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1 .

Mandle Currie, a zoo-keeper, spent the day in the offices of the magazine Marie Claire.

‘Choosing What to wear for my day at Marie Claire was tricky because normally I wear a uniform at work. first I went to a still-life photo studio, then to press previews, all before lunch. The zoo is such a tranquil, peaceful place—and here I was rushing around when I could be sitting quietly giving an animal a cuddle. Some of the members of the fashion team seemed quite stressed—my job doesn’t really get pressurised. At a fashion shoot in the afternoon, it made me laugh to think that I’d usually be cleaning out cages or handling rats. I’m fascinated to see how magazines work, but I really enjoy my job at the zoo so I’ll stay put.’

Alice Cutler a fashion assistant at Marie Claire, spent the day at London zoo.

‘I arrived at the zoo in my leather boots and dark blue trousers. The zoo gave me a green T-shirt instead to work in, which was just as well as I got very dirty. While I was bathing one of the elephants, I thought Mandie would probably be packing up clothes in the cupboard. By five o'clock, I smelt terrible but Td had such a brilliant day when I retire from fashion, I could see myself working with elephants—but maybe in Africa.’

Karen Hodson, a nurse at Hammersmith Hospital, went on location with the television gardening programme Ground force.

‘I was extremely excited about meeting the team, and Alan Titchmarsh, the programme presenter, was really nice. One of the things I liked was the chance to be in the fresh air Depending on my shifts, I sometimes never see daylight. Even though it was hard work, it was great fun. I thought I was pretty strong but I felt weak compared with the rest of the team. My romantic vision of landscape gardening had not included physical hard work or careful planning. I was more an enthusiastic than effective gardener, so I don’t plan to give up my other job.’

Charlie Dimmock, landscape gardener with the TV programme Ground Force, worked a shift at Hammersmith Hospital.

‘I made beds and handed out tablets. I expected to faint when I was doing some jobs, but I amazed myself by finding that it didn’t bother me. The friendship among the nurses is great, and it felt tremendously ‘girlie’ compared with my normal male environment. I feel my job is a real waste of time compared with nursing. My day at the hospital was not exactly pleasant but it left me with a great sense of satisfaction.’

1. The four people in the passage are talking about their experience of ________.
A.taking up a career they never tried before
B.giving up their secure job for a new one
C.staying at a strange place for some time
D.living somebody else’s life for a day
2. It can be inferred from the passage that ________are most probably unwilling to do the job they tried.
A.Mandle Currie and Karen Hodson
B.Alice Cutler and Charlie Dimmock
C.Mandle Currie and Charlie Dimmock
D.Alice Cutler and Karen Hodson
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Mandle Currie found her own job more stressful than the one she tried.
B.Karen Hodson expected there to be much hard work as a landscape gardener.
C.Alice Cutler disliked working in a zoo as she smelt terrible at the end of the day.
D.Charlie Dimmock thought being a nurse was more worthwhile than his own job.
2021-07-01更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海模拟英语试题4
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 .

Who we need

We are looking for talented and passionate people to work for health. WHO is committed to achieving workforce variety, aiming to achieve a broad representation of nationals of our member countries. Particular attention is paid to candidates from developing countries and gender balance. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis. All posts are filled in accordance with WHOs ability model.

There are two key categories of staff at WHO:professionals(P) or directors(D) who are internationally recruited(招募) and general(G) or national professional(NPO) staff who are recruited locally for both fixed or short-term positions. We also run internship(实习) and opportunities for junior professional officers(JPOs).

Internationally recruited(Por D)
Professional staff and directors are hired internationally and occupy leadership functions or positions that require a significant level of technical expertise. P or D staff are mobile and are expected to work across the globe.
Locally recruited(G or NPO)
General Service staff are hired locally at the respective duty station. Their main role is to work with and support internationally recruited staff in their roles and to assure the smooth functioning of all administrative matters.
National Professional Officers are nationals of the country in which they serve and perform functions of a professional nature requiring local knowledge, professional knowledge and experience.
We offer internships for current students with educational background in public health, management or administration fields.
Junior professional officer programme
The Junior Professional Officer(JPO) Programme provides young professionals at an early stage in their career with practical experience in international technical co-operation. JPOs are sponsored by their respective governments.
Recruitment restrictions
Please note the following restrictions on recruitment:
Relatives of WHO Staff: Except where another equally well qualified person cannot be recruited, appointment shall not be granted to a person who bears any of the following relationships to a staff member: father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister.
Candidates under the age of 20 and above the age of 62 will not be considered for any vacancy.
Policy on Non-Recruitment of Smokers: WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or other tobacco users who do not indicate a willingness to stop smoking. This policy underscores the Organization’s commitment to promoting a tobacco-free environment.
1. The above webpage aims at ________.
A.recruiting volunteers for WHOB.achieving a broad representation of nationals
C.explaining the functions of WHOD.providing information about WHO positions
2. What kind of applicants will definitely be turned down according to the restrictions?
A.Males in their later 60s.B.People who have health problems.
C.Children of WHO staff.D.Candidates with a smoking history.
3. What can be learned from the webpage?
A.General Service staff are recruited all around the world.
B.Junior Professional Officers work for local governments.
C.Current students majoring in engineering can apply for internships.
D.Professionals and directors are an internationally mobile workforce.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Private Butler (管家)

