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1 . 4 Key Strategies for Running to Lose Weight

As one of the most active exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running.     1    
1. Healthy Eating is the First Step

If you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you’ll only lose pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3500 calories.     2     Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

2. Follow a training schedule

Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run.     3     So it’s much harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury by not increasing your mileage too quickly.

3. Run regularly

If you don’t want to follow a schedule, you still need to have some consistency with your running because you won’t lose weight by running once a week. It’s best to get some activity every day.     4     If you find that your motivation to run is suffering, follow some necessary tips to get inspired.

4.     5    

Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into your running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. You’ll also increase your muscle mass, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.

A.Keep it challenging
B.Eat for Performance
C.You’ll know exactly what you need to do every day and each run builds on the next.
D.So you’ll need to combine running with a healthy diet.
E.If you’re hoping to use running to lose weight, here’s some advice on how to be successful.
F.Here are ways to improve your running motivation.
G.But if that’s not possible, try to shoot for at least 3-4 times per week.
2018-04-10更新 | 265次组卷 | 2卷引用:云南民族大学附属中学2018届高三下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。把手放在车身上,站立不动,坚持时间最长的人会得到这部车,你见过这样的“手拉松”吗? 本文对这种“手拉松”做出了详细地介绍,讲述了比赛过程,比赛过程中最难的部分以及这项比赛受欢迎的原因。

2 . It is probably the strangest sport anyone has ever invented. And at first sight, it looks like the easiest. Competitors have to do two things. The first is to stand still. The second is to place their hands anywhere on the body of a car, and keep it there.

This is where things start getting difficult. Lots of people are doing the same thing. And the winner of the “handathon” contest is the person who can carry on doing it for the longest time. That person gets to own the car.

It still seems to be an easy thing to do. At the beginning it is. Anyone can stand still. But when the contest has been going for four or five days, standing still seems like the most difficult job in the world. And keeping the hand in place over this time becomes an act of serious attention. After a few days, the hand seems to belong to someone else—someone who wants to go home and get some sleep.

Competitors are allowed to take a five-minute break every hour to eat, drink or do whatever else is necessary. No one is allowed to lean on the car for support. Winners need to be able to show great powers of attention. They also need to be able to develop special skills.

Maybe the popularity of the handathon is due to the fact that it is not necessary to be a trained athlete to enter. Competitors in the Longview handathon certainly don’t seem to do much preparation. Most say they will prepare by “getting lots of sleep”. Others say they will “eat healthy food” or “pray for success”. The whole event gives ordinary people the chance to do something interesting and win something in the end.

Handathons are competitions, but there is little rivalry (敌对) between competitors. They help each other out and keep each other’s spirits up. People who drop out early return with food, drink and encouragement.

1. What does the word “handathon” probably mean?
A.A sport involving walking a long distance.
B.A sport involving moving hands fast.
C.A sport involving keeping hands in place for long.
D.A sport involving holding up hands steadily for long.
2. What might make handathon seem to be the strangest sport?
A.It seems to be a very easy sport but in fact very difficult.
B.At first sight people think it obviously very difficult.
C.It is very interesting and an easy to all kinds of people.
D.It requires people to have strength instead of attention.
3. Why is handathon popular?
A.Specially trained athletes can enter the competition.
B.Competitors don’t need to make any preparations.
C.Anyone who is interested can be specially trained for it.
D.Ordinary people can have the chance to play and win something.
4. Which of the following is against the rule for handathon?
A.Standing still.
B.Changing the place of hands.
C.Placing hands in one place.
D.Taking a four-minute break.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When I was in my third year at university, my roommates were American footballers, so I decided to join them. I remember seeing them in front of me wearing pads (防护垫), and thinking they were going to kill me. I got tackled (阻截) so hard that I was frightened. But then I realized it was just physical contact. I’ve been addicted since.

The fundamental aim of the game is to score by running with the ball into, or receiving the ball inside the opposition’s end zone. Every player on the field has a set responsibility. I’m a running back. My job is using my speed, strength and skill to carry the ball and keep running until either I score or I get put down. And it does hurt.

I’ve broken two fingers and hurt my shoulder, but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments (韧带) in the back of my leg. I had to take a year out. But none of that put me off—all I could think was how I was going to come back stronger. Besides training with the team, I now have my gym routine to get fitter, faster and stronger.

Although people think American football is aggressive, there’s much more to it. Every team has its own playbook, outlining everyone’s role in different scenes. My playbook was 73 pages long. Words can’t describe how it feels when it all comes together on the field.

American football has changed my life for the better. I’ve learned time management, how to take responsibility for my action, and how much I treasure being part of a team. Within the four lines of the field, it is physical. Emotions run high. If you’re on the opposing team, you are my enemy. But once the game is done, we’re like a big family.

