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On a sunny Friday morning, Mr. Stone, the Grade 4 head teacher, walked into the classroom with a new student following him. She was a lively girl from Mexico, and her red mushroom hair cut immediately drew everyone’s eyes. With a welcoming smile, Mr. Stone gestured for her to sit beside Mike, a student known for teasing others.

During break time, Mike couldn’t help but laugh when he caught sight of his new deskmate. Sara’s distinctive hairstyle seemed like an open invitation for him to make fun of her. Leaning in towards Sara, he playfully suggested, “Hey, Sara. Ever thought about changing your name to Dora? You look just like Dora the Explorer!” His words caused laughter and cheers from the others in the classroom.

Sara’s eyes filled with tears, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. Feeling hurt and upset, she stood up suddenly, rushing to the teacher’s office to seek support from Mr. Stone. After hearing her story, Mr. Stone offered her gentle comfort, saying, “Sara, your hairstyle is truly pretty. Remember, everyone has their own sense of beauty.”

Mr. Stone then directed his attention to Mike, expressing his disappointment and urging Mike to apologize to Sara. “Mike,” he continued, “your actions were unkind. We must treat everyone with empathy(同情). Laughing at Sara’s hair has deeply hurt her.”

This conflict was temporarily settled, but Mr. Stone found himself lost in thought. Reflecting on his own childhood, Mr. Stone recalled how he had been teased for being overweight. The pain caused by hurtful words was like wrinkles on a crumpled(压皱的)ball of paper. Even if you smoothed them out, the wrinkles stayed.

He wanted to teach an important lesson to Mike, the troublemaker. Then, a unique strategy came to mind. He contacted Mike’s mother, explaining the situation and discussing a plan with her to develop empathy in her son. They agreed that over the weekend, Mike’s mother would arrange for Mike to have his hair cut extremely short.


On Monday morning, Mike unwillingly approached the classroom.


At that moment, Mr. Stone walked into the classroom with a ball of paper.

2024-06-04更新 | 37次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山东省实验中学高三下学期5月二模英语试题
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Steven Price is the class clown and has an unyielding (执着的) passion for coins. He tells silly jokes and asks dumb riddles while Ms. Redfield is trying to teach. “Ms. Redfield,” said Steven. “What have a head and a tail, but no body?”

“I don’t know,” said Ms. Redfield. “Coins!” Steven laughed and laughed.

When his attention is diverted (转移) from coins, he finds amusement in playing tricks. I don’t mind when Steven plays tricks on Ms. Redfield or on some other kids. I just hate it when he plays tricks on me. I try to avoid or ignore him, but he gets me every time!

During recess (课间休息) on Monday, Steven was holding a small box in his hand. “Come and see what I’ve got,” he said to me. Before I could reject it, Steven lifted the lid. As the lid of the creaks opened, a horrifying clown figure sprang forth with a sudden burst of energy. Its painted bloody grin stretched unnaturally wide, revealing rows of sharp, jagged (锯齿状的) teeth. I was startled! My heart raced as the clown’s high-pitched cackle (咯咯的笑) echoed through the classroom. “You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I said. Steven just made a face and disappeared.

On Tuesday, we were studying measurement. Steven asked me to help him measure part of the hallway for his project. I told him I was busy working on my own math problem. “This will just take a minute!” he said. He had a piece of string 30 feet long. He wanted to see if it would reach to the cafeteria. I held one end of the string, and Steven went down the hall and around the corner. Pretty soon I felt the string get tight. I thought he was measuring. Keeping holding the string, I thought he would come right back.

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Ms. Redfield came around the corner, looking strangely at me.


On Wednesday, I decided to fight back and play a trick on Steven.

2024-06-04更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市第一中学校高三5月模拟考试英语考试试卷
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Mr. Ward couldn’t stand students cheating the most. Whenever there was an exam, he watched very closely, making sure no act of cheating was neglected, and any student who cheated would be seriously punished.

I remember many times after tests, Mr. Ward found that the students sitting around me had better scores than the others and the further away a student was from me, the worse his grade. Mr. Ward suspected that some of the juniors “accidentally” got some of my answers. So he and I had a very interesting talk about cheating.

Mr. Ward once told me of some of the ways students tried to cheat. Student A intentionally “dropped” his pencil an unusually far distance from his desk. Then he stood up and walked slowly across the room to take it back. On the way, he glanced at the papers. Student B got a piece of paper and wrote down all the formulas (公式) on a tiny bit of paper taped to the inside of the kid’s palm. These incidents weren’t very rare.

