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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . In a world ruled by hard exercise and complex fitness programs, the simple act of walking is often ignored(忽略).     1     It offers physical and mental benefits that lead to total happiness.

Heart Health and Weight Management

Walking is light heart exercise that helps improve heart health by increasing blood circulation(循环).     2     Besides, regular quick walking supports in weight management by burning calories and improving digestion(消化), making it an excellent choice for those looking to throw away pounds or keep a healthy weight.

Pressure Drop and Clear Mind

Taking a relaxing walk or quick walk has been shown to give off endorphins, the body’s natural ”feel-good” materials. This leads to lower pressure levels, improved feelings, and improved mental health. Walking outdoors in nature or in a peaceful environment can provide a refreshing escape from the daily tasks.     3    

Joint(关节)Health and Free Movement

Unlike active sports, walking is soft on the joints, making it a perfect choice for people of all ages and fitness levels.     4     At the same time, it also raises the ability to move freely and easily. Walking regularly can be particularly beneficial to those recovering from pain or looking to prevent problems with joints.

Social Communication and Connection

    5     Walking clubs, group climbs, or even simple walking with a friend or family member can provide an opportunity to connect, share experiences, and create lasting memories while at the same time bringing the physical benefits.

A.It helps oil joints and make them stronger.
B.It’s a cheap way to lead a healthier lifestyle.
C.So taking a walk can make your mind relaxed and fresh.
D.A quick walk after meals has been shown to benefit the stomach.
E.It cuts down the risk of heart disease and brings down blood pressure.
F.Walking is useful exercise that can easily be turned into a social activity.
G.However, walking remains one of the easiest and most useful forms of exercise.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Research from Harvard University’s Wyss Institute have made “robotic shorts” that can help people use less energy when they walk or run.

    1     A motor on the user’s back pulls cables connected to the laps.

In the past, such devices have focused only on helping people walk or run, but not both, since walking and running use different hip (臀部) movements. But a computer on the shorts can tell which way the user is moving,    2    

The researchers found that the main benefit of the shorts was reducing the energy people needed to walk or run. In tests, the energy needed for walking was reduced by 9.3 percent.    3    Less energy was needed both on flat ground and on hills.

The researchers said that while the shorts weigh about 5 kilograms, moving with them makes users feel lighter. The tests showed that a person walking with the device would feel 4 kilograms lighter,    4    

The team now also wants to make the device itself 40 percent lighter. They hope the shorts can help people in danger of injury at work and those who want to improve their physical performance,    5     Conor Walsh, who helped lead the study, says he hopes such devices will be available to everyone in the future.

A.as well as those with disabilities.
B.Are you eager to possess such kind of shorts?
C.and someone running would feel 5.7 kilograms lighter.
D.For running, people needed about 4 percent less energy.
E.but those excellent athletes are also able to benefit from running.
F.The shorts are made of soft material and are designed to be easy to move in.
G.allowing the device to provide the right kind of assistance for both movements.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . One of the hardest parts of any weight loss program is staying motivated throughout it. In fact, being able to keep your motivation while trying to lose weight is the essential success factor.     1    

One of the first ways to keep your level of motivation is to create a strong plan, which will help you to see where you are headed at each stage of your program.     2     For example, make sure it includes the number of minutes you intend to exercise each day as well as what you will do to achieve each goal.

    3     Thus you can keep your motivation high during the program. So think happy thoughts. You may think about how much good you are doing to your body while you are exercising. When you eat healthier foods, imagine your heart thanking you.

Making a list of positive changes from lost weight will also help. Will you feel much better because you’ve become healthier? Will you have a better self-image because you can finally fit into that dress you’ve been admiring?     4    

The final way to stay with your weight loss program is to vary your routines. Your mind is quite likely to get bored if your weight loss program never changes.     5     Moreover, to keep from being bored with your diet, buy some new healthy living cookbooks or search Internet recipe sites to find some new healthy dishes. This can help to keep you within your calorie limits without boring you.

A.Your plan should be specific.
B.Whatever will change about your life, list it.
C.Will you make an effort to have a balanced diet?
D.So how can you stay motivated during your weight loss program?
E.Have you thought of the problems that might come up if you are too fat?
F.Another good way is to think positively about your weight loss program.
G.So start a different exercise program you might be interested in every few months.
2023-07-02更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省咸宁市2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The benefits of walking are many, but deciding how many miles to cover and how much time to spend walking each day is another matter.

Studies have shown that the average American takes between 3,000 and 4,000 steps daily doing everyday tings — about 1.5 to 2 miles.     1     But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises most adults to aim for 10,000 steps a day or about 5 miles. And the recommendation contributes to more positive health outcomes.

    2     You can measure your efforts in quantities of time instead. “As a walker, you should aim for at least 30 minutes per day, or a total of 150 minutes per week,” says Austin, a licensed psychotherapist. What’s more, if 30 minutes of walking is unrealistic for you to do all at once, then breaking it up into three short, 10-minute sessions.     3    

It may also be helpful to health to make walking a part of one’s daily routine. People can take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the other end of the lot and walk a further distance to a store’s entrance when shopping.     4     Then walk the rest of the way home. All these additional steps can be acquired creatively, beyond fixed walking time.