Typical salary: £60,000 to £90,000, or more. "An entry level butler we’ve trained will walk into a salary of £35,000, while a very experienced private butler can earn up to £150,000," says Sara Vestin, director of the British Butler Academy.

The job: A private butler can be called on by his or her employer to do anything from wardrobe management to chauffeuring to pet care. Typical duties include managing other staff, serving at every meal, running errands, looking after guests, booking restaurants, house security, housekeeping, cooking and anything else the household needs. But most of all, it’s personal service, tailored to the very wealthy individual the butler works for.

Qualifications: No special qualifications are required, but it’s advisable to do a course at a training college such as Vestin’s British Butler Academy or the British Butler Institute. "Recruitment consultants and VIP clients come to our mansion to scout out the good students." Vestin says.

To succeed as a butler, you need…a ‘service mind’, says Vestin. You must have the mindset of someone who genuinely thrives on looking after others. "You cannot do the job without this, even if you were an amazing actor. Some people have it and some don’t." Also, she says, it’s essential to have an eye for detail, a steady hand and the ability to deal with all sorts of people.

Worst thing about the job: Long hours and an unpredictable work schedule mean it’s difficult to have a family life. Butlers also suffer from isolation and cultural differences with their employer and they may be obliged to work for people who aren’t always nice.

1. Which of the following is true of a butler?
A.A course at a training college is a must in order to get the job.
B.A butler should be able to tailor his service to his clients.
C.Male butlers are favored over female ones.
D.There is no ceiling of salary.
2. The underlined word “thrives on” in the passage probably means _______.
A.is reminded of.
B.is capable of.
C.is convinced of.
D.is in favour of.
3. Which is not the downside of being a butler?
A.Cultural misunderstanding may arise.
B.The job may make one’s family life difficult.
C.Sometimes they have to work for impolite clients.
D.They may enjoy the company of his or her clients.
2021-04-12更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市金山区金山中学2021届高三下学期调研考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-六选四(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It’s very likely that you’ll want to have volunteers to help with the organization’s activities.     1    

Let’s begin with the question of why people volunteer. Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved. For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships. If volunteer positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to participate.     2    

People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people’s wish of participation from an internal factor (e.g., “I volunteer because it’s important to me”) to an external factor (e.g., “I volunteer because I’m required to do so”).     3     People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer activities a must.

Once people begin to volunteer, what leads them to remain in their positions over time? To answer this question, researchers have conducted follow-up studies in which they track volunteers over time. Having followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year, they have found that one of the most important factors that influenced their satisfaction as volunteers was the amount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. This result may lead to practical advice. The researchers note that attention should be given to “training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience”.

    4     It was assumed that those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work. Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as “Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am.” Consistent with the researchers’ expectations, they found a positive correlation between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer.

A.Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view “volunteer” as an important social role.
B.To select volunteers, you may need to understand the motivations of the people you wish to attract.
C.When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future.
D.So it is of great importance to study volunteer behaviors and how to organize volunteer activities.
E.To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work.
F.These results also suggest that continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity.
2021-04-12更新 | 243次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市格致中学2021-2022学年高三下学期考前英语模拟卷
阅读理解-六选四(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.


The year 2020 marks the beginning of the decade of the yold, or the “young old”, as the Japanese call people aged between 65 and 75. By continuing to work and staying socially engaged, the boomers, in their new appearance as the young old, will change the world.

The yold are more numerous, healthier and wealthier than previous generations of seniors.