The last day of the entire school year, all I had left was my math exam and there seemed to be some definite tension in the air because this was the biggest test of the year. I saw some kids trying to do some last minute studying, some trying to calm themselves down by breathing slowly and some saying a silent prayer.

Mr. Ward went to the front and started handing out the tests by rows. After explaining the rules of the test, he said very clearly, “If you cheat, I will take your test and tear it up. You will get a 0 for the biggest grade of the year.” Mr. Ward moved very effortlessly and efficiently about the room and during every test he went into a sort of RADAR mode. He sat at the front and watched the room for anything that might look like cheating. During this RADAR mode, if you were cheating, you would be caught. Guaranteed.


Our test started and we were sitting there busy working on our papers.


Then Mr. Ward asked the kid he was watching to go to his office.

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Whenever Abigail opened the door to her aunt’s place for an after-school visit, she was greeted with the sight of her 3-year-old niece, sitting on the floor drawing with crayons. “She’s obsessed (着迷的),” said her aunt.“Gosh, I’m envious of a 3-year-old then,” Abigail thought to herself.

Every day, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Abigail would go over to look at herself in the mirror, thinking the same thing: I am just so…ordinary. It all started once she entered middle school, where her grades in all subjects were OK but not great, and she couldn’t sing or dance that well, or play sports. She wasn’t even good at making jokes as she was so shy. As she continued to go down the same mind spiral (漩涡) of “you’re not good enough, what kind of job could you get in the future being someone so ordinary?”, she checked the clock and rushed out the door to get to school on time.

Along the way, she saw Peter and Sally walking ahead of her. Two of the class’s top students, they were just so smart and dedicated. Peter always stayed behind after math class to continue working on the equations (方程式). He was, like her niece was with drawing, obsessed and talented.

A few mornings later in class, something seemed a bit off with Abigail’s teacher, Mr Fry. He was normally quite active, moving quickly from the whiteboard to the podium (讲台) to explain some new knowledge points. But that morning, Abigail noticed that he seemed slower, not very with it. Then, as he asked the students to copy down a math equation, Mr Fry began shaking and then started to fall. Immediately, Abigail rushed from her sea t in the fourth row, managing to catch him just in time. He had fainted. “Someone go get the head teacher now!” yelled Abigail in a loud, clear voice. Fifteen minutes later, Abigail and her classmates watched out the classroom window at Mr Fry being wheeled across the parking lot on a stretcher (担架) to be put into an ambulance.

After two weeks off, Mr Fry was back, entering the classroom again to a round of applause from the students. His presence brought a sense of relief and normalcy to the room, easing their worry about his sudden illness.

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As soon as the lunch bell rang, Mr Fry pulled Abigail aside.


“Extraordinary”, the word echoed in Abigail’s mind as walked home from school that day.

2024-05-31更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省宜荆荆随恩2023-2024学年高二下学期5月联考英语试卷
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It seemed to take forever, but I finally turned thirteen last Saturday. I decided to hang around my room and junk a bunch of kid stuff. As I sorted out the drawers, a photo fell to the floor. The face staring up at me was my friend, Jane.

Jane Farmer was the smartest girl I’d ever known. She almost always got straight A’s, and she was pretty, too. Part of me wanted to hate her, but I couldn’t. She was too nice, instead. I envied her and longed with all my heart to be just like her.

Jane was a top student and always sat in front of the class. My desk was in the back. I’d watch Mrs Schnell, our teacher, pace back and forth in front of us. She as short with thick red hair and a smile she turned on and off like a water tap.

I always slumped (弯垂) way down in my desk, desperately hoping to hide myself. I was terrified that the next name I heard would be my own. Sometimes my heart pounded so loudly that I was sure her ears would find me even if her sharp eyes didn’t.

Each time she called out a name, the victim would have to rise, stand straight as a broomstick, shoulders squared, and read to the entire class. More than anything, I hated to stand and read aloud to the class. Unlike me, Jane rarely made a mistake. And if she did, she was never made to feel ashamed. Mrs. Schnell would flash a pleasant smile and patiently guide her toward the correct answer. I wasn’t good at reading and could tell that Mrs. Schnell was often not at all pleased with me.

