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任务型阅读-阅读填表(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读短文,完成表格。

Taking kids to the movies sounds like fun. Now we have some suggestions for you.

Choose the right movie and date.

Make sure that you’ve chosen a suitable movie for your children’s ages and that the running time isn’t too long. Avoid opening days, especially with younger children, as too many people can mean long lines and more noise.

Buy the tickets ahead of time and bring your own snacks.

Save yourself time at the ticket box and snack bars. You can buy your tickets online. And bringing snacks from home saves money as well as time. You can bring a box of popcorn to share. Also, bringing small drinks can help to avoid toilet trips.

Let the kids know the rules.

It’s time to talk about a few rules. Make sure your children know the usual cinema rules about being quiet, staying in their seats and not disturbing (打扰) other people. Ask them to tell you some rules before you go inside the cinema—that’ll make sure they can remember them.

Save the attention span (持续时间) for the movie.

Trying to keep your kids sitting for two hours can be difficult. Make it easy on them by skipping (跳过) the endless previews (预告片) and ads at the start of the movie. Ask about when the movie will start and don’t get into the theater until then.

Title:     1    

Choose the right movie and date.※Choose a movie that is suitable for your children’s ages.
※Don’t go to the movies     2    .
Buy the tickets ahead of time and bring your own snacks.※Buy tickets online.
※Bring snacks from home to save     3    .
Let the kids know the rules.※Talk about the rules with your children and make sure they can     4     by asking them to tell you some rules.
Save the attention span for the movie.※Skip the previews and ads at     5     of the movie. Don’t get into the cinema until the movie stars.
2024-02-04更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市西丰县2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读短文简略回答问题

When two people meet, there are a lot of ways of greeting. The ways of greeting are not always the same in different countries.

In America, two people usually greet each other with a handshake. It is a way to show respect (尊重) to the other person. Athletes (运动员) from opposite teams shake hands before a game for the same reason. However, most Americans don’t shake hands when they meet people they already know well. When American friends meet each other, they might only wave (挥手), or maybe just nod (点头) their heads.

Kissing is sometimes used as a way to greet someone. In France, when people meet, they kiss each other on the face.

In Japan, people bow to each other every time they meet. Even family members bow to each other. How low to bow depends on how respected the other person is.

Today, new ways of greeting are created all the time. People can do this with a quick “hi”, a handshake, or even a simple smile. The important thing is that the people they are greeting understand them.

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
2. Why do athletes from opposite teams shake hands before a game in America?
3. Do all American friends greet each other with a handshake when they meet each other?
4. Where do French men kiss each other when they meet?
5. How low does one Japanese bow to the other person?
2024-02-04更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市西丰县2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Spain is famous for its tomato festival, called La Tomatina. It happens in a small town Bunol on the last Wednesday of August every year. During the festival there are all kinds of activities, but the most exciting part is the tomato fight. It takes place at the end of long celebration (庆祝). You are encouraged to throw tomatoes in the fight. There are many stories about how the festival began. One of the stories goes that during the 1940s, some friends started a tomato fight, while another story is about a local band. Anyway, everyone in Bunol seems to have a different story.

Before the tomato fight, there are parades (游行), musical bands, street parties and so on.

On the day of the fight, shopkeepers cover their windows and doors in order to keep away from the tomato fight. At the same time, thousands of tourists and local people come to the town square together. Then large trucks (卡车) full of tomatoes arrive. From the back of the large trucks, a great town band start to throw tomatoes at others. Then the crowds fight back, throwing the tomatoes at anything and anyone. Soon the streets are in the sea of red tomato juice.

Everyone should obey (遵守) a small number of rules: You must squash (压烂) the tomato before throwing it and you are allowed to throw nothing but tomatoes.

It is usually over in less than half an hour. Everyone then sets off to the river to clear up. Sounds like fun!

1. The most exciting activity of La Tomatina is________.
A.paradesB.street partiesC.the tomato fightD.the musical band show
2. The stories about how the festival began are ________according to the passage.
A.very clearB.quite sadC.very famousD.quite different
3. On the fight day, ________.
A.people fight for the whole day
B.people can throw everything
C.shopkeepers are not allowed to watch people fight
D.lots of tourists and local people join in the fight
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The festival happens on the last Wednesday of August every year.
B.On the fight day, shopkeepers cover their windows and doors.
C.The fight usually lasts half an hour.
D.Everyone should obey some rules on the fight day.
2024-01-19更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭地区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Liang Xiyan still missed her long black hair, which was cut two weeks ago.

Liang became a senior high school student in September. In her new school, the rules say that boys’ hairstyles must be cropped (剪短) and girls’ hair cannot fall below their shoulders.

Liang’s school is not alone: many have similar rules on hairstyles. Teachers think a cool hairstyle is a waste of time and money. It may also distract students from their studies. “Your personality (个性) is not shown in how you wear your hair but in your ability,” say teachers.

It’s difficult for students to follow these rules. Teenage students like to look nice but they are asked to wear school uniforms. Liang says the only way in which they can be different lies in how they wear their hair. And they want to copy their favorite stars’ hairstyles. They wouldn’t be happy in a school with strict rules.

