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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:103 题号:11708259

One of our biggest problems many of us feel is having too much to do and not feeling like we have enough time to do it.

Of course, having “not enough time” is just a feeling. The fact is that we all have the same amount of time, but we often fill up the container (容器) of our days with too many things..

The problem is having too many things to fit into a small container (24 hours). If we look at task and time management simply as a container organization problem, it becomes simpler.

How do we fit all of the things we have to do into our small container? We do that by simplifying what we have to do.

Pay attention to all the things you should do today and tomorrow, and try to notice all the things you're fitting into the container of your day. What games are you playing on your phone? What are you reading? What work are you busy doing? How much time are you spending on Facebook of Twitter? How much TV are you watching? How much time do you spend cleaning, taking care of other people?

What you might realize is that you're fitting a lot of junk into the container. Throw some of that out. Prevent yourself from using certain sites or apps until you've done a few really important tasks.

Now ask yourself this: Which task would you do if you could only do one task today? That should be what you put your focus on next. So just focus on one important task. By picking your tasks carefully, you're taking care of the container of your time. You can pick important tasks or joyful ones, but you're being conscious (意识到的 ) about the choices. You're treating it like the gift of great value, for it is limited, valuable, to be filled with the best things, but not overstuffed.

1. How can we deal with the big problem mentioned at the beginning of the text?
A.By filling up our days with too many things.
B.By simplifying everything we have to do.
C.By having a bigger container of our days.
D.By improving our skills of doing tasks.
2. Why does the author ask many questions in Para.5 ?
A.To prove that many people are enjoying playing games.
B.To help us learn the importance of balancing work and life.
C.To show there are many things which are not worth doing.
D.To tell us that there are no really important tasks to do.
3. What should we do to spend our days more meaningfully?
A.Learn what the container of our days is.
B.Prevent ourselves from feeling time is not enough.
C.Try our best to do as many things as we can.
D.Focus on something that is really important.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.First things first.
B.Easier said than done.
C.Practice makes perfect.
D.Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Hi everyone,

Well, those of you who often read my blog know that I've moved. I'm now living in Bangkok, since my parents got jobs here. We got here about a month ago and we've found a place to live, so we're starting to feel a bit more settled.

It's so different here from home. Well, that's unsurprising, of course! For one thing, there's so much traffic all the time, and for a country girl like me, who's used to peace, it isn't easy to deal with. Well, I guess I'll get used to it, but it might take a while! Just wish someone had told me ahead of time that it would take me an hour to get from home to school every day—and an hour to get back! But I've made a decision: I'm going to use my time travelling wisely — to learn to knit (纺织), perhaps, but mainly to learn Thai. Thai has a different writing system and very difficult pronunciation, but I'm going to put my mind to it and I hope I can make some progress. It's a good thing lots of signs are in the Latin alphabet too, otherwise (不然) I'd be completely lost! One of my friends told me to try to learn some Thai before coming here— if only I'd listened to him! It'd be quite a bit easier now I guess.

One of the truly wonderful things here is the food—you may remember that I've already written about how much I love Thai food. My favourite restaurant at home is Thai, so I'm used to all those spices (调料), and I love them. But here—wow, the flavours are out of this world.

Well, that's all for now. I'll write more soon!

1. What was the author's life like before moving to Bangkok?
A.Poor but happy.B.Simple and boring.
C.Peaceful and quiet.D.Busy but meaningful.
2. What does the author mainly plan to do on her way to school?
A.Learn Thai.B.Learn knitting.C.Practise writing.D.Remember different signs.
3. Which of the following did the author quickly get used to in Bangkok?
A.The traffic.B.The food.C.The school.D.The weather.
2022-02-28更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Machines work well at a constant speed—and the faster the better. They are designed and built for it. Whether they are spinning cotton or dealing with numbers, regular, repetitive actions are what they excel at.

Increasingly, our world is being designed by machines, for machines. We adapt to machines and hold ourselves to their standards: People are judged by the speed with which they respond, not the quality of their response. Such ideas are being woven into our culture. “Always on” becomes something to boast of, or aspire to.

Most of us are busy most of the time, if not with work then with family, domestic tasks or our social networks—real and virtual. When I ask people how they are doing, they almost always answer “busy”. Ticking things off the “to do” list becomes a means of defining ourselves.

A few years ago, I became very interested in what it means to pause. I started to notice where pauses show up in my own work and life. For example, I realized that when I was writing, a short walk was a more effective way to break a creative block than concentrating harder.

