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1 . In the physical world, bullying (欺凌弱小) is a problem. In some schools the same thing happens too. Both parents and teachers are very worried and try many ways to solve it.

But now it’s happening on the Internet too. People call it cyber-bullying. A 13-year-old girl from Chicago has her own idea to stop it.

The young scientist Trisha Prabhu, 13, from Chicago, is working on a project named Rethink. It tells people to rethink before bullying.

Trisha Prabhu’s study shows that over 50 percent of teens have experienced cyber-bullying. And 93 per-cent of teens won’t post (发布) hurtful things if someone tells them to rethink. Sometimes they just don’t know what they are doing.

And there is a reason. The prefrontal cortex (脑前额皮质) of the human brain isn’t developed fully until the age of 25. It controls decision-making.

From her research, Prabhu believes her Rethink tool can help. It finds out hurtful messages and reminds users to think again.

1. According to the first paragraph, who may be someone bullied by others?
A.Li Ming, who is heavy.B.Jim, who is strong.
C.Linda, who is short.D.Lucy, who is tall.
2. What does the underlined word “cyber-bullying” mean?
3. Why do most teens post hurtful things?
A.They want to bully someone.
B.They don’t know what they are doing.
C.Others ask him to do so.
D.They have fun doing it.
4. Who may easily post hurtful things according to the passage?
A.A 15-year-old boy.B.A 26-year-old girl.
C.A 40-year-old man.D.A 70-year-old woman.
2023-12-06更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市栾城区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)

2 . Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch (君主), died aged 96 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, on Sept 8. Her eldest son, Charles, has now become Britain’s new monarch, known as King Charles III, reported by BBC. The UK began a 10-day mourning period (葬期) on Sept 9. Flags flying from government buildings were half-staff (降半旗).

In her 70-year reign (在位), the queen spent her life serving her country and Commonwealth. She supported over 600 charities and had a close link with the public. In the UK, every Christmas day, people would turn on their TVs to listen to the queen’s Christmas speech. She sent heartfelt messages about important things, like togetherness which cheered up people’s hearts.

“It’s just so heartbreaking,” said Laura Lang, from Georgia, US, seeing the queen’s cortege (送葬队伍) pass her in Edinburgh. “Look, I know the queen is ‘Britain’. But she’s the queen of the world,” Laura told Sky News.

Queen Elizabeth II was the first British Monarch to visit China! In October 1986 she visited China and met Deng Xiaoping. She went to some big cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an, and visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other landmarks.

Queen Elizabeth II loved animals. She had 100 horses and 30 corgis (柯吉犬) in her lifetime. She was still riding horses up into her 90s! But her biggest love was her corgis, now the dogs will now be given to the queen’s son Prince Andrew. The passing of Queen Elizabeth ends an era.

1. How old was Queen Elizabeth II when she took the throne (王位)?
A.10 years old.B.20 years old.C.26 years old.D.73 years old.
2. What does Laura Lang think about the queen?
A.The queen once controlled the world.
B.The queen is admired around the world.
C.Everybody should be angry about her death.
D.The queen’s death is the end of the monarchy.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the queen according to the passage?
A.She isn’t welcomed by British people.
B.King Charles III is her youngest son.
C.She likes riding horses and keeping corgis.
D.She has never been to China in her lifelong time.
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Queen Elizabeth II’s family and petsB.An introduction of Queen Elizabeth II
C.The British culture, society and historyD.A wonderful travel of Queen Elizabeth II
2023-11-05更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第四十八中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Today, people want to keep healthy through sports and exercise. But some of them have some wrong (错误的) ideas about it.

“A plate of chicken is a good meal before games because it has much energy (能量).”

In fact, the best meal before games should have carbohydrates (碳水化合物). Foods like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich in them, but meat, such as chicken and beef, is not.


Morning is a good time to exercise, but it may not be good for you. If afternoon or evening is OK for you and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthier, you can choose any time to exercise. So there is no fixed time for you to exercise.

“If you drink water when you exercise, you’ll feel tired.”

You must have some water during breaks (休息期间) when you exercise. And after exercising, you must have enough water. If you don’t drink enough water, then you may feel tired.

“Exercising every day is quite important.”

Wrong. Too much exercise is bad for your health. You need to give your body a day of rest.

