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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

Some people are naturally outgoing, but other people have to practice to become outgoing. If you want to become outgoing, there are several strategies(策略)that you can use. Being “outgoing” involves learning how to present yourself to others, starting conversations, and being more confident in yourself.

One of the easiest ways to present yourself is to ask your friends, colleagues, or classmates to introduce you to their friends. For example, if you walk into a room and your friend is talking to someone else, make it a point to say hello and introduce yourself. The next time you see that person, you can say hello and, since you have already been introduced, you have built a bridge into future communication.

When you’re in a social situation, such as at a party, try to make eye contact with the other people there with a friendly smile. If the other person responds or smiles back at you,then go over to them and introduce yourself. That is usually a good sign for a possible conversation. If the person does not respond, let them go their way. There’s a difference between being “outgoing” and “pushy”. Another practical way to start a conversation with others is to use compliments(赞美). When you’re attracted by certain people, you're bound to notice little things that you appreciate. You can acknowledge these things with a sincere compliment.

Doing something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable is a good way to promote your confidence and help you become a more outgoing version of yourself. If you have never danced before but want to take a ballet lesson, try it out. Do your best to fight the inner voice telling that you can’t do something or defining(定义)yourself by what you think you should be doing instead. With each little victory, you’ll gain the confidence to step further and further outside your comfort zone.

2021-12-10更新 | 115次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省嘉兴市2021-2022学年高三上学期选考模拟测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Building Your Children’s Social Skills

Parents should help build their children’s social skills, which will affect their relationships now and in the future. To start with, tell them that learning social skills is as important as mastering a language or riding a bicycle.

1. Set an example

    1     The way you interact with others teaches your child how to act. For example, if you want help, you should say, “Excuse me, would you mind helping me...?”

2. Encourage sharing and taking turns

The foundation to almost all pre-school relationships is sharing and taking turns.    2    Children who experience problems relating to other children often have not learned to share or take turns. However, if parents encourage their children to share toys and other things with other children, they will get along well with them, not just now but all their lives.

3. Practice social skills

Practice social skills with your child through interaction.    3    For instance, not interrupting people when they are talking is a way of behaving that children should learn from early on.

4. Give them opportunities to play

    4    For instance, take your child to a play group which includes other children of his or her age. As your child grows older, resist the temptation to butt in (介入); in other words, let your child form peer relationships by himself or herself.

5.     5    

Guide your child how to deal with an issue as a response to problems with social skills. When your child reports a problem with another child to you, ask questions about possible reasons for the other child’s behavior. By understanding why a peer acts in a certain way, your child can come up with ways to respond.

A.Teach problem solving
B.Communicate with others
C.Model the ways you want to see your child behaving.
D.Encourage your child to share and take turns whenever possible.
E.This is the best way to let a child know what your expectations are.
F.Provide a reward by playing a game when your child behaves well.
G.Provide chances for your child to play with other children from an early age.
2021-12-08更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . If someone kindly introduces you to someone in their network or connects you with someone they think you should know by email, here are the steps to politely and effectively send your email response.

Respond immediately

Since you are the one being introduced by a colleague, probably because you requested an introduction, then you will be the one to respond first and as soon as possible.     1     You are letting the sender know you appreciate the introduction, and that you want to set up a meeting with the person you've been introduced to.


If you haven't already researched the person you are being introduced to, now is the time to do it.It's also good to see if they've posted any updates on social media that may provide insight (洞察力)into what projects they are working on or what they are talking about on social media.     3    

Say thanks for the introduction

Definitely show your gratitude to the person for their introduction.     4     The proper manner is to put the sender's name in the blind carbon copy (bcc) and reply all with your message. Putting their name in the bcc line ensures they receive your response but not future messages from the other person.

Pay attention to your request

When gathering information from the person you' ve been introduced to, be very clear about the information you are looking for. Don't say you are looking to“pick their brain" or“learn about their career path."     5     Instead, specifically state one or two questions you would like the person to answer during your brief meeting with them, not through email.

A.Research before you respond
B.So you can refer to that in your reply
C.Send your response timely with two goals
D.There are many ways to ask your questions
E.These are too broad and may scare the person off
F.It's polite to express appreciation to senders in person
G.It's a big deal to take the time to make an introduction for you
2021-12-04更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省泸州市2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次教学质量诊断性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Office Manners

Be punctual. As a newcomer, you should arrive early, not just on the first day and don’t be the first to leave at the end of the day.    1    It shows that you respect your colleagues’ time and, in return, they will respect your time, too.

