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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:52 题号:21177313

Diseases spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby, or they can spread germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a door handle, for example. But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?

Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact. The idea is simple. Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle. In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs that they spread onto lab dishes covered with their material.

Research by others has shown that door handles in public areas are often home to lots of bacteria and viruses, notes 17-year-old Sum Ming (Simon) Wong. He and schoolmate Kin Pong (Michael) Li, 18, wanted to design a covering for door handles that would kill germs. After doing some research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dioxide (二氧化钛) is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used in many products, from paints to desserts. To make their covering, the teenagers made the mineral into a very fine powder.

Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet (紫外线的) light, says Simon. UV light is found in sunlight. But UV light does not naturally shine on indoor handles or any used at night, so the teenagers light their door handle from within. To make sure the light reaches the coated surface, the teenagers made their door handle out of clear glass. Each end fits into a bracket (托架). Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode (LED). From it comes UV light. And here’s the interesting and praisable part: The power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the door. The power from the door is then carried by wire to the LED inside the door handle.

The door handle system, Michael and Simon say, might cost no more than about $13 (about 81 yuan) to build.

1. Why does the author mention the ways diseases spread at the beginning?
A.To explain how to kill bacteria or viruses effectively.
B.To demonstrate how most diseases are spread indirectly.
C.To remind readers of the importance of cleaning their hands.
D.To help to describe a new invention that prevents diseases from spreading.
2. What can we know about Michael and Simon’s door handle?
A.It is too expensive for ordinary families.B.It is powered by the movement.
C.It works better at night than daytime.D.It is made of a metal absorbing UV light.
3. How does the LED work during the process?
A.By producing titanium dioxide to kill bacteria.
B.By supplying enough power to the handle system.
C.By directing the UV light in sunlight to the coated surface.
D.By providing UV light to help titanium dioxide work better.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward Michael and Simon’s door handle system?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It is nothing new that most of us know that physical activities lead to better health. But for the first time in these years, the United States government has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start.

The new guidance states that children as young as three need to be physically active. Earlier guidelines used to begin at six. The most important time for children to begin exercising is between the ages of three and five. Boys and girls in this age group need at least three hours of exercise every day. That could be light activities, moderate (中等的) activities, or even strong activities.

Doctors say it is important to start at a young age. They add that from birth to the age of five, a child's brain develops more than at any other time in life. These developments have a lasting influence on a child's ability to learn and to succeed in school and in life. Children who start exercising at a young age are more likely to develop healthy behavior that will continue into adulthood. However, Dr. Giroir, who works at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, does not suggest putting a five-year-old child on a "treadmill (跑步机)"or other exercise equipment. He thinks that simply giving children the time and space to play actively as they normally would is enough.

The new guidelines say that children aged between 6 and 17 get at least one hour of moderate to strong exercise a day. Most of this exercise should be aerobic exercise (有氧运动),such as biking, swimming or running. Aerobic activities can strengthen (加强)the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes or more. Exercise should also include muscle- and bone-strengthening activities, such as climbing trees or playing sports. Experts suggest that children get this kind of exercise at least three times a week.

1. What's the best age to begin exercising?
A.Under three.
B.Above six.
C.Between three and five.
D.Between six and seventeen.
2. From the text, we know a five-year-old child should ______ .
A.run on the treadmill every day
B.do aerobic exercise regularly
C.be given more free time to play
D.do muscle-strengthening activities
3. What will happen to the body if a boy does aerobic exercise often?
A.His heart and lungs will be stronger.
B.His brain will develop faster.
C.He will be big-boned.
D.He will grow higher.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The earlier exercise guidance is given, the better
B.New exercise instruction: Start earlier
C.Children need more exercise
D.Life lies in movement.
2020-12-07更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The bad health effects of sleep loss during the week can’t be repaid by longer weekend sleep, according to a new study.

Researchers have long known that sleep deprivation (剥夺) can cause weight gain and increase other health risks. But for those who force themselves out of bed every weekday after too few hours of shut-eye, they hope turning off the alarm on Saturday and Sunday will repay the weekly sleep debt and remove any ill effects.

The research, published in Current Biology, crushes those hopes. Despite complete freedom to sleep during a weekend recovery period, people in a sleep lab who were limited to five hours of sleep on weekdays gained nearly three pounds over two weeks and experienced disorders that would increase their risk for diabetes over the long term. While weekend recovery sleep had some benefits after a single week of sleep loss, those gains were wiped out when people fell right back into their same sleep-deprived schedule the next Monday.

“If there are benefits of catch-up sleep, they’re gone when you go back to your daily schedule. It’s very short-lived,” said Kenneth Wright, director of the sleep and chronobiology lab at the University of Colorado at boulder. “These health effects are long-term. It’s kind of like smoking once was—people would smoke and wouldn’t see an immediate effect on their health, but people will say now that smoking is not a healthy lifestyle choice. I think sleep is in the early stage of where smoking used to be.”

Wright said that the study suggests people should put sleep in the first place—cutting out the “sleep stealers” such as watching television shows or spending time on their phones. Even when people don’t have a choice about losing sleep because of child-care responsibilities or job schedules, they should think about getting sleep in the same way they would get a healthy diet or exercise.

1. What do the researchers find about weekend recovery sleep?
A.It is common among people.
B.It will make people healthier.
C.It can make people put on weight.
D.It’s able to make up for the sleep loss.
2. What does the underlined word “crushes” mean?
3. What will Kenneth Wright agree with?
A.It takes long for people to see the effects of sleep loss.
B.Smoking and sleep loss have the same bad effects.
C.Weekend recovery sleep has many benefits.
D.Smoking is more harmful than sleep loss.
4. What does Kenneth Wright advise people to do?
A.Sleep as long as possible during weekdays.
B.Watch some TV shows before bedtime.
C.Reduce the screen time before sleep.
D.Take regular exercise every day.
2019-09-12更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Simple Tricks to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Forget getting a corrective operation or a face lift just to get rid of those annoying dark circles under your eyes. We have gathered four simple tricks you can do at any time.     1    .

Change your diet

Yes, unfortunately your diet could be one of the causes of those eye circles and swelling(肿胀). And when you're flying, it can be really difficult to keep a healthy and balanced diet.     2    , so if you cut these out of your diet—especially when flying—the risk of your eyes swelling reduces. Moreover, just an ounce a day of dark chocolate and also foods that are filled with omega-3 fatty acids can greatly improve blood flow to the skin.

Cool tea bags

    3    ! Don't get rid of used tea bags. Just place them in the fridge for about 10 minutes to cool off. Lie down and set the cooled bags over your closed eyes for around 15 minutes—they will be able to relieve the skin around your eyes. Therefore the swelling and discoloration(变色) around your eyes will decrease.


Here's the thing about friction—it causes skin pigmentation to darken. If you happen to be one of those people who constantly rub their eyes, here is an important reason why you should stop immediately. We know it can be hard when flying, but something as simple as not rubbing your eyes makes all the difference.

Get a retinoid cream(维甲酸乳膏)

Retinoids are a perfect solution for the area surrounding your eyes.     5    ! Moreover, they can boost collagen(胶原蛋白) so those fine lines will reduce in size and depth. Oh yes, your skin will in turn appear smooth and bright after regular and continued use.

A.Stop rubbing your eyes
B.Tea fans, this one is for you
C.So just keep them in your mind
D.But remember what you should do
E.Salty foods and alcohol cause swelling
F.Eat as much eye-friendly food as possible
G.The reason is that they quickly reduce discoloration
2021-09-27更新 | 126次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般