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1 . After a rough week, all I wanted was a good rest. I went to the beach nearby for some _______ gene with myself. It was a lovely, warm weekend in California, kids joyfully _______ in the water, or building sandcastle

As I was leaving, I _______ a girl playing by herself. She built a little sandcastle with a moat (护城河) around it and was trying to fill it with water. Unluckily, there was no _______ around to carry water. She would go to the waves, _______ her hands and then walk back to her little castle. _______ , not much of the water was making it to the moat. But she kept trying, still smiling and _______ . As I was standing there watching her, feeling helpless, I _______ that I had a bottle of water in my bag. I quickly _______ , took it out, and walked over to ________ it lo her. She was confused at first, then smiled but ________ her head shyly, saying no. I told her that it would make getting the water much faster. She ________ and finally took it from my hands after I insisted (坚持). Then I saw her running over to the sea with a big smile, ________ in hand.

For me. it was a small ________ . But I also know that when she meets someone in need, maybe, she would think of this little act of kindness by a ________ . And maybe she would help create a little gentler world around her.

A.dug inB.set offC.picked upD.gave away
2023-12-02更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市历城第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
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2 . Once a year, I give my two children money. The only _______ is, they have to give it away. I give them each $100. They know it is a lot of money, so they are _______ how they use it. It is their job to find out who in our _______ is doing things that they feel good about, and then_______ who will get the money, and why.

Giving away money, even if it is only ten or twenty dollars, is a wonderful way to learn about the _______ work people are doing right in your own neighborhood. It makes us get out of our_______ zone, ask around, talk to people we wouldn’t _______ talk to, and ask questions about what the problems are and what people are doing to make them better. Everyone _______. My kids learn about the community and the power of giving. And people in the community, who are often volunteering their own time and money, feel that their efforts are seen and _______ in some way.

Last year, they both chose to give their money to a shelter for runaway ________. They visited a few places that ________ suggestions or instructions to young people, and felt this place was especially welcoming. When they handed the ________ to the director, who had no idea these children were “philanthropists (慈善家)”, everyone was in ________ how good the day turned out to be.

This exercise may be ________ as often as possible. It cannot possibly fail. You do not need to________ holidays, and you don’t need children. You can do it yourself, on any day you like.

A.believe inB.wish forC.wait forD.set aside
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Robert and Henry were two friends in the same class. They always played together and went home together. One day, Robert and Henry were going home from school, when, on turning a corner, Robert cried out, “A fight! Let's go and see!”

“No,” said Henry. “Let us go quietly home and not meddle with (插手) this quarrel. We have nothing to do with it and may get into trouble. Also our parents are expecting to have dinner with us together at home and I don't want them to worry about me.”

“You are a coward (懦夫), and afraid to go,” said Robert, and he ran. Henry went straight home and in the afternoon went to school as usual.

But Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward, and they laughed at him a great deal. From then on, they looked down upon Henry and didn’t want to play with him together. Henry was sad but he wasn't angry with Robert for his rude behavior, because he learned that true courage is shown most in bearing misunderstanding when it was not deserved, and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong. Thus, he just ignored (忽视) the other boys' laughter and continued to go to school and study as well. However, Robert didn't invite Henry to go home with him anymore. Instead, he had some other boys who also thought Henry was a coward. Everyday after school, they didn't go home directly but went to the river or somewhere to play games and had a lot of fun.

A few days later, Robert was bathing with his new friends in a river, and got out of his depth. He struggled, and screamed for help, but all in vain. The boys who had called Henry a coward got out of the water as fast as they could, but they did not even try to help him.

Paragraph 1:
Robert was fast sinking.
Paragraph 2:
Thus, Robert’s life was saved.
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4 . My name is Alice. Early last year, I was troubled by an anxiety that crippled (削弱) my ability to do anything. I felt like a storm cloud hung over me. For almost a year I struggled on, constantly staring at this wall that faced me. My perfectionist tendencies were the main root of this: I wanted to be perfect at whatever I did, which obviously in life is not possible, but it consumed me.