1. The author’s body parts were hurt EXCEPT________
A.his armB.his shoulder
C.his legD.his finger
2. What can we infer (推断) from the text?
A.The author was very delighted when first playing.
B.The author has benefited more than suffering from the sport.
C.The author began to play at the beginning of his university life.
D.Playing American football is very popular among university students.
3. How does the author find his playing American football?
4. The passage is mainly about________
A.the rules of playing American football
B.how painful it is to play the sport
C.how the sport has changed the author’s life
D.the reason for the author’s playing American football
2018-01-25更新 | 202次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省实验中学、大连八中、大连二十四中、鞍山一中、东北育才学校2017-2018学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . All over the world people are hooked on sports, which help them to strengthen their body and build their character.     1     They improve the participants’ physical skills, and provide entertainment for the audience as well.

Many people like to watch others play games.     2     Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins. If they are crazy about the game or the player, then they’ll become their die-hard fans. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.     3     And think of people in cold countries. Masses of people love to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.

    4     Chinese boxing, also has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new, which started in the late of the nineteenth century. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing, as a modern game, is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries or races may not be able to understand each other, but after a game, they get to know each other better and they often become good friends.     5     They learn to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace. They also learn to be competitive and optimistic, which will equip them for life challenges in the future.

A.They buy tickets or turn on the TV to watch the games.
B.What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy!
C.Some sports or games date back thousands of years, like running or jumping.
D.Sports help to train a person’s character.
E.Chinese people liked doing sports even in ancient times.
F.Sports are competitive physical activities or games through casual or organized participation.
G.And the friendship may last for a life time.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The dangers of sitting all day are obvious. Researchers have shown that remaining sitting for extended periods of time (like at your 9-to-5 desk job) can do harm to your health. While exercise is a big part of reducing the harmful effects of sitting, it was unclear how many gym periods were needed to help – until now.

A new study, published in The Lancet, shows the ideal formula for reducing the negative effects of a sedentary(久坐的)job. Instead of a fixed number of hours spent exercising, the ratio(比率)depends on how much you sit: people who work a typical eight-hour day should spend at least one hour each day moving. If you sit six hours a day, you should spend half an hour exercising. The research also indicates that the exercise doesn’t have to be all once – or rigorous(严格的). It can be spread throughout the day and be as simple as walking.

The team behind the study analyzed data from a pool of a million adults over the age of 45 in Western Europe, the United States, and Australia. Using previous data, the researches examined data from 16 published studies and used it to determine how much exercise is required to compensate for sitting. Their recommended daily exercise goal is higher than previous advice but not necessarily less achievable, given it can be completed throughout the day.

Fitting in an hour of exercise a day sounds especially discouraging if you have a desk job, but there are plenty of workouts you can complete before and after work. Even if it means taking a 10-minute walk during lunch, your body will thank you in the long run.

1. The underlined words “compensate for” can be best replaced by ________.
A.make up forB.break away from
C.give upD.take the place of
2. According to the new study, good news for the people working long hours at desk
is that ________.
A.workouts may reduce the harm of sitting for long
B.the harm of sitting for long has been proved
C.they don’t have to exercise as long as suggested previously
D.the time spent on exercise is flexible
3. What can be inferred from the article?
A.The best form of workouts is walking.
B.The longer you exercise, the better.
C.The new exercise goal is practical though higher.
D.A desk job makes it impossible to exercise regularly.
4. The second paragraph is developed mainly ________.
A.by exampleB.by process
C.by comparisonD.by contrast
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . How to keep fit

Nowadays, with the high pace of modern life, more and more people are in the state of sub-health (亚健康). A healthy body is very important to every one of us. The steps to good health aren’t complex. Here are some suggested ways.    1    

• Form good healthy habits. Better your healthy lifestyle by adopting a variety of healthy habits, including getting enough sleep. Sleep is one of the most important bodily functions to make cells healthy again.    2    Do your best to manage stress through healthy activities. Cutting down on alcohol use, quitting tobacco, and staying connected to friends and family members can also keep you healthier.

• Do exercise. I don’t know whether you discover that most of the ancient people are healthy.    3    It is approximately equal to doing exercise every day. If people want to be healthy, they had better do exercise frequently. As for what kind of exercise you should take, I would say just depending on yourselves. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of taking a bus.

    4    people in the modern society have many choices to pick food. What people pick the most is meat and high caloric (热量的) food. Those foods can easily make people get fat.    5    Therefore, keeping a good diet is necessary, which means eating more fruits and vegetables in the meat world. However, this doesn’t mean you have to completely give up your favorite foods. A healthy diet is all about balance.

A.Keep a good diet.
B.And then the health problem comes.
C.Realize the importance of keeping fit.
D.You should get at least six hours of sleep a night.
E.If you try, a life of good quality will be the reward.
F.The reason is that they have to do labor work every day.
G.It is said that keeping a good mood will lead to a good body.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Have you promised that your are going to get healthier? Maybe you want to lose weight, get stronger and have more energy. Maybe you are under the doctor’s orders to eat right and take exercise more.    1    But with so many choices, it can be hard to get started. So here are healthy tips that you can follow.

Eat right. Healthy eating is harder than before. Now many supermarkets or restaurants are packed with unhealthy choices that cause weight gain and weaken energy. Over time, making poor food choices can cause illness.     2    . Eat natural and organic foods as often as possible. Cut out the junk food.

