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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . According to the latest study in the United States, 14% of children don't have any physical activity at least once a week, while 27% of children are physically active for at least 60 minutes every day. The results of this study clearly suggest that taking up sports makes a great difference. It is highly recommended that children should exercise regularly.     1    .

Being on a sports team provides children with a new social circle outside of school and a chance to build up new friendships, some of which may last a lifetime.     2    . Being involved in a sport teaches valuable lessons, such as putting yourself in the second place for the benefit of the whole team.

Learning to accept and deal with defeat is also an important lesson in life. The nature of sports is that there is always a winner and a loser, and there are ups and downs in life.    3    .

By working hard at every practice and staying focused on their goal, children build persistence (坚持) and learn the importance of patience.     4    . This translates to life in general.

    5    . Words of praise from coaches for successfully finishing a workout or winning a game, or high-fives from teammates after a great team action, are ways of building trust in their own abilities and developing confidence.

Finally, playing sports can have a positive impact on bone health, especially among girls. And physically active children usually grow up to be physically active adults.

A.Taking part in sports can be good for children's confidence.
B.Here are usual ways children take up sports.
C.Here are important reasons why children should take up sports.
D.They win together, lose and deal with defeat together.
E.Learning to stand up when you are down is a lesson that sports can teach us.
F.When they reach their goal, they realize all their hard work pays off.
G.Being in sports makes children feel energetic even when they are in low spirit.
2021-11-12更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州市连江尚德中学等六校2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考英语试题
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2 . With age, and the experience of achieving great success, it has become clear that physical wealth, power, fame and possessions(财产)do not add anything significant to the actually happy life. I find having ________ is nice and allows me to do many ________ things like travelling a lot.

I always buy many things, but I find things that make a life worth living cannot be ________. They can only be found in the ________ I have. They can be what I give to others, what I accept, and the way I ________ to view the world. It's many small steps that ________ the journey that determines the true importance of the destination, not the ________ itself.

In my opinion, if the destination is great wealth, I think we will feel happier after ________ that wealth if we struggle hard, and ________ our small successes along the way. As for those lottery(彩票)winners, there is no journey, no sense of success, and no memories that make up the path to their wealth. The money just becomes a condition of their life, not something that ________ them the sense of personal achievement.

I enjoy the wonderful ________ of giving to others. ________ and kind acts will fill my life with the kind of treasures(珍宝)that I could never buy—they can only be attained through giving help to others. In fact, when you give, you'll often ________ that even more is given back to you. So please do remember to be ________ on the way to wealth, and always keep up the kindness, and you will ________ a happy life you want.

A.pick upB.make upC.make outD.hold up
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3 . In the seventh grade when my mother suggested that I should join the golf team, I thought she had lost her mind. But as usual, my mother _________ in the end. I played on the middle-school golf team in the seventh and eighth grade. The summer before high school came, I was _________ to join the high school team.

That summer I _________ almost every Sunday morning on the golf course with my _________, and too many afternoons with my mother. This_________ relationship with my parents _________ during my high school years._________ you’re walking down the freshly mowed fairway (修剪的平坦球道), looking out across miles of nothing but golf course, and looking up at the beautiful blue sky, you will realize what is _________ in life.My mom and I_________ many things in the middle of a round of golf that we would never do at ____________,where she is Mom and I am an annoying teenager. On the golf course, we’re just two people who ____________ golf.

During the past years golfing has become a part of my____________. My friends know in the summer the place to find me is on the golf course. There is ____________ I love more than a perfect autumn morning, riding around in a golf cart (球车) with my dad. Golf has ____________ me and made me into the person I am today. And I have to____________ that all of it is thanks to my mom who made me join that middle-school golf team. In fact, she was right.

A.talk aboutB.give upC.look forD.take down
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . On the 15th June I set foot off the airplane and into Calgary, Canada. I've never been to this side of the world before and I had some strange expectations when I could only see fields and no cityscape in view from my plane window during landing. However, as we got closer and closer to the airport the city came into view... phew (I sighed of relief as I'm a real city-goer).

We were greeted by my girlfriend's parents and whisked away to the main city. The large amount of greenery in Calgary's city makes it a completely different city to visit and I advise if anybody is around this side of the world, it's surely an interesting visit.

Despite all the things we've done here, the thing that blew me away the most was the Canadian woodlands and mountains just a few hours outside of Calgary. The highlight for me was risking travelling to the small town of Fernie and hiking into the woods up to a small waterfall where the water was so clear we could just drink straight from the stream. The time away from the main city had a great holiday feel and gave me time to recover after a busy university year.

It's been a great experience being in the Canadian mountains and woodlands and it's taught me the importance of just having some time for yourself! So whatever you guys are doing this summer, make sure you take some time out to relax, rest and recharge.

