ago. As I was new to the area, I had few _______ and seldom went out to parties. But a month later, I was invited to a party and there I _______ an elderly couple.

The wife and I talked for a long time. She told me how _______ she was about her husband who was _______ a heart operation (手术). At that time I was working as a researcher in the same _______ where the husband would be going for his operation, so I told her to take down my phone number and must _______ me to let me know when he was there.

She phoned a few weeks later as she _______ and told me that her husband was admitted to the hospital and still waiting. I told her that I would go and check on him every day while I was at _______. I thought that if it was my dad, I would do the same, so I decided to give them some company.

Weeks turned into months and it just became my _______ to see them and keep track of how things were going before, during and after the heart operation. Sometimes I’d bring a ________ for him to read, or some food that we would enjoy together. As time went by, it seemed like I became part of the ________. Even after the husband returned from the hospital, we still often ________ each other on holidays.

Now, ten years later, I ________ my own family. Since our parents don’t ________ close by, this couple has become my son’s “local” grandparents. My wife and I often feel truly ________ to have this couple as our “local” parents! Sometimes family comes out of the most unexpected place.

A.giving upB.turning downC.paying forD.waiting for
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . We were standing at the top of a church tower. I saw twisting streets leading to the square. “See, my dear,” Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square.”

Father’s words always guided me. Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer, I came to Paris, but without luck. Then one day I met a friend wearing a beautiful sweater. “What an interesting stitch!” I cried. “It was done by Mrs. Vidian,” my friend explained. “She learned the stitch in Armenia, her native country.” Suddenly I had a daring idea. Why not design, make and sell my own clothes?

I drew a butterfly pattern and asked Mrs. Vidian to knit it into a sweater. It proved a success. A New York store wanted 40 sweaters to be ready in two weeks. I accepted the order. My happiness disappeared, however, when Mrs. Vidian told me it took her almost a week to knit one sweater.

I was crushed. Then I remembered father’s words. There must be other Armenian women in Paris who mastered the special stitch. Then I searched for any Armenians living in Paris. At last I tracked down several. Two weeks later, the first shipment was on its way to the United States!

From that day on orders poured in. Then came another test. As I was busy getting ready to show my winter fashions, the sewing girls were called out on strike. Where was the way out this time? I wondered and worried. Then it dawned on me.

I worked hurriedly. And right on time, my show took place. Some coats had no sleeves; some were only patterns made of heavy cotton cloth, but on these I attached material to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished. What a show! Once again father’s words helped me.

1. What problem did the writer face after accepting the order?
A.It was impossible for Vidian to meet the deadline.B.The sewing girls were called out on strike.
C.She found it hard to track Armenians living in Paris.D.There was a shortage of suitable cloth.
2. What do the underlined words “the first shipment” refer to in Paragraph 4?
A.Raw materials.B.More orders.C.The forty sweaters.D.The special stitch.
3. How did the writer deal with the show problem?
A.She put off the show.B.She showed the clothes unfinished.
C.She employed more sewing girls.D.She completed the clothes in a hurry.
4. Which of the following might the writer agree with?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Like father, like son.
C.Easier said than done.D.All roads lead to Rome.
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