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1 . Byrd is in her eighth year of teaching at Wilder Elementary in Mansfield. She has taught fifth grader Fisher Croney every year since he was in kindergarten. Fisher _______ in the class by helping in Byrd's classroom whenever he has free time after class.

Byrd also _______ Fisher's mother, Shannon Croney, as an acquaintance. They would occasionally chat at their boys' baseball games. She had heard that Croney was having some _______ problems. In January 2019 Croney received a routine blood test and found her kidneys (肾)were not _______ normally. After going through a string of tests, doctors could not figure what caused her kidneys to _______. But Byrd didn't know what the _______ was until she saw a Facebook post from Fisher around Christmas of 2019. It was _______ to help his mother find a kidney. Byrd did not _______ to help. In March, Byrd, learned that she and Croney were a close _______ Even doctors were ________ that they were not related in blood.

Byrd was in the hospital for ________ in June. She was never ________ about the transplant(移植). Actually, she felt honored that her donation enabled another person to live a totally ________ life.

Today, both women are doing well. They are turning their ________ to another member of their community, who is also sick and ________ a kidney transplant.

A.gives outB.stands outC.looks aboutD.sits about
A.in favor ofB.in memory ofC.in recognition ofD.in need of

2 . Have you ever found yourself waiting at the stop for your bus to arrive and have a stranger ask a commonplace (普通的) question? Or have you stood in line waiting for a coffee and feel the need to just look over to the person next to you and ask about the weather?

This is small talk, and despite the name, it’s actually a big part of daily life.

“Small talk may seem trivial (微不足道的), but it’s a natural way for people to connect. It may seem like a waste of time. But it serves a vital role in our social interactions (交往). Big relationships are built on small talk,” Lindy Pegler, who has a master’s degree in psychology, wrote on Medium.

In fact, we spend a lot of our time making small talk. Often, we find ourselves making small talk with the same people on a regular basis. Coming up with small conversations is the foundation (基础) of these relationships.

The benefits of such conversations can actually contribute to our happiness and benefit our lives as a whole. In a study cited by The New York Times, researchers found that having a healthy number of acquaintances (相识的人) and maintaining these relationships contribute to one’s sense of belonging to a community.

So how does one start making small talk? It can be as simple as complimenting (称赞) one’s shirt, asking about their day or commenting on the traffic. “First and foremost, small talk is an act of politeness,” Pegler noted. “Our small talk at our first meeting is our chance to show who we are,” she added.

Who knows where this can lead? Nowadays, the small connections we make can lead to big results. You might find someone who has a common interest, or maybe even someone who turns out to be a close friend. There is one thing for sure: making small talk can brighten our day – even if it’s just a nice comment or a thoughtful question.

So the next time you find yourself waiting for the bus or checking your watch while you wait in a line, take the opportunity to look up and talk to someone around you. After all, it takes a small connection to lead to a larger one.

1. What does the writer intend to do by asking questions in paragraph one?
A.To show his confusion on the themeB.To argue over the seriousness of talking
C.To attach importance to talkingD.To lead to the topic of the passage
2. What does Lindy Pegler think of small talk?
A.It is a pointless conversation.B.It wastes too much time.
C.It is connected with your social status.D.It contributes to good relationships.
3. How do regular social interactions with acquaintances influence people according to researchers?
A.They help people develop communication skills.
B.They bring people happiness and a sense of belonging.
C.They allow people to improve their manners.
D.They help people find out who they are.
4. What are people advised to do when making small talk?
A.Start with casual topicsB.Start with serious topics
C.Make it important and deep.D.Choose pleasant surroundings.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 语法填空

The Value of a Dollar

When I was 21, I had a job at my local bookstore. One night, a young couple came in and     1    (walk) here and there looking for a book. They seemed to be the usual type to give mall     2    (work) a hard time. When they came to the cash register (现金出纳机), the girl was a dollar or two short of     3    (buy) the book she wanted.