    1    Of the 3.7 years of increased life expectancy in rich countries between 2000 and 2015, says the WHO, 3.2 years were enjoyed in good health. Working is one of the factors that are helping people stay healthy longer. A German study found that people who remain at work after the normal retirement age manage to slow the cognitive (认知的) decline. The yold are also better off, while the wealth of all other age groups declined.

The yold are challenging the traditional expectations of the retired in many aspects. They won’t wear indoor shoes and look after the grandchildren.     2    They also spend much more, when taking a foreign holiday, than younger adults, so they are vital to the tourism industry. And, because of the importance of pensions, the yold are transforming insurance companies from passive distributors of fixed annuities(年金) to financial service providers for customers who want to manage their pension pots more actively.

    3     Societies should be better off because public spending on health and pensions should be lower than expected, as people work longer and need less medical care.

Today, some big things will have to change, under pressure from the yold themselves. The most important is public attitudes towards older people and in particular the expectation that 60-somethings ought to quietly retire into the background.     4    The yold will demand that companies become more age-friendly and, in the process, help change attitudes towards aging itself.

A.Healthy yold people will require great changes in health spending.
B.They become one of the fastest growing groups for airline businesses.
C.The rise of the yold will definitely be a blessing to both culture and economy.
D.Health worsens with age, but the yold are resisting the decline better than most.
E.Many companies treat older workers unfairly by offering training only to younger ones.
F.Bosses may think productivity falls with age, but studies in Germany suggest things different.
2021-04-12更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市松江区2021届高三一模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-六选四(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Directions: Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

The worst time to look for a job is when you feel desperate and must have a new one immediately.     1    If you are not in need of an immediate career change, here are ways you can improve your long-term career prospects today:

Identify at least two different roles. You do not have to be qualified for these positions today, nor do they have to exist in your company. However, these roles should be related to your current skill set. They are career options that look interesting.     2    Pay close attention to what appeals to you, and write it down. This will give insight into your motivations and targets.

Subscribe to a career specific magazine. Knowledge is power in the workplace. All businesses must stay relevant to their customers in order to win the competitions and increase revenue (收益). Reading about industry trends, advancements and success stories keeps you in touch with market conditions. This information allows you to see which companies and professionals are leading the pack. You can follow their examples in your own workplace.


Do exceptional work. In any role, there is a way to perform at your best. Look for ways to deliver a top performance. Show up early, be flexible to new assignments, have a positive attitude, cooperate with other departments, pay attention to the little details.

Be professionally curious. Talk to people about their careers. Learn more about how success is measured in other roles, departments and companies. Ask people their thoughts on different industries.     4    People hire people. You never know what connections may be relevant when you start your next job search, so develop a habit of making good connections no matter where you go. Take the time to learn about others, and be helpful when you can.

As in all things in life, getting in front of a difficult task early is always less stressful than reacting to a career surprise. Changing jobs is to be expected. No matter how secure you feel today, the time will come when either you or your employer decide it is time to change.

A.If you associate with distinguished people, you are likely to find yourself with better opportunities.
B.Challenge yourself to expand your business knowledge through interactions with people at regular time.
C.In addition, the chances, if any, are low that you can find a satisfactory job in an economic situation like this.
D.Once you have a couple of targets, think about why and what interests you.
E.That is to say, the people you keep company with determine your character development.
F.Job searching under pressure often results in nervous interviewing and decision-making from relatively few options.
2021-04-03更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市闵行区2021届高三英语二模试题(含听力)

7 . Innovation for Everyone – Career Skills for Life

Invitation to Alumni (校友) Networking Event Organized by University of Warwick and British Council

We are delighted to invite you to an alumni networking event on Tuesday 14 March, 7-9 pm at the Le Royal Méridien Hotel, Shanghai. The event is organized by the University of Warwick and the British Council and is open to all alumni.

Come and join us for refreshments, followed by four short presentations on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship (创业) skills in your career and the launch of new career initiatives for students and alumni, before spending time networking with friends and other UK alumni over a buffet dinner.

The place for this event is the Le Royal Méridien Hotel, No.789 Nanjing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai. The Le Royal Méridien Hotel is located in People's Square in Shanghai and is easily accessed by subway, bus or taxi.

