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1 . Bullying (霸凌) happens to me, you or anyone. What is bullying? Bullying is when someone scares you or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, outside of school or online. Bullying includes laughing at people, taking someone's thing without asking, not letting someone play in a group and hitting people.

Bullying on the Internet is called cyber-bullying and it includes sending mean(刻薄的) messages about someone, sharing someone's personal information without asking and not letting someone be part of an online group.

If someone is very mean to you at school, tell an adult who you know and believe in. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher about it. If a person sends a mean message online, you can block(屏蔽) him or her. Ask an adult to help you and don't reply to the messages.

Talk to your parents, teachers or the adults that you know well if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend who is bullied.

Say sorry if you are mean to someone. You can send a message or talk to him or her. Think about how to be kind in the future.

We can all help to say no to bullying.

1. According to the passage, which of the following may NOT be bullying?
A.Calling someone up.B.Laughing at someone.
C.Taking others' things without asking.D.Hitting people.
2. If someone bullies you on the Internet, you can________.
A.replay to his messageB.ask your parents for help
C.stop using the InternetD.hit the person
3. When you are mean to someone, what should you do?
A.Send a message.B.Talk to him or her.C.Say sorry.D.Above all
4. Which of the following is true?
A.You should say sorry if you bullied someone.
B.Even teachers can do nothing if you are bullied.
C.Bullying can't happen outside of school.
D.You should keep it to yourself when your friend is bullied.
5. What's the best title(标题) for the passage?
A.What is bullying?B.What is cyber-bullying?
C.Say no to bullyingD.Help those who are bullied
2020-08-20更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年云南省红河州开远市初中学业水平复习统一检测(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Parents always want the best for their kids. But everyone has their own way of parenting(养育). Here are some popular parenting styles. Which one do you like best?

Tiger parents(虎爸虎妈)

They are strict with their children. They want them to get the best grades in their class. They love their kids in their hearts.

Dolphin parents(海豚式父母)

They just want their kids to be happy and healthy. They make sure their kids get enough sleep and exercise.

Helicopter parents(直升机式父母)

They worry too much about their children and "fly" over them like helicopters. Many people think these parents should give their children more freedom(自由).

Lawnmower parents(割草机式父母)

Like a lawnmower that cuts grass, they get rid of(去除) all difficulties for their children. Their kids never learn to work out problems on their own.

1. Tiger parents treat their kids in a ________ way.
2. Dolphin parents usually want their children to get ________.
A.best gradesB.little sleepC.enough loveD.enough exercise
3. If you have helicopter parents, you may ________.
A.get less freedomB.face more difficulties
C.worry about your parentsD."fly" over your parents like helicopters
4. As lawnmower parents, they will ________.
A.cut grass before their kids
B.get rid of all difficulties for their kids
C.make sure their kids are happy and healthy
D.ask their kids to work out problems on their own
5. What's the best title for the passage?
A.Kids and parentsB.How parents get on with kids
C.Everyone has their own parentsD.Different ways of parenting
2020-08-05更新 | 937次组卷 | 7卷引用:2024年云南省大理州中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

3 . It might be fun to use your smartphone, but be careful. Too much screen time may be harmful to your health.

First, it is bad for your eyes. A researcher called Sarah Hinkley says the problem comes from the blue light that the screen gives out. Looking at a smartphone for a long time can cause eye strain(劳损), headaches and dry eyes. So it is a good idea to take a break every 15 minutes when you are working at a computer or using a smartphone.

Second, screen use can do harm to children’s brains. A new study shows that using screens too much can affect(影响) how children’s brains grow. If children use screens for more than one hour a day, they might have lower levels of white matter in their brains. White matter is a key to the development of language and reading skills. So it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens.

Third, using screens too much will affect your sleep. According to a study, about 95% of the people between the ages of 13 and 64 use electronics before bed, especially the young people under 20. Doctors say that the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed. Then it’s hard for you to get enough sleep. So you’d better turn off smartphones, TVs, and all other screens an hour before your bedtime.