Keep healthy.     3    . So take exercise at once. Once you get started, you will be more likely to stick to it. Reduce stress. In the US, 77% of people often experience physical stress.     4    You can manage stress by taking exercise, getting enough rest and cleaning bad relationships from your life.

    5    . Sure, some people are naturally happier than others. But there are things you can consciously do to be happier. And guess what they are all free. So if you want to be happier, there are a few things to do, for example, express thanks, help others ,or how to meditate.

A.Sleep well.
B.Choose happiness.
C.Well, those all sound great.
D.But you don’t have to be concerned about it
E.That is not a group you want to be a part of.
F.So tell someone you love how you feel about them.
G.People who often take exercise are generally happier and healthier than people who don’t.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “Our aim is to take our art to the world and make people understand what it is to move.” said David Belle, the founder of Parkour (跑酷).

Do you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring. But what if making your morning jog a creative one? Like jumping from walls and over gaps, and ground rolls? Just like the James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bond’s wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.

Yes, that’s Parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the obstacles in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered as an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.

Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see Parkour much more than that.

Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy(理念) behind Parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, jump over all the barriers as if in Parkour and never fall back from them in your life, to reach the destination successfully. A Parkour lover said, “I love Parkour because its philosophy has become my life, my way to do everything.”

Another philosophy we’ve learnt from Parkour is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. It is a kind of expression of trust in yourself that you earn energy and confidence.

1. Parkour has become popular throughout the world because of ________.
A.its founder, David Belle
B.the film Casino Royale
C.its risks and tricks
D.the varieties of participants
2. The underlined word “obstacles” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.
3. As its participants moves around a city, ________.
A.they can ask for help
B.they may choose to escape
C.they should run to extremes
D.they must learn to survive
4. Which of the following is the philosophy of Parkour?
A.Sports and extremes.
B.Excitement and popularity.
C.Dreams and success.
D.Determination and freedom.
2017-11-24更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2017-2018学年高二选修6英语:Module 6 单元测试
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 七选五。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How Fit Are Young Teens?How often do you exercise? A new study finds that most kids ages 12 to 15 aren’t getting enough physical activity.     1    U.S. fitness guidelines recommend (推荐) an hour or more of physical activity every day. According to the study, only 1 in 4 U.S. kids meet the recommendation. Few kids in the survey met the guidelines for physical activity that raises the heart rate and makes you breathe harder. However, most of those kids said they did at least an hour of exercise at that level during the previous week.     2    The study found fat teens were less active than normal-weight girls and boys. Overweight girls were slightly less active than normal-weight girls.     3    “There’s always room for improvement,” said health expert Tala.     4     She also said the results provide useful information to help with fitness campaigns such asLet’s Move, which was launched by First Lady Michelle Obama. To inspire kids to eat right and get in shape, the First Lady visits schools and holds exercise events. She also calls on schools to offer regular gym classes.The research suggests kids who get physical education may get better grades.     5    

A.It’s concerning.
B.She is an expert on children’s health.
C.She was the lead author of the study.
D.The results are based on about 800 kids.
E.Schools should give kids more time for physical activity.
F.But levels were similar among overweight and normal-weight boys.
G.Overall, about 25% said they got an hour of that kind of difficult exercise every day.
2017-11-22更新 | 936次组卷 | 3卷引用:同步君 高二人教版 必修五 第10课时 Unit3 第2课时
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读理解
Canyoning (蹦谷运动)
The sports of canyoning explore the high-energy environment where water meets rock on the coast. Protected by wetsuits and helmets (头盔), people jump from cliffs (悬崖) and waterfalls and discover caves that would not normally be arrived at.
It was first done in the U.K. by TYF Adventure (01437 721611, www.tyf.com) and several thousand people jump from the cliffs near St David’s each year. A half day canyoning trip costs £50 (£30 for children under 16).
Diving (潜水)
Diving is not popular with British people. The difficulties of wild waters are greater because the water is colder and not clear enough, but the coasts of Cornwall, Wales and Scotland have some of the best diving in the world.
The British Sub Aqua Club (0870 112 9133, www.bsac.com) and the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (01580 819688, www.padi.com) run courses teaching the important skills.
Surfing (冲浪)
The best surfing places in the UK are on the southwest coast where it is warmer, especially in Cornwall. The best time of year to surf in the UK is late summer and autumn when water temperatures are warmer.
The British Surfing Association (01479 861256, www.britsurf.co.uk) has a list of famous surf schools around the country.
Rock climbing
The most popular natural rocks in Britain include the Peak District, the Lake District, while large areas of Scotland are a climber’s ideal place. Climbing courses and climbing walls can be found on the website of the British Mountaineering Council (0870 010 4878, www.thebmc.co.uk) which offers a series of short films that take the new climber through a step-by-step guide to visiting a climbing wall for the first time.
1. If a couple with their child of 15 join in Canyoning for a day, they will pay ______.
2. To go surfing, you may phone ______.
A.01479 861256B.0870 010 4878
C.01437 721611D.0870 112 9133
3. Which of the following is NOT well accepted by British people?
C.Surfing.D.Rock climbing.
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