I realized that a pause is not nothing. It acts as a kind of switch or opening. As Helene Simonsen, a classical musician, says, “Whatever you are doing, if you want something else to happen, you need to pause.” It is not a fixed unit of time. It might be taking a moment before you enter a room, but it could also be a “screen-free Saturday”, a “Think Week” every two years (which works for Bill Gates) or a year-long vacation. However fast you are moving, there is always the chance to pause—to rest, reflect or refresh of course, but also to appreciate, get perspective, connect to others, or have new ideas.

There is more to life than getting things done. Time, as we experience it, varies wildly. A minute eating ice-cream is not the same as a minute doing push-ups. Even time itself isn’t a uniform raw material—as the physics of Einstein shows. Try to let go of the idea that time is linear (直线型), regular and objective, and think of it in the same way we experience it. Instead of setting work and life against each other, use pauses to leaven (为增色) your experience. Pause is like yeast (酵母): you don’t need much, but it is a vital ingredient.

I want to give pauses more visibility, importance and status. My hope is that each of us can use pauses, great and small, to avoid sliding into a mode where we act like poorly performing machines.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.The widespread use of machines has destroyed our life.
B.People have become quite obsessed with response speed.
C.People always get pleasure from competing with machines.
D.It’s difficult for people to adapt to a highly mechanized life.
2. The underlined phrase “Ticking things off the ‘to do’ list” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.learning to slow down
B.concentrating on one thing
C.selecting what we should do
D.getting things done one by one
3. According to the author, how does taking a pause benefit us in a busy life?
A.It makes your life dynamic and delightful.
B.It improves our working efficiency greatly.
C.It helps develop interpersonal connections.
D.It enables people to do what they want to do.
4. Which of the following statements best sums up the author’s understanding of time?
A.Time can never get returned.
B.Time exists in the form of lines.
C.Time is precious that we all need to cherish.
D.Time is what everyone experiences uniquely.
5. What message does the author want to convey about “pauses” at the end of the passage?
A.They are useless if taken for short periods of time.
B.They are for those who have too much spare time.
C.They play a vital role in our well-being and creativity.
D.They bring harm to our ability to perform efficiently.
2023-06-05更新 | 369次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Prince Diana was known for her habit many people today don’t pay attention to, but a new study shows you might want to reconsider.

While performing her royal duties as the Princess of Wales, Diana made time to write thank-you letters. In the book Diana: Her True Story, the author Andrew Morton wrote about Diana’s determination to send thank-you cards, noting that after her royal wedding to Prince Charles in 1981 she “sat down and answered many of the 47.000 letters of congratulation and 10,000 gifts which the wedding generated (产生) ” , with the help of extra staff.

It turned out that Diana understood the significance (意义) of a thank-you card much more than others do. According to a recent study, many people underestimate (低估) the value of a thank-you letter and how much happiness the recipient (接受者) will get from it.

The author of Modern Etiquette (礼仪) for a Better Life, notes that what stands out about a thank-you note compared with a text or email is the time that goes into the act. “It is a special touch,” she said. “It’s going above and beyond what is generally expected because it means that you’ve taken some extra step.”

If you’re now feeling like sending a thank-you card to someone for a gift, for a favor or simply for their time, we have a few suggestions. Jacqueline Whitmore, an etiquette expert says that you shouldn’t be discouraged if you are a bit delayed (延迟) in sending out a note of appreciation.

“A late thank-you note is better than none at all,” she said. Also, a tone that’s warm and friendly along with personal stationery (信纸) for more of a signature look should be included.

It won’t be from Kensington Palace, but it will still have an original touch.

1. Why do many people pay no attention to sending thank-you letters?
A.Because they think it hard to do so.
B.Because they are not from royal families
C.Because they attach less value to a thank-you letter.
D.Because they have no congratulation letters to answer.
2. What does the author mainly want to express in Para. 4?
A.The process of writing a thank-you letter.
B.The difficulty in writing a thank-you letter.
C.The similarity of a thank-you letter to that of a text or email
D.The difference between a thank-you letter and a text or email.
3. What is Jacqueline Whitmore’s suggestion about a thank-you letter?
A.Posting the letter with a gift.
B.Sending the letter at a later time.
C.Using a tone that’s warm and friendly.
D.Stopping sending the letter when it is too late.
4. What does the author think of Princess Diana’s habit of sending thank-you letters?
2023-11-12更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般