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题型:阅读理解-判断 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:22954795

We are collecting more news for our school English newspaper. Would you like to be reporters for it? Welcome! Here are two pieces from the news page.

The best runner

We had a sports day at school yesterday. Last year’s best runner, Li Yu, only won the second prize in the 800-meter race. Instead, Yang Liu from Class Two came first by two seconds. Next year the race is going to be more interesting! Who will be the best runner? I wonder.

Good-bye, Mr. White!

Our English teacher, Mr. White, has finished his two years’ teaching at our school and will leave next month. Mr. White is an excellent teacher and he’s always friendly to us. We’ll never forget his lively and interesting teaching. We are lucky to be his students. We thank him for all his hard work and wish him a good journey home. We will miss you, Mr. White!

1. You are welcomed to be reporters for our English newspaper.
2. We had a class meeting at school yesterday.
3. Yang Liu was the best runner last year.
4. Mr. White will leave our school after two more years.
5. We’ll always remember Mr. White’s lively and interesting teaching.


阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A few weeks ago, I went into Chase’s class for help. I e-mailed Chase’s teacher one evening and said, “My son keeps telling me that his homework is maths, but I’m not sure whether I should believe him. Help, please.” She e-mailed right back and said, “No problem! I can help Chase after school anytime.” And I said, “No, not him. Me. He gets it. Help me.”

And that’s why I stayed with Chase’s maths teacher. We talked about teaching children. We agreed that subjects like maths and reading are not the most important things that are learned in a classroom. We also talked about something else — kindness and bravery.

And then she told me this.

Every Friday afternoon Chase’s teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down whom they’d like to sit with the following week. She also asks the students to nominate (推荐) who is the most popular student that week. They needn’t write down their names on the paper.

After the students go home, she takes out those pieces of paper and studies them. In fact, Chase’s teacher is not looking for a new seating chart (表) or “popular students”. She is looking for lonely children. She’s looking for the ones who don’t want to talk with others. She is finding out whose names are not noticed by their classmates.

After watching Columbine, the wise woman knew that all violence (暴力) comes from loneliness. So she decided to start fighting violence early and often, and what she is doing is SAVING LIVES.

And she finds the lonely kids from those lists and tries to help them. It’s maths to her. All is love — even Maths.

1. Chase’s parent asked for help by ________.
A.going to the teacher’s homeB.calling the teacher
C.e-mailing Chase’s teacherD.writing a letter
2. Chase’s teacher asks her students to write down some names on paper ________.
A.because she wants to find the lonely children
B.because she is looking for a new seating cha
C.because she is looking for the popular student
D.because she wants to help her students learn Maths
3. Which of the following can be put in ?
A.Then she gets to know who needs help
B.Then she emails to the students’ parents
C.Then she gives a new seat chart next week
D.Then she finds the most popular student in the class
4. What do we know about the teacher?
A.She’s ready to help the parents.B.She’s kind and full of love.
C.She’s good at teaching Maths.D.She’s a good mother.
5. The best title for the passage can be ________.
A.Learning MathsB.Looking for Help
C.Teaching ChildrenD.Looking for the Lonely
2024-02-27更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】May 23rd, 2021
Dear Principal Becker,

I’m David Brown, a student from Grade 8. I’m sitting in the classroom to write you this letter because I really have something to say about the school lunchtime.

Well, I know that school is for learning. It is important to have good reading and math skills. But I think school is also important for another reason. It helps people to learn to get along with others.

It may seem that lunchtime is not important. As you see, lots of us spend most lunchtimes just talking with our friends. But this activity is more important than it looks. I’m learning how to get along with others. I’m learning how to solve problems.

I’m finding out new things from others. I am learning how to say sorry. These are all important skills to learn. My problem is that the time for lunch keeps getting shorter. I know this is happening so we can spend more time in learning. But please do not forget that we are also learning at lunchtime. We are learning people skills. It is important that we have enough time to spend with our friends.

I really hope that you can make our lunchtime longer. A little more time spent with friends each day would benefit everybody.


David Brown

1. Where did David wrote this letter?
A.At home.B.In the classroom.C.In his bedroom.D.In the music room.
2. Which of the following is TRUE about David?
A.He hopes he can make more friends.
B.He spends a lot of time talking in class.
C.He writes a lot of letters to the principal.
D.He enjoys sending time with his friends.
3. Why did David write the letter?
A.To say sorry to the principal.
B.To show the principal his writing sill.
C.To ask the principal to make lunchtime longer.
D.to say thank you to the principal.
2022-10-23更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约110词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In an English class, the students work hard at their lessons. Their teacher is very happy. She sings some nice songs with them, and she goes to the blackboard and writes “S-M-1-L-E-S ” on it. “This is the longest word in English.” she says to the class. A girl stands up and says, “It has only six letters (字母)! Why is it the longest word in English?” The teacher smiles and says, “Because there is a ‘mile (英里)’ between the first letter and the last.”

1. The girl thinks the word on the blackboard is ___________.
A.longB.not longC.not easyD.easy
2. The teacher thinks “smiles” is ___________ word in English.
A.the shortestB.the bestC.the easiestD.the longest
3. Why does the teacher say “smiles” is the longest word in English?
A.It has 6 letters.B.Everyone likes “smiles”.
C.There is a “mile” between the first letter and the last.D.Englishmen like smiling very much.
2023-12-17更新 | 4次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般