1. Before games it is good for you to eat ________.
2. Which of the following is the most suitable (合适的) for “________”?
A.The best time to exercise is early in the morning.
B.The best time to exercise is late in the afternoon.
C.The best time to exercise is early in the evening.
D.The best time to exercise is any time during the day.
3. The underlined word “fixed” probably means “________” in Chinese.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Don’t drink water when you exercise, or you’ll feel tired.
B.Evening is the best time to exercise because it’s always cool.
C.You should eat enough meat because it can give you energy before games.
D.Exercising too much is not good for us.
5. Which of the following is the best title?
A.Results of Sports and ExerciseB.Best Time for Sports and Exercise
C.Reasons for Sports and ExerciseD.Wrong Ideas about Sports end Exercise
2023-10-28更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省承德市兴隆县2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中阶段巩固练习英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . The New Year is the time to forget the past and have a new start. People started celebrating (庆祝) the New Year about 4,000 years ago in Egypt (埃及). But New Year’s Day wasn’t on January l until 46 BC. During that year, the leader of Rome made a new calendar. It made January l become New Year’s Day.

       Today, people celebrate the day in many different ways. In the US, people have parties on December 31st. The biggest party is in Times Square. Denmark (丹麦) has the strangest celebration. There, on New Year’s Eve, people throw plates at their friends’ homes as a sign of friendship. Spanish people also celebrate the New Year strangely. On New Year’s Eve, everybody eats 12 grapes. Why? Because they think the grapes will bring them good luck.
1. People celebrate the New Year ________.
A.for thousands of yearsB.in the same way
C.only in RomeD.for the leader of Rome
2. People eat ________ to celebrate the New Year in Spain.
3. In ________, people throw plates at their friends’ homes on New Year’s Eve.
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.In the US, people have parties on December 31st.
B.The New Year is the time to forget the past.
C.In Denmark people throw plates to bring them good luck.
D.People celebrate the New Year in different ways.
2023-10-24更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市路北区2022-2023学年七年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 .

Have you ever seen lions dancing in the streets? The lions dance to the beat of a drum. Of course, they are not real lions. They are dancers in lion costumes (服饰). Lion dancing first started in China hundreds of years ago. It means bringing good luck in the coming year.

Usually, a lion is made up of two dancers. One dancer controls the head. The other controls the tail.

“I think of it as a sport.” says Anthony Huang, aged 16. He is a member of the New York Chinese Freemasons Athletic Club (美国华人共济会俱乐部). Anthony performs as the lion’s head. It can weigh 20 pounds. Lion dancing is important to Anthony. “This tradition(传统) really lifts me up,” he says.

In the past, lion dancing was performed mostly by men. But it is different today. Lion Dance Me is a lion dancing group in San Francisco, California. There are boys and girls on its team. They dance together.

“Anyone can take up lion dancing. You have to believe that you can do it,” says Ananda Tang-Lee, a 17-year-old girl.

Lion dancing will continue to evolve. But a team’s spirit (精神) will never change. “We call it a family.” Ananda says. “It’s really great because we always have each other’s backs.”

1. Why do people perform lion dancing?
A.To sell lion-dancing costumes.B.To wish for a lucky new year.
C.To protect the lions in the wild.D.To show skills of playing the drums.
2. Which role does Anthony play in lion dancing?
A.The lion’s head.B.The lion’s tail.C.The drummer.D.The dresser.
3. What does the underlined word “evolve” mean in the last paragraph?
4. What can we infer (推断) from Ananda’s words “We call it a family”?
A.They bring happiness to the family.B.They call lion dancing a family game.
C.They live together in a big family.D.They support each other like a family.
5. This passage is mainly about ____________.
A.the introduction of lion dancingB.the importance of a street performance
C.the way to perform lion dancingD.the groups of lion dancing
2023-10-23更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市莲池区2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Can astronauts walk in space like they did on the ground? How do astronauts turn around in the space station? Are there differences in taste between normal water on Earth and water in the space station? You can find answers after a space lecture(讲座)which was given by three astronauts.

Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu became space teachers and livestreamed(直播)a science lecture from the Tiangong space station on December 9, 2021. The lecture began at 3:40 pm and lasted about 45 minutes. 1,420 primary and middle school students from five classrooms attended the class on Earth. The primary classroom was at the China Science and Technology Museum in Beijing. The other four were in Nanning, Wenchuan, Hong Kong and Macao.

At the beginning of the class, Teacher Wang showed students how they lived and worked inside the space station with the help of Zhai and Ye. Then space teachers did several interesting experiments(实验)under zero -gravity(零重力)conditions to show amazing physical phenomena(现象), such as “disappearing buoyancy(浮力)” and a “water ball”. Before the end of the activity, they answered questions from students.

Students from the five classrooms communicated with astronauts during the lecture. Millions of students across China watched the event on TV or online.

It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class and more lectures will be held by astronauts. This is the second space lecture given by Chinese astronauts. In June 2013, Wang Yaping with the other two members on the Shenzhou-10, opened the first space lecture to over 60 million teachers and students across China.