Tue 14 March 2017
19:00 – 21:00 CST
Le Royal Méridien Hotel
No.789 Nanjing East Road
Huangpu District


7:00 pmRegistration and welcome refreshments
7:15 – 7:25 pm“An overview of Graduate Employability (就业能力) among UK-educated Chinese Alumni and British Council Activities to Support Alumni Career Development”, Cathy He, Head of Education Services, British Council
7:25 – 7:35 pm“The Importance of Career Planning: from the SJTU Viewpoint”, Mr Shen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Careers
7:35 – 7:45 pm“The Importance of Innovation Skills Throughout Your Career: An Employer Viewpoint”, John Hung, Managing Partner, China Consumer & Industrial Products Industry and Automotive Sector, Deloitte, China
7:45 – 7:55 pm“New Resources to Enhance the Employability of Chinese Students and Graduates”, Esther de Perlaky, International Manager, University of Warwick
8:00 – 9:00 pmNetworking and banquet buffet dinner

Free but up to 80 tickets, please register via READ MORE.

1. The main purpose of holding this alumni networking event is ________.
A.to invite the alumni for refreshments
B.to spend time networking with the alumni
C.to help the alumni to launch new career initiatives
D.to share the experience of innovation and career skills for life
2. The people attending the event are most probably those ________.
A.UK-educated Chinese Alumni
B.only from University of Warwick
C.UK-educated Alumni and their friends
D.UK-educated Chinese Alumni and from the SJTU
3. What do the four short presentations mainly talk about?
A.How to improve the employability of the alumni.
B.How to help the alumni find and improve employment.
C.How to enhance the employability in career development.
D.How to make career planning and train the alumni’s innovation skills.
2021-04-03更新 | 137次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市虹口区2021届高三英语二模试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . With so many investments required of us to succeed - time, resources, talents, responsibilities, even finances for our retirement - it’s easy to lose sight of the most difficult investment of all to commit to : ourselves.

Getting to the point where you’re ready to start upgrading to you 2.0 isn’t easy. But it doesn’t mean dropping the ball everywhere else. It’s not about omissions, but admissions. Come clean with yourself to kick-start your personal growth.

Unstuck starts with “u”

No one purposely chooses to stop learning and growing again, it just kind of happens in a lot of daily responsibilities and life. And if it were easy to just kick it into gear( 档 位 )again, you would have already done it. But the truth is inescapable. If you want to get off that place to higher ground, it’s up to you and only you. No one will just hand you a steady stream of opportunities for growth.

You’ve been working in your life, not on it

Activity is often confused with acceleration(忙碌). I was guilty of this for years in working place - staying always busy but not admitting I was bored. I was lost in activity and not steeping back to take time to question what I wanted my life to be. Once I began working on my life - quitting corporate, becoming an entrepreneur, restructuring to my life - I started growing once again. And I’ve never been happier.

Things aren’t happening to you, they’re happening for you

A victim mentality(心态)is the enemy of personal growth. Lamenting over everything that has gone wrong in your life only wastes energy from working to make more things go right. If you want to kick-start growth, you must view setbacks as having a purpose, and then put them in their place. The past shouldn’t run or define you - only fuel you.

The perfect time to start doesn’t exist

I had so many things that had to be just right before I could make my long-planned leap from corporate. I’d tell myself, “I’d love to go for it right now, but practically speaking.” Well, guess what? Practicality is poison. It’s the convenient excuse stopping you from what you’re meant to become.

It’s time to unplug others’ opinions

Grow where you want to grow. Learn what you want to learn. Wherever you are on the scale of hat you want to learn next - be it beginner or near - expert own it, be proud of it. Pretenses are for pretenders. You’re just trying to become a better version of your genuine self.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.If you want to succeed, you have to invest yourself first.
B.Upgrading yourself is hard, but you still need to continue.
C.Giving up upgrading yourself is just like dropping the ball.
D.It’s a kind of responsibility to go on learning though it’s hard.
2. The word lament in the last but 4 paragraphs most probably means ______.
A.to express sadness and feeling sorry about something
B.to repeat what happens to you in the past of your life
C.to show some regretful feeling or thought for our past
D.to recognize something that has gone wrong in the past
3. According to the passage, we can infer that _____.
A.the busier you are, the happier and better you will be
B.what happened shouldn’t prevent you, but protect you
C.whoever you are, just grow where you want to grow
D.how well you grow is actually decided by yourself
4. How many aspects does the writer illustrate his idea on personal growth?

9 . Just when you thought you figured out Millennials (those who reached young adulthood around the year 2000), Generation Z is now entering the workforce. A massive 72.8 million individuals are included in this group born between the mid - 1990s and the early 2000s.

Are you ready?

While we have learned how to create a culture where Millennials can do well, what Generation Z needs can be quite different:


Generation Z

Don’t just work for a paycheck, they want a purpose.

