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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:103 题号:10466949

With the Covid-19 virus sweeping the globe, the science on quitting smoking offers welcome news for smokers who want to build up their defenses in case they contract the virus. Though it may still take many months for a smoker's lungs to heal from damage caused by long-term smoking, your health can noticeably improve in the days and weeks after quitting in ways that could make a difference against the virus. Covid-19 creates an added sense of urgency, and there's enough reason to believe that quitting smoking during the pandemic(流行病)could increases your opportunities of fighting off the virus.

If you make the decision to quit, the cilia(纤毛)in your lungs are one of the first parts of your body to heal. These hair-like projections wave back and forth like a brush as air moves in and out of your lungs. They help your body fight off colds and infection. They also help clear mucus(黏液), so if they're not functioning as well as they should, mucus can build up in the lungs. Your body's tendency to cough during an infection helps inspire the bodily process of clearing out mucus. That's vital in fighting the Covid-19 condition. The elderly are at a greater risk for too much lung fluid that often limits breathing following coronavirus infection because they don't have a strong enough cough to clear it up.

A second short-term gain from quitting smoking comes from reducing ongoing inflammation(炎症)in your body, which can make you infect Covid-19 more easily. Having your lungs in as good of shape as you can in case of a corona virus infection is key.

Besides lung-related issues, quitting smoking can also deliver healthy benefits to the heart that could help prevent possible heart attacks, which are another cause of death in Covid-19 cases. After you quit smoking, your blood becomes thinner and less possible to setting. Heart attacks are less likely. One reason this happens is because smoking makes it harder for the heart to distribute blood throughout the body.

1. What is the use of the lung cilia?
A.Cleaning up the lungs.B.Killing the Covid-19 virus.
C.Predicting lung infections.D.Reducing breathing difficulty.
2. Why are the old at higher risk to the corona virus?
A.They cannot go out during the pandemic.B.There is too much mucus in their lungs.
C.Most of them are heavy smokers for years.D.They are lacking in the care of their children.
3. What good does quitting smoking do to heart?
A.Strengthen the heart muscle.B.Turn blood to be much thicker.
C.Make the blood flow smoother.D.Speed the heartbeat up apparently.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Quitting smoking can help defend the Covid-19.
B.Ways to make a difference against corona viruses.
C.The Covid-19 virus is threatening humans worldwide.
D.Protecting the smokers' lungs to heal from damage.
2020·山西运城·三模 查看更多[4]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Elderly people have a higher chance of suffering from illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. One common health problem that affects them is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects a person’s memory, behavior, and thinking. Because of memory loss and behavioral changes, people with Alzheimer’s may slowly become unable to take care of themselves, eventually requiring constant care from family members or caregivers.

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s at the moment—drugs can only treat its symptoms.

But technology can improve the lives of those living with the condition by making it easier for them to go about their daily activities. For example, tracking devices placed in watches or jewelry can monitor where a person is. Automated reminders can also be stored in motion sensors and placed around the house. When a sensor detects movement, it can play a recorded voice message to remind the person to lock the door or turn off the stove.

Alzheimer’s disease is a huge challenge, but we may be getting close to finding a solution. In the future, it might be possible to treat Alzheimer’s without using drugs. A team of researchers in Australia has created a form of technology that can send sound waves into the brain. These sound waves help to clear waste in the brain that contributes to Alzheimer’s. The team has tested their technology and found that it helped to restore memory in 75 percent of mice. Work on the technology isn’t complete, but, if successful, it could prevent memory loss in people with Alzheimer’s. This really does fundamentally change the understanding of how to treat this disease and researchers foresee a great future for this approach.

1. Alzheimer’s is a disease that mainly affects the ____.
2. Up to now, which can help Alzheimer’s patients who get lost easily?
A.Tracking devices.B.Automated reminders.
C.Sending sound waves into the brain.D.Restoring memory.
3. Which of the following can replace “contributes to” in the last paragraph?
A.Helps to cure.B.Helps to cause.C.Helps to worsen.D.Helps to prevent.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Elderly people will begin to face many challenges.
B.Society should provide enough healthcare to elderly people.
C.There’s a need to better understand the cause of Alzheimer’s.
D.Technology might solve some problems of people with Alzheimer’s.
2021-08-03更新 | 234次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Why do people lie? Many psychologists agree that lying can start from childhood. There are various reasons why children make false statements. They usually tell untruthful stories to cover up the mistakes that they have done in the past. Lying is also a way to avoid receiving punishments from parents. If parents fail to reprimand their children for making up false stories, then there is a possibility that they will continue to lie during their teenage years.

