组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 历史、社会与文化 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:622 题号:11739022

I was still living in Peru when the earthquake happened. I had had a fight with my parents till midnight the day before because I thought they didn't understand me. Therefore, I was still sleeping in the afternoon. Suddenly. I was woken up by my dog barking at the shaking window next to me. Small quick earthquakes are very common. in Peru, especially in the coastal regions, so ignored it and tried to calm my dog so could fall asleep again. I had walked 4 steps from the sofa to get her when the whole wall-length window broke in front of me, huge sharp pieces falling right into the sofa I had been lying in just seconds before.

Fully woken up, I could hear what sounded like a million car alarms ringing from the ground. My parents were still at work, and I was alone in a 10-floor flat with a panicking dog running circles around me, so I forced myself to get it together. I lifted my giant dog in my and ran into the emergency stairs. just ran and ran until could see some street lights since the building had no emergency lights and everything was dark. When I finally rushed through the door of the hall, I could see the road below me breaking and trees shaking from their roots up.


I stayed in the streets for about an hour until my parents arrived.


After the earthquake, I had a heart-to-heart talk with my parents.

【知识点】 故事 自然灾害与防范


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The event that stands out in Tom’s memory happened one morning when Tom was only ten years old.He was at home with his elder sister Jane.Tom was doing his homework when he heard raised voices.At first he thought nothing of it since customers in the motorcycle shop directly below their flat often became loud,but he soon realized this time it was different.

“Quick!Quick!Remove the motorcycles from the shop,” someone yelled.

Then a thick burning smell filled the air.When Tom opened the front door of their flat to investigate,a thick cloud of smoke greeted him.The motorcycle shop had caught fire and people were running and crying.

Jane,who had been playing the violin in her room,hurried to the living room.They rushed out of the door and along the corridor(走廊)through the smoke.

They were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Jane stopped in her track.She turned around and headed back the way they came.Tom had no idea what she was doing,but he followed suit.

Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her 70s who lived next door to them,who they called Makcik Malay for auntie.Jane began banging on Makcik’s door,but got no answer.As the smoke thickened around them,Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their pyjamas—running for safety.The thought of fear crossed his mind.

“She would have run for safety like everyone else!” Tom cried.However,Jane refused to give up.“I know Makcik’s still inside.” She said she was familiar with Makcik’s daily routine and was certain she would still be sleeping.She pounded the door.“Go downstairs.Go now!Go!”

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Tom noticed the flame was reaching up.

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Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help.

2023-04-17更新 | 53次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Tamara opened her eyes and jumped out of bed. Most days she hated getting up early. But today was different. Tamara was wide awake and excited because today her family was going on a hike and having a picnic. This was Tamara’s first hike. She put on her new boots her mother had bought just for the hike.

Tamara ran down the stairs. Her mother and elder brother James were there at the bottom. James was moving up and down impatiently. Everyone was ready for the hike.

Tamara’s family drove for two hours until they were far away from the city. Once they left the city and the suburbs, there weren’t many buildings beside the road. Instead there were trees and fields. Tamara saw groups of cows chewing on grass. The road climbed up. They were driving into the mountains. Tamara rolled down her window. The air was cool, and she liked it. Soon, Tamara’s mother parked the car.

“Are we here? Is this the hike?” asked Tamara.

“Yes,” said James. “See that trail (小路)? That’s where we’ll start hiking.”James had hiked this trail before, and it was one of his favorites.

Tamara looked at the trail. It was a dirt path and went into the forest. Tall trees and tiny flowers lined both sides of the path. Tamara, her mother, and her brother began to walk. Butterflies and bees flew over the flowers. At first the bees made Tamara nervous, but soon she saw that they were more interested in the flowers than they were in her.

Tamara’s mother talked about the other times the family had gone hiking. James talked about the time he went camping with the Boy Scouts (童子军). Tamara wanted to talk, but she felt out of breath. The trail was steep. They had been walking uphill for an hour by now. Tamara took hold of her mother’s hand. “I’m tired,” she said.

“Come on, Tamara,” said her brother. “You can do it! You’re ten years old. That’s old enough to hike.”

2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
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If her brother said she could do it, Tamara knew she could.

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“Look, Tamara! There is a pool!” her brother called suddenly.   

2023-02-27更新 | 67次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The Present

They say that blood is thicker than water, that our relatives are more important to us than others. Everyone was so kind to the old lady on her birthday. Surely her daughter would make an even bigger effort to please her?

It was the old lady's birthday.

She got up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when   he came down the street, and the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters or parcels on the rare occasions when anything came.

Today she was sure there would be something. Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other times. Of course Myra was busy. Her husband had been made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged.

The old lady was eighty today. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps-perhaps Myra might come.   After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as you chose to look at it.   Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of color brightened her cheeks. She was excited like a child. She would enjoy her day.

Yesterday Mrs. Morrison, whom Myra had arranged for to light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast, had given the flat an extra clean, and today she had brought a card and a bunch of marigolds when she came to do the breakfast. Mrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake, and in the afternoon she was going down there to tea. The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a packet of mints, and said he wouldn't go out to play until the post had come. "I guess you'll get lots and lots of presents," he said, "I did last week when I was six."

What would she like? A pair of slippers perhaps. Or a new cardigan. A cardigan would be lovely. Blue's such a pretty color. Jim had always liked her in blue. Or a table lamp. Or a book, a travel book, with pictures, or a little clock, with clear black numbers. So many lovely things.

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She stood by the window, watching.

Paragraph 2:

Almost sadly she tore the envelope open.

2021-05-07更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般