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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:57 题号:21067221

Depression can feel very lonely.     1     Here’s how to seek professional help for depression.


Your doctor will be able to advise you on the various choices for talking therapy (治疗) for a range of mental health problems including anxiety and depression, available in groups or one-to-one sessions. Painful experiences can be hard to talk about, but professionals understand this. Be as open as you can so that you can receive the best help.

Try going for counselling

Counselling may be available via your GP (全科医生). Short-term counselling consists of 6 to 12 hour-long, one-to-one sessions.     3     However, they won’t provide answers but will encourage you to find your own solutions.

It may be appropriate to continue with longer term counselling. This therapy may be suitable for mild anxiety and depression and can help you deal with problems such as anger, relationship issues and so on.

Consider psychotherapy

Psychotherapy could also be something to consider to help you cope with depression. Psychotherapy looks into past experiences to find their connection to present difficulties.

    4     They include interpersonal therapy, which focuses on relationship and communication problems; family therapy, in which the therapist works with the whole family, and couples therapy, which involves both partners.

Ask your doctor questions

Ask your GP if the practice provides any mental health services directly. If not, ask to be referred to a therapist. You could also look at registers of practitioners at your local library or on the Internet. Being on a register does not ensure quality, but it does mean that if you have a problem, you can take the matter up with the organisation.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) provides a list of registered therapists.     5    

A.Talk to your doctor.
B.Find supports from family.
C.But talking about it can help.
D.There are different forms of psychotherapy.
E.The counsellors may offer some medical advice.
F.The counsellors will listen and may ask you questions.
G.And if you know someone who has seen a therapist, ask for a recommendation.
【知识点】 方法/策略 医疗


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】    1     The cruel reality: not very safe, potentially. Despite this, some simple steps are to make your online experience safe. Read on to find out the easiest ways to make sure your information is kept safe.

●Manage passwords.

Constantly changing your password has always been a basic form of protection.     2    First passwords should never

include your personal information. So stay away from names and birthdates. Ideally, passwords should contain different letters, random numbers. It’s better to have a very strong, long password that doesn’t have any personal information.


Deceptive phishing (网络钓鱼) is one of the most common types of trick. It’s best to view all emails with care. Hackers can make emails look like real. company emails. That can trick readers into clicking on dangerous links. If doing so, you could end up introducing a virus to your computer or accidentally giving sensitive information to the wrong people.

●Use two-factor identification,

Two-factor identification adds a second level of security to an account, It’s a security option that requires a password as well as an additional piece of information only the user would know. Sometimes, it’s a code sent to your cellphone that has to be entered after a password.     4    

● Updated apps and operating systems are a must.

Too often, users are unwilling to update their mobile devices. It seems that updates only change the way your phone’s software looks.     5    

●Be careful with public charging stations and Wi-Fi.

Charging stations and Wi-Fi are a convenience provided to the public, but they can bring risks for they may be connected to another compromised (缺乏免疫力的) device. If you connect to Wi-Fi and then it asks you to download something, you shouldn’t do that.

A.View emails with a sharp eye.
B.In fact, it can make your phone work fast, too.
C.What should we do to keep our information safe?
D.Actually, they often come with security improvements.
E.The additional characteristic can keep your information much safer.
F.How safe is personal information on your computer or cell phone?
G.But what passwords to pick and how to manage them really matter.
2018-04-17更新 | 132次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Avoid Spreading a Cold or Other Virus?

It’s more significant than before to ensure you’re taking all of the steps you can to prevent spreading virus that can make you and your loved ones sick. Fortunately, some of the most effective steps for preventing the spread of disease are also the easiest.     1    

Wash your hands often. The best way that you can help prevent the spread of virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Wash your hands for 20 seconds, making sure to scrub (擦洗) your palms, the backs of your hands and fingers, under your fingernails, and around your thumbs.     2    

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. It can be really difficult.     3     That includes being careful not to rub your eyes, scratch your nose, or bite your nails, because virus can more easily enter your body from these areas.

    4     To protect yourself, avoid sharing items like clothing, makeup, drinks with anyone else, including members of your own household. That way, even if one person is sick, the virus will be less likely to spread to anyone else.

Practice social distancing. If there’s an illness going around, like during cold and flu season, try to limit your contact with other people. Those types of virus are often spread when a person sneezes or coughs.     5     And do the same if it’s you that may be sick. That way, the virus will be less likely to spread.

A.It’s smart to drink bottled water.
B.Don’t share personal items with other people.
C.Wear a face mask if you have to be around others.
D.Then wash your hands with clean water thoroughly.
E.Here are some steps to prevent people from becoming ill.
F.So stay at least 6 ft (1.8 m) away from anyone who may be sick.
G.However, try to break the habit of touching your face throughout the day.
2021-03-03更新 | 131次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Some people are always on time, while others are at least 20 minutes (and sometimes even hours) late! It’s annoying, because while you wait for your friend, you feel offended.     1    

First of all, talk to your friend about your feelings. Don’t offend them.     2     Ask your friend why they are always late and find out the answer. It might happen that your friend just doesn’t know how to effectively manage their time. By the way, you’re not the only person whom your friend makes wait, so don’t take things personally.

Try to find a way to make your friend come on time. For example, you can tell them that your cellphone is out of power and you can’t be called. If your friend can’t call and tell you they will be late, they will have to come on time.     3     Don’t worry. You don’t have to come earlier!

When nothing works, change your attitude to accept the fact that your friend will never come on time.     4     For instance, don’t arrange the meetings when your friend has to pick you up for the movie. You know your friend will be late and you will miss it!

    5     Take a book or a newspaper to read, so you can entertain yourself and never notice the time that you have to wait. If you’re not a book lover then check your email or chat with your other friends.

A.Wait a certain period of time, then go on with your plans, alone.
B.Be productive when you have to wait for your friend.
C.After all, friendship is more important than arriving on time.
D.So how can you deal with the always-late friend?
E.Don’t put yourself in situations where you depend on your friend.
F.Why should you put up with a lack of respect for your valuable time?
G.Or just tell your friend you’re to meet half an hour earlier than the real meeting time.
2024-04-02更新 | 67次组卷
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