She looked so     4    (disappoint). I had a customer discount card and it could be still used. I told the girl     5    (kind), “Hang on, don’t worry, you have the money to buy the book.” I entered my code.

She gave me     6    thankful smile. She had a dollar and some change left, and she and her friend left the store. I believed that I would never see them again.

I don't remember how long it was, but they did return later that same evening just     7    (bring) me a beautiful card that said, “It is people like you     8    make the world a better place to live in.”

I am so grateful     9    that act of kindness. The girl and her friend also have made the world a little     10    (bright), too.

2021-03-09更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019选择性必修二 Unit 3 Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas

4 . Dossantos grew up among the banana trees of East Timor, a state in Maritime Southeast Asia, and never imagined he would work on Australian farms.

Last week he was picking pumpkins (南瓜) out of the rich red Ord valley soils of Ivanhoe Farms in Western Australia’s far north, working with five other East Timorese employees in Kununurra’s 381℃heat.

Dossantos is part of a group of 30 East Timorese in the area for six months as seasonal workers, laboring (劳动) on smaller fruit and vegetable farms that were part of Ord stage one, developed in the 1970s. The men are employed by happy farmers across the Ord valley, many of whom have struggled, in the past with their dependence on not always reliable backpackers to plant their crops on time and pick full-grown I fruit and vegetables.

Dossantos is typical of the group; he speaks little English, has worked on farms in East Timor and wants to earn an Australian salary (工资) for four to six months before returning home late this month as the wet season arrives, to build a better life.

“It’s a good job; hard work and hot but with good money,” Dossantos says. “I work for four months, send my money back to Mom and Dad and then go home; it’s enough to last me for the next six months and then I hope to come back here again to work next year.”

Itis music to the ears of Matt and Melanie Gray, who have had up to 12 East Timorese workers picking pumpkins on their Ceres Farm for the past few months.

Like many growers in the Ord, the Grays welcomed the opportunity this year to employ full-time visiing East

Timorese employees to do most of their continuous crop picking. “It has been a win-win situation; they seem really happy with the work, the money and opportunities it provides them with back home, while for us they provide us with reliability through the season and the likelihood (可能性) that 80 percent will want to come back again next year,” Melanie Gray says.
1. What are farmers in the Ord valley happy with?
A.The good weather.B.The dependable pickers.
C.The sale of their products.D.The backpackers’ hard work.
2. What does Dossantos think of his job?
A.It should pay more.B.It is progressing slowly.
C.It is not easy but worthwhile.D.It lasts too long in the wet season.
3. What does the underlined word “It” in the text probably refer to?
A.The big harvest.B.The good money.
C.The laborer’s positive opinion.D.The laborer’s returning to East Timor-
4. Which of the following is part of the win-win situation?
A.The farmers can offer full-time jobs.
B.The laborers can stay in Australia all year long.
C.The farmers can grow high-quality fruit and vegetables.
D.The laborers can find satisfaction in working in Australia.
2021-03-09更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019选择性必修二 Unit 4 过关检测试卷

5 . Lizzy Brown, a 42-year-old mother of three from East Riding, Yorkshire, was diagnosed with cancer when she was 14 years old. Ms Brown received the diagnosis having woken up frightened on her 14th birthday. She was admitted to a hospital in Cambridge in 1989, where she was told that she shouldn’t expect to survive into adulthood.

While being monitored (监护) at the hospital, Ms Brown was looked after by a kind nurse called Debbie Bye. Ms Brown has never forgotten the good care that Ms Bye provided during her time of need. “My prognosis (预断) was very poor,”' Ms Brown said. “I wasn’t expected to live more than five years, but now I’m 42 with three children and there’s not a wheelchair in sight. She might have thought she was doing her job but it went above and beyond that. I remember watching Debbie work and being so inspired by the way that she did things. She showed me that children are children no matter what is wrong with them and she treated us all the same.”