“I prefer a school with rules-on hairstyles,” said Li Man, a Senior student. She said her school’s rules on hairstyles are OK but there could be some little changes. “For example, boys should be allowed to have their hair a little longer,” Li said. “But students must not dye or curl their hair (染发或烫发). This way there will not be so many complaints.”

1. Which of the following hairstyles is not allowed in Liang’s school?
A.A boy with long and yellow hair.B.A boy with short and black hair.
C.A girl’s hair is above her shoulders.D.A girl’s hair is black and short.
2. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ________.
A.what rules schools haveB.what students think of the rules
C.why schools have the rulesD.how many schools have similar rules
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “distract” in Chinese?
4. We can learn that students ________ in Liang’s school.
A.can show their personalities by hairstylesB.must not have a cool hairstyle
C.should wear the same shoes to schoolD.can show they are different by wearing their favorite clothes
2024-01-19更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭地区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When you were a little child, your parents made decisions about everything for you because you weren’t old enough to take care of yourself and make careful decisions. Finally, however, you grow up and become a teenager. You begin to have your own thoughts and opinions about life.

As you change and grow into this new person who makes your own decisions, your parents may have a difficult time adjusting (调整) themselves to the new you—they only know you as a child.

In most families, this adjustment can cause lots of arguments between teens and parents. You want to cover your walls with posters, but your parents don’t understand why you don’t like your wallpaper anymore. Then you feel your parents don’t respect you and don’t allow you to do what you like, and your parents get angry because they disagree with your decisions. And some other things like the type of friends you have can cause even bigger arguments, because your parents will always be ready to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are.

However, the good news is that there will be fewer arguments as your parents realize that you have grown up and should have your own ideas. Before you get on very well with each other again, communication between you and your parents is very important.

1. The writer describes ________ in the first paragraph.
A.the decisions you may makeB.the change you may make
C.the happy time you may haveD.the friends you may have
2. Why do your parents need to adjust when you become independent?
A.Because they don’t often stay at home.
B.Because they’re busy at work.
C.Because they get angry easily.
D.Because they’re not familiar (熟悉的) with the new you.
3. The underlined word “respect” means “_________” in Chinese.
A.责备B.培养 C.欢迎D.尊重
4. From the passage, we can learn that ________.
A.teenagers like to be with their parents
B.parents may have a happy time adjusting
C.parents don’t need to communicate with their children
D.the type of friends you have may cause bigger arguments
2024-01-19更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭地区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Have you ever met large chances in life and work? How would you feel in most cases? In fact, we all have to go through the grief cycle (悲伤周期) which has the following periods.

The first period: “It can’t be happening.”

Anger: “Why me? It’s not fair.”

Depression (抑都): “I’m so sad. Why do I have to do all of these?”

Acceptance (接受): “It’s going to be OK.”

I’m honestly not sure how scientific this model is, but recently believe that you will work better after going through these major changes.

Find out what your anger does for you — good or bad?

What does being angry do for you? Think back to the situation where you have been angry at work and ask yourself how it influences you, including: your relationship with co-workers, the quality (质量) of your work and health, how you feel outside of work, your relationship with friends and family.

Find out what makes you angrier and less angry.

What makes you angrier? Which thoughts, situations, people or conversations set you off? And what makes you less angry? I’m sure you are not angry all the time. What makes you calm and stops you from feeling angry? Find out. Then start doing less of what makes you angry and more of the things that cool you down.

Focus on gratitude.

What are you grateful for? As I mentioned above, anger is part of the grief cycle which is connected with what you lose. Gratitude is the opposite of loss because it comes from the good things you have in your life. It’s simple. Every evening, sit down with a piece of paper and make two gratitude lists: three things I was grateful for at work today; three things I was thankful for in life today.

Change your focus from “What was done to me” to “What I can do”.

I know this is the basic piece of all self-help advice. Life is 10% about what happens to you and 90% about how you deal with it, or you must take responsibility for your own situation, rather than be a victim (牺牲品) of it. That kind of advice can get pretty boring. But that doesn’t make it less true.

1. Why does the writer begin the text by asking questions?
A.To explain facts.B.To express disagreement.
C.To give opinions.D.To catch the readers’ interest.
2. What’s the writer’s suggestion about dealing with anger?
A.Love friends and family.B.Do things that make you peaceful.
C.Be friendly to co-workersD.Write down what makes you angry.
3. What does the underlined word “gratitude” most probably mean?
4. Which of the following best describes the last piece of advice?
2024-01-19更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭地区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In the Americas (在美洲), Asia, and Africa there’s a special kind of forest called the cloud forest. Cloud forests can be found in the clouds on the mountains.

Like rainforests, cloud forests experience rainfall (降雨), but they also catch water straight from the air. Water condenses (凝结), you’ll hear the drop of water, even if it’s not raining. The water caught is clear and unpolluted through the ground into rivers.

Some people call cloud forests water towers, because they are so important in providing water for nearby villages and cities. But it’s not just humans who depend on cloud forests. They are also home to a lot of animals and plants.