1. Which of the following best describes the author's feeling while landing?
2. What makes Calgary a quite different city?
A.Greetings from girlfriend's parents.B.Natural beauty of the city.
C.Woodlands outside the city.D.Clear water from the stream.
3. What does the underlined part “blew me away” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.moved me awayB.beat me offC.encouraged meD.impressed me
4. What can be inferred about the author's travel experience?
A.He needs relaxation from his busy life.B.He hates the city's busy life.
C.He is in great love with his girlfriend.D.He is enthusiastic about work.
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5 . The new, “used” car that I bought just three months ago wouldn't start the other day. The factory battery that ________ along with it decided that it had worked long enough and ________ to take an early, permanent retirement. My ________ neighbor gave me a jump but the battery stubbornly wouldn't ________ the charge. After getting one more jump, I ________ to the local auto parts store to buy a new one. Installing (安装) it was much more ________ than we thought, however, so I took it to a local mechanic who finally got the new battery in and the car ________ once again.

Driving it this morning, though, I ________ that the time and date on the screen in the dashboard (仪表盘) had ________ gone back to nine years ago, resetting to the ________ date of the first time it was started. While my son smartly figured out how to ________ it back to today I thought about all the times I had wished I could go back in time and undo some of the ________ and missteps I had taken in my own life.

Yes, many of my choices brought me ________ in the past, but they have also brought me wisdom for the present. When you ________ your own life, don't regret the roads not taken Instead, be ________ with the path you are on, the things you have learned, and the love you have shared.

A.look atB.come out ofC.focus onD.take control of
完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In life, do you choose to take the road everyone has taken, or do you choose the path that is best for you? It might be ________ to choose what everyone has done, especially if it seemed to work for them. But is that what truly ________ for you?

On a recent hiking ________, my partner and I decided to take a popular trail in the ________ direction. This was an old, well-traveled trail that people had been hiking and biking from A to Z for years. For our own reasons, we chose to travel from Z to A. Going backwards made more sense with my ________. The trip would take several days and going backwards ________ that I would end the trip closer to the airport for my flight home.

As my partner and I walked, everyone crossing our path had something to say, “You're going the wrong way. Are you lost? Are you returning ________ you forgot something? Are you crazy? The path occasionally crossed a ________. When it did, even passing cars beeped to ________ us in the “right” direction.

Why did people only see one way? Because that's what everyone does? Because that's how it's always been done? We even ________ to talk to a Danish woman who said, “We have a(n)       ________ in my country: when you go backwards to everyone else, it's because you're avoiding something.” I couldn't believe it. We were just enjoying connecting with nature, hiking the way that best ________ us. Had we gone the “wrong” way? No. At least, not for us.

I decided to ________ the path I chose. ________, we had an amazing experience. Choosing the “wrong” path was right for me. When your inner ________ tells you something is right (or wrong), listen to it. It's your instinct. It's speaking to you for a reason and it knows, better than anyone, what's best for you.

A.show offB.think overC.pick outD.stick to
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Why I Always Travel With a Paper Map in Hand

The first thing I do when I arrive in a foreign city is find a paper map. To me, it's the single most important task I have to accomplish upon arrival.

    1     I learn where I am in relation to the rest of the city, the names of neighborhoods and the major street. I figure out where the subway stations are, how I can get to the best walking routes.

Then I use that paper map to figure out which sights are closest to each other and how I can use my time most efficiently.     2     I note the neighborhoods I want to visit along the way.

No doubt you may wonder why I don5t just pull out my phone. I do own a smartphone with GPS.     3     It shows a specific destination and a precise route to get there. But it doesn’t put the journey into context, which I dislike. I always want to know where I am in relation to everything else.

My trusty map, on the other hand, is all about context. Ask me the nearest bridge, major market or landmark, and I'll be able to tell you in an instant. Besides, a paper map does not run out of battery.     4     It is easily replaceable.

For a traveler like myself, that paper map is like an entrance into another world. Staring at it transports me into a dreamlike state. I imagine all the places I'll go and the things I will do.     5    

A.It never has a poor connection.
B.But I don't have the habit of using GPS.
C.And all these makes me become a responsible tourist.
D.That map, you see, is my key to getting around the city.
E.However, I think my phone's GPS robs me of something.
F.And it enables me to begin planning how I'll make it happen.
G.I put dots where the bookstores, restaurants and museums are.

8 . My family is still recovering from the rainy season of the past few years. It began with the untimely death of a friend, ________ by some major family changes. What’s worse, my teenaged stepson became seriously ill.

As anyone who has ________ a chronically(慢性的)sick child knows, the stress doesn’t go away. My husband and I were ________. Every day the air carried the ________ of an approaching storm.