Respect other people’s privacy. Knock before you enter someone’s office and do not read any correspondence lying on somebody’s desk. If you need to discuss a private matter with a colleague, make sure nobody else can overhear you.    2    

Be neat and clean.    3     It shows respect for both your colleagues and clients and is a sign that you are professional. Keep your personal workspace clean and neat at all times, for a messy desk will make people think that you’re an unorganized person.

    4    Remember to leave the photocopier in working condition. Return the stapler (订书机) that you borrowed with at least a few staples left inside. When you use up all the paper in the printer, put more in it for the next person. If a machine jams, try to undo the jam or to tell somebody else about it.

Don’t disturb others. Always apologize if you interrupt a discussion, someone’s concentration or other activities. Be aware of how loudly you may be speaking. If people in other offices comment on your conversations, perhaps your voice is too loud.    5    

In short, office manners are about being respectful and polite in the office. It is an essential part of growing professionally and becoming a more mature person in the business world.

A.Be considerate.
B.Be polite to everyone.
C.Don’t be late for any appointment.
D.Show appreciation for any help offered to you.
E.Personal issues should not be made into a public topic.
F.You should either close your office door or lower your voice.
G.Take a shower regularly and wear appropriate office clothes.
2021-12-03更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市第五中学2021-2022学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skill and something that should not be overlooked.    1    Here are some suggestions to make it.

Be open. There needs to be a give-and-take when it comes to sharing information with one another. To deepen intimacy (亲近). people need to open up to you. but you also have to he willing to let others in and share details about your experiences, emotions, and opinions.    2    

Listen actively. It involves being engaged with what your conversation partner is talking about.    3     You' re reflecting an their words, and asking questions you may have. Listening shows that you care, It shows that you are interested in the other person's life.

Use appropriate body language and eye contact.     4     For example, using direct eye contact and body language that indicates openness, such as uncrossed arms, can help to get across that a person is ready and willing to listen and to speak openly.

    5     Being open doesn't mean you should give others unlimited access to your thoughts.feelings, or time. There should be some limits on when you spend time together or how often and how long you stay together. It can also involve how much you care about each other's values, goals.emotions, and limitations.

A.Maintain boundaries.
B.Communicate politely.
C.These nonverbal signals can convey the true feelings.
D.It's impossible to work on your communication skills.
E.You're not just being quiet and letting them say their piece.
F.You get to know each other through the interactive sharing.
G.Most people can benefit from improving their communication skills.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Helping voters out

The US 2020 presidential election has captured people's hearts around the world. In order to allow voters to vote in person, poll (投票站) workers need to work at different vote centers. In past elections, most poll workers were elderly, but now that they are more at risk of severe symptoms from COVID - 19, there was a growing need for young people to serve as poll workers.

I first became aware of the opportunity to become a poll worker from a story on an Instagram account called “Poll Hero?”. It mentioned the effort to recruit young poll workers on a large - scale, and I immediately became interested in participating. I signed up to be a poll worker from the website, and a few days later, I registered through the High School Student Election Worker Program with the assistance of a Poll Hero volunteer.

After registering, there were two steps I had to take in order to become certified (认证的) to serve in this election. The first was an online training course, which takes around three hours. It covers the different roles workers have, different procedures workers must follow and provides information on how to use tools such as the electronic pollbook. The session is interactive, and I often engaged in simulated (模拟的) situations and knowledge checks to ensure that I understood each lesson. After taking the online course, I had to pass an exam with an 80 percent score or higher to complete that part of my certification. On my first attempt, I passed with a score of exactly 80 percent.

After passing the online course, I attended a two - hour in - person training session where I worked with a real electronic pollbook to practice what I would do on Election Day. The instructor took us through many different scenarios (场景) where we practiced assisting different types of voters. I was pleased to see many young people attend the session! In total, I spent 37 hours helping voters vote during this election. With my mask on the entire time, I checked in voters and helped them use the ballot (投票) marking devices where they could cast their vote. I also loved meeting fellow workers who are passionate about being engaged and helping our community. Taking part in this historic election is something I will never forget.