One day, I attended a presentation (报告) by wildlife conservationist Grant Brown at my high school. His presentation not only awed (使惊叹) and inspired me, but also helped create an inner desire to make a difference in the world. I joined a pre-presentation dinner with him and that smaller setting allowed me to slowly build up my courage to speak one-on-one with him—an idea that had seemed impossible. This contact was where my story began.

A month later, Brown invited me to attend the World Youth Wildlife Conference. Looking back, I now see that this would be the first in a series of timely opportunities that my old self would have let pass, but that this new and more confident Alice enthusiastically seized. Shortly after I received his invitation, applications to join the Youth   for Nature and the Youth for Planet groups were sent around through my high school. I decided to commit to completing the applications, and soon I was a part of a growing global team of young people working to protect nature. Each of these new steps continued to grow my confidence.

I am writing this just six months since my journey began and I’ve realized that my biggest obstacle (障碍) this whole time was myself. It was that voice in the back of my head telling me that one phrase that has stopped so many people from reaching their potential: I can’t. They say good things come to those who wait; I say: grab every opportunity with everything you have and be impatient. After all, nature does not require our patience, but our action.

1. What was the main cause for Alice’s anxiety?
A.Her desire to be perfect.B.Her habit of consumption.
C.Her inability to act her age.D.Her lack of inspiration.
2. How did Grant Brown’s presentation influence Alice?
A.She learned about the harm of desire.
B.She tasted the sweetness of friendship.
C.She decided to do something for nature.
D.She built up her courage to speak up.
3. Which of the following is the best description of Alice’s situation after the activities?
4. What can we learn from this passage?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Patience is a cure of anxiety.
C.Action is worry’s worst enemy.D.Everything comes to those who wait.
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5 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West. We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Upon Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.

His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn on my farm,” he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze (吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.

In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn’t going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains. “Don’t be late for supper,” Uncle Paul cried, “and keep to the track (足迹;踪迹) so that you don’t get lost!” “OK!” my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine (松树) trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven (编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1

Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.

Paragraph 2

We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.

2023-11-26更新 | 278次组卷 | 16卷引用:山东省济宁市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月阶段性检测英语试题
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6 . For the past four years I had been having up to 30 seizures (癫痫发作) a day. It made me _________ a lot.

Despite _________ visits to hospitals, no doctor could tell me the cause of it. At night, my family had to check on me just in case I wasn’t _________. So I could never be in a room alone and as a 21-year-old young man, I was finding the lack of _________ getting me down.

One day, my friend Kerri asked if I wanted an assistance dog. I knew there were guide dogs for the _________, but I wasn’t sure how a dog could help me. A few days later, Kerri told me she’d done some search and found a company “Dogs For Life”. From the website of the company, I _________ that they teach dogs to smell a chemical change in the body and _________ people when a seizure is about to _________.

Soon after, I _________ Baloo, a dog trained by Dogs For Life. It sat silently in the corner. As I sat down, Baloo suddenly __________ and jumped on me. Minutes later, I had a seizure. It had __________ the chemical changes in my body and tried to warn me. It was by my side until the __________ came. Instantly, I knew it was a good __________ for me, and I took her back home.

It’s __________ my life more than a handful of times and I couldn’t be more __________ for it.

A.burn outB.break inC.come onD.drop by
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写1段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为80左右。

My brother and I were alone at home because my parents had gone for a meeting and they had left me in charge. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. My younger brother rushed to the door thinking that our parents had come home, so he unlocked the door and opened it.

Outside stood a tall man wearing a black raincoat and black rubber boots. He said he was a salesman and asked politely if our mother or father was at home.

Without thinking, my brother said, “No.” He asked if we would like to buy some comic books which he was selling.I quickly explained that we were not supposed to buy anything without our parent’s permission.

Then, as I was about to close the door, he forced his way into our house. He took out a knife and forced me to tie up my brother’s hands with some rope which he took out from his pocket. I tied up his hands but tied it in a special way so my brother could untie himself. The man then tied my hands up and locked both of us in the kitchen.