One day after soccer practice, Jane and I were standing together waiting for our mothers. We weren’t friends yet. I wanted to ask her if she liked movies, but I changed my mind when I looked at her face. She seemed to feel my eyes “What are you looking at?” She asked. “You,” I said. “Why?” she asked. “Because you seemed so sad,” I said.

Para 1:

“I got B+ on the history test,” She said, sounding like she couldn’t accept it.

Para 2:

She looked at me for a moment, maybe deciding if she could trust me.

2024-05-30更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省南昌市东湖区南昌市第十九中学高三下学期第五次模拟考试英语试卷
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Javon was the shortest kid in the class. Since the third grade, he had been smaller than every boy and all of the girls. He’d had to ask Ms. Haygood to get his gym locker changed so that he didn’t have to stretch so much to reach it. For most kids, being short would be a problem, but Javon just never let it bother him. Whether he would grow or not, there was nothing he could do. Javon held a similar attitude to most things.

The one exception was school work. Right before the first day of middle school, his dad had a serious talk with him about college. More precisely, his dad told him that college was expensive. College cost more money than a year’s rent on their apartment and the yearly income of either his dad or his mom. Given that, Javon didn’t understand why anyone would want to go to college. His dad explained some people who worked really hard and got good grades paid less or nothing at all for college. It was called a scholarship. Javon nodded, promising his dad that he would work hard and get a scholarship.

And Javon had worked hard. By middle of seventh grade, Javon was one of the top kids in the class. He was still the shortest, but now he also got called one of the smartest. So, he hadn’t been too concerned when Mr. T announced they were starting a new unit in math. The class started normally enough. But then Mr. T threw a letter into his math problem. He smiled at the class like using letters in math was perfectly normal.

For Javon, math used to be easy. But he could not wrap his mind around using these letters. He couldn’t remember the rules Mr. T had given and he didn’t even understood the ones he did remember. Whenever Mr. T tried to explain, Javon seemed to focus so hard on wanting to understand that he didn’t actually hear what Mr. T said. Before he knew it, he was hopelessly lost in math class. Soon the chapter test came.

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The test was cruelly challenging for Javon.
Following his parents’ advice, Javon knocked on the door of Mr. T’s office.
2024-05-30更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省昆明市第一中学高三第十次月考英语试题
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Tenth grade in school was a time we all enjoyed with our friends and teachers.

One day, our class teacher came in with a girl. She was tall and had dark skin. The teacher introduced her as Navya and she was going to, be in our class that year. My friends looked at me and saw a smile come across my face. They knew I loved making friends, and I was willing to help anyone in any way.

I found Navya to be a very quiet girl — she always liked to stay alone. We would want her to join us but she would never leave her seat. I often wondered why this girl loved being alone in her place. During the break, we would sit with Navya and introduce ourselves to her. I would try my best to make her say anything she wished, but she never spoke anything to anyone. I hardly saw her smile, and I often wondered if there was a smile behind the mask.

The annual day was approaching, and our teachers were grouping us into dance, singing and plays. We all were excited as we all could skip our classes and go for our annual practice. Our teacher asked Navya if she would like to participate in any of the events on the annual day, but she would look down and shake her head, as if she were dumb (哑的). She never came forward to participate in any competitions.

The day finally arrived, and we were all excited. Then our play was about to begin and we found out that our main actor Shruti had an accident and would not be able to perform in the play. We were all sad and tense as the parents were waiting for the play to start.

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Suddenly, we saw a pretty dark girl walking out of the dressing room.
The show was remarkable, and there was enthusiastic response from all the parents.
2024-05-29更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省合肥市第六中学全真模拟演练模拟最后一卷英语试题
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In the thriving city of Chengdu, a group of high school seniors were preparing for the biggest milestone of their academic journey: the college entrance examination. Among them was a young student named Liang Mei. Liang Mei was known for her exceptional academic performance, but as the exam drew near, she found herself overcome with anxiety.

Liang Mei’s worries weren’t just about the exam itself; she was also struggling with the fear of losing touch with her closest friends and the uncertainty of what the future would hold. The once carefree and joyful atmosphere among her classmates had been replaced by stress and tension. Liang Mei felt isolated in her concerns, as everyone seemed consumed by their own worries and study schedules.