One day, my stepson and I were discussing Valentine’s gifts—a kazoo(卡祖笛). My first ________ to this gift was puzzlement, which quickly turned to ________ when, I, a pianist, couldn’t make a sound.

My stepson was ________. It turned out that someone on his school bus had been playing around with a kazoo that day. He wanted to see it.

“You couldn’t get a sound?” he asked. “What’s so ________ about it?”

I shrugged(耸肩). “ I don’t know. It ________ never worked.”

“It’s easy,” said my husband. He grabbed(抓住)it and blew. Nothing happened. ________, he tried again. No sound. His crazy ________ produced only a loud noise.

My stepson burst into laughter. His face ________ like that the first time in almost a year. Soon we were all laughing to the point of tears. It was the ________ 10 minutes in the past couple of years. This experience gave us a moment of ________. It showed us there’re still things to laugh at and enjoy, and that we can still ________ as a family.

A.cared aboutB.cheered onC.approved ofD.attended to
A.turned upB.came upC.lit upD.kept up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . I'd spent decades telling my girls that their bodies were a means to a long and satisfactory life, not objects to be admired because of how they look. I told them that good health and the energy to enjoy life should be their ultimate goals, not fitting into society's preconceived ideas of what is beautiful.

This year I'm sixty years old. I appear much older than before. This aging body of mine is not the one I expected to have. Looking at the old, fat, wrinkled woman in the mirror, I begin to complain about it. I've actually spent a lifetime focusing on my flaws, constantly complaining about my less-than-perfect self. As I was complaining yet again, my younger daughter told me, “Mom, stop. Stop putting yourself down. This is the body you live in now. It's beautiful because it's yours.” If I'm unwilling to accept my aging self with grace and dignity, how can I possibly expect my girls to do the same when they face these same physical changes?

And then, I learned that a friend of mine, the same age as me, died. At her funeral, her three heartbroken daughters spoke of their mother's devotion, wisdom, and compassion. They never said a single word about her appearance though her body had melted away during her last months. It didn't matter. I left that funeral desperate to hold my own girls in my arms, to kiss them and tell them how much they mean to me , and to promise that I will do better, be better—for them as well as for myself.

And so, to honour the memory of my dear friend and to set a good example to my beloved girls, I promise to love my aging body, and celebrate the gift of being alive.

1. What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?
A.She forgot to listen to her own advice.B.She was more of a talker than a doer.
C.She was unaware of her words’ effects.D.She was unwilling to accept others’ advice.
2. What does the underlined word “flaws” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What did the death of the author's friend make her aware of?
A.Action speaks louder than words.B.Lies can never change facts.
C.Beauty comes from the depths of the soul.D.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Running through LifeB.Rebuilding Your Life
C.Remembering to Respect OthersD.Finding Beauty in Ourselves
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . “What do you want to be when you grow up?” When I was a kid, I was afraid of the question. I never had a good answer. Grown-ups always seemed terribly disappointed that I wasn’t dreaming of becoming something great, like a film-maker or a spaceman.

In college, I finally realized that I didn’t want to be one thing. I wanted to do many things. So I became an organizational psychologist. My job is to fix other people’s jobs. And I think that asking kids what they want to be does harm to them.

First, the question forces kids to define (界定) themselves in terms of work. When you’re asked what you want to be when you grow up, it’s not socially acceptable to say a “father”, or, a “mother”. This might be one of the reasons that while many parents say that what they value most is to care about others, their kids believe that success is more important. When we define ourselves by our jobs, our worth depends on what we achieve.

The second problem is that it tells kids there is one calling out there for everyone. Although having a calling can bring people joy, research shows that searching for one leaves students feeling lost. After the actor Chris Rock heard a teacher tell high schoolers, they could be anything they want to be, he asked, “Lady, why are you lying to these children?” Maybe four of them could be anything they want to be, but the other 2,000 had better learn how to weld (焊接). He added, “Tell the kids the truth. You can be anything you’re good at.”

I’m all for encouraging kids to dream big. But it is no good asking kids what they want to be. Instead, invite them to think about what kind of person they want to be -- and about all the different things they might want to do.

1. How did the author feel when he was asked the question?
2. What is one problem with the question according to Paragraph 3?
A.Kids may put success first.
B.Kids may stop dreaming big.
C.It makes kids refuse to grow up.
D.It makes kids depend more on others.
3. What can be inferred from Chris Rock’s words?
A.Nobody is perfect.
B.Not everyone has a calling.
C.Nothing is impossible.
D.Nobody can succeed without working hard.
4. What does the author suggest grown-ups do?
A.Teach kids some useful skills.
B.Let kids know more about society.
C.Encourage kids to try to achieve a lot.
D.Ask kids to consider different possibilities.
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