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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:47 题号:19131693

Dolphins are social and intelligent animals. And, like the way humans maintain relationships by hugging or giving a handshake, dolphins breathe together at the same time when they come up from the water for air. This shared act is important for creating social connections. But sharing the same air and area is also spreading an infectious and deadly disease among the dolphins.

Janet Mann and other scientists are trying to understand the virus. They discovered it in the water off the American states of Virginia and Maryland. It is now spreading to other Atlantic coast dolphins.

Mann explains that the dolphin virus is in the lungs. “When dolphins breathe together at the surface, they’re sharing tiny droplets just like we do when we’re talking with each other,” she said.

During her 35 years of studying dolphins, Janet Mann has noticed that even though dolphins have close friends, they visit other dolphins and leave the groups often. Following the social lives of dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay has permitted researchers to identify over 2,000 dolphin individuals. They can remember them by their special shapes and markings on their back fins.

Two researchers, Melissa Collier and Ann-Marie Jacoby, saw two dolphins. A third dolphin joined his friends. All three dolphins came to the surface of the water and breathed together. “This is typical, male behavior. The males stay pretty coordinated (协调) with each other. The females sync (同步), but not as regularly. They syne mostly with their offspring (幼崽).” Mann says. This behavior pattern might explain why more male dolphins have died in the most recent outbreak of the virus.

Viruses are naturally occurring in the wild, but human activities in the ocean can make the virus worse by wakening environments and populations even more. Pollution from carbon and plastics, limited food sources, along with ocean warming from climate change, harm the animals. These factors weaken the dolphins’ immune systems. “So, they are extremely vulnerable (脆弱的,易受伤的) to virus outbreaks.” Mann says.

1. What are Mann and other scientists trying to do?
A.Record the dolphins’ social habits.B.Increase the population of dolphins.
C.Compare the viruses among dolphins.D.Study the spread of the virus among dolphins.
2. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Researchers.B.Close friends.
C.The social lives of dolphinsD.Over 2,000 dolphin individuals.
3. Why did more male dolphins die in the recent outbreak of the virus?
A.They absorbed more air than females.B.They did more social activities together.
C.They came to the surface of the water moreD.They were more vulnerable to viruses.
4. Which is a cause of the decline in dolphins’ immune system?
A.Ocean warming.B.Dolphins breathing together.
C.Researchers studying dolphins.D.The growing population of dolphins.
【知识点】 疾病 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Thousands of encouraging roadside signs have been planted around the world, and it’s all thanks to one woman who felt helpless in the face of mental illness.

Amy Wolff was first encouraged to start planting the encouraging signs after she had a heartbreaking discussion with a friend in May 2017. “We were hanging out with friends when one of them mentioned the growing number of people trying to kill themselves in our community,” says Wolff. “I wasn’t a doctor. I didn’t know of anyone suffering from thoughts of self-harm. What could I do?”

Then Wolff got the idea to start planting encouraging signs in people’s yards. For the following two weeks, she and her kids started knocking on people’s doors across their town of Newburg, Oregon and asking if they could put up signs with messages like “Don’t Give Up” and “Your Mistakes Don’t Define You”.

Wolff then started receiving messages from other people in the community wanting to buy the signs. Within a few days, Wolff had sold over 150 of the yard signs. That night, Wolff’s husband created a website to sell the signs.

“Within a year, we had news media in Dallas, Boston, Massachusetts, and Portland cover our movement,” she added. By the fall of 2018, Wolff set up the Don’t Give Up organization for her signs. Since she planted her first sign two years ago, she has shipped the organizations messages of encouragement to all 50 US states and 26 countries in 6 languages.

With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, the messages that Wolff has received from sign owners are meaningful. One message from Frank reads: “I just had a woman knock on my door. She began to cry and thank me for the signs in my yard. Her son had tried to kill himself and these signs were in the yard the day they came home from the hospital.”

1. What led to Amy Wolff taking action to help people with mental illness?
A.Her friends suggestions.B.The things done by Don t Give Up.
C.Her own experience of fighting against mental illness.D.The increasing self-killing events in her community.
2. What did Wolff do to help people with mental illness?
A.She raised money for people in need.B.She attended courses to become a doctor.
C.She asked people to put up encouraging signs.D.She visited people and encouraged them in person.
3. Why did the woman visit Frank?
A.To say thank you to him.B.To ask him the way to hospital.
C.To call for help in saving her son.D.To ask about the signs in his yard.
4. Which words can best describe wolf?
A.Honest and hard-working.B.Creative and warm-hearted.
C.Humorous and easy-going.D.Cheerful and strong-minded.
2021-09-01更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了男孩Abraham和妈妈热心帮助无家可归者,在被诊断患有再生障碍性贫血并接受骨髓移植后,Abraham利用他的Make-A-Wish机会继续帮助社区中的无家可归者,他还计划创办一个名为“Abraham’s Table”的非营利项目来继续他的使命。

【推荐2】Instead of getting the latest video game system or meeting a celebrity, a young boy who was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness last year has used his Make-A-Wish opportunity to help the homeless in his community.

