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1 . I believe that everything can be achieved through hard work and devotion. In life I had a______ that taught me this belief.

What______me of this belief is my Lewandowski jersey (运动衫). It has been an important______of my life for a long time. In college, I______it on many occasions to play soccer. The day when I_____ hard work and devotion could get a person successful was just the______day when I received my jersey. One day, my dad_____ me to first Polish International Friendly. This was the soccer______that was played in Poland. My dad______me my Lewandowski jersey before we entered the_____. Lewand-owski is a world famous footballer and is Poland’s______goal scoring striker (前锋).

The day when we went, Poland was playing against Germany. Germany was the ______team in the world, and Poland about the twentieth. _____, it was obvious that Germany was going to win easily. However, Lewandowski didn't_____ it that way. He was determined to work hard and score some goals, and to hopefully win. Lewandowski_____ alone and he together with his teammates continued to fight_____ hard. At last the Polish team won. I found Lewandowski extremely_____ after the incredible (难以置信的) game.

I saw what hard work look like. I made up my mind to become the best that i could be. The______for me is a sign of what it takes to be _____.It shows me that it takes hard work and determination to______the goals that we want to achieve.

2024-02-17更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆喀什市2022-2023学高一下学期普通高中期中质量监测英语试题
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2 . I was born in a poor community on the north side of Boston, US, raised by a single mother who didn’t finish 3rd grade, lived each day on food stamps and attended what the media called “the most dysfunctional (功能失调的) public school district”. Not many people expected much of me, so I had to expect.

On my 13th birthday, I bought a poster of Harvard to hang in my room. Being at Harvard became what I dreamt about. Even if my electricity was cut off, I still woke up at 5:30, because I knew that my poster of Harvard was still hanging only two feet away from me.

Reminding myself of my goal each day made it easy to say no to the same choices I saw my peers making, because those paths wouldn’t have had me closer to my goal. Being poor could not take away my power to decide what I choose to do with my day. The poster gave me the courage to send emails to about 50 Harvard students to ask for feedback on my application essays; it gave me the energy to study just one more hour on my SATs when my friends were asleep; and it gave me the determination to submit just one more scholarship application when 180 others had already turned me down.

Every day, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my goal as my writing got better, my SAT score increased, and my scholarship checks started coming in. Finally, an email arrived from Harvard. The first word was “Congratulations!” A month later, Harvard flew me up to visit the campus where for the first time I stepped onto my dreaming land.

Who you are today is the result of the decisions you made yesterday, and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of the choices you make today. Who do you want to be tomorrow?

1. What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?
A.All people expected too much of him.
B.He grew up in a happy family.
C.He accepted the greatest education.
D.He had high expectation of himself.
2. What efforts did the author make to achieve his goal?
A.He spent more time preparing for the exams.
B.He learnt from his peers from time to time.
C.He often wrote feedbacks on others’ essays.
D.He turned to his teacher when facing problems.
3. Which can best describe the author’s character?
A.Intelligent and humorous.B.Generous and selfless.
C.Determined and hardworking.D.Courageous and friendly.
4. Which of the following can be the main idea of the text?
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.Perseverance can help realize your dream.
C.Easier said than done.
D.It’s never too late to study.
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My problems started when we were having a biology class. Students were curious about a picture of ducks and wanted to see the kind of animals. Mrs Reno, our biology teacher, told us that she had a baby duck in her yard and could take him to us to know him. But baby ducks were on my list of terrifying things. Because I’ve always been afraid of these furry (毛茸茸的) animals.

To make matters worse, Trent Dillard was in my class again, Last year, I had to sit in front of him. He knew I was afraid of furry animals, and all the year he pretended to put them on my hair.

The next day. Mrs Reno took a cage, a baby duck inside it. She pulled out the baby duck and set him on the desk. “This is Ripley,” she said. Strangely, he seemed to understand what Mrs Reno said, and he was quiet and stayed at the desk.

Trent whispered (小声说), “I think you’re scared of him.” “I am not!” I said. Mrs Reno looked towards Trent and me. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Amy’s scared of Ripley,” Trent announced. “No, I’m not.” I was nervous. “I love ducks. They’re my favorite animals.” Mrs Reno smiled, “I was going to ask for a volunteer to feed Ripley at recess (课间休息), but since you’re a duck lover, how would you like the job?” She probably thought I was speech-less with joy. But I was very frightened.

At that time, Trent stood up and said, “I want to join Amy.” Mrs Reno said, “OK. I guess Amy can have a helper.” During the recess, Trent opened the cage and caught Ripley. “Careful!” I cried, surprised that I was worried about him. Trent looked out the window. “Hey, the guys are playing football and I’ll go. Take Ripley.” “You can just put him down.” I meant for Trent to put him down inside the cage, but Trent set him on the floor and ran out-side. At that time, Ripley walked towards the door.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I took a deep breath (呼吸) and caught Ripley.