The childhood cancer survivor always wondered what had happened to the nurse over the years,which is why she decided to put a call out on Twitter. Ms Brown tweeted an appeal to find Ms Bye, with her tweet being shared more than 1,000 times. Her action proved successful, as the two women were eventually able to make contact (取得联系) thanks to the power of social media.

“To be there when Lizzy was given her prognosis was something I will never forget,’’ said Ms Bye, who has since retired (退休) from hospital work and now works part-time in a school. “She was a teenager in denial and over the years I have often wondered what happened to her and came to the only conclusion I could and thought she had passed away. I am blown away.

1. What do we know about Ms Bye?
A.She is in poor health now.
B.She still works in the same hospital.
C.She forgot about Lizzy Brown’s situation.
D.She once worked whole-heartedly as a nurse.
2. What did Lizzy Brown do to find Ms Bye?
A.She turned to the Internet.
B.She visited quite a few places.
C.She asked many relatives for help.
D.She made a public appeal in local papers.
3. By saying “I am blown away.”, Ms Bye means that she felt__________.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To report a moving reunion.
B.To warn us of the danger of cancer.
C.To show us how to live a healthy life.
D.To give advice on how to treat nurses.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Teens love to argue their viewpoints.    1    This powerful skill gives kids the opportunity to be heard, and helps them think before speaking while presenting their views in a calm, reasonable manner. This skill is never used in the heat of the moment when anyone is upset.    2    Once that's established(已获确认的), here are the steps to follow:

Look at the person. You need to be in person and face-to-face for this to work well, no texting or social media.

    3    Make sure to speak calmly and slowly, and keep a comfortable distance between yourself and the other person.

Say “I understand how you feel". This starts the discussion off on a positive note. Be sincere in your desire to come to agreement, and admit the other person's right to an opinion.

Tell why you feel differently. Get your “ducks in a row", which means get everything properly organized and under control.    4     You should use as many details as you can.

Give a reason. Be sure your reasons are sensible and you can support them with facts.

Listen to the other person attentively. Give the other person time to present his or her view.    5    

Say “thank you for listening”. Sometimes you get what you want, and sometimes you don't, but at least you've had a chance to give your opinion and hear the other person's thoughts, too.

Make sure to practice several times before your child actually needs to use the skill. Over time, you'll find this skill calms things down in your house and equips your teens to navigate differences of opinion wherever they may be —— and that's a win-win for everyone!

A.Use a pleasant voice.
B.Don't act before thinking.
C.And always think before you speak.
D.However, listen attentively at first.
E.Don't interrupt, look bored or argue.
F.Teach your teens to disagree properly!
G.Instead, wait till everyone has cooled down and is ready to listen.
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Michael rises every morning at 4: 00 and walks into his sandwich shop. By5:50, he's making the rounds of the shelters on Centre Street. He_______out 200 sandwiches to the homeless before beginning his workday.

20 years ago, when Michael_______a homeless man named John, he began to help him with effort then. Day after day, he brought John some food and, when it was really cold, a_______place in his car while he was working. Once he asked John if he wanted to get cleaned up._______, John said,“Are you going to wash me?” Michael knew that he was_______his promise. It was at that moment that Michael_______to help the homeless. He just wanted to do some good in his way.

Michael made 200 sandwiches every day in the past 20 years. I don't simply give them away. I shake their hands and_______them a good day." Once mayor(市长)Koeh came to make the rounds with him. They_______the media, and it seemed like it was just the two of them. But of all Michael's _______, working side by side with the mayor was not as important as working next to someone else.

A man had__________from the sandwich takers, and Michael worried about that. He hoped the man had moved on to a more__________environment. One day, the man came back, greeting Michael and carrying__________of his own to hand out. He said Michael's daily food, warm handshakes and wishes had given him the__________he badly needed. After achieving some success, he decided to do the same thing as Michael.

The moment needed no__________. The two men worked silently, side by side, handing out their sandwiches. It was another day on Centre Street, but a day with just a little more__________.

