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1 . Do you often compare yourself to other people? Whether it’s the number of goals you’ve scored at football or how many books you’ve read, it’s easy to compare yourself to someone else. It’s a natural behavior that helps humans learn from each other, live happily together and achieve more. However, it s not always helpful and you can find yourself fall in a comparison trap (陷阱). This is when you always measure yourself against others and base your feelings on how well they seem to be doing.

Comparison can make us feel good and bad about ourselves. “Comparing up” means seeing someone is better than you and using that to encourage yourself to aim higher and try harder. However, sometimes it can make you feel rubbish about yourself and undermine your confidence. “Comparing down” is when you see someone who seems like they’re not doing as well as you. This might make you feel you’re doing well, but it can also stop you wanting to improve.

How do you escape comparison trap? If your feelings depend on what other people are doing, always stay with cheerleaders. Notice how people make you feel and spend time with friends who celebrate your strengths rather than compare themselves to you. If you follow social media (媒体) accounts that make you feel you are failing in any way, unfollow them. Find ones that make you laugh or show you lovely places instead. Finally, pay attention to your own achievements and how you can improve. The best person you can compete with is yourself.

Let’s make positive, healthy comparisons. Instead of trying to be the best aim to be your best. This means you value your own achievements and not someone else’s. Celebrate progress instead of the final result. It doesn’t matter if someone is better or faster than you, it’s how hard you try that’s important. Set some goals and pay attention to your progress. Instead of saying “I can’t do it”, say “I can’t do it yet”.

1. What is the purpose of comparing yourself to others according to the text?
A.To knock your confidence.
B.To learn from each other and achieve more.
C.To make others feel bad about themselves.
D.To stop you want to move.
2. Which word is close to the underlined word “undermine”?
3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.Competing with yourself is not necessary.
B.Your feelings always depend on other people.
C.We can follow the ways to escape comparison trap.
D.Friends can make you laugh and show you lovely places.
4. What is the key to making positive, healthy comparisons?
A.Valuing others’ achievements.B.Celebrating your progress.
C.Trying to be better than everyone else.D.Trying to be the best in everything.
5. Which can be a proper title for the text?
A.Suggestions on “comparing up”.B.Keys to stopping comparison.
C.Benefits of aiming high.D.Ideas about making comparison.
2024-04-02更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省石家庄市新华区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Are you emotional (情绪激动的)? Do you often have strong feelings? How do you deal with bad emotions?

We feel angry or unhappy about the things we did or did not achieve, about the things we cannot have, and many other things. It seems that everyone carries their own bad moods (情绪). But neither unhappiness nor anger can help us. Over time, they can be heavy weights on our shoulders.

These bad moods don’t do anything good for us at all. So you might ask yourself—is it possible to put down this heavy burden (负担) and give yourself a break? It is quite possible. Start by actually learning about your feelings. How do they get inside of us? Why do we carry them for so long instead of putting them down? Can we live without them?

By thinking about our bad moods, we can find healthy ways to deal with them. Unhealthy behaviors are not the way to do this. They provide no relaxation. Instead, there are better ways to deal with them. One of the best ways is forgiveness (原谅).

Forgiveness is a powerful tool. We should forgive ourselves first. We shouldn’t keep bad moods inside. We must also forgive others who have made us unhappy or angry. This is not always easy. But when we learn to forgive ourselves, it becomes easier to forgive others as well.

There is nothing good about carrying years of emotional burdens. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can abandon our burdens and feel better about ourselves. When you do this, you will start to feel a lot lighter. Years of heaviness will be magically lifted! You’ll start to feel like you have more energy and you’ll be much happier with your life.

1. How does the writer begin the text?
A.By telling a story.B.By listing differences.
C.By showing facts.D.By asking questions.
2. What should you do first to deal with the bad moods?
A.Ask others questions.B.Study your moods.
C.Try to live without them.D.Keep them in your mind.
3. What is a right way to deal with bad emotions according to the text?
A.Forgiving ourselves and others.B.Keeping bad moods inside.
C.Sharing bad moods with others.D.Finding good emotions to replace them.
4. What does the underlined word “abandon” mean?
A.Put away.B.Give up.C.Stay with.D.Carry on.
5. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Forgive OthersB.How to Deal with Bad Emotions
C.How to Forgive Our Own MistakesD.How to Become an Energetic Person
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . My friend, Robert, has a twin sister named Amanda. Though they get along well, there are some things about Amanda and her friends that puzzle Robert. He can’t understand how girls can talk for so long. For example, sometimes when he leaves home to play football, Amanda and her friend, Sharon, are sitting on the sofa, talking. When he comes back three and a half hours later, they’re still sitting on the sofa, continuing the same conversation on the same topic. One day Robert was so curious that he asked Amanda what they talked about, but she replied, “We’re best friends. We talk about almost everything—film stars, pop songs, recipes, everything!”

Boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship. Friendships between girls are usually based on shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. A boy is likely to be careful about sharing his feelings with his close friends. A girl’s closest friend, however, might be eager to tell her about something that has happened in her life.

Many studies worldwide show that girls have more friendships than boys. In fact, many teenage boys cannot name a single best friend. When asked, they hesitate before answering, “My best friend? I can’t think about that. I am busy with my homework, and I have so many different friends that it is hard to choose just one best friend.”

Girls who have been asked can usually answer the question without pausing, “A best friend? Of course. We have a lot to share with each other. We do a lot of things together such as talking and shopping.”

We have to realize: boys share activities, while girls share feelings. The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of (无论) the basis of these friendships. The important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships. We all need friends in our lives.

1. Robert wonders ________.
A.why Amanda and her friend talk so longB.why girls answer the question with pausing
C.what attitudes girls have towards friendshipD.what Amanda and her friend were curious about
2. The word “hesitate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.
A.are slow to speakB.are shy to speak in public
C.share feelings secretlyD.are eager to tell the answers
3. What do you know about friendships from the passage?
A.Boys and girls both make sure what friendships are.
B.Friendships are the most important among girls and boys.
C.Girls like to share their attitudes to friendships with strangers.
D.Boys and girls have the same idea on the qualities in a friend.
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Teenagers’ FriendshipsB.Robert’s Funny Friends
C.Amanda and Her FriendsD.Best Friends in Your Class
2024-03-10更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第四十三中学(河北省石家庄市外国语学校)2023-2024学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文讲述了2022年12月15日晚上,浙江省的天空被一颗火球点亮,这个物体直径超过10厘米, 可能在下落过程中并没有完全燃烧殆尽。

4 . A fireball lit up the sky on the evening of December 15th, 2022 in Zhejiang. Instead of making wishes on this outer space object, some people were frightened, as the fireball was described as moving at a very fast speed and very bright.

The fireball was much brighter than the full moon. It was like a meteor (流星). The object was over 10 centimeters wide, and it may not burn out completely during its fall. It was time of Geminid meteor shower activity recently, so the object might come from it.

The remains of the fireball were later found in the countryside. Expert Zheng Yongchun examined the remains and said that the meteorite (陨石) has great value in studying Earth’s early history.

Scientists said that about 48. 5 tons of materials fall on Earth each day. Almost all the materials are vaporized (蒸发) in Earth’s atmosphere, leaving a bright trail called “shooting stars”. Several meteors per hour can usually be seen on any night, which are often called meteor showers.

How does a meteor land on Earth? Meteoroids (流星体), often seen as space rocks, enter Earth’s atmosphere at high speed and burn up, then meteors occur. Only 5 percent of meteorites can make it to Earth’s surface, and these can range from the size of a pebble (鹅卵石) to a fist (拳头). Even knowing the science behind this alien event, you may still worry about the chances of being hit by a meteorite. According to UK media Mirror, the chance is very small—about one in 840, 000, 000. There is only one record of a person being hit by a meteorite , which took place in 1954 in the US. The meteor crashed through the window and landed on the “lucky” lady Ann Hodges.

1. Why didn’t people make wishes when the fireball appeared? ________
A.Because it wasn’t like a meteorite.
B.Because it was too big.
C.Because it moved too fast and was too bright.
D.Because people didn’t like its shape.
2. What does the underlined word “occur” probably mean? ________
3. Which of the following is NOT true about the fireball? ________
A.It was about 2 meters long.
B.It was over 10 centimeters wide.
C.It might come from Geminid meteor shower activity.
D.It was much brighter than the full moon.
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? ________
A.How the meteor comes into being.
B.The chances of being hit by a meteorite.
C.The speed of the meteor.
D.The events about aliens.
5. What can’t we know from the text? ________
A.Where does the fireball come from?
B.How does a meteorite form?
C.Why does the meteor have a trail?
D.What can we see on the moon?
2024-02-21更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市万全区2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Usually, there are chairs and desks in every classroom, but a new study says, maybe students won’t need chairs anymore. One day they will use standing desks. A research (调查) team in the US made a study of primary school students. They find that if children use standing desks in class-rooms, they can finish their classwork better than those who sit. Another study is made in high school. It also shows the use of standing desks can improve (提高) students’ attention. Many studies show that standing desks can help students lose weight (减肥) and keep fit (健康的). Many teachers say using standing desks makes students listen more carefully and behave (表现) better. But a few teachers have their worries. It is not easy for them to see what every student is doing in class. Some students even walk around in the classroom. What’s more, the students are too tired by standing so long. Some parents also worry about it.