1. There are __________ astronauts in the space station Tiangong now.
2. A space lecture is __________.
A.a class given by teachers from Tiangong to students in space
B.a class given by astronauts from space to students on Earth
C.a class given by teachers from home to students in classroom
D.a class given by astronauts from school to students in five cities
3. Space teachers gave a lecture on __________ on December 9.
4. What do students think of the space lecture according to the passage?
A.Hard and meaningless.B.Boring and useless.
C.Easy and disappointing.D.Interesting and amazing.
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.It was Wang Yaping’s second space lecture.
B.China’s first space lecture was given in June 2013.
C.Only 1,420 students watched the space lecture on Earth.
D.There will be more space lectures held by Chinese astronauts.
2023-10-17更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省廊坊市安次区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Here is a story: A man sees a butterfly. The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis(蛹). Feeling sorry for it, the man decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. Surprisingly enough, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesn’t struggle(拼搏)to leave the chrysalis, it can’t fly! The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly. Similarly, the challenges of life bring out the best in young people and make them fly.

When people are young, meeting and overcoming(克服)challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. When we look at successful people, we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle. Dennis’s father died when he was only twenty. His father’s death forced him to mature fast. He had to bring up a family of nine people. He took up business early and used to sell clothes from door to door, but he took up the challenges and overcame them. Today Dennis is a successful businessman and his brothers and sisters also lead successful lives.

Some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges. They might organize some activities for young people which provide them with challenges, like rock-climbing, camping, volunteer work and so on. The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. For countries to continue to become successful, it is important that young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them.

1. From the story we know that the butterfly can’t fly because_________.
A.it gets out by itselfB.the man feels sorry for it
C.it tries to challenge itselfD.the man helps it come out
2. What does Dennis’s example show?
A.Young people should take up business early.
B.Young people should overcome the challenges.
C.Successful people should sell clothes from door to door.
D.Successful people will become the leaders of tomorrow.
3. What is the meaning of the underlined word “mature”?
A.wake upB.give upC.grow upD.look up
4. What is the writer trying to do in this passage?
A.Describe where a butterfly comes from.
B.Encourage young people to face challenges.
C.Suggest how to become a successful businessman.
D.Explain what will happen if a person fails the exam.
5. What is the best title(标题)for this passage?
A.Successful People Have Many Achievements
B.Countries Should Continue to Become Successful
C.Young People Must Develop Their Energy Actively
D.Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best in Young People
2023-09-11更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市滦南县2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |
8 . Colors from milk Fill glass halfway with in a darkened
In this experiment, a glass of water water acts like the Earth’s atmosphere—the air that surrounds (围绕) us and the sky over our heads.
You’ll   need

·Clear drinking glass
· Milk, any kind
· Small spoon
· Flashlight(手电简)
1. Fill glass halfway with in a darkened room, shine flashlight on glass from top, sides and all angles(角度).

Does the light change when it goes through the glass?

2. Add 1/4 teaspoon of milk to water and stir(搅拌). Shine light on glass from all angles again.
What do you see?
What happens?
The light looks blue when you look at the side of the glass.
That’s because the tiny particles (分子) of milk scatter(使分散) the light, making it look blue.
Tiny bits of dust and air pollution in the atmosphere scatter sun light and make the sky look blue.
Look at the side of the glass opposite the light, and it looks pink or orange.
Blue light has scattered from the beam(光线) of light, leaving those colors.
When sunlight shines through the atmosphere at sunset and sunrise, it looks reddish(微红的).


1. Which of the following is not needed in this experiment?
2. The right order of the experiment is _________.
①Add some milk to water and stir.
②Fill glass halfway with water in the dark.
③Shine light on glass from all angles again.
④Shine light on glass from all angles.
3. Which statement of the experiment is NOT true?
A.The experiment must be done in a darkened place.
B.Any kind of milk can be used in this experiment.
C.The light looks blue when you look at the side of the glass opposite the light.
D.The milk in the experiment is like the dust and air pollution in the atmosphere.
2023-09-10更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市路北区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约420词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Jacky feels different these days. He isn’t as playful as usual and doesn’t like to talk much. Some of us may feel like Jacky sometimes. When unexpected things happen, we can feel like this. There are also some other things that can put us in bad moods. Here are some examples. We might feel bad if we’re not getting along well with our friends, or if we do poorly on an exam. Having bad moods too often can affect our mental (心理的) health. The 4 habits below can harm our mental health.

Sleep too little

A lack of sleep can make us feel bad.

Lack of exercise

For the best result, try to do no less than 30 minutes of exercise three to five times a week.

Bad diets

Studies have shown that eating cakes and bread in large quantities, and low amounts of fruit and vegetables will increase the risk of depression (沮丧) and mood disorders.

