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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:38 题号:17822329

For hundreds of years, scientists learned about the brain by observing people recovering from injuries. Many with an injury on the left side of the brain had problems understanding or using words. From this, doctors reasoned that the left brain must manage speech and language. They didn’t know, though, if speech and language centers were on this side in everyone. The finding of a new study may be able to tell the answer.

In the new study, researchers used fMRI (功能性磁共振成像) to watch brains in action as 39 children and 14 adults tried to understand sentences. Each fMRI scan (扫描) produced many pictures of the brain. Patches of color in each image highlighted which parts of the brain were getting the most blood. This is a sign that they were turned on and active.

To the researchers’ surprise, the left side of the brain was not the only part that was turned on in the children. Both sides became active when they tried to understand a sentence. That activity in the right brain started to fall in children who were older. By age 19, no activity showed up on the right. All speech-and-language processing now was taking place only on the left. The move from two-sided to one-sided language processing takes place gradually. It starts around the time we learn to talk.

Elissa Newport, who led the study, finds it exciting that children have speech centers on both sides of their brains. “If both sides of their brains can pitch in, this may also explain why left-brain injuries often are not as damaging in young children as in adults,” said she.

Children process language like “mental switch-hitters”. So, the next time you think your parents or older siblings (兄弟姐妹) don’t understand you, give them a break. They could be using just a smaller part of their brains.

1. How did the researchers conduct the study?
A.By drawing pictures of brains.B.By highlighting different signs.
C.By reading examination results.D.By studying the blood samples.
2. What did the new study find?
A.Younger children need less time to understand a sentence.
B.Children use both sides of the brain for language processing.
C.The right side of the brain is less important than the left side.
D.The right side of the brain gradually becomes inactive after birth.
3. What does the underlined part “pitch in” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Get involved.B.Get damaged.
C.Be examined.D.Be recognized.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】More than one billion young people risk damaging their hearing through excessive (过度的) use of smartphones and other audio devices (音频设备), the UN warned Tuesday, proposing new safety standards for safe volume levels.

In order to safeguard hearing, the World Health Organization and International Telecommunications Union issued a voluntary international standard for the manufacture and use of audio devices.

Young people are particularly prone to get risky listening habits. Around half of those between the ages of 12 and 35, or 1.1 billion people, are at risk due to “long exposure to loud sounds, including music they listen to through personal audio devices”, the UN health agency said.

Currently, about five percent of the global population, or some 466 million people, including 34 million children, suffer from disabling hearing loss. WHO considers a volume above 85 decibels (分贝) for eight hours or 100 decibels for 15 minutes as unsafe.

WHO is calling for parental as well as automatic volume controls on audio devices to prevent dangerous use.

While some smartphones and other audio devices already offer some of these features, the UN would like to see a uniform standard used to help protect against disabling hearing loss.

“Think of it like driving on a highway, but without a speedometer (速度计) in your car or a speed limit,” Shelly Chadha of the WHO told reporters in Geneva. “What we’ve proposed is that your smartphones come fitted with a speedometer, with a measurement system which tells you how much sound you’re getting and tells you if you are going over the limit.”

1. What does the underlined word “prone” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
2. How do paragraphs 3 and 4 develop?
A.By making comparisons.B.By offering examples.
C.By analyzing reasons.D.By giving figures.
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Half of 1.1 billion people are getting risky listening habits.
B.About 466 million children are suffering from hearing loss.
C.A volume above 85 decibels for 10 hours or 120 decibels for 15 minutes is unsafe.
D.A uniform standard has been made to help protect against disabling hearing loss.
4. Why does the author mention “driving on the highway” in the last paragraph?
A.To indicate it is dangerous to drive on the highway.
B.To suggest a speedometer should be fitted in a car.
C.To show how a smartphone works with a measure system.
D.To emphasize that it is necessary to fit a measure system in smartphones.
2019-09-23更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other, it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. The reason this happens is because the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart, crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate.   You won’t feel any immediate effects, but if you sit for long periods of time it’s important that you shouldn’t have your legs crossed for more than 15 minutes, and it’s important that you get up and walk around at least once every hour.

Crossing your legs can also lead to neck and back pain. Ideally, it’s best for our bodies to sit with our feet planted flat, hip width apart, on the floor. When you sit with your legs crossed your hips are in a twisted position, which can cause one of your pelvic bones(盆骨) to rotate. Since your pelvic bone supports your neck and spine(脊椎), this can cause pressure on your lower and middle back and neck.

When you sit with your legs crossed for long periods of time your feet and legs get painful. This is because when one leg sits on top of the other it causes pressure on the veins and nerves in your legs and feet. It can cause numbness and/or temporary paralysis(瘫痪) in the legs, ankles, or feet. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

1. Which of the positions is the most ideal to keep healthy?
A.Sit for a whole night while changing the crossing leg frequently.
B.Keep both of the feet flat and wide apart on the land.
C.Rest one foot on the other for less than 15 minus.
D.Put down the crossing feet immediate legs get numb.
2. According to the passage, which of the following may a crossing-leg addict suffer?
A.A sudden blood pressure increase.
B.A twisted neck and spine.
C.Permanent injuries to nerve
D.Losing the ability to walk forever.
3. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Ways to keep a right sitting position.
B.Tips to lower pressure to veins and nerve.
C.The health problems crossing legs will lead to.
D.Relation between habits and health problems.
2018-12-11更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror.    1    

Body image is a person’s opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.     2    You appreciate your body for its abilities and accept its imperfections.

So,what can you do to develop a positive body image? Here are some ideas:

Recognize your strengths. Different body types are good for different things. What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination (协调) makes you better than others at a certain sport. That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or perhaps you have skills, like drawing, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting.    3    

Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques (体形) don’t just happen.     4    You can keep healthy by simply exercising 20 minutes to one hour three times a week. Taking exercise can also lift your spirits.

Respect your body! Practising good habits- regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, and so on-can help you build a positive body image.

    5    Your body is just one part of who you are. Your talent for humor, a quick wit (智慧), and all the things make you special. So try not to let small imperfections affect you.

A.Use this as an opportunity to discover what you’re good at.
B.Be yourself.
C.They care just as much as girls do about their body image.
D.Just explore talents that you feel good about.
E.They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy habit.
F.The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.
G.Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.
2020-02-06更新 | 150次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般