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| 共计 25 道试题
书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 假如你是某中学学生会主席李华,最近你学校推出“校园运动月”(Campus Sports Month)活动,请你写一封倡议书,呼吁全校同学积极参加各种健身运动。要点如下:
1. 倡议原因;
2. 列举倡议内容;
3. 提出呼吁。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
2024-02-29更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:中原名校2022年高三上学期第三次精英联赛英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Which school is the university most famous for?
A.Social Science.B.Medicine.C.Law.
2. Who will say something more about the courses?
A.The visitors.B.The receptionists.C.The lecturers.
3. What is required for degree courses?
A.Informal lectures.B.One group discussion.C.A long essay.
4. Who is the speech most probably intended for?
A.Students at high school.
B.Teachers at university.
C.Teachers at high school.
2024-02-12更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省湘西州吉首市2024届高三上学期第二届中小学生教师解题大赛英语试题
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Assuming you are Li Hua, your school will hold the Dragon Boat Race next week, and New Zealand exchange student Terry has received an invitation to participate. He sent an email to inquire if you should attend. As a friend, please reply to the email, which includes:

1. suggestions;
2. Provide reasons.
注意: 1.词数在100左右;
Dear Terry,


Li Hua

2023-08-11更新 | 182次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省2023-2024学年高三第一届“七夕杯”高中英语能力检测试题(原创模拟试题) (含听力)
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 你校近期举办了心理健康周活动(Psychological Health Week)。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,要点包括:
2023-07-11更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省部分校2021-2022学年高一下学期基础学科知识竞赛英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定你是李华,是学校英语报的负责人。你们拟刊登一些帮助学生提高英语阅读能力的文章。请给你们的外教Mr. Brown写封邮件,内容包括:
1. 你们的打算;
2. 阅读的重要性;
3. 学生在英语阅读方面存在的一些困难;
4. 请Mr. Brown提供建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Mr. Brown,

I’m writing to ask you for a favor.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2023-07-11更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省部分校2021-2022学年高二下学期基础学科知识竞赛英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 请阅读下面的篇章,用以下三种形式中的一种填空:①根据上下文填空;②用所给单词的正确形式填空;③根据单词所给的字母填空。每空一词。

If you have to work to support yourself through your studies, you needn’t think all student jobs have to     1     low-paid, dead-end positions. Opportunities do exist for young people to make some cash during their university years while building up impressive skills and experience to add to their CVs.

Som    2     it’s not even necessary to look further than your own campus to find a worthwhile part-time job. Many universities, for example, use their own students for     3     (contact) alumni—past students—for the purposes of fundraising, newsletters and such like. Working in the alumni office might improve your telephone communication skills, and it might also be     4     excellent networking opportunity. Who knows what useful contacts you could make in the business world?

If you prefer dealing     5     people face-to-face, how about offering your services as a campus guide for prospective students and their families? Fulfilling this role will demonstrate your maturity and trustworthiness and may help you to win a permanent marketing or PR position in the future. Don’t forget, also, that student unions, shops and sports facilities all need staff, so if you’re     6     (interest) in working in administration or the leisure industry, you could make a start in your chosen field within walking distance of your lectures.

Those with specialist skills could find a place for them on campus, too. If you’re a computer talent, you could be extremely useful to your university’s IT support team,     7     may know less about programming and building websites than you! Working for a college newspaper is always a good idea for would-be writers, alt    8     this tends to be voluntary work. Whatever your subject is, if you have a particular talent for it you may be able to find work as a private tutor with your     9     (young) or less able students.

Even traditional student     10     (job) like waiting tables and bar work can help you to establish a career for yourself, depending on how you present them on your CV. Think about the skills you have gained or improved by serving food and drinks, such as teamwork and cash handling.

2023-06-06更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年全国中学生英语能力测试高三初评英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 从2019年新学期开始,全国中小学开始开展课后延时服务工作,请你就此项服务活动谈谈自己的看法。
参考词汇:课后服务 after- class service 优点 advantage 缺点 disadvantage
2023-06-04更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市第一中学2022-2023学年高一自主招生考试英语试题
书信写作-推荐信 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 美国的Green Top Middle School是育才中学(Yucai Middle School)的国际友好学校,下周将有10名美国学生到校交流。育才中学面向全校公开招募10名学生,全程参加交流活动。假设你是李萍的英语老师Mr. Lee,要向学校推荐她参加该活动。请结合下面有关李萍的要点描述,代Mr. Lee写一封推荐信。
Dear Yucai Middle School,

I’m Lee Nan, headteacher and English teacher of Class 1, Grade 9. I’m writing with the purpose that Li Ping will be chosen to communicate with the American students.


I do believe Li Ping would put in great effort and do a perfect task if offered the chance.


Lee Nan

2023-06-04更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省广元市剑阁县2018-2019学年高一英才班选拔考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假定你是李华,你校要举办英文短剧展演,你们小组改编了一个英文短剧,准备参赛。请给你的外教Caroline写一封邮件,请她帮忙指导,内容包括:
Dear Caroline,


Li Hua

2022-07-11更新 | 258次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东省新泰市弘文中学2022-2023学年高一6月学科竞赛英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 上个月,你校举办了一场高一学生英语配音比赛。请为你校校刊(英文版)写一篇短文,介绍这次活动,内容包括:
1. 活动背景;
2. 活动过程;
3. 个人感受。
3.参考词汇:英语配音比赛the English Dubbing Contest/Competition
2022-06-04更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市树德中学2021-2022学年高一下学期5月阶段性测试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般