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1 . 把下面的语篇补充完整。

Having quarreled with her husband Tom, Jane boiled with anger and she intended to find a better camp spot alone.An hour later, what alarmed her was that she got lost in the forest. Jane sank to her knees,     1     (悔恨的泪水模糊了她的双眼).     2    (她抓着头发,发出一声后悔的喊叫). All the fantastic memory crowded in and she couldn’t help crying,     3    (如果我不是和汤姆吵了一架,然后走开,爬到高地上去,我就不会被困在这个可怕的地方了!)”    4    (她焦躁不安,懊恼万分), and after a while became asleep with tears in her eyes.Tom and the police were searching the forest for Jane by helicopter. Finally, they found Jane. Tom stormed out of the helicopter, rushed forward excitedly and hugged Jane tightly, saying that how much he was concerned about her.

2023-01-12更新 | 434次组卷 | 2卷引用:DAY 18 情感描写之 ”后悔“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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2 . 把下面的语篇补充完整。

Learning the children’s idea, Mrs. Meredith was so     1     (高兴的)that she smiled brightly. Then, the children got down to preparing popcorn     2     (高兴地). With a basket of popcorn, they left for the Bernard’s       3     (高兴地) to share with Bernard the good plan. Hearing what they said, Bernard     4     (高兴地雀跃), with tears filling his eyes. At the sight of the basket of popcorn, his parents were also     5     (非常高兴). Later,       6     (另他非常高兴的是), the popcorn was so tasty that it soon sold out. He soon returned, his whole face     7    (高兴得满脸通红).     8    (笑声在房间里萦绕)

2023-01-11更新 | 604次组卷 | 2卷引用:DAY 8 情感描写之 ”喜乐“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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3 . 运用晨读表格中的必备单词/高级词块,把下面的语篇补充完整。

The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.     1    (恐惧喷薄而出,将我紧紧包围,我已经寸步难行了).     2    (惊恐不已,我觉得两腿发抖,手心冒汗). Beside me was my wife, who was rooted to the ground,     3    (吓呆了). At the sight of the polar bear’ bloody mouth,     4    (吓得要死).The furry creature launched an attack on the fence, instantly leaving a narrow opening on it.     5    (我们感觉浑身血液凝固了)because of the terrible sight. Our throats tightened and our knees felt weak. Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.

2023-01-11更新 | 265次组卷 | 4卷引用:DAY 11 情感描写之 ”恐惧“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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4 . 把下面的语篇补充完整。

As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. At the sight of the mess and the kids’ gloomy faces, he immediately realized what they were up to. “Need any help?”     1     (爸爸微笑地看着双胞胎,温柔地问), who felt discouraged at being found screwing things up. Jeff     2    (结巴地说出) their failed plan,     3    (他羞红了脸). “That’s a great idea. May I join you?” At this the twins cheered up and rolled up their sleeves to clean the stove before they learned to fry the bread following their father’s instructions. Soon came the delicious smell of French toast and chicken porridge, at which the twins felt a great sense of achievement. With everything settled, father left the kitchen,     4    (承诺道) to keep their secret.

The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. Sitting up in confusion, mother was greeted with the kids’ smiling eyes and happy giggles. Before she could realize what was going on, the twins presented the breakfast tray,     5    (大声喊道), “Happy Mother’s Day!”     6    (惊讶地盯着精心准备的食物,妈妈饱含深情地说), “Thank you, darling. That’s the biggest surprise I’ve ever had!” It was then that father entered,     7    (回应) mother “That must be the best breakfast ever!” Mother bit into a piece of toast, nodding her head approvingly with great satisfaction. Exchanging glances, father and the twins beamed brightly with pleasure.

2023-01-10更新 | 676次组卷 | 1卷引用:DAY 2 语言描写之“漂亮地说”-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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5 . 根据课文内容填空

Bogues was only 1. 6 metres tall, which made him the shortest player ever in the NBA. Guess what? Paul was only 1. 6 metres tall, too! Paul knew that being shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more. During all those hours of doing jump shots on his own, he used Bogues as his     1    . Paul once said, “If Bogues could make it, why not me?”

Our coach was not so sure. Paul had to     2    many times just for making the team. He was still usually on the bench, being just a replacement,     3    was really tough on him. Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong     4    to play for the team. However, Paul didn’t get a chance.