Money and job security are their top motivators. They want to make a difference but surviving an developing are more important.

They aren’t pursuing job satisfaction, they are pursuing their own development.

They want to gather rewarding experiences. Gen Z tend towards being impatient and often experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), so instant feedback and satisfaction are key.

They don’t want bosses, they want coaches.

They want to be guided in an environment where they can advance quickly. They want to look their leaders in the eye and experience honesty and transparency.

They don’t want annual reviews, they want ongoing conversations.

They don’t want an annual work assessment, they want to be advised and given feedback on an ongoing frequent (daily) basis.

They don’t want to fix their weaknesses, they want to develop their strengths.

They believe that there are winners and losers - and more people fall into the losing category. They want to have the tools to win, either through developing weaknesses or strengths.

They have a cooperative way of thinking where everyone joins in and works together.

72% of Gen Z said they are competitive with doing the same job. They are independent and want to be judged on their own value and showcase their individual talents.

It’s not just their job, it’s their life.

Salary and benefits and how they can advance are central. They are a DIY generation and they feel that other generations have over complicated the workplace.

1. According to the passage, Millennials and Gen Z share the same point of view on _______.
A.job satisfactionB.work assessment
C.weaknesses and strengthsD.salary and benefits
2. Which of the following is true of Gen Z’s way of thinking?
A.They prefer to be team leaders, not members.
B.They enjoy working together with others.
C.They don’t want to cooperate, they compete.
D.They have talents and don’t want to be judged.
3. Who among the following are most probably the target readers of this passage?
A.Millennials.B.Generation Z.
C.Recruiters.D.FOMO patients.
2020-06-18更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019届上海市黄浦区高三三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A knight (骑士) was a mounted warrior of medieval Europe who served a king or other feudal superior, usually in return for land. Knighthood was taken quite seriously and had to be earned.

At about the age of eight, a boy would begin training in preparation for knighthood. This young trainee, known as a page (学习骑士),would train with mentors to learn about horses, armor, and weapons. Pages practiced fighting with a sword against a wooden stake and learned to skillfully use a bow and arrow. The lady of the castle taught a young page about manners and social graces, as well as how to sing, play instruments, and dance. A priest might give a page religious training and teach him to read and write. By the age of fourteen, the page would become a squire (骑士的随从). A squire was responsible for dressing a knight for battles and tournaments and taking care of the knight armor and weapons. He would even follow his master on the battlefield to protect him if the knight fell.

A squire had to gain skill in using a lance (长矛), spear, or sword, so he would practice against a wooden dummy called a quintain(矛靶). The quintain and a shield were hung on a wooden pole, and when hit, the whole structure would spin. The squire would learn to ride up and hit the shield’s center, but then quickly move out of the way without getting hit and knocked off his horse by the quintain.

At about age twenty, a squire was finally prepared to be called a knight, which involved an extended ceremony. On the evening before becoming a knight the squire confessed his sins to a priest, was given a symbolic bath, and then fasted in order to cleanse his soul. The squire would dress all in white and stay in a chapel all night praying and watching over his weapons and armor.

In the morning, the squire would dress in symbolically-colored clothing: red for his blood, white for purity, and brown for his return to the earth after death. At this ceremony, the knight wore a code of chivalry, which required him always to be brave, loyal, courteous, and to protect the defenseless. Knighthood was granted by the overlord (领主) and the new knight was tapped on the shoulders or neck with the flat side of the sword.

If this new knight ever broke his promise or acted dishonorably, he would be stripped of his knighthood in another ceremony, in which he was 14 buried. In the Middle Ages, a knight without honor was considered as good as dead.

1. What were the responsibilities of a squire?
A.Practicing fighting with a sword and using a bow and arrow skillfully.
B.Looking after weapons and learning manners from the Lady of the castle.
C.Confessing his sin and praying for his mentors.
D.Dressing a knight for fighting and protecting him.
2. What does the underlined word “chivalry” mean?
A.The noble spirit a knight possesses.B.The tough task a knight has to finish.
C.The high goal a knight must achieve.D.The military discipline a knight should obey.
3. If a knight failed to keep his promise, what would happen?
A.He would be sentenced to death.B.He would be robbed of his title.
C.He would be forced to leave Court.D.His land would be returned to the King.
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Why people wanted to be knights.B.How one became a knight.
C.When knighthood started.D.Who knights had to serve.
2020-05-21更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届上海市高三高考最后冲刺卷二英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般