1. What will the classrooms be like one day according to the study?
A.There will be only chairs.B.There will be many teachers.
C.There will be no chairs or desks.D.There will be standing desks.
2. What can standing desks help students do?
A.Walk around.B.Be tired.C.Grow taller.D.Study better.
3. What do many teachers think about the standing desks?
A.Standing desks make students behave better in class.
B.Standing desks make students lose attention in class.
C.Standing desks make students more tired in class.
D.Standing desks make students lose weight and keep fit.
4. Why do a few teachers have worries?
A.Because standing too long is good for students’ health.
B.Because they have difficulty in watching every student.
C.Because some parents are also worried about their children.
D.Because students should improve their attention.
2024-02-15更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邯郸市馆陶县2023-2024学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题

6 . Everyone has worries. How will you do if you have your worry? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won’t solve your problems.

Children are worried about their grades in school. If you worry about grades, ask yourself these questions:

▲Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?

▲How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn’t a test?

▲Do I have a good place to do my homework?

▲Did I try different ways of studying?

If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down all the things you could do—write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have several things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back.

You can ask for help when you’re worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, teachers, and so on.

1. What do children often worry most about?
A.Their homework.B.Their hobbies.
C.Their grades at school.D.A fight with their friends.
2. If you’re worried, you should ________.
A.do your homeworkB.ask for help and talk to someone
C.get ready for classD.work hard
3. If you’re worried about grades, you shouldn’t ask yourself “________”.
A.How do I get ready for class?B.What do grades mean to me?
C.Why are grades important?D.Why not give up (放弃) my studies?
4. If you had a fight with a friend, you could ________.
A.invite him or her to watch a gameB.leave him or her alone
C.try to make new friendsD.put the blame (责备) on him or her
5. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.When people are worried.B.How to deal with (处理) worries.
C.Who is often worried.D.What kinds of worries people have.
2024-02-14更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Do you know anything about the invention of the bar code (条形码)?

A small food store owner found it was difficult to keep records of the product information. In 1948, he contacted (联系) the Drexel Institute of Technology to solve this problem. Bernard Silver was interested in it and he began to look into it. Silver and his students realized their answer in the form of ultraviolet light (紫外线), ink and a scanner (扫描仪).

The system did work at first, but it’s very expensive and sometimes the system didn’t work well. If the invention was to become popular in grocery stores, the problems had to be solved. Finally, Silver solved them.

The patent (专利权) for the bar code system was asked by Silver and Woodland in 1949. But the patent was not given until 1952. Although this patent was given, the system was still not popular among store owners. In 1966, the system began moving its way into more grocery stores.

Logicon developed the Universal Grocery Products Identification Number (通用标识码) in 1970. Marsh’s superstore in lroy was the first store to set up this bar code reading system. It became very popular ever since, and now it’s obviously popular in all types of stores worldwide (在世界各地).

1. What did the store owner think of keeping records of the product information?
A.It’s interesting.B.It’s boring.C.It’s easy.D.It’s not easy.
2. What does the underlined phrase “look into” mean?
A.be made up ofB.make a study ofC.look upD.learn about
3. How many years did it take Silver to get the patent?
4. Who developed the bar code reading system?
A.Silver.B.Silver’s student.C.Logicon.D.Woodland.
5. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.The bar code, an exciting invention.B.How bar code was invented.
C.Why stores use the bar code.D.How bar code was used.
2024-02-02更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第四十中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Chinese calligraphy (书法) is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. There are many famous calligraphers in history such as Wang Xizhi and Yan Zhenqing. Different calligraphy works can show different calligraphers’ feelings and personality. Today, they can be seen on the walls of offices, shops, hotels and many other places.

Calligraphy started in China and spread to other parts of Asia with Chinese culture. It has a history of 4,000 to 5,000 years. Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters and especially refers to the rules of writing with a brush.