Soon, the man went upstairs to search the bedroom for valuables. I managed to teach my brother to untie the rope on his hands. He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police, but the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside and I did not have the keys to unlock them. Luckily, the robber forgot to lock the kitchen window. My brother managed to get out of the house through the window and I told him to go to the police station nearby and call for help.

After a while, my brother brought the police to our house.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Dogs can do so much for us, whether they’re service dogs that can help with mental health problems or search and rescue dogs saving lives during a natural disaster. However, sometimes dogs are the ones who need a helping hand from us.

This year, I visited Ancoats Canal (运河) in Manchester with my two friends, Jack and   Ben. where we could film lots of beautiful scenes. At the end of the visit, we managed to seek out a place to have a rest. Suddenly, we saw a man lying and struggling with a leash (狗链) over a wall. When we got closer. we realized the man was in trouble. At that time, I just took my camera to film some beautiful scenes.

The man held tightly to the leash to try to keep his dog from being dragged away. The dog fell into the canal. struggling to catch the leash. Obviously, the man was panicking (惊慌). With the camera putting on the wall, we quickly jumped in to help. We couldn’t let that dog down and not help. I climbed down the canal first. However, the wall of the canal was too high, so I was not enough to get the dog. We noticed the man in pain and the dog desperately moved his back legs in search of the ground.

Finally, my friend, Jack, was seized by a sudden inspiration.

“I am the tallest of us. I am dangled(悬挂)upside down by the legs and you can drag my legs so I could reach the dog,” Jack said excitedly.

“That is a good idea,”   the man said happily.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

We carried out our plan immediately.


The video of the moving rescue was posted online after we came back home.

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9 . Renée and her roommate were living thousands of miles away from their hometown. They often travel back home to _______ their friends and family.

One day at the airport, her roommate couldn’t _______ her passport (护照). She looked for it everywhere. And then she became _______.

“I felt _______ because my roommate is easily with a bad mood (情绪),” Renée said.

Renée tried to ask her roommate where she had last _______ it. And then her mood took a turn for the worse.

“That’s when she shouted at me,” Renée said. “I don’t even _______ what she said, but it was loud and sharp.”

Out of nowhere, a man got close to them. The man _______ asked if she had checked the _______ on her backpack. There it was. Her roommate responded with shyness and her _______ became quiet.

“And it was such a ________ moment. It was seconds. But the man stepping in, it just immediately defused (缓和) the situation,” Renée said. “The man’s gesture of ________ made my roommate realize her own rudeness and impoliteness. And she ________ an apology (道歉) to me.” “He was my hero. It is because of his little gesture that my roommate realized her bad manners, and after that our ________ made deeper. And I truly ________ him for that,” Renée added.

Now, Renée is in a good ________ with her roommate.

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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In a house far from the city lived John and his mother. John’s only hobby was wandering in the nearby picturesque forest. In its center was a shiny clear lake with schools of fish dancing in it. Lovely animals such as deer or rabbits were playing around and cute birds were singing in trees. Fascinated by the beauty and liveliness of nature, he desired to become a great artist and present all the breath-taking scenes to the world.

John studied in the local primary school. Life was not easy for John and his mom after his father died. Knowing what hard work his mother did to make ends meet, John really didn’t want his mother to worry. His mother knew the significance of education in life but she was against his dream of becoming an artist. “The profession of artist can’t aid a person in meeting his daily expenses,” she would say. But as each day passed, John’s dream became more passionate.

Due to the living circumstances, even buying some new colors would be a luxury. John only used the worn drawing file and limited colors for his daily practice. Though lacking fine painting materials, he never gave up drawing. He spent a significant amount of time staying in the forest, secretly perfecting his craft. With continuous hard work and a distinct gift for art, he drew beautifully.

One day John read about a competition being held in the town, whose deadline was only two days away. He got the perfect opportunity to fulfill his desire but he was in a dilemma (两难境地) as for the competition he needed special paints and some brushes. He didn’t have the courage to ask his mother for money as he knew her prejudice against art.

That evening his mom returned from work and handed him a few paper notes, saying, “This is for your lunch at school next month.” The money was enough for his desired materials! John’s face lit up.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Early the next morning, John secretly left home with the money.


A week later, a phone call came to John’s home.

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