To keep healthy, doctors and researchers strongly advise that you shouldn’t use screens for long hours.

1. The blue light from your screens can cause ________.
A.eyestrainB.headachesC.dry eyesD.all of the above
2. According to the passage, you can’t sleep well because you ________.
A.take a break every 15 minutesB.have lower levels of white matter
C.use screens too much before bedD.are the people from 13 to 64
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Using smartphones for long hours does harm to your eyes.
B.A lot of screen time affects children’s brain growth.
C.The light from electronics at night may make you excited.
D.People of all ages mustn’t use electronics.
4. You may read the passage in ________.
A.a science magazineB.a travel diaryC.a guide bookD.a novel
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The ways to keep healthy.B.The harm of using screens too much.
C.The ways to use screens.D.The advantages of using screens.
2020-07-30更新 | 1220次组卷 | 18卷引用:云南省2020年中考英语试题
阅读理解-判断(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In China, there are 24 solar terms(节气)in a year. And there are six of them in winter. They are beginning of winter, light snow, heavy snow, winter solstice(冬至), lesser cold(小寒)and greater cold.

Beginning of winter usually falls on November 7th or 8th. After beginning of winter, most parts of the country can start to expect cold weather. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to have a rest and spend time with family. The northern China celebrates beginning of winter as the “Small Spring Festival”. People usually have dumplings and mutton soup on that day.

Light snow usually falls on November 22nd or 23rd and heavy snow usually falls on December 7th or 8th. When winter solstice comes, it brings the shortest days of the year and the longest nights. Many places around the country can expect the coldest weather yet. People often start counting “nine cold periods” starting from winter solstice. Every cold period has nine days. People believe that after 81 cold days, spring will come.

Greater cold comes after lesser cold. The field is covered with snow. And all Chinese are ready to welcome the Spring Festival after it. Of course, a new round of solar terms will start.

1. From the passage, we know that there are six solar terms in winter.
2. People in northern China usually have dumplings and mutton soup on beginning of winter.
3. Heavy snow comes before light snow.
4. All Chinese are ready to celebrate the Spring Festival after greater cold.
5. The passage tells us how people celebrate the Spring Festival.
2020-07-30更新 | 935次组卷 | 9卷引用:云南省2020年中考英语试题

5 . Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. And it has very close relationship to Chinese culture.

It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by Shen Nong. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some and found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. So tea was created.

Drinking tea has many advantages. It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.

Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, So It is suggested that you drink it hot.

Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.

The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is full.

Do not drink with medicine. It may change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine.

Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.

1. Shen Nong felt thirsty ________.
A.when he was walking around his palace.
B.when he was visiting a nearby part of his country.
C.when his servant was making hot water.
D.when he was visiting a faraway part of his country.
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Tea was discovered in summer.
B.Shen Nong is not only a king, but also a scientist.
C.The servant was trying to make hot water when some fresh leaves fell into it .
D.The king found the water could make him feel less tired.
3. Drinking tea has many advantages except ________.
A.helping people cure(治愈) diseasesB.making people feel less tired
C.clearing heat inside the human bodyD.helping people lose weight
4. Don't drink tea with medicine because________.
A.it may makes you have a strong wish to eat.B.it may change the medical result.
C.it may be harmful to your stomach.D.it may make you feel sick.
5. The passage is mainly written to________?
A.let us know tea was discoveredB.give some advice on drinking tea.
C.tell people why tea is producedD.advise people to drink green tea
2020-07-22更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年云南省红河州开远市初中学业水平复习统一检测(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-判断(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . December 1st, 2019, it's an unforgettable day for us. Because on that day, the first person who was infected(感染) by COVID-19(新冠病毒) was discovered. On December 29th, 4 confirmed cases(确诊病例) were sent to Jinyintan hospital in Wuhan. From then on, things became worse and worse. According to the first report (Dec. 31st)from Wuhan government, the number of confirmed cases has increased to 27. And the first death caused by this virus(病毒) happened on January 11th,2020. Since COVID-19 can spread among human beings, the Spring Festival travel rush(春运) provided the perfect chance for it. So far, the COVID-19 has caused about 4,600 deaths in China and over 270,000 in other countries.

