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中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)
广东 九年级 专题练习 2024-03-31 63次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇

一、语法选择 添加题型下试题

语法选择(约290词) | 适中(0.65)

Have you been back to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played? Robert Qian, a Chinese Canadian, already has. Now in China, he has found that his family is like _____ tall tree with long roots.

Robert is just one young overseas Chinese _____ has come to visit his ancestors’ homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp program. The program _____ by the local government of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so far has brought _____ overseas Chinese students to China to look _____ their families’ roots. The young people are usually between 16 and 25 years old. Most, like Robert, _____ hardly speak any Chinese and have never been to China before.

The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China. During the _____ camp, they study Chinese culture, see changes that have happened in that area, and visit interesting sights. Going to their ancestors’ village is often _____ part of the trip. The students feel _____ they are part of the village, and experience village life. They drink from the village well, go for walks through the countryside, and watch the villagers ______ their daily activities.

Cathy Qian, a young American student, had this to say, “Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am. It has been a great trip, and I have ______ memories of China to take with me.”

The program leaders believe ______ in the program and say that the purpose of it is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about ______. “I’ve really enjoyed the trip so far,” says Robert. “This has been a big step for me, and I’m looking forward to ______ out more about my roots ______ my time here.”

A.organizeB.organizesC.organizedD.is organized
A.thousandsB.thousands ofC.thousandD.thousand of
A.two weekB.two weeksC.two-weekD.two-weeks
A.excitedB.excitingC.more excitingD.the most exciting
A.much tooB.too muchC.too manyD.many too
2024-03-31更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约190词) | 较难(0.4)
真题 名校

Before graduating college, Jackie began to look for a job. She aimed at a famous company, but the _________for such jobs was very strong. The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job. _______, Jackie was one of the three people invited for the final interview. The interview was very _______. The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes. Then the interviewer said to them, "All of you are very good. Please go home and __________our response.”

Three days later, Jackie received a message saying she would not be ________the job. She felt deeply disappointed. That evening, however, she received another _________. This time it said that she got the job.

Jackie later found out that the first message sent to her phone was part of the interview---a_________to see if she was suitable for the job. All the three people received the_________text, but only Jackie's reply_________ the company. Of the three, one did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and Jackie said “thank you”. This reply showed that Jackie was a/an_________person, so the company offered her the job.

A.pick upB.wait forC.deal withD.think of

三、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

When I was six years old, my mom told me that I could find anyone’s number in the phone book. I used to look through the phone book for hours trying to find Michael Jordan’s phone number. When I couldn’t find it, I just dialed seven numbers. When someone answered, I’d ask, “Is that Michael Jordan?” Obviously, I always had the wrong number.

A year later, I started playing basketball at my local recreation center. It was very big. I never thought in my wildest dreams that a basketball court could be inside a building. The recreation center had a special smell in it, sort of like hot rubber. I guessed it was from the shoes hitting the floor so fast and hard. The atmosphere on the court was carefree. Our biggest excitement of the day was when we actually made a shot. We celebrated wins over ice cream at a fast food restaurant.

I got good at it, and confidence grew. I played it all the time until the sixth grade. As soon as junior high school came, I stopped playing basketball and focused on school. When senior high school started, I tried out for the school team and made it. We worked hard. Every week we did 300 push-ups and 300 sit-ups on our own. Our coach encouraged the sit-ups to keep stomach power, because it gave us so much control when we were playing basketball. If we didn’t want to do the sit-ups and push-ups, we could practise dribbling (运球) and shooting more. It’s just us, the ball, the court and the net. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. After all, I’m just one kid playing the game.

26. From Paragraph 1 we know that ________.
A.the author’s mother gave him some wrong phone numbers
B.the phone book has everyone’s phone number except Michael Jordan’s
C.the author wanted to contact Michael Jordan very much
D.the author didn’t know how to use a phone at that time
27. What does the underlined word “obviously” mean?
28. What surprised the author most at the recreation center?
A.That it was very near to his home.
B.That there was a basketball court inside the building.
C.That there was a special smell in it.
D.That there was a fast food restaurant in it.
29. The author’s coach encouraged them to do sit-ups because ________.
A.it is the basic preparation to play basketball
B.it is more useful than dribbling and shooting
C.it is the only way to make people stronger
D.it helps keep stomach power
30. What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To introduce some skills in playing basketball.
B.To tell us about his dream of becoming a basketball star.
C.To introduce his own experience of playing basketball.
D.To tell us how to balance playing basketball and studying.
2024-04-26更新 | 33次组卷 | 2卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65)

LONDON(Reuters)—British milkman Steve Leech, who saved several shops and flats by putting out a fire with 320 pints of milk, was celebrating Thursday after winning a national bravery award.

