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1 . Recently I visited the classroom of Jeremy Coleman, a music teacher. Coleman was preparing for a fresh group of students at his school in Austin, Texas.

Coleman has taught classical guitar at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) for many years. “Everyone should be given a chance to learn music and guitar," he said.

The TSBVI was founded in 1856 to provide a specialized education for young Texans who couldn’t see clearly. In the early years, students made brooms (扫帚)and other products that were sold to pay for the school’s operational (运营的)costs.

Since then, the school has developed, and hundreds of students from across the state live and learn there. The educational focus (重点) has changed from vocational (职业的) training to academic (学业的) and life skills. Students also take part in sports, music, and other after-school activities.

Coleman brought classical guitar lessons to TSBVI in 2011. “Teaching guitar to students with poor eyesight isn’t easy,” Coleman said. For one thing, the music course has to be translated into Braille, a form of printing for blind people to read.

“Instead of sight reading, these students will read Braille music and remember it,” Coleman said. “Once they realize what they can do, they love making music.”

Coleman said that after kids leave his program, they often find it difficult to continue their study of music. “The real difficulty is when the students return to their own communities,” Coleman said. “Finding a proper teacher for lessons is sometimes impossible.”

For that reason, Coleman and some other TSBVI teachers developed an online program called “Let’s Play.” The program serves as a guide for classical guitar training for students with poor eyesight and their teachers.

“The program continues to grow,” Coleman said. He hopes that it will help musicians with poor eyesight continue to develop their skills.

1. Coleman’ s school is different from common schools in ________.
A.its class sizeB.its opening time
C.its type of studentsD.its type of teachers
2. What has changed as the TSBVI has developed over time?
A.Its entry requirements for students.
B.Its after-school activities.
C.What it teaches students.
D.How it keeps running.
3. What happened to Coleman eight years ago?
A.He founded the TSBVL.
B.He started leaning Braille music.
C.He sold handmade products for a living.
D.He started teaching classical guitar at TSBVI.
4. How does Coleman help kids who finish his program?
A.By setting up an online program.
B.By organizing after-school activities.
C.By connecting them with other teachers.
D.By visiting them in their own communities.
2022-02-23更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省临汾市县底中学校2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
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2 . One size doesn’t fit all when choosing a school. But parents can be affected by league tables. There are some 2,500 independent schools in the UK and they vary wildly in fees, facilities, performances and purposes. So parents should park their enthusiasm for brand-name schools when fit is far more important.

“Too many parents are crazy about a school’s reputation and place in the league tables without bothering to see if it’s right for their child.” says Gavin Horgan, head of Millfield School in Somerset. “There are some brilliant schools which aren’t in the tables.” There’s a lot of nonsense spoken about rankings, agrees Jimmy Beale, a former head and founder of the consultancy The English Education. “Good schools perform brilliantly because they select brilliant pupils. Parents who go only on brand are doing their child harm.”

Whatever they say, it’s the academic success that parents invariably want. There’s nothing wrong with seeking out high achievers. But a sensitive mid-level student might feel a failure in a school with a strong emphasis on academic achievement. “Some children are inspired by a bright peer group,” says Horgan, “but others will feel anguished if they are bouncing around the bottom, especially if the bar is set high.”

So, what should parents look for? Look for the “value added”, says Beale — how schools raise the relative academic performance of pupils over the years. Shortlist half a dozen schools — visit at least four, he advises. Open days are useful, but you can also request an individual tour — seeing a school in its everyday mode is more revealing. And the best schools communicate well with parents. “There will be rocky moments, but if you get on with the staff, minor problems can be resolved,” says Beale. “If you don’t feel you could have a good relationship with the school, then walk away.” And then there’s the question of culture fit. “Speak to current students and ask, 'Do I want my son or daughter to be like these children?’” says Beale.