1. Which of the following statements is true according to paragraph 1 and 2?
A.The author considered it his duty to help his community
B.A Poll Hero volunteer asked the author to serve as a poll worker
C.Young poll workers were in huge demand
D.Serving as a poll worker was one of the author's school volunteering programs
2. What do we know about the online training course?
A.This course must be completed at onceB.It uses a lecture - style teaching method
C.Those who pass the exam get a service certificationD.To pass the exam, one has to score at least 80 percent
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What difficulties the author ran into
B.What the author learned from the in - person training session
C.How the author cooperated with other young poll workers
D.How the author assisted different types of voters on Election Day
4. How did the author feel as a poll worker?
2021-11-28更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Social events can be frightening for a woman because they usually involve huge crowds. Some manage to become the life of the party like a natural.    1    . Fortunately, there are ways that can help you become the centre of attention during any event.

    2    . People always try to look their best at social gatherings. Therefore, you should spend time dealing with your hair and face beforehand. Besides, a beautiful and comfortable dress will help improve your confidence ahead of the party. For events, ladies must always prefer heels to flats.

Being the life of the party means you have to turn heads as soon as you enter the room.    3    , you should carry yourself with confidence. Start walking like a beauty queen and pose like a model when you reach the hall. With a grand entrance, you’ll be in the conversations of the party guests.

Keep yourself active at the party. Don’t sit in a corner and wait for people to talk to you.    4    , you should acknowledge them with smiles or hugs. Don’t let the thought of becoming the life of the party pull you away from having a fun time with your friends.

There will be friendly strangers looking to start a conversation with you during the party. If someone approaches you with kind intentions, you may act in return for their effort. Getting to know other people in social events will help improve your confidence.    5    .

Some people turn out to be the centre of attention, even if they don’t follow the steps above. The important thing is that you’re having fun, which is better than becoming the life of the party.

A.Pick the perfect dress for a party
B.When you recognise someone inside the party
C.When you are within steps away from the front door
D.Before you go to a party, take your time in preparation
E.When you decide to do something fun and eye-catching
F.However, be cautious of strangers who are too aggressive
G.A lot of people end up making a fool of themselves, though
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Small talk has a reputation for being uninteresting, and for good reason. Pointing out the fact that it's raining seems as ridiculous as pointing out the fact that you have a head — you're fully aware of both things, and don't require an outsider to confirm them. But despite being evident and often painfully dull, small talk has an important role to fulfill, enabling us to leap over a number of social obstacles towards improved, meaningful interaction.

Humans can be sensitive souls. We each have our boundaries and lists of potential upsets, which when broken, cause us to either gently back away to an alternative position in the room, or become cross at the person. Small talk is first a way to test the waters with an unfamiliar person, so that you may better understand their personality. When finding yourself positioned closely to a person who you know little about, it's much safer to point out the rainy sky than to share your political views on a sensitive topic. Until you know the person better, heavier topics should probably be kept under wraps, so you won't find yourself on the receiving end of a cold stare.

Though insignificant, small talk still has great power. When talking with fellow humans, much of our soul is exposed through non-verbal communication. A response to “how was your weekend” can unveil much about the person's character. The length of their response might indicate their level of self-confidence; the tone of speaking might show how agreeable a person is; their slightly lowered head, as if protecting themselves from attack, a possible sign of a regrettable history of bullying.

As more of a person's character is revealed, we have the insight needed to determine whether to put forward   more significant topics—the things that we actually want to talk about. Conversation is a great educator, and deep conversation establish lasting bonds with our fellow humans, forming precious friendships that paint our lives with vivid colors. Such friendships begin with small talk.

1. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The first stage of human interaction.
B.Ridiculous human behavior in communication.
C.Absence of communication between strangers.
D.The difficulty of having deep conversations.
2. Why do people find themselves “on the receiving end of a cold stare”?
A.Because they talk to an unfamiliar person.
B.Because they are enthusiastic about politics.
C.Because they are too sensitive about topics.
D.Because they fail to manage interpersonal distance.
3. What might be a sign of friendliness according to paragraph 3?
A.The length of the answer.B.The quality of the voice.
C.The position of the head.D.The distance between speakers.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Sensitive Human Souls.B.Ways of Understanding Personality.
C.Significance of Small Talk.D.Challenges of Deep Conversation.
2021-11-24更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市24中高三年级2021-2022学年第一学期期中考试英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. complicated     B.concern     C.disruptions     D. eventually     E.frequent     F.healing
G.holding        H.reminder     I. representatively   J. vocalizing     K.zero

Secrets are bad for your health

I grew up in a Midwestern town where the popular wisdom was to only talk about what was pleasant and to keep secrets,if necessary,to make that happen.This meant staying silent when someone offended you,rarely     1     negative feelings and smiling a little more than is necessary. It also meant     2     room for airing any sort of dirty laundry,especially not the kinds of personal secrets that keep people up at night.