       Leech, 35, named “Hero Milkman” by the National Dairymen's Association, said that he had noticed smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England, while delivering(递送) milk as usual a year ago.
     “I saw the flats up above and thought I'd better do something. So I kicked the door in and started pouring milk everywhere,” Lee told Reuters Thursday.
       “When firemen arrived, the fire was almost out,” he said. Firemen said he had helped save the lives of eight people living in the flats above the shops.
     It was hard work opening all those bottles, especially since they have tamper-proof lids. But it was even harder trying to explain to my boss where all the milk had gone.”
31. This is a(n)                  from London.
A.posterB.reviewC.advertisementD.news report
32. Leech was awarded the prize for his                 .
A.hard workB.brave behavior
C.inventionD.patriotic behavior
33. Which is the correct order of what Leech did about a year ago?
1 The fire was almost put out.        2 He kicked the door in.
3 He noticed smoke coming out of a shop.       4 He delivered mile as usual.
5 He poured milk everywhere.
34. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests(暗示) that tamper-proof lids add to the difficulty of                  those bottles.
35. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Leech put out a fire with milk at the age of 34.
B.Cornwall is in the north of England.
C.Leech saved eight people in the shops.
D.The fire was already out before firemen arrived.
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65)

Quadruplet brothers in Ohio have all been accepted by Yale and Harvard, and other top universities in the country. Aaron, Zachary, Nigel and Nick Wade are students in Lakota East High School. Lakota East High School Principal Suzanna Davis, said, “I have had the honor of knowing these boys since they were young because of knowing their mom and dad. I have watched these boys grow up into young men. They are excellent students.”

Although they have not made their choices. The Washington Post reports that Aaron likes Stanford University and the three others may likely choose Yale.

When they were younger, their father, Darrin Wade, a software architect (设计师) for General Electric, would punish disciplinary infractions (违纪处分). For example, if they lied, they would be asked to do push-ups (俯卧撑)and run around the block. Darrin and their mother, Kim, principal of Lakota Plains Junior School, also asked them to do word puzzles, memorize math tables and write book reports at home from a young age, reports New York Times.

The media quoted Nick as saying, “We’re grateful to our parents and the Lakota East High School. Thanks for their support through our lives.” “It’s really our parents, our friends and our community who have come together and taught us how to be disciplined (受训练的). Thanks them all.” said Nigel.

36. The underlined word “quadruplet” means _______ in Chinese.
37. Which university does Aaron like?
38. What didn’t their parents ask them to do when they were young?
A.Play jokes.B.Word puzzles.
C.Write book reports.D.Memorize math tables.
39. Who did the media quote as saying?
40. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Good ParentsB.A Poor Family
C.Several Amazing SchoolsD.Excellent Quadruplet Brothers
2024-03-31更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文介绍鲨鱼科学家Daniel Weaver的生活,鲨鱼科学家具备的品质,以及如何才能成为鲨鱼科学家。

Sharks frighten most of us, but Daniel Weaver, a shark scientist, swims with them for a living! We asked him some questions about this unusual job.

So Daniel, what’s it like to be a shark scientist?

Well, it’s a great job. I often travel to faraway places like South Africa and Fiji to study sharks. On the other hand, a shark scientist sometimes does boring desk work, such as writing reports. Also, shark scientists don’t usually get paid a lot.

What qualities (品质) do you need to become a shark scientist?

Shark scientists need to be wise and strong. They enjoy working outdoors and they have to be cool and patient (耐心). They also have to be quite brave!

So do you think it’s a dangerous job?

Well, sharks have up to 15 rows of sharp teeth. However, sharks hardly attack (攻击) humans. There are over 350 kinds of sharks in the world and only about 10 are dangerous to us. In fact, dogs kill more people every year than sharks! Humans kill over 12 million sharks a year for food and sport!

How do you become a shark scientist?

