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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:218 题号:9677579

Strangers Under the Same Roof

Does every dinner with your parents seem to turn into an argument? Have your once warm and open conversations become cold and guarded? Do you feel that you just cannot see eye to eye with them on anything? You are not alone. Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.

Teenagers' physical changes may result in such family tensions. You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind. You might worry about your changing voice, weight problems or spots(粉刺).When it all gets too much, your parents are often the first targets of your anger.

It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too. You enter a strange middle ground --- no longer a small child but not quite an adult. You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents' love and support. You feel ready to be more responsible and make decisions on your own. Unfortunately, your parents do not always agree and that makes you feel unhappy. "Why can't they just let me go?" you may wonder. On the other hand, when you are struggling to control your feelings, you wish they could be more caring and patient---sometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride. It can be difficult when your parents treat you like a child but expect you to act like an adult. All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship.

Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to improve the situation. The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication. When you disagree with your parents,take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view. Perhaps they have experienced something similar and do not want you to go through the same pain. After you have thought it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully,and address their concerns. Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will lean when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.

Just remember that it is completely a common thing to struggle with the stress that parent child tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship. The good news is that this stormy period will not last. Everything will turn out all right in the end, and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will prepare you for adulthood.

1. The first paragraph is mainly introducing ___________.
A.the importance of close family relationships
B.the quarrels between teenagers and their parents
C.the wall of trust between parents and their teenagers
D.the common conversations between parents and children
2. What mainly causes the teenagers family tensions according to the author?
A.Their parents' attitude towards them.
B.Parents' strict control over their teenagers.
C.Parents' expectation on their children's development.
D.Teenagers' physical changes and their mental needs.
3. What would the author agree according to the passage?
A.Parents should let go of the control over their teenagers.
B.Teenagers should always follow their parents' points of view.
C.Parents and teenagers should always keep open conversations.
D.Teenagers should not depend on their parents' love and support.
4. The author thinks the stress that family tensions cause is ___________.


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Study Tips and Techniques

If you find yourself struggling with your studies, here are some useful study tips and techniques that can help you out.

Self-study and research

It is a common wrong idea that self-study can begin only after a particular topic is taught in class.     1     After attending the classes, it is of great importance that you have time to review the notes that you have taken during the class as well as try and read more about the subject on your own.


Yes, one of the important habits that you must acquire to improve the studying process is to involve yourself in group discussions about the subjects that you are studying. Group discussions can be a great way to broaden your viewpoint over important problems since group discussions give every group member a chance to voice their understanding. Group discussions are thus a healthy and a rather informal way of exchanging information and discussing issues.

Regular Planning

    3    . According to your convenience, map out your daily/weekly/monthly study. It is always better to have a weekly or a daily arrangement, so that sudden changes in class schedules or any other changes can be taken into consideration accordingly.

Balanced study

Yes, there exist many students who burn the midnight oil.     4    . Always plan a schedule that will not influence your sleep, your health, your sports/entertainment activities and other tasks.

Build the right attitude

Normally students get too caught up with the grades, the percentage and the entire marking system. Always remember that if you study with the aim of acquiring knowledge, the grades will be brighter. However, if you just aim for the high grades, there is a chance you might get the grades, but you will miss out on acquiring overall knowledge on a particular subject.     5    .

A.Debates and Conversations.
B.Organized and overall notes.
C.You should start preparing for the class in advance.
D.Having a clear project makes it easier for a person to reach the goal.
E.Try and answer these questions yourself with the help of books or Internet.
F.The studying process should leave enough room for entertainment and relaxation.
G.Always study with the right point of view, and you will never have to worry about your grades.
2022-07-09更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to deal with stress

Stress is a negative reaction that the body has to various factors and events. It is often caused by poor health and then leads to various health problems. However, frequent emotional stresses may cause chronic (慢性的) stress.    1    

Introduce sports into your life.

If you are often stressed and not exercising, this is the very sign to start exercising.    2    They think that only a heavyweight gym and a personal trainer are effective. But this is certainly not the case and there are plenty of ways to introduce exercise into your everyday life in an enjoyable way.


Not many people are able to completely give up a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine after a long day at work, but everything should be taken properly. Get rid of the habit of drinking coffee several times a day and drinking a bit too much with friends at every given opportunity — the result will change your mental and physical state in countless ways.

Observe your sleep patterns.

If flowing a good seeping schedule makes it so easy to avoid stress, then why do so few people do it? It’s simple: people often think they are in good condition and if they manage to get through the day with minimal seep they will repeat this unhealthy behavior. Get into the habit of waking up and going to bed at almost the same time, leaving you feeling well-rested and balanced for the day ahead.    4    

Don’t take up other people’s problems.

    5    After all, you want to deal with your own problem, you don’t need to become the personal psychologist of every friend and colleague and take on their pains. It is important to remember your mental health is important. By burying yourself in problems and not taking time to yourself, you increase the probability of suffering from negative stress.

A.Drink less alcohol and coffee.
B.Make time for yourself every day.
C.Balance your personal life and work.
D.Many people give up exercise at a young age.
E.To encourage high-quality sleep is a more attractive choice.
F.It is worth considering different methods of dealing with this condition.
G.For many sport is a perfect way to overcome stress and gain strength for the whole day.
2022-04-23更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了伯特利大学商学副教授Joyce LeMay给正在求职的大学毕业生们的一些建议。

【推荐3】Joyce LeMay is an associate professor of business at Bethel University. She said that college seniors are always amazed by how much work goes into finding a job. “Many college seniors have great resumes(简历) from internships and other part-or full-time jobs. But they are surprised by how long the interviewing process takes,” Many even become discouraged when they are rejected for a role, too. However, there are a lot of ways to increase your chances of finding the perfect role.

“Don’t just look for jobs online,” said LeMay. “Although it’s easy to find jobs on the internet, over 85 percent of job seekers are also looking at the same jobs. Hundreds of people can apply for each position and employers get inundated with responses,” she said. If you do find a job online, LeMay recommends first looking within your own contacts. “It’s good to find out if you have someone in your network that could help you get connected,” she said.

LeMay also advises writing a separate application for each role. “Your resume needs to stand out from your competition and the best way to do that is to customize(定制) it to the specific job you are applying for,” said   LeMay. In the experience section, be sure to highlight accomplishments that match the job description. This will show a future employer that you’re qualified for the role.

A job search can take three to six months or longer, so don’t take rejection personally. You will not get a job offer from every interview, but don’t let that affect your confidence. It’s important to keep trying. “Many college graduates have their hopes set on one or two companies and when the job doesn’t come through they are devastated(难以承受),” said LeMay. “Keep your mind and your options open—there are many incredible career opportunities you haven’t heard of yet.”

1. What does Joyce LeMay mainly talk about?
A.Job rejection is common and frustrating.
B.College seniors prepare their resumes well.
C.College seniors needn’t get frustrated in job rejection.
D.Job interview s consume too much energy.
2. What does the underlined word “inundated” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. Why does LeMay encourage college graduates to keep trying?
A.The incredible jobs are always there.
B.Hunting a job helps improve abilities.
C.Each interview guarantees a job offer.
D.A positive mind ensures a good interview,
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.How can you avoid frustration in job hunt?
B.Why should you make resumes stand out?
C.Why should you keep your options open?
D.How can you find your perfect jobs?
2023-12-16更新 | 65次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般