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1 . 快速浏览2a—2e中的课文并思考以下问题。
1. What kind of text is it? Is it a letter, a play, a short story or something else?
2. What kind of person do you think Miss Li is?
3. What do you think of Lucky?
4. How do you usually thank someone who helps you?
5. What lesson have you learned from the story?
2024-05-04更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版八年级下册Unit 2 Section B 2a-2e(阅读课2)预习导学
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约30词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 看图片回答问题。

1. What does the boy find?
2. Is the bike in the picture new or old?
3. What does Jimmy deal with the bike?
4. Does Jimmy have any money in his pocket?
5. What problems do you think Jimmy has now?
2024-05-03更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版八年级下册Unit 2 Section B 1a-1e(听说课2)预习导学
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约30词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 快速浏览3a中的课文,思考并回答以下问题。
1. What does Mario love?
2. What does Mary love?
3. What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do?
4. Why do Mario and Mary volunteer to help others?
5. What do they say about volunteering?
2024-05-03更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版八年级下册Unit 2 Section A 3a-3c(阅读课1)随堂检测
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约10词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 根据图片思考以下问题。

1. Where are the boy and the man?
2. What does the man do?
3. Do the students work for money?
2024-05-02更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版八年级下册Unit 2 Section A 3a-3c(阅读课1)预习导学
任务型阅读-补全句子(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在每小题句子空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文内容一致(每空词数不限)。

I was at the shop last night and saw a homeless woman with a trolley (手推车) full of her belongings. She was sitting inside the shop to keep warm. I went up to her and tried to give her money for something to eat, but she refused. She explained that she had enough food today.

I explained that I just wanted to help her and asked if I could buy her something warm. Again, she said no. She thanked me and said how thankful she was that I could offer help. We introduced ourselves, and she said that when I saw her next time, she would accept help. What an amazing woman! The woman taught me an important lesson: Not all homeless people accept money or help if they believe they’ve received enough that day. I look forward to meeting her again.

Walking out into the cold night, I met a homeless man who was freezing (冻僵的). I gave the money to him. He appeared to have had a drinking problem, but I was glad that he accepted my help.

I left with a special feeling. I always try to understand what it’s like to be in a homeless person’s shoes or to imagine if they were my children facing such difficulties. I learned how lucky I am and how thankful I should before what I have.

1. A homeless woman was sitting inside the shop to ________.
2. The writer was taught ________ by the homeless woman.
3. That night, the writer was so glad because the homeless man ________ the writer’s help.
4. The story probably happened on a ________ winter night.
5. After reading the story, we know that the writer is a really ________ person.
2024-05-02更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年宁夏银川九中教育集团阅海一校区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 根据短文内容回答问题。

For pupils at a village school in Yiyuan country, Shandong Province, Ren Jilan has not only been teaching them but also showing them how to face life bravely, especially when things just don’t seem to be working out.

Ren came from a poor family in a Yiyuan country village. She had to do more housework than other children when she was young because both her father and mother were in ill. With support from her relatives and villagers, Ren completed her 12-year school study and was accepted by Qufu Normal University. But the four-year university experience didn’t go well. Her father died and then she had to care for her mother. At the difficult moment, it was her teacher, Li Zhenhua, who offered help.

After graduation, Ren was faced with chances to work as a teacher in cities, but she chose to return to her hometown and work as a country teacher at Fuluping Primary School. “Teacher Li gave up a well-paid job in a big city to teach children at the village school. I’d like to follow his path,” Ren says.

Fuluping Primary School is 50 kilometers away from downtown Yiyuan country. It was once among the schools with the worst conditions in the country. But the school has its own beautiful and comfortable playground now.

Ren works hard on teaching and taking care of her students. She also spends a part of her money helping two poor students. She received the China Youth May 4th Medal—the country’s top honor for excellent young people.

“Life was not easy for me, but luckily I had nice people around me. They gave me a helping hand when I was in need, and it encouraged me to go on,” says Ren.

1. Who helped Ren complete her 12-year school study?
2. Where did Ren choose to work after graduation from university?
3. How is the playground of Fuluping Primary School now?
4. What honor did Ren get from the country?
5. What do you think of Ren Jilan?
2024-04-28更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年内蒙古自治区赤峰市克什克腾旗中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . When 8-year-old Lilly Bice heard families in Texas lost everything because of a hurricane (飓风), she made a decision to help them with her parents.

Lilly’s parents experienced another hurricane years ago themselves, so they knew people in Texas had difficulty rebuilding their homes after the hurricane. One day, when they discussed how to serve food to the people, Lilly heard their talk. She wanted to play a part in helping those people, too. She decided to give away her toys to the children. “If they have toys to play with, they may feel much better,” she thought.

Then Lilly started to put her toys in a bag. One of them was her favorite doll. Lilly also wrote something on a piece of paper: “Dear little girl, are you excited about getting the doll? I hope you like her. She was a good friend to me and she will be a great friend to you.”

At last, the bag of toys went to Texas with the food.