A.got acrossB.came alongC.ran afterD.came across
2021-03-03更新 | 139次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019高中英语选择性必修2 Unit 3 Section C Using Language
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

Your attitude plays a big part in your everyday life and can influence how your life may turn out in the future. If you have a good attitude, you’ll be the kind of person who works hard and you'll live the kind of life many would admire. Here are some tips which can help you improve your attitude.

Spend time with those who share your positive attitude. This is a must if you want to improve your attitude. The people you surround yourself with most of the time will reflect upon your life. So always make sure that these people share your positive attitude and lift you.

When you take action, always take steps to act with a purpose, to that your actions are in line with your values. For example, Walt Disney’s main purpose is to “make people happy”. So next time you act, think of your purpose and improve your attitude while doing so!

Being polite when given help or asking for it isn’t a hard thing, yet so often we forget these simple words, especially with those closest to us. If you want to improve your attitude, use “please” and “thank you” every time you’re given the opportunity.

If you want to improve your attitude to life and to those around you, stop comparing yourself with others. It's human to compare our lives with others', but when we do it too often we can drag(拖)ourselves down. So spare yourself the worry and stop comparing; only focus(集中)on your own life and you’ll be much happier in the process.

Gratefulness is one of the most powerful attitudes in your life. If you want a better life, give thanks for all that you have each and every day. Gradually, you'll receive more things to be thankful for!

So how’s your attitude today? Does it need a little fine tuning?

2021-03-03更新 | 140次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019高中英语选择性必修2 Unit 4 过关检测试卷
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9 . I never forget the single act of kindness that changed my life over 25 years ago. During a vacation trip, I needed to find my_________to the Greyhound bus station, some 30 miles away. Being a_________student, I had little money to get there.

I_________to call various taxis and shuttle services but they were all too_________   or too far away to pick me up. Then, I got one person on the_________who managed to make out that I needed a ride to the Greyhound station but only had limited financial_________and he agreed to transport me! He came to pick me up about 45 minutes later. The driver was older and I remember_________why the shuttle didn’t have a meter(计时器)but his ID was there and I could see this was his business. The driver was so kind. He knew I was_________he distracted me with stories and good_________. He said I looked like his granddaughter.

At one point, I asked him why he__________so little to the others. Then, he patiently explained that he was__________retired and hadn’t removed his number from the phone book but when I called, clearly upset, he felt driven to help. This man drove an hour out of his way to help a person he didn't know for a fee that only__________his gas, if that! Because of his kindness, I knew things were going to be okay. This man's kindness warms my heart every time I think of him.__________, I didn’t get his name and his face has disappeared gradually from my memory but he is on my mind often and I wish I could thank him__________.“Thank you Mr. Angel Shuttle-Man! I hope your granddaughter knows what a (n)__________grandfather she has!”

A.secretlyB.in personC.privatelyD.in a hurry
2021-03-03更新 | 278次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019高中英语选择性必修2 Unit 4 过关检测试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Nowadays, more and more people have chances to travel, study, work or even live abroad. It is necessary for you to keep in mind these general    1    (rule) for polite behaviour.

If you    2    (invite)to an American friend’s home for dinner, first of all, arrive on time(but not early). When you’re invited to someone’s home for a meal,    3    is polite to bring a small gift. Flowers or candies are always appropriate. If you have an attractive item    4    (make)in your native country, your host or hostess would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.

    5    (wear) proper clothes and a beautiful smile is simply not enough. Table manners are also of great    6    (important). Do not open your mouth to talk, unless you have swallowed your food. Also chew food with your mouth    7    (close). When you want to get the food that is at a distance, do not stretch your hands to reach    8    it. Instead, ask for the food to be passed to you.

Don’t leave    9    (immediate ) after dinner, but don't overstay your welcome, either. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behaviour as a signal to leave. The next day, call or write    10    thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.

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