A shark scientist usually studies Marine Science or Zoology at university. It’s also good to get some work experience in an aquarium (水族馆). In my opinion, I have the best job in the world!

41. _______ questions were asked about Daniel’s unusual job.
42. As a shark scientist, Daniel _______.
A.studies sharks in his neighbourhoodB.makes lots of money
C.swims with sharks for a livingD.only writes reports on sharks
43. In Daniel’s opinion, one needs to be _______ to become a shark scientist.
①excited     ②patient          ③brave       ④strong     ⑤wise
44. The underlined “Marine Science” and “Zoology” must be two _______ at university.
45. From the passage we can know that _______.
A.sharks are likely to attack humans
B.dogs are as dangerous as sharks to humans
C.sharks are not dangerous to humans at all
D.humans do more harm to sharks than sharks do to humans
2016-11-25更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65)
阅读短文及文后 A-E 选项,选出可以填入 1 至 5 各题空白处的最佳选项。

Lara and Tara are twins.     46    , but they are very different in everything else. For example, hot food is Lara’s favorite, and Tara has a sweet choice.

However, this isn’t the problem with the twin girls. They always argued that the opposite one was wrong.     47    , while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight.

    48    . To put an end to their fights, their parents decided to create a small drama. They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view. Their parents covered the girls’ eyes with black ribbons (缎带), and brought them to the dining room.     49    . Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other. They couldn’t see the other side of it. When the ribbons were taken away, they were surprised to see a huge board between them.

Now, their father asked Lara, “What’s the color of the board?” She replied, “It’s black!”    50    . She replied, “It’s white!” The two girls began to argue again. Then, they were asked to exchange their places. They couldn’t believe their eyes. They understood that each of them was right in her own view. Most of us are like Lara and Tara. We are right most times, but insist that others are wrong!

A.They look like each other
B.For years, their arguments continued
C.Their mother asked Tara the same question
D.In the room, a big board was placed in the middle
E.Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning
2024-03-31更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)

四、语法选择 添加题型下试题

语法选择(约300词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了发明万维网的伟大发明家Tim Berners-Lee。他在21岁时制作了第一台电脑,1989年发明了万维网,他还免费把这个技术分享给其他人,免费供大家使用。也许他不是当今世界上最出名的发明家,但却是最重要的发明家!

Tim Berners-Lee is not the most famous inventor in the world. However, his _______ has changed our lives.

He was born in London, England in 1955. _______ he was a small boy, Tim was interested in _______ with electrical things. He studied science at Oxford University. He made his first computer _______ an old television at the age of 21.

Tim started working on early computers. At that time, they were much _______ than now. He worked in England then Switzerland. Tim was really interested in two things, computers and how the brain _______. How _______ the brain connect so many facts so quickly? He had to work with people all over the world. They shared information about computers. It was hard to manage all the information. He answered the same questions again and again. It was even difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerland _______ information. Tim also forgot things easily. Could a computer work like a brain? Could it “talk” to _______ computers?

There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) all by ________. This had a special language ________ helped computers talk to each other on the Internet. When people wanted to share information with others, they used the World Wide Web. The Internet developed ________ after that.

Tim Berners-Lee doesn’t think he did ________ special. He says that all of the ideas about the Internet were already there. All he did was to put them together. He says that many other people worked together to make the Internet what it is today.

Most inventors want to become rich. But Tim gave ________ the World Wide Web for nothing. He now works in America. He helps people share technology and wants the Internet to be free for everyone to use. Maybe he is the most important ________ least famous inventor in the world today!

A.bigB.biggerC.biggestD.the biggest
A.workB.worksC.to workD.working
A.shareB.sharedC.sharingD.to share
A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another
A.quickB.quickerC.the quickestD.quickly
2024-03-31更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)

五、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65)

We may have many difficulties in life, and sometimes it’s even unfair for someone, but it depends on how you face them. Sally is a student from a university, she made a __________ last August. She decided to take her grandmother from their hometown and live with her in a rented room near her school.

Sally’s family have met a lot in the past few years. Her grandmother __________ her legs and she could walk only with a stick. Her father died because of illness. Sally’s mother plagued (受折磨) by these events. She lost the ability to take care of others. “This was the only choice. No one else could __________ my grandma,” Sally explained. Her grandmother has also had a __________ life. The old woman’s three sons have all died, and Sally couldn’t leave her alone where __________ could look after her. A room with two beds, a desk and a table is their new home. The room __________ her several hundred yuan every month. In order to make money, Sally works in a supermarket after class and spends the money supporting the family. “I was brought up by my grandma, and now it’s my __________ to take care of her,” said Sally. When she was young, her grandmother “magically” prepared every meal __________ for her every day, even though she could not __________ a clock.