On top of such physical benefits, walking has been shown to improve sleep and mental health including mood and self-esteem.     5     Therefore, it is free and well accepted by the majority of people. If one is ready to improve overall levels of fitness, walking ticks all the right boxes.

A.Combine walking with everyday routine.
B.They will provide the same health benefits.
C.What if counting results by miles isn’t your thing?
D.Still, why not get off public transportation a stop early?
E.Walking sessions should be continuous to be beneficial.
F.That amount alone has been shown to lower one’s death risk.
G.Walking requires no special equipment, gym membership or training.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When you set out on a run, your main goal is probably to beat your personal best. But when simply telling yourself to “run faster” isn’t enough, how do you actually improve your stamina (耐力) and increase your running distance?    1    

Goals motivate you and give you a concrete number to reach for. You can set a goal which involves running a certain distance in a specific length of time.     2     Alternatively, you could set yourself a goal involving increasing the number of steps you take in a minute, or your cadence (节奏). The fastest runners in the world have an average cadence of around 180 steps per minute.

Keep your heart rate up during a run to improve your running speed.     3     Plug in your information, like a running distance and how long it takes you to run that distance, then mark down the pace that you can comfortably run for 30 minutes. Run at your maxi- mum pace for at least 30 minutes to keep your heart rate up the entire time.

    4    Interval (间歇) running has been shown to increase both speed and stamina in athletes. To do an interval run, run at a medium pace for 1 minute, then jog for 2 minutes. Repeat this cycle 4 times, then cool down at a walking pace for 5 to 10 minutes. By switching back and forth between running and jogging, you’ll not only increase your average running speed, but you’ll increase the distance you can run, too.

Use hills to gradually build speed over time. Either find a hill outdoors somewhere, or use a running machine with an incline setting.     5     Over time, your stamina will increase, leading to faster run times. Hill runs are actually better for your body too, as they help you to achieve high abilities while limiting the joint shock caused by knocking on flat surfaces.

A.For example, your goal could be to run 1 mile in 8 minutes.
B.Before you set out on your run, always warm up for 5 to 10 minutes.
C.To figure out your ideal running speed, use a running pace calculator.
D.Try different running paces to increase stamina and running distance.
E.Here we can train and continue increasing our running speed over time.
F.Run up and down the same hill going as fast as you can for as long as you can.
G.Do something light that increases your heart rate, like jogging, jumping jacks, or running in place.
2023-04-27更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省荆州市监利市2022-2023学年高二2月调考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . How to Exercise

Exercise is a key part of staying healthy, but finding out how to get more active can be tough. Try the following tips can be of great help to you.

Go for a quick walk or jog every day.     1     You could go for a 15-minute quick walk during your lunch break, then walk or jog around your neighborhood for 15 minutes after dinner.

Jump rope for 5 to 15 minutes. Jumping rope is an excellent exercise. Take a rope, and try jumping for 5 minutes straight. If you’re not used to exercising, it’s okay if you can only jump for a minute or so.     2     Try jumping rope for gradually(逐渐) longer periods of time.

    3     Swimming is a great full body exercise, and it can help add variety to your daily life. Try swimming for 20 minutes, or for as long as you can without getting too tired. It’s okay if you need to take a break, especially when you’re just getting used to exercising.

Go for bike rides. When you’re just starting off, go for easy bike rides around your neighborhood, on a local bike trail, or at a park. At first, try cycling for around 4.8 km in 30 minutes.     4    

Try running once you’re used to being active. Go for runs around your neighborhood.     5     However, don’t push yourself too hard if you’re just starting to get more active. Each week, try to add another minute to your running time.

A.Running might be tough on your legs.
B.Try to run for 15 to 30 minutes straight.
C.Swim at your local pool or fitness center.
D.It is more than just a fun game for children.
E.Then slowly increase your speed and distance.
F.If you need to stop, take a break and catch your breath.
G.Walking and jogging are great ways to stay active, especially if you’re just beginning to exercise.
2023-04-27更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省荆州市监利市2022-2023学年高一2月调考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . The Color Run, also known as the Happiest five-kilometer on the Earth, is a unique event that celebrates health and happiness. It might be the perfect event to add to your community, company, or organization. Maybe you will consider it difficult to organize an event.    1    

Get the exact number of runners. You can create an online sign-up form through your website or email.    2     By doing so, you can order the right amount of color run powder (粉末).

Make sure runners make good preparations.     3     Note this in your pre-registration forms and event notices to spread the news. Meanwhile, encourage them to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from powder dust.

    4     They can take professional photographs of the event for you to share on your website, social media, or with the local newspaper. At the same time, consider having photo chances available at the start and finishing lines for runners to have a little fun with their own groups.

Have a group warm-up before the run.     5     Give everyone a color powder packet and count down from 10. When they get to 0, they can each throw their packet, giving everyone a splash (溅) of color before heading off on the race.