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6 . 根据以下情景对话,合理运用对话和描写“看”的技巧,使用合适的对话句式和“看”的动作补全以下空白。

Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.     1    .(当我在她身边坐下时,她甚至连头都没抬一下).    2     (她的眼睛盯着自己的盘子,被动句) and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make a conversation. “Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?”     3    (我微笑着礼貌地问道,“说”动词+副词+神态描写). “No,”    4    (她头也不抬地回答,“说”动词+介词短语). “Will you be staying in England?”    5     (我继续用温和的语气说,“说”动词+语气). “No,” she shook her head.     6     (我绝望地问她晚餐是否吃得好,间接引语,“说”动词+介词短语). “Young man,”    7     (她用一种恼火的声音回答,“说”动词+声音), “if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!”

2022-12-20更新 | 65次组卷 | 2卷引用:大单元作业设计-人教版2019 必修三 Unit 3
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7 . 课本原文填空。

An expedition to the South Pole with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton — this is the adventure that I have been d    1     of. And I was ready for it. At the age of 19, I am fit and full of v    2    . However when I a    3     to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me d    4     because he thought I was too young and wasn’t q    5    . But I was so e    6     about the idea of going along with them that secretly went a    7     his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small cupboard. U    8    , three days after we set off I was discovered. Shackleton did not want to turn back so he offered me a job, but only after he p    9     me, “If anyone has to be eaten, then you will be the first!” He a    10     me to be a steward, and I now serve meals for twenty-eight men three times a day.

2022-07-06更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省江门市第二中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面短文,根据首字母或中文提示填入恰当的单词,每空一词,并将答案写在答题纸上相应的题号的横线上。注意:答题时请写出包含首字母的完整单词。

When I was a freshman I joined Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education     1     (社团) at my college. Trying to help injured or sick creatures can be heartbreaking, for     2     (存活) is never certain. However, when it works, it surely b    3     the creatures and us.

I got a rescue call from a woman in Mutton town. She had found a young owl on the ground by a    4    . When I arrived, I saw a 2-to-3-week-old owl. I soon examined the chick and it seemed fine with only     5     (不严重的) injury on its wing. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree. A basket was found. I put some pine branches m    6     with grass into the basket to make this nest comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.

Now what the chick needed was     7     (情感的) company. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. It was i    8     to attract the chick’s parents and encourage our chick to start calling as well.

Much to my r    9    , the homeowner called next day, saying that the parents had responded to the recordings. I drove over and what i    10     me most was an active chick accompanied by its lunch in the nest. The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so.

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9 . 根据中文意思完成短文填空。

Dave wanted a pair of trainers badly, but his family was too poor to afford it. So when he read in the local newspaper that there would be a 1000-meter running race, of which the prize was a pair of trainers, he jumped at the opportunity. Day and night, he trained hard for it. On the sports day, a crowd of people gathered on the play field and there was     1     (兴奋的嚷嚷声) in the air. After doing some     2     (热身伸展运动), Dave heard the whistle. All at once, the runners set out like lightning and soon they were a blur. One after another, the other runners     3     (飞驰而过). Dave     4     (感到肋部疼痛) and his breath     5     (开始呼哧呼哧地喘). But he     6     (咬紧牙关) and pushed on. Now, it was the last lap. Dave gathered all his strength, gave himself     7     (额外能量的迸发) and ran like mad. One…two…three…Dave overtook all the others. As the crowd     8     (惊讶地看着), he     9     (向……发起最后冲刺) the finish. Yes, Dave was the champion! Although he was     10     (气喘吁吁), Dave grinned, holding the precious pair of trainers tightly to his chest.

2022-03-11更新 | 155次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省宁波效实中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
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10 . 原文填空

Senior secondary school is a new start. Studying is definitely a big part of my life. I     1     . Biology is my favorite subject, and my target is to prepare myself for my degree in biology at university. I     2     so that I can have more free time to do other things that I’m interested in after school.

Paul jumped up and rushed onto the court. And clearly,     3    . The other team just couldn’t keep up with his energy and speed. He made shot after shot, and the crowd couldn’t stop clapping and cheering.

When the game ended, our team had won by two points.

“Well”,     4    , “you’ve just earned your place on the team, big guy!”

Keep running. Running trains your mind as well as your body. There will be time when you want to give up. But hang in there and tell yourself that it will get easier with time.     5     all the sweat and hard work were worth it in the end.

My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things…. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room.     6    . It was obvious…When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. He explained that     7    . Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained     8    

2021-11-27更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门外国语学校2021-2022学年高一上学期期中英语试题
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