One day, after a particularly difficult practice exam, Liang Mei trusted in her favorite teacher, Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang was not only a knowledgeable instructor but also a compassionate mentor who had always been there for his students. He listened attentively as Liang Mei shared her fears and concerns about the upcoming exam and the future.

Understanding the importance of addressing the emotional well-being of his students, Mr. Zhang decided to take action. He organized a group discussion session during one of the study breaks, inviting all the senior students to participate. The session provided a safe space for the students to express their anxieties, share their feelings, and offer support to one another.

During the session, Liang Mei found relief in hearing her classmates voice similar concerns. They realized that they were not alone in their fears and that their shared experiences could be a source of strength. They discussed strategies for managing stress and ways to maintain their friendships even after graduation.

Mr. Zhang also encouraged the students to focus on their personal growth and the valuable lessons they had been learning during their time in high school, rather than solely fixating (专注) on the exam results. He reminded them that their worth was not defined by their test scores but by their character, perseverance, and the relationships they had cultivated.

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As the college entrance examination approached, the atmosphere among the senior students began to shift.


The day of the exam finally arrived.

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Jennifer, a middle school student, was in Mr Green’s class. After only a month at school, she began to be home on a regular basis asking for plenty of crayons, paper, etc. At first, her mother, Sophia, just dutifully provided whatever she needed, never questioning her.

After ongoing requests for the items for several weeks, Sophia became concerned and asked her, “Jennifer, what are you doing with your stationery (文具)?” However, Jennifer would always respond with an answer that satisfied Sophia.

One day, after supplying the same things to Jennifer, Sophia seriously asked her once again, “Jennifer! What is exactly going on with your stationery?” Knowing her excuses would no longer work, Jennifer bent her head and kept silence. With her mind filled with confusion, Sophia lifted her daughter’s chin and looked into her eyes, asking, “What is wrong? Are you making money by reselling school supplies?” Sophia waited for what seemed like a long time for Jennifer to answer.

“Mom,” Jennifer said, “I’ve known a boy, called Jack, who is a student in the nearby school sponsored by a charity. He is an immigrant and has two brothers. He doesn’t have enough stationery to do his work. He only has two crayons to color with, and his art paper is messy. I have been putting the new stationery you bought me in his desk before the others came in, so he still doesn’t know I gave it to him. Our teacher, Mr Green, always told us to be an honest person. I knew I didn’t do it. Mom, don’t be angry. I didn’t mean to tell you a lie, but I didn’t want anyone to know it was me.”

Sophia stood there in disbelief. Jennifer had took on the role of an adult and tried to hide her good intentions. Sophia hugged Jennifer tightly, saying, “Baby, I will never get mad at you for wanting to help someone, but why didn’t you just come and tell me?” This time, Sophia did not have to wait for her quick answer, but decided to act.


The next day, Sophia told Mr Green what Jennifer had said, and invited him to visit Jack’s family together.


The acts of Sophia and Mr Green unexpectedly set off a wave of donations in Jennifer’s school.

2024-04-19更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省锦州市黑山县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试卷
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Daniel was the new boy in our school. The teacher assigned (安排) me to him. He couldn’t hear or talk. So he had an adult with him. She explained what professors were teaching in sign language (手语). Sometimes I got caught staring at him and my friends teased (嘲笑) me all day. I noticed him going everywhere all alone with no friends at all. Sometimes I felt worried, maybe even concerned.

We were assigned as lab partners and surprisingly he wasn’t as bad as I thought. We would both sit quietly and do our work. But when it came to communication and his translator wasn’t there.it was a mess. At first, I could barely understand what he was doing with his hands. I could see in his eyes that he was getting annoyed at me. From trying to communicate with sign language he moved to pictures and words. That worked well for both of us, but my drawing skills were not as good as his, so I stuck towards and gestures.

The second semester went by well and quickly. Daniel and I understood each other pretty well. I could understand some of his hand movements. I realized that Daniel was different from anyone. I’d ever met me included. When he saw that people couldn’t understand him, he came up with another way of communicating. His artistic (艺术的) ability was matchless (无敌的). Then he became my best friend and we both understood each other pretty well despite our differences. During the winter break. I tried to get Daniel to play some games with me and. to my surprise he was better than I expected (期待). I also learnt a lot from him.

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I decided to learn sign language secretly (秘密地) and planned to give Daniel a surprise.


Daniel was not close with me.

2024-04-17更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水湖城高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期一调考试英语试题
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