In the eyes of Sally’s teacher, the girl is an excellent student. “Though taking care of her grandmother takes her lots of __________, Sally has tried to stay on top of all her courses. She is even preparing for an English singing contest,” Her teacher said. Sally even refused help from others. “It’s kind of like only getting without giving,” she explained. At present, the girl is able to support the home with her weak shoulder.

A.look forB.wait forC.search forD.care for
A.in timeB.on timeC.at timesD.out of time

六、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

One morning, Ann’s neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local primary school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog. Ann said that she could watch it only for the day.

Tracy took photos of the dog and printed off 400 FOUND fliers (传单), and put them in mailboxes. Meanwhile, Ann went to the dollar store (一元店) and bought some pet supplies, warning her two sons not to fall in love with dog. At the time, Ann’s son Thomas was 10 years old, and Jack, who was recovering from a heart operation, was 21 years old.

Four days later, Ann was still looking after the dog, whom they had started to call Riley. When she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the screen door and barked madly at her. As soon as she opened the door, Riley dashed into the boy’s room where Ann found Jack suffering from a heart attack. Riley ran over to Jack, but as soon as Ann bent over to help him the dog went silent.

“If it hadn’t come to get me, the doctor said Jack would have died,” Ann reported to a local newspaper. At this point, no one had called to claim (认领) the dog, so Ann decided to keep it.

The next morning Tracy got a call. A man named Peter recognized his lost dog and called the number on the flier. Tracy started crying, and told him, “That dog saved my friend’s son.”

Peter drove to Ann’s house to pick up his dog, and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window. After a few moments, Peter said, “Maybe oldie was supposed to find you, maybe you should keep it.”

76. What did Tracy do after finding the dog?
A.She looked for its owner.B.She gave it to Ann as a gift.
C.She sold it to the dollar store.D.She bought some food for it.
77. How did the dog help save Jack?
A.By breaking the door for Ann.B.By leading Ann to Jack’s room.
C.By dragging Jack out of the room.D.By taking care of Jack when Ann was out.
78. What was Ann’s attitude (态度) to the dog according to Paragraph 4?
C.Sympathetic (同情的).D.Thankful.
79. For what purpose did Peter call Tracy?
A.To help her friend’s son.B.To interview Tracy.
C.To take back his dog.D.To return the flier to her.
80. What can we infer about the dog from the last paragraph?
A.It would be given to oldie.B.It would be kept by Ann’s family.
C.It would be returned to Peter.D.It would be taken away by Tracy.
2024-03-31更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)
阅读理解-单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65)

For his eleventh birthday, Lin was given a gift that would shape his life. On that day his father took him to the Children’s Activity Centre and said he could choose any course that interested him. There was just one requirement: Lin would have to promise to study it for at least one year.

To that point Lin had many hobbies, but none kept his interest for more than a week or two. His mum once gave him a bag of stamps to encourage stamp collecting. That hobby lasted a week. Then his father got him some paints hoping that Lin’s artistic side would shine through. Those paints were now under his bed, still unopened. This time Lin’s parents would let him decide.

Lin’s eyes moved down the noticeboard that listed all the courses on offer. He stopped at “Photography”. He liked the idea of taking beautiful pictures but the notice said that each student needed their own camera. Although Lin’s family weren’t poor, they weren’t rich either, and a camera cost a lot of money. He continued looking.

The next course to catch his eye was “Language Art”. He didn’t even know what that meant. His father explained that it taught people how to make public speeches. Lin, a shy boy, could think of nothing worse.

Then he saw it. “Cooking” sounded like something he’d like to do. It was inexpensive and convenient. It could be done alone and it was also creative.

Based on Lin’s hobby history, his dad had doubts, but he agreed. Much to his parents’ surprise, Lin kept his promise. He studied cooking at the centre every Saturday, and practised at home, making delicious meals for his family. Everyone looked forward to birthdays, when they could eat his cakes. Lin got great satisfaction from the pleasure his food brought to others.