Our government has taken lots of measures to stop the virus from spreading and it works well. As for each of us, there are many things we could do to protect ourselves, too. Remember to wear a face mask if you have to go out. Do not go to crowded areas. Don't touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hand. Wash your hands with soap. If you are infected by accident, don't be worried. We have the best experts and doctors like Zhong Nanshan, and you can get free treatment. We believe that we will return to our happy lives one day.

1. Four confirmed cases were sent to the hospital in Wuhan on December 29th.
2. The spread of COVID-19 has nothing to do with the Spring Festival travel rush.
3. If you are infected by COVID-19, you have to pay for your treatment.
4. The COVID-19 has lead to around 274600 deaths in the whole world so far.
5. Six pieces of advice for us to protect ourselves are mentioned(提及) in the passage.
阅读理解-判断(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In China, there is a long history of using knots(结) for decoration(装饰品) on clothes or to hang on a wall.

Chinese knots can be in different shapes. Each shape has its own symbolic(象征性的) meaning, and nowadays you can find them as gifts for special celebrations, and decorations on clothes. Each kind of knot is named after its shape or the symbolic meaning that it carries. Though knots are made in many kinds of colors, red is the most popular color because red means good luck in China.

It’s known that knots were used for artistic(艺术的) decoration and to express thoughts and feelings in the Tang Dynasty(618-907). And the traditional art form was carried on by generations as part of their culture.

Even today, Chinese knots are rich in symbolic meaning. Knots mean love and marriage in Chinese culture. In ancient times and even now, lovers may give a knot as a symbol of their love. The “true love knot” and the “double happiness knot” are given or used at weddings(婚礼) to express love and getting old together.

Also, knots are still used if they wear traditional Chinese clothing. They are used as good luck charms(护身符). They are also used as jewelry(珠宝) such as earrings and necklaces. They are sold as handicrafts(手工艺品), too.

1. In China, knots are used for making clothes.________
2. Chinese knots in different shapes have different symbolic meaning. ________
3. Knots are made in many kinds of colors, but red is the most popular color. ________
4. Now people can’t give or use knots at weddings to express love. ________
5. According to the passage, we know knots are not only used as jewelry but also sold as handcrafts. ________
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
8 . 根据短文内容,在A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案。

Beijing Opera is one of the Chinese traditional drama art forms and the largest Chinese opera form. Having a history of about 200 years, it is developed from many other drama forma, mostly from the local drama "Huiban". It was especially popular in south China during the 18th century.

Theatrical (戏剧的) art forms in many other countries do not have singing, dancing and spoken parts together in one single drama. An opera singer, for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage; there are no singing or dancing parts in a modern play; in a dance drama, the dancer doesn't speak or sing. Traditional Chinese drama, including Beijing Opera, is a kind of entertainment. It includes spoken parts, singing and dancing.

Beijing Opera has spread to many other places. Mei Lanfang, one of the most famous performers of all, was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries.

"You will doubt and sometimes be a little bored, but you will be interested gradually. You will be strongly attracted to Beijing Opera, even if you know nothing about the drama background." This is how one traveler described his first experience in watching Beijing Opera.

Beijing Opera is China's national opera and it is full of Chinese cultural traditions. Welcome to China and enjoy Beijing Opera!

