组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 饮食 > 饮食习俗
题型:阅读理解-判断 难度:0.65 引用次数:20 题号:12447079

What's your favourite time to exercise? The morning, the afternoon, or the evening? In Stanton, USA, people say it's the morning because there are too many other things to do in the evening. The favourite exercise is yoga. 20 classes take place each week.

Stanton townspeople like food. They eat lots of it: 4,000,000 burgers, 2,000,000 pizzas, and 3,000,000 ice cream cones every year.

And how about sports? In Stanton, there are hundreds of golfers and football players, but the favourite sport is surfing.

People like going out in the evening. Many love movies and the theater, but that's not their favourite night out. It's dinner in a restaurant. Food again. That's not a surprise!

1. Stanton is a small village in America.
2. Stanton people's favourite type of exercise is yoga.
3. Their favourite type of food is ice cream.
4. Santon townspeople like going out to have dinner in a restaurant.
5. They like exercising in the morning because they are too busy in the evening.
20-21七年级下·浙江·开学考试 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-五选五(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying “Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.”     1     But their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.

    2     So they eat a small lunch.     3     Also a quiet dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work. Eating at restaurants is also different. In China, people like to talk and laugh while eating. Very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly and they are just having a good time.     4     They want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside world.     5     If some people are talking too loudly, the manager of the restaurant may come out and ask them to be quiet.

A.Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch.
B.After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner at home.
C.If someone is talking too loudly, the manager of the restaurant will look at him or her angrily.
D.In America it is not like this.
E.Many Americans think one should start the day with a good breakfast.
2022-10-30更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many people in America love Chinese food. However, their “Chinese food” is very different from ours. America is a melting pot(熔炉). People from around the world join together there. Many of them bring their traditions with them.

Chinese food arrived in America in the 1850s. At that time, many Chinese people who went to live in the US couldn't find a job. To make a living, some of them opened restaurants. Over the years, Chinese food has become more and more popular. However, many changes have been made according to American people's taste.

One of the changes is about the cooking methods. In America, many “Chinese dishes” are cooked through frying(油炸). In China, few dishes are cooked in this way. Stewing(炖), steaming and boiling(煮)are more common.

Another big change lies in the ingredients(原材料). Cooks in America often use onions and tomatoes in “Chinese food”. In China, these ingredients are used much less often.

In addition, traditional Chinese food uses more types of meat. Chinese people eat duck blood, chicken feet, pig ears and even snakes. Most American people wouldn't choose to eat these things.

Some popular "Chinese dishes" in America can't be found in China at all. For example, the Fortune(幸运)Cookie is an American invention. It is a sweet, crisp(脆的)cookie which contains a piece of paper with some lucky words on it. Fortune cookies are often served in Chinese restaurants, but no one has ever seen it in China.

1. When did Chinese food arrive in America?
A.In the mid 16th century.B.In the mid 17th century.
C.In the mid 18th century.D.In the mid 19th century.
2. Chinese people first opened Chinese restaurants in America to______________.
A.let them have something to eatB.make money to support themselves
C.create new cooking methodsD.spread Chinese traditional food
3. According to the text, the American style Chinese foods______________.
A.can be found in most restaurants in China
B.use more types of meat than Chinese food
C.are made through frying more often
D.use the same ingredients as traditional Chinese food
4. Which picture of the following may be the Fortune Cookie?
2020-02-21更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)


Roti goring is served like a usual Western bread. We cut it into pieces and then spread it over a cup of ice cream.This kind of bread can be easily found in our country. As a snack, roti goreng is served with fine sugar on it.


The traditional bread   is   the   white   bread. It is   baked freshly   and   sliced   (切片) by hand.We like it a lot,because it is great for making toast. Also we can eat with ice cream,which is known as Ice Cream Sandwich.


These are the most common types of bread in Iran.

Barbari: It is great when it is hot and fresh.

Sangak: This one is not baked in an oven, but on little pieces of stone.


We divide bread into two kinds:sweet bread and salty bread. Usually, we eat the bread during lunch, or we use the bread to make “tortas” or “lonches”(Mexican sandwiches).

1. We can have Ice Cream Sandwich in        
2. Which kind of bread is baked on the stone?
A.Sangak.B.Barbari.C.Roti goring.D.Tortas.
3. How many kinds of bread are talked about in the article?
2020-02-01更新 | 36次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般