In fact. Mrs Reno knew I was afraid of Ripley and was glad that I could overcome my fear.

2023-12-13更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆伊犁州华·伊高中联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Laurie Fenby 归还钱包并帮助了失主的善举。

4 . One day recently, Laurie Fenby was shopping at a garage sale in Rochester New York and as she was leaving, she found a wallet on the ground.

Laurie looked inside and found a Jamaican (牙买加人的) driver’s license, some American cash and some Jamaican cash. She tried all the usual ways to find the man, whose name was George. She couldn’t find him through Google or Facebook and then she asked for suggestions through Next door, a community website. Laurie received a lot of ideas and responses-some of them were not so positive. But one lady advised her to contact a little store that is known to have many Jamaican migrant workers as clients. Laurie called the store and found that yes, indeed, there was someone named George who lost his wallet.

Laurie suggested that the store owner contact George and have him call her. When George contacted her, he was able to identify everything in the wallet and Laurie was able to return it. But it didn’t stop there. Laurie asked George, “What do you and the migrant workers need?” He said they need some warm clothes. Laurie immediately contacted the community and was able to organize a clothing drive. She received lots of coats, jackets, shoes and other supplies. Recently Laurie met George and the other migrant workers in Rochester, and she joined them to pick apples together.

They were so thankful to Laurie and her friends — and none of this community building or friendship would have happened if Laurie had not been so kind.

1. From the first two paragraphs, we can know Laurie Fenby ______.
A.worked at a garageB.lost a wallet while shopping
C.knew many Jamaican workersD.tried many ways to find George
2. How did Laurie Fenby finally find George?
A.By Google or Facebook.B.By a community website.
C.By many Jamaican migrant workers.D.By a little store.
3. What kind of person is Laurie Fenby?
4. What is the author’s attitude towards what Laurie Fenby did?
2023-12-07更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆伊犁伊犁州2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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5 . In 2017, I was diagnosed (诊断) with Type 1 diabetes (糖尿病). And then I was told that I couldn’t drive for a few weeks until my blood sugar levels had________.

Driving was a________very soon after diagnosis for me. I needed to get to the chemist’s shop for my diabetes medicine and get to hospital appointments, but at first couldn’t, for having been told not to drive. I didn’t want to be a________, having to ask for lifts all the time.

I found it really________to be unable to drive, but things settled down after that and seemed to be________for a while. ________, to my surprise, I had severe hypoglycemia (低血糖) last year and wasn’t able to________it myself. I called an ambulance and was taken to________, where I saw doctors and nurses I didn’t know as none of them were connected to the diabetes team who usually cared for me. That’s where my________began. They advised me not to drive on the basis of this disease. They told me to call the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) and________what they’d told me to them. This led to my licence being canceled.

I couldn’t________all that had happened. It seemed________. I needed answers and________, so I phoned the Diabetes UK Helpline number I got from their website. They________I was right in thinking that the DVLA shouldn’t have________my licence based on this hypoglycemia, according to the law. With their help, the DVLA sent me a letter admitting making a mistake. I got it back in six weeks.

2023-12-04更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆塔城市塔城地区第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和段落开头续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(注意:至少写 5 句话)

One day, a hare (野兔) and a tortoise (乌龟) decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other. They agreed that the one who first got to the bid tree in the distance was the winner. So they started at the same time.

The hare thought, “My legs are much longer than the tortoise’s. I’m sure to be the winner.” Of course the tortoise was much slower than the hare, but he never gave up and kept moving forward as fast as he could.

As the hare ran a few kilometers, he found the tortoise far behind him.

2023-12-02更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆乌鲁木齐市第三十六中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中英语试题
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7 . It was a few years ago, and I took a holiday-season job in a video store. One day, an elderly woman _________my store, along with a young woman who I _________ was her daughter. The daughter showed_________, rolling her eyes, sighing (叹气) and checking her watch every few seconds.

The elderly woman separated from the young one and _________ to search through the DVDS on the nearest shelf. I _________ and asked if I could help her find something. The woman smiled at me a piece of paper. The title was _________. Clearly a person looking for it knew a little about _________, and quality.

Rather than rushing off to _________ the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me_________ I could show her where she could find it. Looking _________, I think I wanted to enjoy her _________ for a moment. Something about her careful movements reminded (使想起) me of my mother, who passed away a few years ago.

As we walked along the back of the store, I _________ its floor plan: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, etc. The woman seemed _________ the unrushed company and casual (随意的) conversation.

We _________ the movie, and I praised her for her choice. She smiled and told me it was one she had _________when she was at her son’s age and that she hoped he would enjoy it as much as she had.

I _________ the old woman to the cashier and then stepped back toward the young woman. “Is that your mom?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah.” Mind some _________?” I asked. “Sure,” said the daughter.

Cherish (珍爱) her,” I said. And then I answered her _________ expression by saying, “When she has_________, it’s the little moments that’ll come back to you. _________ like this. I know.”