1. What does the author stress about choosing a school in paragraph 1?
A.Reputation tells a lot.B.Think twice before you act.
C.Experience is the best teacher.D.The right one is the best one.
2. What is Beale’s attitude to picking schools based on league tables?
3. What does the underlined word “anguished” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What does Beale suggest parents do while picking schools?
A.Look at a school’s daily routine.B.Talk to current students’ parents.
C.Visit each school at least four times.D.Consult the school staff on open days.
2022-01-23更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末调研考英语试题
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3 . Warwick Summer School

Join us for our Warwick Summer School, Sunday 17 July-Saturday 6 August 2022.

The University of Warwick Summer School(WSS)has been running since 2014 and we're delighted to be back for 2022!

Why Apply?

Our three-week Summer School provides a unique combination of learning and debating with famous academics and high-profile guest speakers, living alongside your peers on our beautiful Warwick campus and enjoying a fun and engaging social and cultural programme in the heart of England.

There are many excellent reasons to apply for the Warwick Summer School including the fact that Warwick is a top ten Russell Group University and over 98% of our Summer School Alumni recommend the programme.

The University of Warwick is a world leading Russell Group University widely recognized as a world leader in research and education ranked 6th in the UK(The Guardian 2022 League Table). Our exciting Summer School enables students to benefit from excellent teaching and academic expertise.


Students can apply to study one course for three weeks-our variety of exciting course options include Economics, English Language, Psychology, Data Science, Business, Leadership and more.

To apply for any of our courses on offer, you must be aged 18+and have a good understanding of the English language.

The Experience.

Find out what you can expect from our Warwick Summer School by seeing what previous students have experienced including guest lectures from Nobel Prize winners, exciting trips & top-quality teaching.

Alongside our programme of excellent guest speakers, an unforgettable social programme is available to students who wish to participate. Exciting activities and day-trips allow you to experience British culture and independently explore the UK throughout the three-week programme.

In 2019 we welcomed 361 students from 46 different countries to our Summer School; our participants are self-selected, intellectually curious and self-driven which creates a fascinating multicultural learning environment.

1. What is an advantage of the Warwick Summer School?
A.It has a history of more than ten years.
B.Students can enjoy an attractive social and cultural programme.
C.The courses in the Summer School last longer than one month.
D.It provides a combination of learning and teaching with professors.
2. What can we learn about the courses in the Warwick Summer School?
A.A variety of courses can be chosen in one time.
B.No age limit is necessary for students to choose the courses.
C.Only science and technology courses can be applied for.
D.A good command of the English language is required.
3. What experience are students expected to get from the Warwick Summer School?
A.To have peers from different cultures.B.To explore the UK only in groups.
C.To be intellectually curious about the environment.D.To enjoy everyday trips in the British countryside.
2022-01-19更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2021-2022学年高三上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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4 . Princeton University


The University is in Princeton, New Jersey. It is an hour’s train ride south of New York City and an hour’s train ride north of Philadelphia.


There are 4,600 undergraduates. There are also 1,900 graduate students, but Princeton is unusual among universities in having a student body made up largely of undergraduates.

Faculty (教师)

Princeton has about 700 full time faculty members. There are another 300 or so part-time and visiting faculty. All faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.


Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees: the bachelor of arts (B.A.) and the bachelor of science in engineering (B.S.E) degree.

Academic Year

An academic year runs from September to late May and lasts two terms (fall and spring). A normal course load is four or five courses per term, although many students take extra courses.


Princeton provides housing for all undergraduate students. Freshmen and second-year students are required to spend their first two years in one of five colleges. Each college has its own dining hall, common rooms and computer centers.

Fees and Expenses (Academic Year 2009-2010)

Tuition: $29,910

Room and board: $8,387

Other expenses (books, telephone, etc.): $3,083


1. How many kinds of faculty members are there in Princeton University?
2. In Princeton University, an undergraduate will pay at least ________for the Academic Year 2009-2010 in addition to tuition.
3. In what way is Princeton University different from other American universities according to the passage?
A.It has five colleges.
B.Its students are mainly undergraduates.
C.It provides housing for all undergraduate students.
D.All the faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.
4. Which of the following is Not True?
A.Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees.
B.An academic year lasts about nine months in Princeton University.
C.Undergraduates should spend their first two years in one of five colleges.
D.It’s about an hour’s train ride from Princeton University to the north of New York City.
2021-12-28更新 | 98次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市黄浦区2020-2021学年高一上学期期终考卷英语试卷
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5 . 假定你是李华,请介绍一下你的新学校(可以包括校园,教学楼,老师,同学,学科等),字数100字左右。
2021-12-20更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三十二中学校2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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6 . 2022 Best National University Rankings

The US News Best College Rankings can help prospective students and their families compare institutions as they look for the best fit. Here is a breakdown of what goes into the annual rankings.