The months turned to years but his hobby never changed again.

Now Lin is an adult and runs a successful restaurant. When customers say they enjoy his meal, he still gets the same pleasure he did as a child, and remembers the special gift he received all those years ago.

81. Why didn’t Lin choose to study photography?
A.It was too expensive.B.He had no interest in it.
C.He was not very creative.D.It was not offered that term.
82. The underlined expression “catch his eye” in Paragraph 4 means “__________”.
A.make him excitedB.cause him surprise
C.get his attentionD.help him see clearly
83. Which of the following best describes Lin’s interest in cooking?
A.It only lasted for a short time.B.It seemed to match his character.
C.It was forced on him by his parents.D.It developed slowly over many months.
84. Why did the father have doubts about Lin’s choice of cooking?
A.Lin wasn’t good at cooking.B.Cooking wasn’t very convenient.
C.He didn’t think Lin would continue.D.Cooking wasn’t a good hobby for a boy.
85. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Strict Father.B.A Changeable Boy.
C.The Fun of Cooking.D.The Birthday Gift.
2024-03-31更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 困难(0.15)

In 1972, Richard Sears, a young American began learning Chinese because of his interest in traditional Chinese culture.

Drawn to the ancient language, he went to China to study Chinese in the 1990s.

In 1994, Richard Sears decided to put the ancient Chinese characters online. Then, in 2002, he did it. That is the beginning of the Chinese Etymology(汉字字源)website. "My website did not get much attention for the next few years. Until one day in 2011, it suddenly got a lot of attention.

I got a few thousand emails, and a few million visitors and people started calling me 'Uncle Hanzi', " Sears said with a smile. Hanzi means Chinese characters. He has put more than 96, 000 ancient Chinese characters onto the website. "When I study each character, I wonder what the ancient Chinese thought, " said Sears.

After visiting many Chinese cities, Sears learned more about China and ancient Chinese culture, He said when he came to China in the last century, few Chinese could speak good English "However, you can hear English in many places in China now. Chinese language and culture were mysterious and not known by people in most countries then, but now, more and more people in the world are learning Chinese, even Chinese history, traditional Chinese medicine and so on, "Sears added.

At present, the 70-year-old American has made his home in China. "When I die, I hope my website will live on, and I'm planning to write a book about my research. This will be my gift to China, " he said.

86. What does "Drawn to the ancient language" mean in Paragraph1?
A.Sears was interested in ancient Chinese.B.Sears had to study Chinese characters.
C.Sears could draw Chinese characters well.D.Sears could speak ancient Chinese very well.
87. Chinese Etymology website went online in________.
88. What did Sears put on Chinese Etymology website?
A.Chinese history.B.Ancient Chinese characters.
C.The daily life of Richard SearsD.Traditional Chinese medicine.
89. From the passage, we can infer that Sears set up the website to ________.
A.become famousB.get the nick name "Uncle Hanzi"
C.write a book about his researchD.make more people know about ancient Chinese characters
90. The best title for the passage could be ________.
A.Great Changes in ChinaB.Mysterious Chinese Language and Culture
C.American "Uncle Hanzi"D.A Young American and Traditional Chinese Culture
2020-07-15更新 | 1673次组卷 | 9卷引用:山东省滨州市2020年中考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65)

He was a poet known for the nostalgia he describes in his poems. Now, it’s time for us to express our nostalgia for this great writer.

On Dec 14, 2017, the famous Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong passed away in Taiwan.

Born in 1928 in Nanjing, Jiangsu, Yu studied in Sichuan when he was young. At that time, he had showed great interest in Chinese poems and spent a lot of his free time trying writing poems himself. Then he managed to publish his first poem at the age of 20. A year later, Yu and his family moved to Taiwan. He lived and worked there until his death.

Nostalgia (《乡愁》) is Yu’s masterpiece in which he expresses his homesickness for the Chinese mainland when he was in Taiwan.

Published in 1971, the poem remains highly popular among Chinese speakers worldwide. Even those who know little about literature (文学) are familiar with lines from the poem. The poem is included in Chinese high school textbooks.

Besides his achievements in poetry, Yu was also a successful essay writer, critic and translator.

He once translated English poet Siegfried Sassoon’s poem In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet into Chinese. It is regarded as an accurate and powerful translation, in which the most famous line is “心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇” for “In me the tiger sniffs the rose”.

