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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:13329927

Too much salt — and not enough whole grains, fruits and vegetables-may be shaving years off our lives,   a new analysis suggests.

In a study published Wednesday in the Lancet, researchers looked at people's eating habits across 195 countries to estimate how much poor diets contribute to the number of deaths.     1    ? That 11 million people die each year around the world due, at least in part, to certain foods or lack of them, according to the study.

Lead author Ashkan Afshin, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington, said the researchers estimated    2    , including cigarette smoking, known to be one of the greatest threats to public health.

The problem, he said, is not only what people are eating;     3     The study estimated that globally, 3 million deaths were attributed to too much salt-but another 3 million deaths were attributed to too little whole grains and another 2 million deaths to too little fruit.     4    — a balanced diet is important for a long, healthy life.

    5    ? Nestle, a professor at New York University, suggested that it makes sense that dietary risks are higher because everyone eats— but not everyone smokes. So she said that “diet is a risk factor for everybody”.

A.Why did they do that
B.What are their findings
C.but it's also what they're not eating
D.that some bad habits lead to more health problems
E.Experts say it confirms what health professionals have been teaching for years
F.But is a poor diet really responsible for more deaths than even cigarette smoking
G.that poor diets are responsible for more deaths around the world than any other risk factor


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Comfort food makes a person feel good. Food high in sugar or fat tends to improve mood by stimulating the brain’s reward system. So it makes sense that many of us may turn to food for comfort in times of stress. There’s some fascinating research that examines food as a source of comfort. However, the most interesting thing about this research may be that foods are far less comforting than we tend to believe they are.

Traci Mann, a professor of psychology, and colleagues conducted a series of study with college students. The researchers examined how much comfort foods actually improve mood. They provided students with one of the three foods that they had indicated were their top, personal comfort foods. After producing a negative mood by having them watch movie clips designed to increase their sadness, anger and anxiety, the researchers offered the students their comfort food.

They had to assess (评估) how they felt before and after they were supposedly comforted by ice cream, pizza or whatever they had indicated they typically ate to feel better. All of the students completed the study on two separate occasions: once when they were able to eat their comfort food and once when they were able to eat another food they liked, but they wouldn’t call a comfort food. The researchers found that comfort food did improve students’ moods — but only by a little bit and not more than the other food they liked.

In another study, comfort food was compared to no food at all, and students’ moods seemed to improve even when they didn’t eat anything—most likely just due to the passage of time.

The take-home message from the studies? While the comfort food may make the person feel better for the time being, it does little to address emotional problems. Of course, everyone can indulge(纵情)in a comfort food from time to time, but overall, aim for these instances to be the exception rather than the rule.

1. Which aspect of comfort food do Tract Mann’s studies focus on?
A.The means by which it affects mood.B.Its role in reducing negativity.
C.Its impact on physical health.D.The extent to which it lifts mood.
2. How were the studies carried out?
A.By analyzing questionnaires about comfort foods.
B.By observing students’ different reactions to foods.
C.By collecting data about people from all walks of life
D.By comparing students’ feelings on different occasions.
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.To explain a rule.B.To introduce a concept.
C.To make a suggestion.D.To present a fact.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Science behind Comfort FoodB.Comfort Food May not Work Wonders
C.Feeling Negative? Try Comfort FoodD.Comfort Food Tend to Be Unhealthy
2023-12-18更新 | 293次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One of the things you could do as a senior is to start gardening. Here are a few reasons you should start gardening:

You’ll eat better.

Unfortunately, most of the food we buy around is full of chemicals.     1     It allows you to harvest and eat food that is healthy. It also allows you to eat fresh food which means you get more nutrients.


It’s easy to get used to spending time indoors when you have more time in your hands but nothing much to do with it outside. However, gardening means you ‘ll be able to step outside of the house more often. You will also get to breathe in some fresh air that will keep you healthier.

It helps you grow unique plants.

You might have traveled around the world and seen some interesting plants or flowers that are never grown at your place.     3     You get to watch them grow but most of all, you get the satisfaction of being able to have a plant that you really found special in your garden.

You can grow some natural medicine.

    4     You can get them in different supermarkets in form of creams, tablets or even oils. However, nothing beats using them in their natural form. Gardening allows you to grow these medicinal plants and when you need to use them, all you need to do is pick a few.

It will help you socialize.

When you start gardening, you’ll certainly become more interested in ways to make your garden look better and in making your plants grow healthier and stronger. A good way to find out about these is to interact with people who share in your love for gardening.     5    

A.It’s a way to spend time outdoors.
B.It’s a great activity that requires lots of attention.
C.If you loved them that much, you could grow them.
D.So, it pays to grow your own food in your garden.
E.Some plants are known to have natural medicinal benefits.
F.You’ll get to exchange ideas on gardening and make new friends.
G.Gardening is worth the effort as you will be able to see the fruits of your labor.
2022-11-11更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It would be nice if eating a particular food could magically protect you against all the boring illnesses. It’s not that simple, of course. Hand washing remains your best defense against picking up illnesses, and sleep is a strong defense too. But what you eat does play an important part. Though it isn’t because of just one or two foods, what you eat in your daily diet have an effect on how weak or strong your immunity(免疫力)is.

We’d better eat fruits and vegetables every day. They contain key vitamins needed in the immune system. For example, Vitamin C and Ain foods help immune system work well to keep us healthy. Remember that eating the actual fruit or veggie is better than eating single-vitamin supplements(补品).

Getting too little protein(蛋白质) can weaken your immune system. Protein-rich foods supply the amino acids(氨基酸)you need to build important proteins in the body. Animal foods like beef and pork also contain zinc(锌), which your body uses to make t-cells.

Fermented foods are foods that are naturally protected by bacteria(细菌), and they’re good for the micro biome(微生物).That’s the name for the bacteria that live in your stomach, where a lot of cells in immunity actually live. Fermented foods like yogurt help beneficial bacteria develop fast in the stomach, leaving less room for harmful bacteria.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us?
A.Hand washing is necessary.B.Illnesses make people bored.
C.Immunity has much to do with your diet.D.More sleep does good to health.
2. Why does the writer suggest we eat fruits and vegetables every day?
A.They are rich in vitamins we need.
B.Vitamin A is helpful for immunity.
C.Fruits supply our body with Vitamin C only.
D.Eating single-vitamin foods does little good.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.Amino acids can help to make t-cells.
B.Healthy body needs plenty of protein.
C.The immune system can be hurt easily.
D.We should eat animal foods as many as possible.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Different foods have different uses.
B.Fruits and vegetables keep us healthy.
C.Many illnesses do harm to the immunity.
D.Proper daily diet protects our immune system.
2020-05-04更新 | 367次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般