Princeton University

The ivy-covered campus of Princeton University, a private institution, is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton was the first university to offer a “no loan (贷款)” policy to financially needy students, giving financial aid instead of loans to accepted students who need help paying tuition.

Columbia University

Columbia University has three undergraduate schools: Columbia College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and the School of General Studies. This Ivy (常春藤) League, private school guarantees students housing for all four years on campus in Manhat-tan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood in New York City.

Harvard University

Harvard University is a private institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. This Ivy League school is the oldest higher education institution in the country and has the largest donation of any school in the world.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Though the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may be best known for its math, science and engineering education, this private research university also offers architecture, humanities, management and social science programs. The school is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the Charles River from downtown Boston.

To further explore the rankings and data, please log in the US News College Compass! The following pages include each school’s performance across ranking indicators and the latest statistics used in the calculations.

1. Which university is most favourable to the poorer students?
A.Princeton University.B.Columbia University.
C.Harvard University.D.Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2. What do the four universities have in common according to the text?
A.They are Ivy League schools.B.They guarantee students’ accommodation.
C.They are private institutions.D.They offer financial aid to students.
3. Where can we find the text?
A.In a geographical magazine.B.In a travel brochure.
C.In an education book.D.On a web page.
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7 . When it comes to universities, most peon, associate (联想) great universities with big cities, like Peking University in Beijing. However, some universities located in less known places are also great ones. For more details, click here: www. fiskeguidetocolleges. com.

Bentley University

Bentley means business-studying it train the context of a strong liberal-arts (文科) program. Bentley provides career-oriented internships (职业方向的实习) to more than 90% of its students. Its beautiful campus is at arm's length from Boston with buses to Harvard Square.

University of Illinois

Half a step behind the University of Michigan and neck and neck with the University of Wisconsin among top Midwestern public universities, U of I's advantages include business, communications engineering, architecture, and natural sciences. Nearly 80% of the students come from in-state, but it has approximately 10,000 foreign students from more than 110 countries.

Indiana University

Though men's basketball is IU's most famous program, it may not be its best. That distinction (声誉) could easily go to the famous music school or the well-known foreign language program.

Mount Holyoke College

One of two women's colleges gives students access to the resources of the four other institutions. MHC is strongest in the natural and social sciences, and one of few colleges to have a program devoted to leadership.

1. If you are interested in natural and social sciences, which university is the best choice?
A.Bentley University.B.University of Illinois.
C.Indiana University.D.Mount Holyoke College.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Bentley University is far away from Boston.
B.Indiana University is best at men's basketball.
C.University of Illinois has a good name for its international education.
D.The universities mentioned above are all located in major cities.
3. Where can you probably find this article?
A.On a website.B.In a newspaper.C.In a magazine.D.Ina guide book.
2021-12-13更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . The Ivy League schools are some of the most selective colleges in the United States. If you’re planning to apply to any of them, be realistic about your chances of being admitted.

Columbia University

Columbia is one of the largest of the Ivies, and it has a close relationship with neighboring Barnard College, one of the nation’s top women’s colleges. The university is home to an excellent medical school, law school, business school, engineering school, and numerous other programs.

Fast Facts2018


Manhattan, New York City

Number of Students

31,077(8,216 undergraduates(本科生))

Acceptance Rate


Student/Teacher Ratio(比率)

6 to 1

Brown University

With a rich history dating to 1764, Brown University is the second smallest of the Ivies, and the school has more of an undergraduate focus than universities such as Harvard and Yale. The university’s campus is close to the Rhode Island School of Design(RISD), one of the nation’s top art schools, and students can easily cross-register between the two institutions.