Cloud forests are very special places. But they face problems. Local poor people clear the forests so that they can grow crops. They also hunt (猎杀) endangered animals for meat, and cut down trees to heat their homes and cook. Farmers convert (改造) the land so that they can grow fruits and coffee beans (咖啡豆).

Once cloud forests are cleared, the harm (伤害) can be irreversible (不可逆转的). Many species (物种) which are important to the ecosystem (生态系统), go away.

Cloud forests are very valuable. With laws to protect them, we might be able to save them before it’s too late.

1. The water of cloud forests comes from _________.
A.the rainB.the airC.riversD.clouds
2. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The meanings of cloud forests.B.The problems of cloud forests.
C.The advantages of cloud forests.D.The importance of cloud forests.
3. From Paragraph 4, we know _________.
A.people are trying to save the cloud forests
B.people are doing harms to the cloud forests
C.farmers are making better uses of cloud forests
D.farmers are turning the cloud forests into green land
4. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?
A.To ask people to protect cloud forests.B.To tell people cloud forests are valuable.
C.To make people know more about forests.D.To encourage people to walk close to nature.
2024-01-16更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市铁岭县2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . ① China is a nation of etiquette (礼仪). Chinese people are among the most hospitable (好客的) people in the world. If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests.

② When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Then he will serve you snacks like biscuits or candy. Someone in the family will also talk with you, never letting you feel lonely.

③ At the same time, other family members will prepare a meal for you. Chinese people treat their guests with a big meal. They always present more food than the guests can eat. And the guests must be the first to eat. Perhaps one of the things that surprise Western guests most is that the Chinese host likes to pick up food for visitors, which won’t happen at Western tables. The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home. As you finish eating, the host usually says, “It seems that you didn’t eat much. Please have more.” Although you tell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl.

④ Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius (孔子) said thousands of years ago:

To meet friends from afar,

How happy we are!

1. As a guest in a Chinese family, you are usually offered _________ by the host.
A.coffee and candyB.juice and cakesC.tea and biscuitsD.milk and tea
2. What the Chinese family do for the guests is to _________.
A.make them feel at homeB.show their wealth
C.make them feel uncomfortableD.show their cooking skills
3. Which of the following is the structure (结构) of this passage?
4. The passage mainly tells us about _________.
A.where Chinese people usually goB.how Chinese people treat the guests
C.what food Chinese people like to eatD.why Chinese people invite the guests to their homes
2024-01-16更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市铁岭县2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . As the “Double Reduction” policy (“双减”政策) came out, students have time to do after-school activities. Last month we did a survey (调查) about how to make your spare time more meaningful. We asked 1,000 students in our city. They have done different things for fun, for exercise or for knowledge. They may visit different places, do exercise, read in the library, get close to nature and so on. Now we give the following suggestions.

First, most students think that visiting different places make a difference to their lives. It not only brings them a lot of fun, but also helps them open up their eyes. Second, it is a good chance for them to get close to nature and relax themselves. Third, they can know more about the world by reading and can be inspired (鼓励) to think deeply. What’s more, they can do exercise, go to the cinema, and take part in some social activities as volunteers to help those in need. Look at the following charts (表格). You can know more about the survey.

The meaningful things for the students:
Why do they think visiting different places is meaningful?
1. The number of the students who think doing exercise is meaningful is _________.
2. The main reason why the students choose to visit different places is that they can _________.
A.feel relaxedB.open up eyes
C.see interesting thingsD.meet different people
3. If you want to know more about the world and think deeply, you’d better _________.
A.watch moviesB.play in natureC.read in librariesD.travel with friends
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Nobody likes to go to the cinemas.
B.Seven things are mentioned (提及) in the first chart.
C.We can help others as volunteers.
D.Students go to nature because they don’t like school.
2024-01-16更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市铁岭县2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下文并回答问题。

TIME announced the 2022 Idol of the Year. 60-year-old Michelle Yeoh was named and made the cover. She used her power to tell everyone that ________.

When it came to how she made it, she especially talked about the power of representation (代表). She said that so far, no Asian women had won the Academy Award for Best Actress, so whenever there was a chance, she would catch it and make every effort to play the role.

However, it’s not that easy to be recognized (赏识). “I’ve been working in this industry (行业) for almost 40 years and to finally be recognized for my work. Before that, I’ve been everywhere and I’ve done everything because there are fewer roles waiting for women as we grow older. And then you find you can only play some older women roles. In those days of waiting, I felt really thankful for the love, care and support that I got from the people around me. And now I get everything all at once. So it’s worth the wait.”

That’s the real difficulty actresses need to face. What happened dramatically is that women have started to take control of their own life. They’re not going to wait for someone else to create roles for them. Maybe in the future, more actresses will be recognized for their talent and hard work.

1. Was Michelle Yeoh named TIME’s 2022 Idol of the Year?
2. How long has Michelle Yeoh been working as an actress?
3. Please complete the sentence in Paragraph 1.
She used her power to tell everyone that
4. Do you think that women are treated fairly at work? And why or why not?
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