Yu spent his whole life writing. “The reason why I stick to writing till today comes down to my passion for the Chinese language,” he once said in a 2015 interview. He then added that this passion was strengthened by his love for his mother and his motherland.

Now, let’s appreciate the poem Nostalgia.


When I was young,
Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp,
Me on this side,
Mother was on the other side.
When I grew up,
Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket,
Me on this side,
Bride on the other side.
But later on,
Nostalgia was a low grave,
Me on the outside,
Mother on the inside.
And at present,
Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait,
Me on this side,
Mainland on the other side.

91. What is Yu Guangzhong?
A.A poet, reporter and critic.B.A translator and publisher.
C.A critic, poet and translator.D.A translator and song writer.
92. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Yu lived with his family in Taiwan all his life.
B.Many Chinese people know the poem Nostalgia.
C.We can find Nostalgia in primary school textbooks.
D.Yu translated Siegfried Sassoon’s poem into English.
93. In what order did the events take place in Yu’s life?
① Yu and his family moved to Taiwan.
② Yu told the reason why he stuck to writing.
③ Yu’s poem Nostalgia was published.
④ Yu passed away in Taiwan.
⑤ Yu wrote and published his first poem.
94. Why did Yu spend all his life writing?
A.He made a lot of money from writing.B.He had great interest in English poems.
C.He loved his family and mainland a lot.D.He had a lot of free time and was bored.
95. What can we learn from the Poem Nostalgia?
A.He missed his family and homeland a lot.B.He didn’t want to come to his homeland.
C.He lived with his mother on the riverside.D.His mother had died when he got married.
阅读理解-五选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65)

Two hundred years after Charles Darwin’s birth, studies have found new details of his life at the University of Cambridge. Six leather-bound ledgers (皮革账本) discovered in the university show this.     96    

He lived in the most expensive rooms provided for a rich student at his time.     97     He had someone to clean his room, make his bed and take care of the fire in his bright rooms. He hired a dishwasher (洗碗工), a clothes washer and a man who cleaned his shoes. A tailor (裁缝), hatter and barber made sure he was well presented. A chimney cleaner and a coalman kept his fire going. Christ’s College’s basic food was meat and beer.     98    

Darwin’s bill topped 636 pounds during his three years of study at Cambridge. Later he described this time as the most joyful of his happy life. That large sum (金额) would have been fairly common for a student at Cambridge in the 19th century.


In those days Cambridge was full of rich students living a pretty good life and Darwin was just one of them.     100     And thus (因此) he had plenty of time for socializing or private study. He would be out shooting, collecting beetles, doing his scientific hobbies or visiting friends. He played cards and drank wine at night, just like students always have.

A.Thanks to the richness, he was able to hire servants to help with the daily life.
B.So he paid five and a half pence extra each day to have vegetables.
C.He enjoyed the kind of comfortable university life that most of today’s students can only dream about.
D.He had several people to help him to deal with the daily housework.
E.The bills were paid by his wealthy father, Robert Darwin, a doctor.
2024-03-31更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)

七、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-材料作文 | 较易(0.85)

101. 你叫李华,你校将开展一个题为“All About Me”的英文写作活动。请按要求写一篇英语短文。

1. 你的爱好;
2. 你的优点和缺点;
3. 用具体事例说明你的某个优点或缺点。
注意:1. 词数80个左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

All About Me

My name is Li Hua and I’m from Class 2, Junior 3.

2024-03-31更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:中考完形填空与阅读理解分层突破Topic 2 People and Stories(广州专版)



试卷题型(共 15题)




细目表分析 导出

题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-150.65其他人  中华文化
51-650.65发明与创造  其他著名人物
66-750.65家人和亲人  情感
26-300.65记叙文  个人经历单选
31-350.65志愿服务  新闻报道  细节理解  推理判断  词句猜测单选
36-400.65其他人  教育  记叙文单选
41-450.65工作与职业  其他著名人物  说明文单选
46-500.65哲理感悟  家人和亲人五选五
76-800.65常见动物  记叙文  叙事忆旧单选
81-850.65家人和亲人  爱好  记叙文单选
86-900.15学习体验  记叙文  细节理解  推理判断  词句猜测  最佳标题单选
91-950.65记叙文  文学家单选
共计 平均难度:一般