Fast Facts2018


Providence, Rhode Island

Number of Students

10,257(7,043 undergraduates)

Acceptance Rate


Student/Teacher Ratio

6 to 1

Dartmouth College

Dartmouth is the smallest of the Ivies, but don’t be misled by its name. It is a university, not a college. The attractive Dartmouth campus is home to a business school, medical school, and engineering school.

Fast Facts2018


Hanover, New Hampshire

Number of Students

6,572(4,418 undergraduates)

Acceptance Rate


Student/Teacher Ratio

7 to 1

Princeton University

Like Dartmouth, Princeton is on the smaller side and has more of an undergraduate focus than many of the Ivies. The school’s 500-acre campus with its stone towers and Gothic architecture ranks as one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. Sitting on the edge of Lake Carnegie, Princeton is home to numerous flower gardens and tree-lined walks.

Fast Facts2018


Princeton, New Jersey

Number of Students

8,374(5,428 undergraduates)

Acceptance Rate


Student/Teacher Ratio

5 to 1

1. What can we know about Barnard College?
A.It is one of the nation’s top art schools.
B.It is one of the best women’s colleges.
C.It is one of the largest of the Ivy League schools.
D.It has a close relationship with Princeton University.
2. What is the acceptance rate of Brown University in 2018?
3. What do the last two universities have in common?
A.They stress undergraduate education.
B.They are in the same state of America.
C.They are the smallest Ivy League schools.
D.They have the same student/teacher ratio.
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9 . Entry Requirements for International Applicants at University of Malaya University of Malaya(UM) is the first choice of Malaysia's top students and our international student population comes from more than 80 different countries. UM believes that a multicultural and multinational campus will enrich students' experiences. If you are interested in pursuing a degree at University of Malaya, read the following requirements.

General Entry Requirements
●National Higher School Certificate (or an Advanced Level equivalent)with the percentage of 80% and above
●A Diploma from recognized Institutions with at least a CGPA of 3.00
●Applicants may be required to undergo an interview session for certain selected programmes before being accepted by the respective faculties.
English Language Requirements
Students must obtain:
●TOEFL score of 500 (PBT), 173 (CBT) or 60 (IBT) and above
●IELTS Band 5.0一6.5 and above
Without any of the above English proficiency certificates, students that have been accepted would be issued with a conditional offer letter for subsequent fulfillment of the English language requirements.
Documents required
●A recent passport-size photograph with BLUE background
●Original passport copy (front page only)
●Original or Certified copies of academic certificates with detailed academic transcripts (Official translation is needed for applicants whose native language is not English or Malay)
●Financial statement showing financial capability from the bank or relevant institution for self-financing students or a letter of guarantee for sponsored students
●RM300 application processing fee made payable via online application

Applications must be submitted online at apply.um.edu.my and all completed applications should be submitted not later than 17 June (for Semester Ⅰ, September intake) or 11 November(for Semester Ⅱ, February intake) of the year.

1. What is the typical feature of UM? ________
A.Its beautiful campus.B.Its easy access to a degree.
C.Its academic atmosphere.D.Its social and cultural diversity.
2. Who's most likely to be admitted to UM? ________
A.Tod, a freshman from a high school.
B.Chad, a graduate with a CGPA of 3.3.
C.George, a senior student with IELTS Band 4.5.
D.Mike, an absentee from his program interview.
3. What document(s)is a must for UM applicants? ________
A.photograph with red background.
B.copy of the residence permit.
C.Evidence of adequate funds.
D.Translation of academic certificates.
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Oxford is a city     1     (well) explored by foot or bicycle. There is no central campus so it is important to plan your visit     2     advance, perhaps drawing up a list of places to visit and     3     (plan) your route between them. The     4     (follow) resources may be useful.

Most colleges are open throughout the year, at least for potential     5     (apply) to walk around the grounds. Our Visiting colleges page     6     (give) details about opening times     7     any admissions charges which may apply, though many     8     (college) give up these for potential applicants. You can check     9     colleges offer the course you are interested in before you visit and perhaps read our advice on choosing     10     college.

2021-09-17更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省洛南县洛南中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
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