1. Beijing Opera is________.
A.unpopular in north ChinaB.only developed from the local drama "Huiban"
C.a much larger Chinese opera formD.a Chinese traditional drama art form
2. After watching Beijing Opera for the first time, the traveler felt________.
3. The underlined word "_it" in the last paragraph means ________.
A.Beijing OperaB.local dramas
C.an opera singerD.a modern play
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Beijing Opera is a kind of entertainment.
B.An opera singer neither dances nor speaks on stage usually.
C.Only old people are interested in Beijing Opera.
D.Mei Lanfang was the first one to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners.
5. The main purpose of writing the passage is to ________.
A.ask young people to learn Beijing OperaB.tell us something about Beijing Opera
C.show why Beijing Opera is popular in EuropeD.introduce everything about foreign Opera
2020-06-29更新 | 695次组卷 | 8卷引用:【中考模拟】(云南卷)2021年中考英语第二次模拟考试(含听力)

9 . When your pen is broken, the battery in your toy runs out, or you have some leftover food, what do you do with these things? You will probably throw them all into one bin. But actually, all of these pieces of trash need to be sorted(分类) separately. In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on it.

Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a“ green account(绿色账户)”service for people. Account holders get points by correctly sorting their garbage. Through the Alipay app, they can exchange the points for milk, phone cards and other products. The city is asking all of its people to sort their garbage into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.

Wet waste is also known as household waste. “They are things you don’t want but that pigs can eat,” Guangzhou Daily explained. Paper, metal, glass and other things that can be reused are recyclable waste. Harmful waste includes things like medicine, batteries and fluorescent bulbs(荧光灯泡).Finally, any waste that’s not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the “dry waste” bin.

Many other Chinese cities are also using this method to sort their garbage. For example, Shenzhen has been sorting its garbage into the same four groups since 2012. Students there also receive waste-sorting guidebooks that they must study.

China is improving its waste-sorting efforts. There is still a long way to go. But it’s never too late to learn how to sort your trash properly and protect the environment.

If you don’t sort your garbage, all of it will go to a landfill(垃圾填埋场) and be buried together. These landfills can take up large areas of ground that could have been used for planting trees or crops. The electronic waste you throw away, such as batteries, can pollute the soil and groundwater. Other pieces of garbage, like the metal part of a pen, can be used to make other things if they are properly recycled.

1. How can we deal with all kinds of home rubbish?
A.We can throw them away freely.B.We can sort them separately.
C.We can throw them all into one bin.D.We can pack them all.
2. How many groups is Shanghai asking people to sort their garbage?
3. How is Shanghai encouraging people to sort their garbage?
A.By paying people to sort their trash correctly.
B.By providing its people with guidebooks to help them.
C.By allowing people to exchange garbage with each other.
D.By creating a “green account” service for people with the help of Alipay.
4. Things below are harmful waste Except ________.
5. Which is true about rubbish sorting in China according to this passage?
A.Landfills are a great way of dealing with garbage.
B.It’s too late to teach people how to sort trash properly.
C.Shenzhen has started its garbage sorting system since 2012.
D.People in Shenzhen don’t need to sort garbage.
2020-05-21更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年云南省红河州蒙自市初中学业水平考试英语模拟试题

10 . I live in a nice new building in Beijing. It is very tall. It has eighteen floors. There are about eighty families in the building. That is to say (也就是说), about two hundred and forty people live in the building.

My home is on the twelfth (第十二) floor. We have two bedrooms and a living room. They are big and clean. There are a lot of big trees and beautiful flowers around our building. I like looking out of the window in my room. I can see cars and buses running in the street. I can see people walking in the street, too. They look so small! I can also see a lot of tall buildings. How beautiful Beijing is! I am happy to live in this nice, new and tall building.

1. There are ________floors in the building.
2. How many people are there in the building?
A.Two hundred.B.Three hundred.
C.Two hundred and forty.D.About two hundred and forty.
3. There are many ________ around the building.
A.carsB.big trees and beautiful flowers
4. What can I see from the window in my room?
A.I can see cars and buses running in the street.B.I can see people walking in the street.
C.I can see a lot of tall buildings.D.A, B and C.
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The building is tall.B.There are a lot of birds around the building.
C.Beijing is very beautiful.D.The building is new.
共计 平均难度:一般