Many of us like to believe that sweeping unpleasant truths under the rug might make them     3     go away. Instead,keeping secrets--especially heavy ones--can spin an even more     4     web of isolation and deception. So why do we do it?

The truth can hurt. But in many situations,it s better to get it out and let the     5     start,rather than allowing it to become more dangerous.The burden of     6     in the truth doesn't just disappear. It hides itself in the back of your mind and can cause a number of     7       to your life and health.

"If the situations in your daily life are regular     8     of the secret,and you find it stressful to keep it,then yes,it can have emotional and physical consequences.” says Dr.Dean McKay. “Some people also find keeping secrets stressful out of a general     9     that they will 'slip’. This     10     and recurring thought of the secret can in itself be stressful.”

2021-11-23更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市晋元高级中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The philosopher,Martin Buber,is most known for his work on ”I-Thou/You" relationships in which people are open,direct,mutually interested in each other. In contrast,“I-It" relationships are those in which we use the other,like an object,to solve our problems and fulfill our needs and purposes.

It is not our fault that many of our relationships are or become "It" relationships because most of what we feel,think and do is motivated by unconscious memories of how to survive the environment. Thus,one of the reasons we use other people to help us feel better about ourselves and cope in the world is that using people was once necessary and it worked.When we were small and helpless,“It"came and-fed us,and held us,and set us on our way.We didn't have to reciprocate and care for“It". Even when the care and attention of "it" was minimal or unpredictable,if we got out of childhood alive,somewhere along the way "it" was involved.

When we are very young,other people are always "it"s whom we use to fulfill our needs. Freud called this stage of early life "primary narcissism",which is our instinct for self-preservation and is a normal part of our development.While most of us grow out of it,we still hold a survival fear,which motivates us to escape danger and to stay alive,and we all need this fear in healthy measure.

The problem is that too many of us,too much of the time,are in a constant state of threat--and we often don't know it. We imagine people are talking about us behind our backs,that we have cancer,that we are inadequate,and vulnerable to more than our share of bad luck.As our brains have grown in size and complexity,so has our ability to scare ourselves.

This causes many problems. For example,our stress levels increase,our digestion is impaired and our thinking becomes restricted. Our threat response stops any bodily function,feeling,thought and behavior that might"waste'"energy and detract from fighting or escaping danger. Thus,when in threat,our emotional,cognitive and behavioral range is significantly reduced.

And in this reduced state, one of our solutions is to find someone who can save and comfort us. Instead of enabling us to be open,direct and mutual,fear and anxiety lead us towards conversations and choices in our relations with others that are orientated towards surviving--not thriving. Threat-motivated relationships are characterized by need,dependency,control,demand,dishonesty,and self-interest.

We cannot form the "I-Thou"relationships that Buber speaks of until we have learned to notice, comfort,and understand the emotions and patterns of our threat brain.When in threat,we tend to use other people as objects who can save and protect us,or who we can blame for our problems.

1. When a person reciprocates,he tends to ________ .
A.ask for some advice.B.return the favour.
C.convey an apology.D.make some comments.
2. What can we learn about“primary narcissism'"?
A.It leads to our fear.
B.It impacts our growth negatively.
C.It is normal and usually temporary.
D.It lays the foundation for Freud's theory.
3. Which of the following could be an example of "I-It" relationships'?
A.Comforting an upset friend.B.Feeling sorry for your mistakes.
C.Asking others to take on your task.D.Trying hard to be independent.
4. What would be the best title for this passage'?
A.How We Can Form the "I-Thou"Relationships
B.How We Can Get Out of the "I-It"Relationships
C.What Helps Us Survive and Thrive in Early Stages of Life
D.Why We Treat Others as Objects Rather Than Individuals
2021-11-23更新 | 194次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市晋元高级中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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