A.Hire a photographer or two.
B.Get a DJ at the start and finishing lines.
C.The following tips can help you get it going.
D.It ensures that you know how many people will attend.
E.You can tell every runner wear white clothing to increase the effect of the activity.
F.Someone can lead a fun warm-up to make sure everyone is ready to walk and run.
G.Some Color Runs are also designed for kids, with shorter distances and easier pathways.
2023-02-17更新 | 118次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省武汉市部分学校联合体2022-2023学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I’m a hiker –“born to hike”, as my husband likes to joke. It does my heart and soul good to take a pack and head out on a trail, especially when I’m alone and can let my mind wander where it will. The experience of hiking is unique, research suggests, conveying benefits beyond what you receive from typical exercise. Hiking in nature is not only good for our bodies, but also good for our moods, our minds, and our relationships.     1    

Hiking keeps your mind sharper than many other forms of exercise.     2     But research suggests that hiking doesn’t just feel good, it might also keep my brain in top shape.

    3     Exercise in general can be a good way to decrease stress. But what sets hiking apart from other forms of exercise is that hiking can happen almost anywhere and give you that dose of nature you need to stay happy.

Hiking can increase our creativity. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding that walks in nature let my mind wander freely in creative directions.     4     Studies have found connections between creative thinking and nature experiences, too.

Hiking helps strengthen a positive relationship with the natural world. Besides being good for us, hiking may also help the world around us. After all, if we can walk and cover longer distances, we could use cars less and reduce our carbon footprint.     5     It increases our connection to nature. Developing a positive relationship with the natural world can help us to care about its fate, making us more committed to conservation efforts.

A.Hiking helps to keep you calm and happy.
B.Hiking and writing have strong connections.
C.Beyond that, hiking benefits our planet indirectly.
D.Here is what science is saying about the benefits of hiking.
E.In fact, I’ve written many of my songs while hiking on a trail.
F.This all goes to show that hiking may be one of the best ways to move your body.
G.Being a professional writer, I sometimes have trouble taking the time to hike in the middle of my workday.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Some people prefer to have a bite to eat before hitting the gym, known as a fed workout. Others would like to wait until after exercising to refuel their bodies, called a fasted workout.    1     Many experts say there’s no easy answer because it depends on the person.

If you want energy and strength for an ideal workout, you need fuel. A fed workout will provide your body with power. Eating before exercise may help you sustain longer sessions and lift heavier weights.     2     Muscle preservation is also an essential component of strengthening your body. Nitrogen (氮) is critical for processing protein that builds healthy muscles. People tend to lose less nitrogen during a fed workout than a fasted one.

Many fitness enthusiasts are not on board with this idea. They report feeling sick and inactive while trying to exercise after eating. With a fasted workout, you may not get the usual indigestion. Experts for fasted workouts further claim that eating afterwards makes your body use its fat reserves for energy, meaning you will burn more fat.     3     It can cause a sudden drop in your blood glucose (葡萄糖) levels, and you may feel dizzy. You may even be more likely to overeat.

    4     Not all foods are created equal. For example, if you choose a fed workout, you’ll probably lose a lot of water during an intense training, so you should consider drinking some beforehand. With a fasted workout, it would help if you had some nutrition right after your session is complete. Drink some water. Then, have a light meal or nutritional snack.

Deciding when to eat for an ideal workout is a personal choice. Both fasted workouts and fed activities have their benefits and shortcomings.     5    

A.However, a fasted workout might not work for you.
B.How your body will respond is based on your workout intensity.
C.These benefits can result in burning more fat and shaping a slimmer body.
D.To eat or not to eat, that is the question on many fitness enthusiasts’ minds.
E.Think thoroughly and discuss with your fitness instructor before taking a choice.
F.Knowing what to eat for an ideal workout is just as important as knowing when to eat.
G.A person doing a 30-minute session a day may not have a problem with fasted workouts.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Sports day! These two words can inspire both joy and terror in the hearts of students everywhere. For many, sports day can be a great day of fun and the chance to bag a prize or two.     1    

Today, more and more schools have recognized the importance of exercise.     2     They hope that by making sports days less competitive, children of all abilities will be motivated to take part without fear of losing. Exercise and fitness is important for everyone, no matter how good at sport you are.     3    

However, some people feel that it’s important that sport has winners and that learning to lose is just as important as learning how to win.     4     Particularly, on a sports day which is your chance to really prove yourself!

There are lots of people who agree with the idea—parents in particular! According to a 2017 survey by Families Online, 82% of parents say they prefer “traditional” competitive sports days.     5     It’s also an opportunity for some children to show off their physical and sporting skills.

People have different ideas about whether it is the winning or the taking part that counts when it comes to school sports days. So, should School Sports Day be competitive or not? We want to know your ideas.

A.What’s the point if no one wins?
B.Should sport just be about winning?
C.Many of them have “non-competitive” sports days.
D.Everyone should be celebrated for trying and playing their part.
E.Many adults are worried that their kids can get injured when doing sports.
F.For others, it might feel like having to take part in something they aren’t good at.
G.Many adults feel that children can learn valuable lessons in both winning and losing.
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