Abraham and his mother, Miriam, have a passion for taking care of the homeless around their neighborhood in Jackson, Mississippi. The pair have a history of providing food to the needy every third Saturday, and they recently got added help from the Make-A-Wish foundation in Mississippi after he was diagnosed with a rare disease, aplastic anemia, in 2020.

The condition causes the body to stop producing enough new blood cells, leaving patients exhausted and easier to suffer infection and uncontrolled bleeding. Abraham later experienced a successful bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) and found out he was qualified to have one of his dreams fulfilled by Make-A-Wish. It didn’t take long for Abraham to think of the perfect choice. He would continue the mission that was important to him and his mom. With the help of the foundation, Abraham fed about 80 people in Jackson in September.

When the homeless people got the plate, some of them would come back and sing to them and thank them. “And it just really feels good; it warms our hearts. And my parents always taught me that it’s a blessing to be a blessing,” Abraham said.

Not only that, but Make-A-Wish said they would help Abraham feed the homeless in Jackson every third Saturday until August 2022, ensuring that he could help even more people in need.

Abraham did receive a few gifts from Make-A-Wish, including a new laptop, a ring light, and a microphone to help him start a channel on a social media platform. He also plans to start a non-profit called “Abraham’s Table” to continue his mission.

1. How often do Abraham and his mom offer food to those in need?
A.At least once a day.B.At least once a week.
C.At least once a year.D.At least once a month.
2. What can we infer about Abraham from paragraph 3?
A.He is doing what he wants to.B.He has been completely cured.
C.He decided to support his family.D.He got a mission from an organization.
3. What does Abraham mean to do?
A.Send more Make-A-Wish cards.B.Start a public welfare program.
C.Join a non-profit organization.D.Feed the homeless every Saturday.
4. Which of the following can best describe Abraham?
A.Determined and patient.B.Ambitious and creative.
C.Imaginative and practical.D.Caring and considerate.
2023-05-07更新 | 144次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Five years ago, Meredith Arthur, a 45-year-old San Francisco resident and an employee of a social media company, arrived at a neurologist(神经科医生) appointment in a frustrated state. She spoke a mile a minute, explaining why she thought she might hold clues to her disabled shoulder and neck pain, frequent dizziness, and … “I was presenting my inexpert case to an expert, who stopped me and said, ‘I know what’s wrong. You have generalized anxiety disorder.’” Arthur recalls.

The diagnosis(诊断) took Arthur by surprise. She had been so focused on her abnormal physical symptoms(症状) that she hadn’t considered that they could be linked to her mental health. Almost immediately, it clicked.

“My brain was always in overdrive,” Arthur recalls. “I wanted to work all the time and solve everything.”

She would never have described herself as a worrier, however, and certainly didn’t connect her perfectionism to anxiety or its effect on her body. But, in fact, physical discomfort — not upsetting thoughts — is most often what drives people with anxiety to seek treatment.

“The diagnosis changed everything,” says Arthur. “It’s like somebody picked me up off the earth, turned me around 180 degrees, and put me back down. It was the same world, but everything looked a little different.”

Arthur is one of the 40 million American adults who experience an anxiety disorder — the most common form of mental illness — every year. But anxiety touches everyone to varying degrees. Typically, it’s brought on by a stressful or painful event. Its key features are too much fear and worry, and one of the major factors is a feeling of uncertainty about situations that occur in daily life.

These are particularly uncertain times due to the combination of economic dangerousness, social unrest and environmental disasters. Managing anxiety will ensure it doesn’t rule your life.

1. How did Meredith Arthur feel after the diagnosis?
2. Why does the author tell the story of Meredith Arthur?
A.To relate physical symptoms to mental health.
B.To suggest the importance of seeking treatment.
C.To present a typical example of anxiety disorder.
D.To show the seriousness of her physical symptoms.
3. What can we learn about anxiety disorder?
A.It results from uncertainty in life.B.It is hard to get proper treatment.
C.It is caused by physical discomfort.D.It is the most common illness in USA.
2023-08-17更新 | 88次组卷
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