A.moved aroundB.walked overC.dropped outD.fell behind
A.worried aboutB.angry atC.happy withD.afraid of
2023-11-30更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州且末县第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Like a lot of people, I started running to lose weight. That was in 2004 when I was in college, battling the 40-plus pounds I’d gained from my diet of pasta, fries and sweets. It took me over five years to lose weight, but I never was able to get super lean and muscular like I had always wanted to be.

As a mother, I have gone through two pregnancies (怀孕), gaining 50-plus pounds during each, and always ran to lose weight. Even running 45 minutes three to four times a week didn’t help me lose those last 10 pounds. Running an hour five times a week and doing long training runs on the weekend just made me super hungry, and I ended up gaining weight.

I gradually gave up running. I wasn’t excited to do it anymore because it wasn’t offering the results I thought it should have. I decided to take a leap and sign up for a month-long program for CrossFit. I started going there five days a week. After one month of CrossFit, I was shocked at how my body had changed. In the first month I was there, I never repeated the same exercise. Before trying CrossFit, I put in a lot of miles running, but my heart rate never got as high as it does doing five minutes of wall balls, box jumps and burpees.

It has been three months since I started CrossFit. I love my new exercise routine (一套动作) because I’m actually excited to go when my alarm goes off at 4:40 am. It’s fun to try a new exercise routine. I’m proud to see what I can achieve and how strong I’m getting, and I also look forward to sweating alongside the same dedicated (热忱的), supportive, and inspiring group of people in the morning.

1. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?
A.The author had a sweet tooth.B.The author led a relaxing life.
C.The author succeeded in losing weight.D.The author was a strong-minded woman.
2. What was the result of the author running many times a week?
A.She was tired every day.B.She lost the last 10 pounds.
C.She stayed fit and healthy.D.She was putting on weight.
3. What does the underlined word “burpee” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.A running routine.B.A kind of exercise.
C.An interesting game.D.A kind of equipment.
4. How did the author feel about CrossFit?
2023-11-30更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州且末县第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.

Marmi, my big sister, was eagerly looking for a pup (小狗) to look after and love all her life, so she would ask Mummy many times for a pup of her own, but the answer was always no. You see, my mum is not very fond of dogs, never has been, and always says they're too big a responsibility. She's just not a dog person. Well, that didn't stop my sister from looking or hoping for a dog. She used to search online for her favourite breed (品种). Until one day Marni found some Cavapoo pups advertised for sale. She immediately showed Mummy and begged to go and see them. Not sure how my sister persuaded her, but to our surprise, Mummy said we could go and have a look at them but not to get high hopes. Marni rushed everyone in the car before Mummy changed her mind. Off we sped to the advertised breeder's house which luckily wasn't too far. We got to the house and I bet I could hear my sister's heart dancing with excitement. As we rang the doorbell, we could hear cute little barks coming from inside. We went in and saw lots of little black pups excitedly jumping around. There were other people there too, so we needed to choose one fast if you know what I mean. It was rather crowded but the breeder let us hold and cuddle (搂抱) the pups. The breeder handed a little confident pup to Marni. The little pup seemed an old friend with my sister. But after a lot of cuddles, Mummy said we had to go and would have to think about it.


As we were walking towards the door, the little pup followed my sister.


The little pup made a mess (杂乱) of our home.

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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了“年度英雄”——Nelly Cheboi的故事,讲述了她的求学经历以及她给自己家乡人的帮助。

10 . Just weeks after being named the Hero of the Year, Nelly Cheboi traveled more than 7,000 miles to bring her award home. Far from the lights, cameras, and celebrities who surrounded her at the gala (晚会) event in New York City, Cheboi was _________ by her own heroes: the students she serves in rural Mogotio, Kenya.

“I felt a lot of _________ just bringing the award to the kids,” Cheboi said. “For me, and for the community here, it really means a lot to be celebrated.”

Like many of her students, Cheboi lived in poverty (贫穷) from childhood, without _________ to education. Cheboi watched her mother work _________ so Cheboi and her sisters could _________ school. She saw education as an effective _________ to end her own poverty. In 2012, Cheboi _________ a full scholarship to Augustana College in Illinois and began her _________ in computer science. “The only tool I had at the time was education,” Cheboi said.

After graduation, she taught her students computer skills and helped them have Zoom calls with NASA. She’s found job opportunities abroad for them. She has brought professional, and _________ support to her community in Africa. “Digital skills provide __________ opportunities,” Cheboi said.

She owes her success to her mother, Christina. “I’m constantly __________ occasions to show people this is Christina Cheboi and she happened to have four daughters. She’s worked really hard to raise them.” When Cheboi’s name was __________ as the Hero of the Year, the first face she saw from the stage was that __________ one. “I looked at the audience, and saw my mom __________ at me,” Cheboi said. “This was someone who had no idea that all her hard work is going to __________ something.”

A.taking upB.looking forC.giving upD.fighting for
A.amount toB.refer toC.deal withD.meet with
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