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1 . 把下面的语篇补充完整。

As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. He approached them and     1     (把他们拉进怀里). “What’s up?” father gently inquired. Jeff stammered out their failed plan,     2     (使劲搓着双手). Hearing their plan, he     3     (温柔地抚摸着他们的头), comforting “I will do you a favor”. He     4     (抓起) the handle of the pan and     5     (放) a bar of butter to melt. Then he swiftly     6     (移除) the burnt porridge away, and     7     (倒掉) another cup of rice, starting to cook it all over again. Soon came the delicious smell of French toast and chicken porridge. Before the twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up, they     8     (伸出一根手指按在嘴上) to ask their father to keep secret. Staring at the carefully prepared food, the mother     9     (把孩子抱在怀里 ), tears running down her face.

2024-03-06更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题27 读后续写语料积累之如何表达动手背诵与测试(词-句-文)讲义-2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典
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文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章以《哈利·波特》的作者J.K. Rowling在收到拒稿信后依然坚持不懈最终获得成功的故事为例,说明仅靠天赋似乎不足以保证获得成功,努力和一点点运气固然很重要,但坚持不懈才是关键。
2 . 根据教材内容补全下面短文,在答题卡相应位置填入一个适当的完整单词,注意所填单词的形式。

“We regret to inform you...” These are the words that every writer dreads receiving, but words every writer knows well. The response from a publisher comes back and the writer eagerly opens and reads it, their hearts s    1     when they reach that final sentence. You may have spent years giving up your weekends and free time to write your life’s work, yet still this is often not enough. Everyone knows that success rarely happens overnight, but perhaps not many know that a lot of highly successful writers have p    2     faced rejection.

Take for example J. K. Rowling. When she received her first rejection letter, she decided that it meant she now had something in common with her favourite writers, and s    3     it on her kitchen wall. Rowling had spent years surviving     4     little money, spending all her time writing. When she finally finished her first book, she received c    5     from publishers along the lines of “too difficult for children”, “too long”, “Children would not be interested in it”. N    6    , she persevered. After a total of twelve rejections, one publisher eventually agreed to print 500 copies of her first book, and as we know, Harry Potter became     7     global success, with over 400 million books     8     and translated into more than seventy different languages.

So, it seems that talent alone isn’t enough to g    9     success. While a lot of hard work and a t    10     of luck play a part, perseverance is the key. Keep trying and eventually you will read the words “We are delighted to inform you…”

2024-02-22更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

My mother had never used a mobile phone until she    1     (receive)one for her birthday this year. Since then, she has been    2     (addict) to the Internet, using different kinds of     3     (软件) applications. She spends a lot of time each day    4    (explore) websites and chatting with other people online. She has set up her own email    5    (账户)and she does most of the shopping online through a dvice. Instead of going to supermarkets, nowadays she just     6     (press) a button and then her orders are     7     (deliver) the next day. At first, my father had some concerns     8     she was spending too much time in virtual worlds, but now he sees how happy she is. She even    9    (下载)some materials that can help my father with his work, so now he’s very happy, too! We are all very    10    (自豪的)of her as she has proven that it’s never too late to learn a new skill.

2024-02-20更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省河西成功学校2023-2024学年高三(高考复读)上学期第二次月考英语试题
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4 . 根据汉语提示补全短文

Mr. Zhang is a successful businessman in our city. When he was fifteen years old, his family was so poor that he had to     1     (退学) at school. To help support his family, he did lots of part-time jobs. Later, he     2     (碰巧挽救了) a wealthy businessman. The businessman     3     (许诺奖励) him. Mr. Zhang told him that he     4     (想创办) his own business. Hearing what Mr. Zhang said, the businessman     5     (同意帮他一把). Mr. Zhang’s company was set up in 2000. Little by little, he earned a lot of money and became wealthy. He always     6     (后悔离开) school at a young age, so he     7     (决定捐赠) his money to those children whose families were poor. Since then, Mr. Zhang has     8     (致力于帮助) those in trouble. Up to now, he has given away ten million yuan to charities. Although Mr. Zhang is now in his sixties, he doesn’t plan to     9     (停止工作). And he     10     (希望挣) more money to help more people.

2024-01-27更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit2 Exploring English Using language 课后练习-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述Xie Le去伦敦的情况。
5 . 根据课文内容,在空白处填入所缺的单词。

Six months ago, 19-year-old Xie Lei said     1     to her family and friends and boarded a     2     for London. It was the first time     3     she had left China. “I was very excited but also quite     4    . I didn’t know what to expect,” Xie Lei     5    .

2024-01-26更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省江门市2023-2024学年高二上学期调研测试(一)期末考试英语试卷
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6 . 根据所给汉语或英文首字母写出短文中所缺英语单词。

One night a hotel caught a fire, and people in it ran out in their night clothes.

    1    (幸运地), nobody was hurt.

Two men stood o    2     and looked at the fire.

“Before I came out,” said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don’t think of money when they’re     3    (害怕的). When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it. So I took all the bills that I could find. No one will be poor because I took them.”

“You don’t know my work,” said the other.

“What is your work?”

“I’m a policeman.”

“Oh!” cried the first man. He     4    (思考) quickly and said,“And do you know my work?“ “No,” said the policeman.

“I’m a writer. I’m always telling s    5     about things that never happened.”

2024-01-11更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省衡阳博纳高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期入学英语试题
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7 . 根据课文内容填空

Bogues was only one 1.6 meters tall,     1     made him the shortest player ever in the NBA. Guess what? Paul was only 1.6 meters tall, too! Paul knew that     2     shorter than other players meant that he had to practice more. During all those hours of doing jumps shots on his own, he used Bogues as his     3    , Paul once said, “If Bogues could make it, why not me?”

