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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:107 题号:6893739

For the past 100 years, people believed middle age to be around 50 years old. This is a time when we start to grow old. However, new research says we have to change this. A study from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIAS) in Austria and Stony Brook University in New York says middle age now starts at 60 or even 65, or older. Why?

The biggest reason is that we are living longer. We are also healthier, we have better diets, we exercise more and we have more money to live in a nicer lifestyle. The IIAS said, "Since life expectancy has increased over the past several decades, and are continuing to increase, people once considered old should actually be viewed as more middle aged."

The study was not a worldwide one so perhaps not everyone in all countries can say they are middle aged when they are 65. The researchers looked at populations in 39 European countries, so this is good news for Europeans. Britain’s National Health Service warned against looking at this study and believing it to be 100 percent true. It said the researchers did not look at things which could reduce life expectancy: "We don’t know whether, for example, they factored (把……因素包括进去) in the possible impact of being unable to treat infections because of rising antibiotic (抗生素) resistance, or the increased numbers of people with diabetes (糖尿病) due to obesity." It recommended healthy living, eating and exercise as a way to live longer.

1. What do people believe for the past century?
A.People start to grow old when they are about 50.
B.Middle age is far beyond 50 years old.
C.People will die at around 50 years old.
D.Middle age is a time when people become ill.
2. What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.The main reason why we are living longer.
B.The reason why middle age now starts at 60 or even 65.
C.Life expectancy has increased.
D.Middle aged people were once considered old.
3. What do Britain’s National Health Service’s words mean?
A.It believes the study to be true.
B.To live longer, one should live a healthy life.
C.There are more people who suffer from diabetes due to obesity.
D.The researchers didn’t factor in the possible impact.
4. What is the writer’s attitude towards the study?


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Whether they are furry, feathered or scaly (多鳞的), the non-human members of your family help you in more ways that you knōw.     1     .

They keep you active. If you have a dog, chances are that you’re walking it at least 30minutes a day, and likely more — an activity that goes a long way towards keeping you fit.

They boost your immune system. Growing up indoors in disinfected spaces later causes our bodies to over-react to harmless substances, making us more allergic. As is often the case, pets have muddy paws, abundant furs and affection for licking (舔) us.     2    .

They lower your risk of a fatal heart attack. Researchers found that cat owners had a 30per cent lower risk of dying of a heart attack.     3    . The researchers assumed — and most cat owners would agree — that cats’ unbothered nature has a calming effect. Spending time with any pet lowers stress, an important contributor to heart disease.

They help you manage a chronic disease.     4    , animals always keep their owners busy — and that can be a good thing for chronic disease sufferers of all types. When distracted from the pain. they will perceive less pain, and therefore they are in less pain.

    5    . Studies have shown that pet ownership is beneficial for people with depression, anxiety, PTSD. and other long-term mental health conditions. Pet owners themselves report that their animal pals benefit them mentally a lot, like providing emotional support and helping them form social bonds.

A.They also improve your mental health
B.They contribute a lot to our strong body
C.With the considerate care from the owners
D.Here are some ways that your pet pal benefits you
E.With their regular tasks of feeding, walks and play
F.They introduce more bacterial diversity that our body adapts to
G.But you may wonder how it comes about without taking a cat for walks
2022-11-14更新 | 201次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】A new pollen (花粉) study showed that drought was responsible for the extinction of civilizations more than 3,000 years ago during the Bronze Age.
The reason behind why the civilizations in and around modern-day Israel suddenly broke down more than 3,000 years ago has remained a mystery up until now. A new pollen study by Tel Aviv University researchers finally solved this Bronze Age mystery.
Prof. Israel Finkelstein showed that owing to serious climate changes, the entire world of the Bronze Age crumbled in a short period of time. The discovery was made on the basis of a high-resolution analysis of pollen grains taken from sediments (沉淀物) beneath the Sea of Galilee and the western shore of the Dead Sea.
Prof. Finkelstein received support from the European Research Council to conduct research aimed at reconstructing ancient Israel. Researchers of the part of the project that dealt with climate change extracted (提取) about 60 feet of samples of gray muddy sediment from the center of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel. They had to drill through 1,000 feet of water and into 65 feet of the lake bed and were able to recover evidence dating over the past 9,000 years.
“Pollen is the most enduring organic material in nature,” explained Dr. Dafna Langgut, a pollen researcher who carried out the actual work of sampling. “These grains tell us about the plants that grew near the lake in the past and therefore prove the climatic conditions in the region.”
Researchers noted a sharp decrease in Mediterranean trees like oaks and pines in the Late Bronze Age. According to study experts, this could be because of repeated periods of drought. The droughts may have resulted in long famines, forcing people to migrate from north to south.
1. The underlined word “crumbled” in Paragraph 3 means _____.
2. Prof. Finkelstein conducted the new pollen study to _____.
A.earn some money
B.recreate ancient Israel
C.learn more about local plants
D.discover the ancient civilizations
3. By conducting the study, scientists found _____.
A.Mediterranean trees were rare in the Early Bronze Age
B.climate change was to blame for the lost civilization
C.people in the Late Bronze Age starved to death
D.droughts were rare during the Bronze Age
4. The text is most probably taken from _____.
A.a travel magazineB.a history textbook
C.a newspaper reportD.an agricultural book
2016-12-12更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】People usually talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and yellow, while the cool colors are green, blue and purple.

Why are red, orange and yellow considered to be warm colors? That’s because they have the psychological effect (心理效应) of making us feel warm because of the association (联系) with fire, heat and sunshine. These colors are very eye-catching.

Red can make us excited. It is the color of passion (激情) and power. Orange gives off a friendly and attracting feeling. It is lively and happy. Yellow has an enthusiastic feeling. It is the color of the sun, and it can attract attention.

The cool colors — green, blue and purple, have the psychological effect of making us feel cool because of the association with deep bodies of water, the open sky, or maybe mountains in the distance. These colors can be good choices for background.

Green sets a feeling of hope. It is the color of nature and represents new life and growth. Blue makes us feel peaceful and calm. It can also be cold like ice, or calm like a lake. Purple has a mysterious feeling. Wearing purple looks nice and elegant.

1. Why do warm colors make us feel warm?
A.Because they take on the color of the sky.
B.Because they make people full of power.
C.Because they are like mountains in the distance.
D.Because they are related to fire,heat and sunshine.
2. Which color can help people calm down?
3. Which can be the best title for this passage?
A.Background and colors
B.Warm colors and cool colors
C.Ways to choose a favorite color
D.Colors, effects on people’s health
2017-08-27更新 | 65次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般