“Though Lilly is a little girl, she always shows kindness to others. She tells us something important—Even little kids can make a difference. ______________,” Lilly’s mother said with a smile.

1. How did Lilly’s parents help the families in Texas? (不超过10个词)
2. What is Lilly like? (不超过5个词)
3. What would Lilly’s mother probably say in the end? (不超过10个词)
2024-04-28更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年安徽省滁州市中考二模英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . 同学们,每年三月份我们都会参加学雷锋日和植树节活动。作为中学生,我们能否充分发挥想象,发现更多能表达我们爱心的公益活动呢? 阅读下面短文,将选项中的小标题 (A-E)与相应的段落匹配,其中有一项多余,并完成第5小题。

March is famous for Lei Feng Day and Tree Planting Day. Both of them are aimed to show humans’ kindness and friendship. It’s a way to show others how much they matter.

So this year, why not think about the different ways that you can show some extra kindness? Helping other people is guaranteed to make you feel happy, and here are a few easy ways to spread some love.


You don’t have to spend money or buy gifts to show old people that they’re important. Giving your time is also really valuable. You could help at a fundraising (筹备资金) event, have a weekly video call with a grandparent and look after them when they feel lonely.


Charities work hard to raise money so that they can help people. So dropping some spare coins into a donation box or sponsoring a friend or family member can make a big difference. Don’t forget, you can also donate clothes and toys that you've grown out of to your local charity shop.


People always notice a thoughtful or considerate act, whether it’s sharing your sweets or making a cup of tea for your grown-ups, small acts of kindness are a great way to make people feel special.


Sometimes we all need a few extra helping hands. Perhaps you could help a younger brother or sister with their homework, wash an elderly neighbor’s car or offer to collect up books at the end of lesson. It might only take a few minutes, but it could make a big difference to someone’s day.

A. Donating
B. A helping hand
C. Buying gifts
D. Making time
E. Acts of kindness
Would you like to help an old man if he lives alone? What will you do to help him according to the text? (Please write in no less than twenty words两个问题的回答不少于20词)
2024-04-28更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省宁波市海曙区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft lip (兔唇). Children with these conditions have terrible problems with eating, drinking and speaking and one in ten of them die before their first birthday. The luckier ones live, but they are often rejected by friends and sometimes even by their own family. In rich countries, simple surgeries can correct most of these mouth problems and allow children to live normal lives. But in poorer countries, the operations are too expensive for ordinary people and there are not enough doctors who can do them.

In 1982, American doctor Bill Magee and his wife Kathy, a nurse, went to the Philippines to do some cleft lip surgeries. But it was a short trip and there was no time to help all the children who needed surgery. They felt terribly guilty. When they got home, they started a new charity. They called it Operation Smile.

Now Operation Smile works in more than sixty countries. Five thousand volunteers give their time and skills to provide free mouth surgery to the children who need it most. The charity also provides medical equipment and trains local doctors to do the surgery themselves. In this way, the results of an Operation Smile visit continue long into the future.

When an international group of doctors and nurses travels to a country, two secondary school students go, too. The students are usually people who have done a lot of fundraising (募捐) in their local area and told a lot of people about the work of Operation Smile. Their trip is a fantastic way to experience a completely different culture and help to change lives forever.

1. Is it true that the children with cleft lips can’t live longer than one year because they are rejected by their friends or families?
2. Why did Bill and Kathy feel guilty when they were in the Philippines?
3. In how many countries can you find Operation Smile volunteers?
4. What do the secondary school students do before they start a trip with Operation Smile?
5. What do you think of Operation Smile?
2024-04-25更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市二道区长春市第一〇八学校2023-2024学年九年级下学期4月月考英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Some people work a job all their lives, and for them, it’s only a way to make a living. But Carole and Russ Cassidy are lucky. They worked as special education teachers with interest. Now they are retired (退休的) and luck is still with them.

“We just didn’t want to be sitting and not doing anything.” Carole said. “We tried several things, but they weren’t meant for us.” Soon, they found the Princeton Public Library’s Children’s Storytime program and wanted to join in it. “We were lucky. They came and found us and asked to volunteer,” Rebecca Marrs, Children’s Librarian (图书馆管理员) at the Princeton Public Library said. Marrs said the kids loved the retired special education teachers.

Marrs began the Children’s Storytime program at the Princeton Public Library about eight years ago. The Book Babies program, for newborns (新生儿) to 3-year-olds, is held every Thursday and the Preschool program takes place on Friday.

The Cassidys and Marrs said that they didn’t expect the children to sit still (静止) during the storytime. They understand that children can listen while playing. “I love being with kids. I enjoy watching kids playing together and using their imagination most,” Carole said.

1. Did Carole and Russ Cassidy just want to be sitting?
2. Who’s Rebecca Marrs?
3. How often is the Book Babies program held?
4. What did Carole enjoy doing most in the Princeton Public Library?
5. What do you think of the Cassidys and Marrs?
2024-04-25更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市光华中学2023-2024学年八年级下学期4月月考英语试题
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