Teenagers lie because they want to be accepted by their friends. This is the main reason why they create stories that are not true just to become presentable and acceptable to other people. In some instances, teenagers tell untruthful statements to avoid criticisms from their families and friends.

As teenagers grow, lying becomes one of their habits. Their knowledge on making up untruthful stories becomes more developed. People lie in workplaces if they fail to meet the deadlines and if they fail to accomplish and do their tasks efficiently. Some of the common lies made in workplaces are getting sick and having emergencies at home. The danger involved in frequent lying is when it becomes a character. Frequent lying causes the development of the condition known to doctors as pathological lying.

Pathological lying is a mental health condition, which is associated with individuals who have the urge to tell untruthful statements. Patients suffering from it make up stories about everything and anything. These individuals pretend to meet the standards of other people who they want to please. These patients cheat other people because it gives them an unexplained pleasure. One of the best ways of treating pathological liars is to help them tell true statements and stories at all times. This may be hard for them, but as they are accustomed to it, they will start to realize that they will be more accepted by their families and other people if they stop themselves from making up false stories.

1. What does the underlined word “reprimand” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why is Pathological lying a disease?
A.Because the patients can't help lying.
B.Because the patients lose interest in everything.
C.Because the patients are critical about themselves.
D.Because the patients have the urge to please others.
3. What are patients suffering pathological lying most likely to do?
A.They really want to play jokes on others.
B.They often suffer from some other diseases.
C.They usually want to show off themselves by making some statements.
D.They always like making up pleasing stories.
4. How does the writer explain pathological lying?
A.By showing some typical examples.
B.By predicting the future consequences.
C.By analyzing its causes and development.
D.By listing a group of phenomena.
2021-09-10更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A study led by Oleguer Plana-Ripoll, a researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark, tries to deal with a fundamental question that has bothered researchers for more than a century-what exactly causes mental illness?

In the hope of finding the answer, scientists have piled up a large amount of data over the past decade, through studies of genes and brain activity. They have found that many of the same genes underlie seemingly distinct disorders and that changes in the brain’s decision-making systems could be involved in many conditions.

The researchers are also rethinking theories of how our brains go wrong. The idea that mental illness can be classified into distinct, separate categories like “anxiety” has been disproved to a large extent. Instead, recently they’ve found that disorders shade into each other. There are no hard dividing lines.

The researchers are trying to understand the biology that underlies mental illness. They have a few theories. Perhaps there are several dimensions of mental illness, so depending on how people score on each dimension, they might be more likely to have some disorders than others. An alternative idea is that there is a single factor that makes people easier to suffer from mental illness in general: Which disorder they develop is then determined by other factors. Both ideas are being taken seriously, though the former one is more widely accepted by the researchers.

The details are still unclear, but most researchers agree that one thing is specific: The old system of categorizing mental disorders into neat boxes does not work. They are also hopeful that, in the long run, replacing this framework with one that is grounded in biology will lead to new drugs and treatments. The researchers aim to reveal, for instance, the key genes,brain regions and neurological processes involved in psychopathology(精神病理学),and target them with treatments. Although it might take a while to get there, they are optimistic in the long term if the field really does its work.

1. What does the research of mental illness focus on?
A.Its roots.B.Its symptoms.C.Its categories.D.Its treatments.
2. What has been found from the recent study?
A.There exist links between mental disorders.
B.Brain function has little to do with mental illness.
C.Mental illness is classified into different categories.
D.Genes are completely different in distinct mental disorders.
3. Which one do most researchers embrace according to Paragraph 4?
A.The theory of genetic influences.
B.The concept of multiple aspects.
C.The belief of brain abnormalities.
D.The idea of the determined risk factor.
4. What can we learn about mental illness from the text?
A.Its new drugs could be available soon.
B.Its genes are too complex to study.
C.Scientists are clear about its details.
D.Hunting for its biology might help.
2023-05-01更新 | 73次组卷
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