Our coach was not so sure. Paul had to     4     many times just for making the team. He was still usually on the bench, being just a replacement, which was really tough on him. Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong    5     to play for the team. This week, The lions were playing our main competitors. The Bears, a team whose record this season had been perfect. They hadn’t lost a single game.

2023-12-21更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省天水市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
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8 . 下面是读后续写题,续写已为你写好。请根据首字母和汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。

Hector stood in the front of his fifth-grade classroom as one of the last two competitors in the Room Five Geography Bee. His o    1     (对手) having missed the last question, it was Hector’s turn. If he answered his question correctly, he would be the Room Five champion.

“Where did I put that second sheet of questions?” Mr. Adler w    2     (私语) while searching through a thick pile of papers on his messy desk. Mr. Adler, though a great teacher, had a r    3     (名声) of being disorganized with a long history of misplacing things. “Oh well, I apologize for the d    4     (延误),” said Mr. Adler after what s    5     (好像) like a long time. “Hector, please tell us the c    6     (首都) city of Brazil.” Hearing the question, Hector smiled. Then, there was the answer.

Later that day in the courtyard, many classmates c    7     (祝贺) Hector. Wearing a proud smile, he g    8     (同…打招呼) and thanked them all. Oh, the sweet taste of victory.

As it was getting late, the courtyard became deserted. But Hector still didn’t want to l    9     (离开). Then he saw Mr. Adler c    10     (穿过) the courtyard and holding a half-open bag full of papers. As he h    11     (匆匆) past, an envelope dropped out but Mr. Adler was unaware. He turned a corner and d    12     (消失) out of sight. Hector picked it up. On the envelope were the words “Fifth Grade Geography Bee Questions and Answers”. Hector s    13     (盯着看) wide-eyed at the envelope. Before he even had time to reflect on the consequences, he opened it and read the questions.

As soon as Hector had done it, he k    14     (知道) it was the wrong choice. He’d c    15     (作弊) and whatever he did now, he couldn’t change the fact. “What if Mr. Adler thought I s    16     (窃取) this morning’s questions too?” Hector thought. “He’d take away my Room Five victory for sure.” Little did he know that one of the best days in his life would be turned into the worst so quickly. Torn by his conscience, Hector was t    17     (完全) at a loss what to do.

Before he realized it, Hector found himself standing in Mr. Adler’s room. He saw Mr. Adler searching for something on his messy desk. “Mr. Adler, are you looking for this?” he asked, holding the open envelope. “Oh, that’s e    18     (正是) what I’m looking for!” Mr. Adler said, “but what on earth is the matter?” Looking at the confused e    19     (表情) on Mr. Adler’s face, Hector got up the c    20     (勇气) to tell him the truth. To his surprise, Mr Adler actually p    21     (表扬) him for his integrity and wished him good l    22     (运气) in the next day’s competition.

The next day the entire school came to watch the Fifth Grade Geography Bee. Besides being g    23     (内疚的), Hector was puzzled at Mr. Adler’s reaction yesterday. But soon he felt relieved to find that the questions had been changed. He could i    24     (想象) Mr. Adler working late last night to prepare the new questions, grateful from the bottom of his heart for what Mr. Adler had done for him. When it was his turn, he c    25     (集中) his mind and answered all the questions correctly, becoming the final’s champion. The final gave Hector the sweet taste of victory again.

2023-12-09更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省邵阳市邵东创新实验学校2023-2024学年高三上学期第四次月考英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面短文,依据上下文、所给首字母或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个单词。

There is a colorless tiger. He seems like something out of an old black and w    1     movie. His lack (缺乏) of color makes him so famous that the world’s great painters want to come to his zoo to t    2     to put some color on him. But the colors always just drips (滴) down off his skin (皮肤).

Then along comes a p    3     called Van Cough. When he travels around, he likes to paint     4     (happy) with his brush. He never puts any paint on his brush, and he doesn’t u    5     canvas (画布) or paper. He paints the air.

When going into the tiger’s cage, he begins saying some words to the big animal, and     6    (move) his dry brush up and d    7     the tiger’s body. Later, people can see c    8     on the tiger’s skin. Everyone wants to k    9     what the painter’s secret is. He says to them that his brush is only good for painting real life and he needs no colors. He can do it because of the words he kept s    10     to the tiger: “In just a few days you will be free again, you will see.”

2023-12-07更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙县联考2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面短文,结合上下文,根据括号中的中文提示,用相应词汇的正确形式填空。

It was the final part of the 2016 World Triathlon     1     (系列赛) in Mexico. With just 700 meters to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the     2     (领先). Alistair was     3     (接近) the finish line in the burning heat, but as he came round the corner, he saw his brother about to fall onto the     4     (跑道). Alistair had to choose — brotherly love, or a chance to win the race? For Alistair, the choice was clear. His brother was in trouble. He had to help. The rescue put Jonny in second place and Alistair himself in third. It was an     5     (出乎意料的) end to the race.

The Brownlee brothers have been doing triathlons since they were children. “    6     (显然), when your older brother is doing it, you think it’s a cool thing to do,” says Jonny. Despite     7     (争论) over “stupid things” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother is an advantage.

Watched by millions, the ending to the race has divided opinions: should the brothers have been     8     (取消……的资格) or highly praised? But for Alistair, at that     9     (具体的,特定的) moment of the race, he was no longer an     10     (运动员) aiming for a medal — he was just a brother.

2023-11-17更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省张掖市某重点校2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(线上班)
共计 平均难度:一般