Being inside all day

Spending the most of our day indoors can increase our risk for depression.

Don’t be afraid of having bad moods. The tips below can help us overcome them.

·Accept our moods

No one can be happy all the time. Our friends and parents can also have bad moods sometimes. Bad moods are normal. Accept this first and then we can find ways to deal with them.

·Let our bad feelings out

When we feel unhappy or upset, don’t hide our feelings or pretend nothing is wrong. We can find a comfortable way to let them out.

·We can talk to our parents or friends.

·We can write about our feelings in our diary.

·We can read our favorite books.

·We can play sports or do some other kinds of activities.

·Set a new goal

Messing up (搞砸) something can put us in a bad mood, too. But we can just try harder next time. For example:

·We didn’t win a soccer game. Try to score a goal next time.

·We didn’t do well on an exam. Try to get five more points next time.

·We had an argument with our friend. Next time, try to talk to him or her in a nice way.

·Remember that bad things will end

No matter what makes us feel bad, it will end at last. Remembering this will help us feel better.

1. What can affect our mental health?
A.Feeling different sometimes.B.Doing well on exams.
C.Getting along well with our friends.D.Having bad moods too often.
2. For the best result, we should exercise ________.
A.at least 30 minutes three to five times a weekB.no more than 30 minutes three to four times a week
C.no less than 30 minutes twice a weekD.at least 30 minutes twice a week
3. How many examples does the writer give on messing up something?
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.How to be different.B.How to exercise.
C.How to get rid of bad moods.D.How to get rid of bad diets.
5. If Jacky reads about the article, what will he probably do to make himself playful again?
A.He will probably have a talk with his parents.
B.He will probably argue with his friend.
C.He will probably remember his bad feelings.
D.He will probably mess up something.
2023-07-20更新 | 149次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年河北省衡水市桃城区中考三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics closed on Feb. 22nd. Beijing normally doesn’t have much snow in winter, so artificial (人造的) snow is being used for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games. The quality of the snow draws praise from many athletes, and even officials.

Artificial snow has a better quality. Through the training period and first days of competitions, many athletes believe the artificial snow is outstanding. “This is the best man-made snow I’ve ever skied on,” American freestyle skier Ashley Caldwell said.

In order to have a perfect place for racing, man-made snow should be compact enough to support the athletes. Although sometimes mixed with natural snow, artificial snow has mostly been used in competitions in the past five to ten years. Snow-making machines were first used at 1980 Winter Olympics in the United States. At Sochi 2014 in Russia, 80% of the snow was artificial, and 90% of the snow was artificial at Pyeongchang 2018 in South Korea.

There are totally nine types of snow made by snow machines, with different water content (含量). The smaller type number is closer to powder (粉末状) snow. The larger number means the snow is wetter. Drier snow is used in the daytime, while No. 7 or No. 8 snow is used during the nighttime with over -20℃. Using which type of snow depends on the different need of each sport. “In most cases, No. 5 snow is used,” said Wei Qinghua, the manager of the Zhangjiakou Venue for Beijing 2022.

On November 7, during the preparation for the Games, Chongli District in Zhangjiakou saw its first snowfall this winter. But the 20-centimeter-thick snow was cleaned up, because it would be more dangerous to use natural snow and it falls off more easily and brings safety risks.

However, some people worry that using so much water for snow-making is harmful to the environment. In fact, the snow machines at Beijing 2022 have completely used renewable energy since the beginning of snow production.

“Water used for snow-making only comes from rainfall and surface runoff (地表径流), and it can be recycled,” Wei pointed out. “For water from melted snow, we have a reservoir (水库) and two lakes which can store it so that it can be used for agriculture, tourism and so on then.”

1. What is the meaning of the word “compact” in Paragraph 3?
2. The purpose of cleaning up the natural snow in Chongli District is _________.
A.to stay cleanB.to keep safeC.to save energyD.to protect the ground
3. Why is snow-making not harmful to the environment?
A.The water from melted snow can’t be reused.
B.It wastes so much water and electricity.
C.Snow-making machines use renewable energy.
D.It brings more snow and rain to the city.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Snow machine can make 10 kinds of snow in all.
B.Water used for snow-making is from all the lakes and rivers in China.
C.Artificial snow has been used in different countries and produces good results.
D.Natural snow is out of use because it will cause many unexpected accidents.
5. From this passage, we can know ________.
A.athletes prefer natural snow to artificial snow
B.snow-making machines were first used in 1980 in Russia
C.No. 8 and No. 9 snow are too wet to be used during the day
D.it’s proved artificial snow uses much energy
2023-07-20更新 | 183次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年河北省石家庄市裕华区五校联考中考一模英语试题
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