“If I once lived in China, I must have become a calligrapher rather than a painter,” the world-famous master of art, Picasso, once said after seeing Zhang Daqian write down his name with a calligraphy brush.

The tool for practicing calligraphy is calligraphy brushes. They are usually made from the hair of different animals. But there is a popular calligraphy brush that is made from foetal hair (胎毛). No one is really sure where the tradition comes from. But hundreds of years ago in China, people started to believe this kind of calligraphy brush was a symbol of good luck.

1. What can we learn about a calligrapher through his calligraphy works?
①His age.     ②His character.     ③His background.       ④His feelings.
2. What can we infer about Picasso from the passage?
A.He once lived in China.B.He once practiced calligraphy.
C.He thought calligraphy was very great.D.He was both a great calligrapher and a painter.
3. Why are calligraphy brushes made from foetal hair so popular?
A.Because they can help people write more beautiful characters.
B.Because they are thought to bring good luck to those who use them.
C.Because they are cheaper than those made from animal hair.
D.Because they can help kids write characters easily.
2024-02-02更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第四十中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Do you want to go on a road trip with your friends? Do you know what to do? If you don’t know, there are some tips for you.

First, find out why you want to go. And make sure it’s a good reason (原因). Road trips take a lot of time and money. But with a good reason to go, nothing can stop you! These reasons include (包括) trying to find yourself, having fun with your friends, or just travelling the places you didn’t visit before.

Second, plan who’s coming. If you want to come with someone, write down their names. After you finish your plan, ask those people about the trip. Here are some questions you should think about: Can you trust (信任) them? Will they be able to help you?

Third, plan your destination. Write down the places in your country that you want to go to. You can even mark (标记) them on a map with color pens.

Finally, think of the transportation (交通运输) you’ll take. Make sure the transportation you take has enough room for everyone.

1. How does the writer start this passage?
A.By telling a story.B.By giving numbers.
C.By asking questions.D.By giving examples (例子).
2. Which reason is NOT mentioned (提到) in the text?
A.Trying to find yourself.B.Having fun with your friends.
C.Taking a lot of time and money.D.Travelling the places you didn’t visit before.
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “destination”?
4. What’s the structure of this passage?
5. This passage is mainly (主要) about ________.
A.When to Make a Plan for Your Road Trip
B.How to Go on a Road Trip with Your Friends
C.How to Enjoy Your Holiday with Your Friends
D.Why It’s Important to Plan Well Before You Travel
2024-01-26更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市第十七中学教育集团2023-2024学年七年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Different countries have their own traditional foods and drinks. There are some kinds of drinks that are more and more popular. Tea is one of them. Tea is tasty and good for you. But what is tea? And why is it so popular?

All tea comes from tea leaves but tea is not always the same. There are many kinds of tea. You can drink black tea, green tea, white tea or fruit tea. Each kind of tea has a different taste and a different color.

The history of tea begins in Asia (亚洲) . In China, Korea and Japan, tea is still very important today. In Japan, it can take many hours to prepare and drink tea with your guests. In Malaysia, a popular drink at breakfast is teh tarik. It means “Pulled Tea” in English. Malaysians say it is good for you and tastes good with canai bread.

Travelers in Kuala Lumpur like watching the tea sellers make “pulled tea”. The tea sellers pour hot water on black tea. After five minutes, they add sugar and milk. Then they “pull” the tea—they pour the tea from one cup to another many times.

In many countries, you must have a special kettle (水壶) to make tea. People in different countries also like to add different things to their tea. For example, Russians use a special kettle called a samovar (茶炊). They like drinking tea with lemon (柠檬) . Sometimes, they also drink tea with some sugar or jam (果酱) .

In Turkey, tea comes in a Caydanlik. A Caydanlik has two kettles: one for the water and the other for the tea. Drink Turkish tea with some sugar please!

The Englishmen usually eat biscuits (饼干) with their tea. In Japan, they like …

1. Tea, a drink with a long history, first appeared in ________.
2. Which of the following is the picture of a Caydanlik?
3. In which paragraph (段落) does the writer tell us how to make “pulled tea”?
A.Paragraph 2B.Paragraph 3C.Paragraph 4D.Paragraph 5
4. The writer uses “…” at the end of the passage to ________.
A.let the readers finish the articleB.show his uncertainty of the subject
C.show his special taste in Japanese teaD.attract (吸引) readers’ interest in further (进一步) reading
5. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.The history of tea.B.Different tea kettles.
C.The most popular drink.D.The world in a teacup.
2023-12-30更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市第十四中学2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题
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