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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:17414344

Wanting to lose weight or quit smoking are often resolutions made at the beginning of the New Year. Meg Baker, one University of Alabama at Birmingham wellness expert says there is a key ingredient to being successful health-wise in the coming year. About half of the most popular resolutions made each year are health-related, according to the United States government. In addition to losing weight and quitting smoking, they include eating healthier foods, getting fit, managing stress and drinking less alcohol.

Meg Baker says while the focus on self-improvement is good, an individual must be ready to make a change in order to actually do so. “Readiness to change is a big factor,” Baker said. “Based on the stages of the change model: precontemplation (unwilling to make a change), contemplation (considering a lifestyle change) and action, you have to want to change your lifestyle to successfully improve your health.”

Develop small, short-term goals that will fit into your schedule; these should be realistic. Consider the benefits and reasons for the change. Talk to a family member, friend or co-worker about goals, this accountability will increase the possibility of your staying committed to a new gym plan or quit-smoking play, and they may want to join you.

Baker says starting small increases the possibility of success. Find a form of exercise that you love, make small nutritional changes like packing a lunch or cooking dinner at home, and get digital reinforcements by using tracking systems and apps.

Additionally, Baker says, because so much time is spent at work, it is a good idea to consider signing up for workplace wellness programs, if offered. “Many companies want to see their employees thrive, so they will offer incentives to help them improve their health, like the My Health Rewards program we are starting at UAB,” Baker said. “Whether it is to improve your energy level, improve mood, combat health conditions and disease, or to be there for your kids, future, there’s always a reason that a resolution was made,” Baker said.

“So when the going gets tough, remind yourself of why you’re making a lifestyle change, and this will keep you motivated.” Also, consider modifications to the new plan if it isn’t viable. Baker said, “If the new plan proves it can’t be done, switch things up. Variety is the key to life and can keep you from getting burned out.”

1. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.At the beginning of the New Year people want to lose weight.
B.At the beginning of the New Year people want to quit smoking.
C.Readiness to keep fit is the most popular New Year’s resolution.
D.Readiness to change is important to commit to the New Year’s resolutions.
2. We can know from the passage that ______.
A.if you develop small, short-term goals, you will succeed
B.people should not develop big, long-term goals
C.sharing goals with others can help people keep to their plans
D.the resolutions made at the beginning of the New Year are hard to achieve
3. What’s Baker’s attitude towards the My Health Rewards program?
4. The underlined word “viable” in the last paragraph can be replaced by ______.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Once a month, I volunteer at a meal center to help serve food to people who are in need. Despite the many other things that I need to do, I really look forward to meeting and serving these people, even if only briefly. Although my motivation begins with wanting to help others and be grateful for what I have been given, it is joy that helps bring me back when I am very busy. I first noticed this some time ago: at the end of our shift, after the kitchen and dining room have been cleaned up, I would experience a lightness of being.

A few years ago, as I was researching how kindness affected health, I came to learn that volunteerism was associated with a markedly lower risk of dying. One recent and large European study found that self-reported health scores were apparently better in volunteers than non-volunteers. Depending on the study, the decrease in death rates ranged between 20 to 60 percent or so.

How could volunteering decrease the risk of death? There are several factors at play. The first, and most primary, is decreased symptoms of stress and uplifted mood. Many studies have provided evidence that volunteering is good for depression, well-being, and social networking, among other effects. Secondly, people who volunteer regularly also make more effort to take care of themselves. They manage to pay visits to their doctor for preventive health care. Finally, people who volunteer may be more physically active. Volunteers have an obvious increase in walking each day compared to those who did not volunteer.

To try to tie this together, volunteering likely exerts its positive health effects by connecting people to others and to an activity that they find meaningful. Achieving connection, purpose, and meaning is critical to reducing stresses of life — particularly loneliness. Since stress is a major cause of disease, especially heart disease, the ability to satisfy the need for connection, purpose, and meaning can bring about beneficial changes for people. And when there is purpose and we are connected to others, we take care of ourselves.

1. How does the author feel about doing a volunteer job?
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.A study on volunteerism.
B.The health scores of volunteers.
C.The relationship between kindness and health.
D.Volunteerism’s positive effect on volunteers’ health.
3. Volunteering decreases the risk of volunteers’ death mainly by ___________.
A.making them more physically active
B.making them visit doctors frequently
C.pushing them to take care of themselves
D.reducing their stress and uplifting their mood
4. What does the underlined word “critical” in the last paragraph mean?
2020-03-24更新 | 163次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】All people need to sleep. Sleep is a restorative (恢复健康的) process that promotes proper body functioning and can improve the quality of your life. Not only is the quantity of sleep important, but also the quality of sleep.

Your bedroom should be shaped to your taste and allow you to sleep in a peaceful environment. One of the biggest mistakes people make in their sleep is to use the bedroom for activities other than sleep. If your bedroom also functions as a command station for your life and work, the possibility of your sleep being poor is rather high. Bedrooms should be designed, decorated and used for sleep only. TVs, computers and other things should not be in your bedroom if possible.

Establishing regular sleeping and waking times can help improve the quality of your sleep especially for those suffering from sleeplessness. Avoid hot food, caffeine, sugar and alcohol at least 4 to 6 hours before you go to bed. Develop a regular exercise program. Proper exercise and nutrition will help improve sleep patterns. However, avoid exercising 2 hours before bed, since this may stimulate your body and make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Establish a pre-bedtime rule that will help you focus on sleep. You can try meditation (沉思), reading or deep breathing and relaxation. Your bedtime rule should be yours. Do not worry about it fitting into a specific category. Do what is best for you.

Things such as room temperature, noise and light levels and even your bed mattress (床垫) can have a lot of effect on the quality of sleep that you experience. Block out distracting noises and lights. You are in your bedroom to sleep and not be distracted by environmental interference (干扰).

1. It can be inferred from the text that______.
A.the bedroom has many functions than generally thought
B.amusements should be forbidden in the evening
C.the bedroom should be used only for sleep
D.computers can make people fall asleep quickly
2. If you have sleep problems, ______.
A.cold food and sugar are good for you
B.a bedroom with a TV is necessary for you
C.you need proper exercise just before bed
D.you’d better establish regular sleeping and waking times
3. How is the text organized?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.How to Deal with Sleep ProblemsB.How to Improve Sleep Quality
C.What Is the Process of SleepD.Where Should We Sleep
2018-10-25更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Is It Bad to Cross Your Legs When You Sit?

Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit; most people don’t even notice that they’re doing it when they sit down. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other. it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. This happens because the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart, crossing one leg over the other Increases resistance (阻力), making it even harder for the blood to circulate. This causes your body to increase your blood pressure to push the blood back to the heart. You won’t feel any immediate effects, but if you sit for long periods of time it’s important that you take note of how long you have your legs crossed for. You shouldn’t have your legs crossed for more than 15 minutes. and it’s important that you get up and walk around at least once every hour.

Crossing your legs can also lead to neck and back pain. Ideally, it’s best for our bodies to sit with our feet planted flat, hip width apart, on the floor, but it’s not easy to maintain perfect posture all day at the office. When you sit with your legs crossed your hips are in a twisted position, which can cause one of your pelvic bones (骨盆) to rotate. Since your pelvic bone supports your neck and spine, this can cause pressure on your lower and middle back and neck.

You also might notice that when you sit with your legs crossed for long periods of time your feet and legs get tingly or have the feeling of being asleep. This is because when one leg sits on top of the other it causes pressure on the veins and nerves in your legs and feet. It can cause pumbness and/or temporary paralysis in the legs, ankles, or feet While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

So next time you sit down, try to get yourself in the habit of sitting with both of your feet on the floor. Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run.

1. According to paragraph 2. we can infer that ________.
A.it’s no big deal to cross our legs for less than 15 minutes
B.we will feel uncomfortable at the moment we cross the legs
C.we should take a walk every hour after sitting still
D.crossing legs while sitting-makes it harder to ciroulate our blood
2. According to paragraph 4. repeatedly crossing your legs may
A.paralyze all of your musclesB.preventing you from standing up
C.damage your nerve in the leg in the endD.reduce the pressure on the major nerve
3. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
2023-12-14更新 | 29次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般